Educational Psychology Chapter 4 Handout: Individual ...

Educational Psychology Chapter 5 Handout: Individual Differences and Special Needs

From the PowerPoint Presentation

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory

|Term |Nature |Definition |

|Componential (cognitive |Deductive & Analytic |Ability to think abstractly, process information efficiently (similar to IQ) |

|processes) | | |

|Experiential (prior |Inductive & Creative |Ability to formulate new ideas, to combine seemingly unrelated facts or information |

|experience) | | |

|Contextual (environmental |Street Smart & Practical |Ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to shape the environment to maximize |

|context) | |one's strengths and compensate for one's weaknesses |

Temperament Styles

|Component |Easy Child (40%) |Difficult Child (10%) |Slow-to-Warm-Up Child (15%) |

|Rhythmicity |Regular eating and sleeping |Irregular |? |

|Activity |? |High |Low |

|Adaptability |Adjusts easily |Adjusts slowly, temper tantrums |Gradually adjusts with time |

|Mood |Positive |Negative |? |

|Intensity of Mood |Mild/Moderate |High |Low |

|Frequency |40% |10% |15% |

Assisting exceptional children~

-Become knowledgeable about the disabilities represented in your classroom.

- Participate in in-service education/ training.

- Seek knowledgeable volunteers for individualized instruction.

- Be cautious about labeling children with disabilities.

- Be familiar with special education teachers, resource teachers, and related services for the disabled.

Inclusion Pros and Cons

|Potential Benefits |Potential Problems |

|*better chance for normal peer relationships and social skills |*insufficient individual attention |

|*equivalent or higher achievement |*insufficient teacher training |

|*Better self-esteem |*potential for disruption of class |

|*More appropriate behaviors | |

|*higher expectations from staff and student | |

|*diversity benefits “normal” students | |

|Adapting Instruction: Learning Disabilities ~ |Adapting Instruction: ADHD |

|Minimize distractions |Modify schedules and work environments |

|Use multiple modalities |Teach attention-maintaining strategies |

|Analyze errors for clues about where the problem is |Provide outlets for excess energy |

|Teach learning and memory strategies |Help students organize and use time |

|Provide study aids |Teach and encourage appropriate classroom behaviors |

|Adapting Instruction: Speech/Lang ~ |Adapting Instruction: Soc/Beh Disorders ~ |

|Speech therapy |Show a positive personal interest in students |

|Encourage practice but don’t embarrass |Incorporate student interests |

|Listen patiently & actively |Empower students to help control their behavior |

|Ask for clarification if you don’t understand |Watch for signs of abuse |

|Allow students more time to formulate and express responses |Watch for signs of suicide |

|Adapting Instruction: Autism ~ | |

|Minimize changes in the classroom arrangement |General Recommendations: Soc/Behavioral~ |

|Follow regular schedules |Teach interpersonal skills |

|Use visual approaches to instruction |Communicate clear expectations for behavior |

| |Try to anticipate and prevent problems |

| |Specify and follow through on consequences |

|Adapting Instruction: Mental Retardation |Adapting Instruction: Giftedness ~ |

|Slow pace of instruction |Provide individualized/advanced assignments |

|More specific and complete explanations |Acceleration |

|Lots of scaffolding |Cooperative study groups |

|Teach vocational and life skills |Independent study |

| |Seek outside resources |

Mental Retardation

|Mild Retardation |Moderate Retardation |

|75%-90% of cases |~10% of cases |

|IQ 50 to 70 |IQ 35 to 49 |

|Slow in all areas |Noticeable delays, esp. in speech |

|May have no physical signs |May have some physical signs |

|Can acquire practical skills |Can learn simple communication |

|Useful reading & Math up to grade 3-6 |Can learn elementary health and safety habits |

|Can conform socially |Can participate in simple activities and self-care |

|Can acquire vocational skills |Can perform tasks in sheltered conditions |

|Integrated into general society |Can travel alone to familiar places |

|Severe Retardation |Profound Retardation |

|~5% of cases |~1% of cases |

|IQ 20 to 34 |IQ ................

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