Educational Software - Webster University

Classroom Software

Some software is specifically designed to be used in a mathematics classroom. This type of software is often targeted to teach specific skills or knowledge such as recognizing functions, simulating probability experiments, learning mathematics terminology, algebra practice, etc. Often there is a game format with races and challenges to increase motivation. Some programs are an intensive training system with a progress tracking system and some are very focused and may be used only once or twice with each student.

Write a summary of “Green Globs” from Sunburst and three other software programs from educational software publishers such as:

Sunburst -

Riverleap -

Meridian Creative Group -

Math Media -

Harcourt -

Publishers will usually provide extensive information about their programs and some will provide demonstration downloads. Educational magazines often have reviews of software.

Each software summary should include:

name, company, price

the topic/subject it targets

the age/grade it targets

the appropriate setting (single student, group work, etc.)

a description of the options and general structure of the program

If possible include a review or lesson plan for the software program from an independent source such as:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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