[Management Educator’s E-News]

The Management Educator’s E-News

The Newsletter of

OBTS – Teaching Society for Management Educators

November 2008

Society President Jeanie Forray explains what the Board is all about

I recently mentioned to a colleague that I was looking forward to the Fall OBTS Board of Directors meeting and she asked, “Why? What does the Board do?”

The first part of that question was easy! I was looking forward to the Board meeting because I enjoy and have fun with the people involved, I value the time commitment and contribution all Board members bring to their work on behalf of the Society, and, because the meeting was to be held at the College of Charleston, our upcoming host for OBTC 2009, who could complain about a few days of Southern hospitality and cuisine? More . . .

OBTC June ’09 – Teaching Conference for Management Educators

to be at College of Charleston

“From Good Teaching . . .

to Good Learning”

The 36th OBTC: Teaching Conference for Management Educators, will be held June 10-13 at the College of Charleston, South Carolina, and will feature sessions on the primary theme “From Good Teaching to Good Learning.” This year’s conference will also explore two interrelated issues, “what experienced teachers can teach new faculty” and “what new faculty can teach experienced teachers.” 

The College of Charleston is located in the heart of downtown Charleston amid majestic live oaks and Palmetto-lined streets. Conference sessions will be held in the 4-year old Beatty Center and the adjacent Tate Center for Entrepreneurship. Housing in the Liberty Residence Hall and food service at the Fresh Food Company are conveniently located across the street from the meeting venue. Everything is within a 5-minute stroll. More . . .

Looking back on OBTC ’08 at Babson

By David Fearon, Central Connecticut State University

Conference Coordinator

The theme we set for our OBTC at Babson College was “Entrepreneurial Teaching. Entrepreneurial Learning. Entrepreneurial Practice.” The underlying reasoning was that risking more innovative teaching engenders bolder learning. Little did we know how timely this ambitious thrust would be. More . . .

Now Calling Doctoral Students: Doctoral Institute at Charleston in June ‘09

The Doctoral Institute is a unique consortium-like pre-conference experience that focuses on the teaching-scholarship balance and on helping doctoral students develop skills needed as new entrants into the life of a professional teacher-scholar. The faculty features prominent figures in the management field, award-winning new faculty, and faculty-development specialists. The distinctive aspect of the OBTS Doctoral Institute is its small size (maximum 25 students), allowing for intensive face-to-face interaction between the participants and the high- profile faculty.

This year’s faculty includes David Bradford (Stanford University), Candida Brush (Babson College), Kim Cameron (University of Michigan), Jim Clawson (University of Virginia), and Allan Cohen (Babson College), as well as Jennifer Leigh (Nazareth College of Rochester) the 2008 OBTS New Educator Award Winner who will serve as Mentor to the group. More . . .

Remembering the Doctoral Institute at Babson, June 2008

The annual Doctoral Institute provided a provocative and informative experience as a prelude to the OBTC at Babson College. Terrill Frantz reminisces about how his own skeptical expectations were exploded by what he found.

The Zen of the 2008 OBTC Doctoral Institute


Terrill Frantz, Carnegie Mellon University

Dang, it was hot! Our storybook hero finally exited the last of the train rides from Logan Airport lugging countless pounds of gear through the sweltering 95-degree shade, provided by the affluent tree-lined Wellesley roads. After trudging more than a mile, the mid-career, late-stage Ph.D. student finally plodded through the gates to More . . .

An Invitation from the Editor of JME: Journal of Management Education

Dear Readers: During this Winter Break, I encourage you to take time to peruse the most recent issue of the Journal of Management Education, the special issue on “Management Education in the Context of Poverty.” The Guest Editors, Ana Maria Peredo and Richard Moore, have provided us with a stimulating collection of articles, organized in a lively point-counterpoint format, that invite us to explore management education’s role vis-à-vis the poverty that grips many regions of the world and afflicts communities even in well-off nations. More . . .

OBTS Board Profile: Magid Mazen

Regular participants in the OBTC become aware of the outgoing guy who tells jokes, spins metaphors, and offers astute insights to a conversation. Now a full professor at Boston’s Suffolk University, Magid Mazen grew up in Egypt. For the last half of his life he has built a distinguished career in educating students and doing research in the U. S. He serves on the Board of Directors of OBTS, having been chair of the Doctoral Institute and the Legacy Project that brought luminaries to the conference in June at Babson. More . . .

Regional News: Mid-Atlantic OB Teaching Conference

The annual Mid-Atlantic OB Teaching Conference will be held Friday night and Saturday, March 20-21, 2009 at Temple University in Philadelphia. Organized every year by a steering committee from area schools, it traditionally attracts teacher-scholars from the Mid-Atlantic and New England region. An inimitable sense of good humor and social connection are hallmarks of this remarkable gathering. The deadline for proposals is January 26, 2009.

For more details, contact this year’s chair, Stuart Schmidt, Schmidt@temple.edu, 215-204-1621.

The Management Educator’s E-News brought to you by Kent Fairfield, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Editor; Gary Coombs, Ohio University, Electronic Preparation; and Randy Sleeth, Virginia Commonwealth University, Webmaster and Official Photographer.


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