Archive for the ‘ABET training’ Category

1. Investing in ‘ABET training’ Category

Adult basic education and Training service providers must be fully accredited in order to provide employers with the assurance that any program put in place to raise the literacy and numeracy skills of the workforce will be effective. Without accreditation any qualification in line with NQF requirements will not be valid and will not allow the employee to proceed to the next level of ABET training.

It is thus the responsibility of the employer to ensure that any service provider is registered with the correct government agency or department and that the training that they provide is in line with industry best practices.


2. ABET is changing South Africa

One of the most exciting discoveries for any child is when the signs at the road start to make sense and when the time comes for Daddy to stop reading the bedtime story and for the child to begin exploring the wonderful world of the printed word. However for many people in South Africa that day never came. The 3.3. Million illiterate people of South Africa are the legacy of the Apartheid educational system. However this is changing due to the actions of some dedicated educators who are helping government and business roll out Adult basic education and Training programs across the country.


3. Making the most of your life with ABET

Adult basic Education and Training service providers are being accredited at an ever increasing rate due to the commitment of both business and government to providing every citizen of South Africa with the tools to be able to enjoy a high quality of life. By providing adults with literacy and numeracy skills ABET programs allow them to take their place in the mainstream of society. Without these skills these adults are limited in the choices that they can make both within the economic sphere and within social situations. By eliminating illiteracy ABET programs are making the dream of a real rainbow nation a reality.

4. Without an education…

An education is something that no one can ever take away from you. Once you have learned the rudiments of reading and writing the world is your oyster, with the basics you can read further, improving your education. You can achieve almost anything you desire once you have the mental tools at your disposal. Unfortunately for the estimated 3.3 million illiterate people in South Africa they simply do not have these tools. However this is changing due to the fact that Adult basic education and Training programs are being rolled out across the country and are today benefiting 100’s of thousands of people.


5. ABET means a new outlook

The South African constitution frames several rights that cannot be denied to any South Africa; perhaps one of the most important of these rights is the right to an education. Without an education one is relegated to the fringes of society and doomed to a life of menial labour. Unfortunately this right has only been recognized as universal since South Africa became a democratic country. For decades before this most of the population received an education that was woefully inadequate. This has led to widespread illiteracy. Today ABET programs are rectifying the mistakes of the past and allowing the previously disenfranchised a new outlook.


6. Too many for comfort

South Africa has an estimated 3.3 million illiterate adults. A percentage of the population that is far too high for a country that is striving to overcome decades of social and educational injustice. If this situation is allowed to continue the attitudes of this portion of the population will inevitably impact the young learners of today. For this reason Adult Basic Education and Training programs are being rolled out aggressively not only in urban centers throughout the country, but in rural areas where the problem has traditionally been even worse. Both business and government have shown their commitment to the ABET concept and this is today showing dividends in an increasingly literate populace.


7. Training is key

Education is enshrined in the South African constitution as a basic human right. Unfortunately this was not always so. Under the Apartheid educational system only a select few were provided a world class education and even this was skewed by the propaganda requirements of the government. However those who were not amongst the privileged few received either a sub standard education or none at all. This is the legacy that Adult Basic Education and Training is striving to eradicate. ABET programs are making a difference to the lives of people across South Africa. By bringing literacy to the dis empowered ABET programs are changing lives.

8. Adult Basic Education helping South Africa

ABET or Adult Basic Education and Training has been recognized as having far reaching consequences for both the economy of South Africa and the social cohesion of the country. With basic skills in literacy and numeracy it has been proved that the levels of crime and anti social behaviour increase dramatically. The legacies of South Africa’s historically skewed educational system have led to the country having some of the highest crime statistics in the world. It is hoped that an intensive concentration on rolling out national ABET programs will change this state of affairs for the better and lead to a more stable and prosperous South Africa.


9. ABET allows for better citizens

It is becoming clear that ABET service providers are changing the face of both South Africa’s business environment and social fabric. By providing learners with basic literacy and numeracy skills Adult Basic Education service providers are deepening and widening the skills pool and providing employers with a far greater resource of skilled workers than has traditionally been the case in South Africa. By providing these basic skills the service providers are also allowing people to reach their full potential and contribute far more meaningfully to their communities, as well as providing for their families. The trickle down effect of ABET also instills a respect for education that ensures that a younger generation will be more committed to both primary and tertiary education.


10. Employee training is good for the business

ABET level 4 learners will be introduced to such advanced concepts as rational and irrational numbers, algebra and financial applications and is the equivalent of grade 12. At this level the learner is able to comprehend concepts that will allow him or her to contribute in a more meaningful manner in both the business sphere and in their personal life. The foundation provided to a level 4 learner make him or her suitable for more advanced training within the business context and may result in the learner being suitable for managerial training or an apprenticeship aimed at furthering the skill sets.

NB: We will conduct free ABET assessment for all your employees and assist in claiming Skills Development levy from your respective SETA.


11. Contact Details for further assistance

M Tech Training Consultants

Tel: 012 323 0210

Fax: 086 718 9979



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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