Guiding Learning With Technology - Montana

Guiding Learning With Technology

Instructors: Dr. Joan Cook and Dr. Nick Lux

Classroom: Reid 425

Materials: Bring your USB-drive (thumb drive), course manual will be provided at first class. Bring it to each class.

Course Goals:

1. To increase teacher competence in using technology effectively in the classroom to promote 21st century skills.

2. To learn strategies for planning and implementing technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and diverse student needs.

3. To discover ways to relevantly use technology to encourage higher order thinking skills and creativity.

4. To develop strategies for managing learning activities in the technology-enhanced classroom.

5. To explore specific digital learning uses and create plans for implementation in the classroom with the goal of maximizing student learning.


1. Conceptual Understandings

a. Preparing Teachers to Guide Learning with Technology in the Twenty-first Century

i. Digital Learning in Twenty-first Century

ii. Teaching in the Twenty-first Century

iii. Technological Literacy

2. Connecting Technology with Learning

a. Recent brain research and implications to teaching and learning with technology

i. Classroom Practice that Works (Marzano)

ii. Brain-Based Research (Sousa)

3. Integrating Technology into the Content Areas

a. Technology Infused Planning (T.I.P.)

b. Designing, Implementing and Reflecting on Instruction with Technology

4. Digital Citizenship- communication, collaboration, sharing

a. Consider various technology resources

b. Managing technology and student interactions

c. Technology for communication, problem-solving, productivity, research

5. Diversity of Learners

a. Accommodations for all learners

b. Social, ethical, and human issues

6. Leadership

a. Professional development

b. Continuous learning

7. Responding to Emerging Technologies

a. Investigation of potential technology tools for educational application

b. Teacher’s thinking and visioning with new technologies

Proposed Schedule

First: Applications and Sites to Explore as Your Choice—

When you already know how to do something we are doing in class, choose one of the following on which to explore and decide how you might use this site, application, project, etc. with your students. Report your new learning to the entire class. Let your instructor know that you are working on your own in class if you choose to do something other than what the whole class is doing that day.

• WebQuests-   Do a google search on webquests to find numerous helpful sites and how to build one for your students. (site that helps you make a webquest and hosts it online).

•     (text to movie) Students can hear what they wrote.

• PhotoShop- in the lab, or   for pc online-     image manipulation

• Digital Storytelling- do a google search to find out what it is- students add images and narrate content. We use iMovie or Garageband. PC can use Microsoft Photostory.

• Imovie for Mac in the lab

• jing  free online for pc.      TechSmith | Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts,  

google tools- check out the huge variety of tools- 

• Unbelievable way to point and bring up numerous documents, presentations etc. for simple tutorials on creating your Prezi (presentation).

• ___

• ___

• ___

• ___

Week 1 Monday February 7 4:00-6:00 and Wednesday February 9 9:00-12:00


1. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on-- Word Chain

• Introductions using Word Chain

• Purpose and structure of this instructional technology series.

• Make sure everyone has reliable access to Internet accessible e-mail.

• Assessment of technological understanding, skills and dispositions toward technological innovation.

• Discuss needs and desired exploration for course topics.

2. Create own google account

3. Classroom applications using word processing.

• Haiku writing in your content area

• Wordstorming

• Predict-o-gram

• Vocabulary Thesaurus

• What I Know about Words: 4 column chart

• Haiku Game- Montana Experience


password: 2011montana

4. Create your own google SITE (WIKI).

5. Wednesday: Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on- BINGO

• Make your own BINGO game using MS Word ---any content area. Bingo- brain-based, active learning

6. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on- Jeopardy Game / GameShow

• PowerPoint presentation development

i. Insert images, sound, movies

ii. Tables

iii. Importing images into MSWord, PowerPoint, etc.

iv. Non-linear use- Game Show and Jeopardy Games

v. Saving to desired location.

7 Write reflection in new google SITE. Individual reflective journal of digital learning and your teaching.

Week 2 Monday February 14 1:30-3:30 Wednesday February 16 9:00-12:00

1. Preparing Teachers to Guide Learning with Technology in the Twenty-first Century

• Digital Learning in the 21st Century.

• Connecting Technology with Learning

• Recent brain research and implications to teaching and learning with technology

• Classroom Practice that Works (Marzano)

o Inspiration- mind mapping, visual cognitive organizers

o, freemind

2. Free Teacher Tools-

o (rubrics, check lists, etc)

o loaded with tool links

• Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on--- Techno-Illustrator—google Sketch-up or other free drawn program.

3. Interactive uses of the SmartBoard, Sympodium, document camera, slate

4. Individual reflective journal of digital learning and your teaching ideas in your own google SITE.

Week 3 Monday, February 21 Wednesday February 23 No Technology course this week.

In-school Internships

Week 4 Monday February 28 4:30-6:30 Wednesday March 2 9:00-12:00

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on -- Traveling Story

2. Beyond the Basics of Tools- lecture first to gain ideas and possibilities for what you would like to explore in more detail later today.

a. Discovery of existing educational resources on the Internet in one’s content area.

• Virtual Fieldtrips

• Museums

• Literature explorations- google lit

• Primary Source resources

b. Google Tools

• Collaborative work - google docs, presentation, translator…

3. Lecture: Technology Infused Planning (T.I.P.)

• Instructional Design Process

4. Podcasting, GarageBand

a. Creating an educational podcast.

b. Use of music and sound in podcasts, PowerPoint, webpages, etc.

5. Interactive uses of the SmartBoard, Sympodium, document camera, slate

6. Individual reflective journal of digital learning and your teaching.

Week 5 Monday March 7 4:30-6:30 Wednesday March 2 9:00-12:00

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- Prediction- M&M activity

• Classroom uses of spreadsheet applications

o Collecting good spreadsheet projects for own content area.

o Create own classroom gradebook

2. Digital Storytelling ----Multimedia Development

a. YouTube, TeacherTube examples and implications to learning

b. Pre-production, Production, and Post-production of Multimedia Project

i. Digital Storytelling – vocabulary project

ii. Video production and editing

3. Leadership--- Show & Tell Technology Ideas

4. Individual reflective journal of digital learning and your teaching.

Week 6 Monday March 14 Wednesday March 16 No Technology Classes

Spring Break at Schools


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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