Language Teaching Philosophy - NEU English

NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY – FACULTY OF17671-665Department of Course Information Sheet & Course OutlineCourse CodeEDS305Course NameLanguage Teaching Methodology IICredit3ECTS5Pre-requisite: NoneLanguage: EnglishCourse Type: CompulsoryYear: 3Semester:5Weekly HoursClass HoursLaboratoryPracticumLearning Sessions300PSCRT0111Learning OutcomesAt the end of the course the students will be able to develop their own language teaching philosophy grounded in current research and practicegain an insight into innovative technologies and their benefits / drawbacks develop an insight into current trends in ELT identify 21st century skills and integrate them into their teaching (materials)state the importance of learning styles, learning strategies, motivation and autonomous learningstate the importance of promoting interest and engagement in educational settingsdemonstrate the different ways of correcting mistakes and giving feedbackReflect on their experiences, areas to improve and strenghts as language teachersLearn to how to respond to individual differences in educational settingsCourse DescriptionLanguage Teaching Methodology II has been designed to develop students’ understanding on the latest trends and applications in ELT. The course focuses on students’ critical thinking skills and ability to explore solutions to challenges in educational settings. The course includes discussion on integrating newly emerged trends/technologies, and practising the integration of activities for different learning styles as well as raising awareness on different learning strategies.Course ObjectivesThe course aims to raise students’ awareness on the latest developments in ELT and activate their critical thinking skills on benefits and drawbacks of integrating them into their teaching. The course also aims to introduce students to autonomous learning, correcting mistakes, giving feedback and enable them to develop a language teaching philosophy as a result of their studies in Language Teaching Methodology II course.Textbooks and/or References12345Language Teaching Philosophy HYPERLINK "" Trends in ELTHYPERLINK "" Century Skills HYPERLINK "" Strategies, M. (2012). Language learning strategies of undergraduate students. Hacettepe ?niversitesi E?itim Fakültesi Dergisi (H.U. Journal of Education) 43, 141-153Karata?, H., Ayd?n, B., & Alc?, B. (2015). An investigation of undergraduates’ language learning strategies. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 197, 1348-1354.Kashefian-Naeeini, S., Maarof, N., & Salehi, H. (2011). Malaysian ESL learners’ use of language learning strategies. International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture, 20.Promoting Interest and Engagement?slamo?lu, H., & Branch, M.R. (??). Promoting Interest, Engagement, and Deep Learning Approach in Online Higher Education SettingsTechniques and Methods in Language TeachingTechniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Diane Larsen-FreemanThe Practice of English Language Teaching. Jeremy HarmerVoices, the bi-monthly newsletter of The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Issue 262Inquiry-Based LearningLin& Grossman (2013). Innovative Technologies and Online Inquiry-based Learning Teaching Interaction’s Taxonomy28- Mistakes and Giving Feedback31- ContentThe course includes language teaching philosophy, new trends in ELT such as the use of 21st century skills in the classroom, integration of learning styles&strategies, promoting interest&motivation in the classrooom, classroom interaction, eliciting, using Bloom’s taxonomy in writing specific & clear objectives, correcting mistakes and giving feedback.Methods and Techniques Used in the CourseA student-centered approach where students need to discover the main points about the topics and how these points can be used in practice. Lots of groupwork is used to improve collaborative work together with PPT/video presentations and reading activities.WEEKLY OUTLINEWeekDateTopicActivitiesReference 123th-27th SeptIntroduction to the courseLanguage Teaching Philosophy-An overview of language teaching approaches and methods-what is ‘educational philosophy’? (*philosophy of education –difference)-Sample educational philosophy statements-Aspects to consider (role of the teacher/ss, methods...) when develoing an educational philosophy-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork1-5230th Sept – 4th Oct.21st Century Skills and their integration into teaching/in-class activities-What are the four Cs?-Critical thinking, creativity-Collaboration, Communication-How to integrate 21st Century skills into teaching (practical ideas, example materials..)-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork8,937th-11th OctBuilding Motivation & Learning Styles-Defining learning styles-Matching in-class activities to different learning styles to build motivation-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork14414th-18th OctEffective Use of Learning Strategies and their connection to autonomous (self-directed) learning (cognitive and metacognitive strategies)-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork10-13521nd-25th OctEffective Use of Learning Strategies and their connection to autonomous (self-directed) learning (cognitive and metacognitive strategies)-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork10-13628th Oct- 1st Nov29th Tues-National HolidayClassroom Interaction-different interaction patterns -Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork2774th-8th NovEliciting in the Classroom (In-class practices)-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork811th-15th Nov15th –Frinational holidayBloom’s Taxonomy & Writing specific, clear objectives-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork28-30918th – 23rd NovMID-TERM EXAM1025th-29th NovBloom’s Taxonomy & Writing specific, clear objectives-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork29-30112nd-6th DecDesigning Tasks & In-class activities-Teaching vocabulary-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork129th-13th Dec Correcting mistakes & feedback-when to correct & how much to correct-different ways of giving feedback & praising-Video Presentation-Handouts (Reading)-Discussion -Groupwork311316th – 20st DecMicro-teaching (groups 1,2,3,4,5,6)*Rest of the class acts as language students while filling in a peer review form*Feedback from the teacher and the students1423th-27th DecMicro-teaching (groups 7,8,9,...)*Rest of the class acts as language students while filling in a peer review form*Feedback from the teacher and the students***finalizing the development of language teaching philosophy (additions, changes...)1530st Dec -3th JanCourse Evaluation/Submission of final assignments/wrap-up16Final ExamsAttendance: Minimum 70 %Assessment BreakdownType%Reference/SourceRelevant Competencies1CP & In-class Discussions10All referencesA1, B1,B4,B5C2,C3C1,F22Mini-essay810-14C3,F2,F4,F5,A13Article/newsletter analysis514F2,F3,H2,C34Quiz71-13A1,B6,C1,C25Mid-Term201-14 & 27-30A1,B6,C1,C26Micro-teaching task 1519-22A1, B1,B3,B4,B5,B6,G2,G3,F1,E47Final Reflection523-26F58Final Exam30All referencesA1,B6,C1,C2Learning ProgramEducational ToolAmountStudent Work Load(Hours)Educational ToolAmountStudent Work Load(Hours)Prep for the course1010 hrsArticle analysis33 hoursCourse hourse 1442 hrs In-class discussions1410 hrsFinal reflection11 hourMid-Term Exam11 hrFinal exam11,5 hoursPrep for the Mid-Term118 hrsPreparation for Final exam130 hoursGroupWork & Micro-teaching (material development&adaptation)& reflection1 8 hrsMicro-Teaching130 minsPrep for the Quiz & the Quiz17 hrsMini-essay13 hrsTotal135 hoursRecommended ECTS Credit (Total Hours / 30):135/30 = ~5 ................

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