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VWCS LPDC HANDBOOK(Distributed 8/2014)Things to Remember:Any time VWCS provides in-house/group PD:Attend district provided group PD and be sure to legibly sign in at each sessionInput any “group” PD you have attended through VWCS into the PDMYearly: Input any “individual” PD you have completed throughout the year into the PDM Complete the PD approval form for this “individual” PDTurn PD approval form and any other necessary paperwork into LPDC for approvalRevisit IPDP to make sure it is still relevant to what you want to do and learn throughout the year, revise if necessaryBe aware of the number of CEUs approved through your PDM, keep working towards 18 per license cycleYear of license renewal:Make sure you have 18 CEUs approved and listed on the PDMComplete the license renewal form online through ODE – see directions on following pagesHave your fingerprints taken for FBI/BCII check at the WBESC (Thomas Edison Building)Write a new IPDP for your next 5-year license cycle, turn this in to the LPDC chairperson within one month of completing the license renewal. Helpful Hints Important TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) for the LPDCLPDC – Local Professional Development Committee – The group of people responsible for verifying the necessary requirements have been met for an educator to renew a 5-year license through the state of Ohio. Also known as seven people at VWCS you need to be very nice to if you want to renew you license. PD – Professional Development – the stuff you need to do to renew your license. This includes college credit, in-house PD provided by the VWCS staff, PEERS, BLT/DLT/ALT, other LTs, and other activities found on the CEU options page found on the LPDC forms tech page link.IPDP – Individual Professional Development Plan – Plan where licensed educators write goals or a plan for how they will work to better themselves professionally through the new license cycle. This is a working document, change may be necessary over the 5-year period. CEU – Continuing Education Unit – Unit of measure used to define hours of professional development. One clock hour = 0.1 CEUs, one semester hour = 3 CEUs, one quarter hour = 2 CEUs.PDM – Professional Development Manager - aka Personal LPDC info link on the tech page. This is the website used to input/list all of your PD activities for confirmation by the LPDC. No PD will be approved without it being listed on the PDM.When you have completed any NON in-house PD (including PEERS and college credit):1. Complete the PD Approval Form found at the LPDC Forms tech page link on left2. Submit the PD on your personal PDM (see notes below)3. Turn in PD Approval Form and any additional support paperwork (time logs, agenda, etc.) to Judy Krites or any other LPDC person4. Wait patiently for the next LPDC meeting to see if your PD has been approved for CEUs5. Once you have received an email stating your PD has been reviewed, check the PDM to see whether it has been approved or additional information is necessary***Please see CEU Options if you do not know what paperwork is needed for any specific PD.When you have completed any in-house/group PD (includes waiver day activities, 2-hr delay in-services, NOT BLT/DLT):1. Sign-in on the sign in sheet at the activity – if there is no sheet, see your Principal2. Submit the PD on your PDM3. Wait patiently, the LPDC does not check these requests each month, it may take a month or two before group PD is approved.Paperwork HintsThe PD Approval Form needs be filled out for all (NON-in-house) PD. Corresponding paperwork (meeting agendas, journals, etc) needs to be turned into the LPDC, along with a copy of the PD Approval Form when PD is completed.ALL PD must be listed on the PDM to be counted and verified by the LPDC.For in-house PD where a sign-in is used and a notice of participation is handed out, ONLY list this PD in the PDM. It will later be verified by the LPDC. No additional paperwork is needed. *** Signatures must be legible.All other in-house PD (PEERS, grade-level meetings, etc) requires the PD Approval Form.PDM HintsThe PDM is found using the “Personal LPDC Info” link on the lower right-hand side of the VWCS tech page. This takes you directly to your log-in.Remember your log-in is your FULL email address (j_doe@- no staff) and your password is the last 4 digits of your home phone (or phone number initially listed in the staff directory) and then your first name and last name initials capitalized (1234JD). The PDM is specific in the format for dates. If they are not listed as shown (mm/dd/yyyy) the PD will not be sent or recorded. ALL dates must be filled in including end dates for one-day conferences or in-services. Just use the same date.Once you have submitted a CEU request correctly, you will receive verification via email. If you have this, the request has been submitted properly. If you don’t get this email, then there was a problem and you should try again. College credit is to be listed under the College Credit Request link of the PDM. If you are concerned that things are not working right – send the CEU request via the PDM and then send Judy Krites an email (j_krites@). I will respond to let you know whether the request has come through on my site. Upon Completion of a CEU Request or a College Credit RequestInput the CEU request or college credit request in the PDMTurn in all needed paperwork to the LPDC (ie. Transcripts, PD Approval forms, etc.).Wait patiently for an email notice that action has been taken on your request.Your receipt email will say something close to “You may look online to see the results of the review.” To do this, please go to your PDM and go into your CEU listing (or college coursework listing). Each checked requests will have an approved, approved pending or not approved notation on the left. If a request was not approved, click on the request itself (each request is hyperlinked) and there is a box where the LPDC lists why the request in not accepted or pending. Steps to writing or updating an IPDP 1. Print a copy of the IPDP form found online or save a copy to your computer. 2. Complete the form by writing two additional quality goals. If you are using the form on your computer, type into the form and then save. Notice the District goal has been included for you. Some reminders on IPDP goals:Goals are to be written for what YOU want to learn and how you are to accomplish that learning over the next 5 years.Write SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Results-based, Time-bound. Goals that are too vague or confusing as deemed by the LPDC will be returned for revision.Please refer to the High Quality Professional Development pdf found on the LPDC forms link of the tech page for assistance in writing quality goals in relation to the Ohio State Educator Standards.Please include at least 3 total goals. 3. For each goal, you must reference at least one Educator Standard from the back page of the form. If you are under another set of standards (Treasurer, Principal, Superintendent), then you must reference your particular standards found on the ODE website. 4. When finished updating, print the IPDP form. Be sure to make a copy to keep in your own files. Turn in a signed copy to the LPDC Chairperson. Wait until after the next LPDC meeting for approval and return of the form. A copy will be kept with the LPDC. **Please note, your IPDP goals should change at least slightly every license cycle as your goals as an educator change. Also, if you change goals during a license cycle the IPDP should also be changed and resubmitted. This should be a dynamic document that changes as your needs as an educator changes. A SAFE account is a way to allow anyone in Ohio to view the available documents of state licensed employees. This is also a way that any individual school employee can keep track of their license renewal. The LPDC recommends all VWCS have a SAFE Account to be able to check their own documentation.Directions to create a SAFE account at ODE:Open the ODE website: ode.state.oh.usClick on SAFE sign-in at the top left of the screenIf you don’t have an account yet, use the “I am a new SAFE user” Click here link, follow directions given, be sure to save the email with your name and password (if you often forget)Using the SAFE account/Core Educator ProfileSign in using your account name and passwordChoose ODE.CORE Educator Profile linkEnter your (or anyone else’s) name in the search Peruse the tabs for the needed informationOnline License Renewal ProcessAs of January 1st 2014, all license renewals will be through the following online process. These are my notes on how to renew on line. Be aware, the process may change slightly as ODE updates their system. This was the process needed in January 2014. Please use them as a guide only. ** Use Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser. You probably have Chrome on your school computer. It is the red/green/yellow button at the bottom. Explorer is not very compatible with the application site. If you need help, find a techier person. Sorry. Go to the ODE homepage: the SAFE link at the very top middle of the page.When on the SAFE Account sign-in, either sign in if you already have an account or sign up for a SAFE Account. If signing up, be aware of the restrictions on the password. Save your password somewhere you can find it. This is YOUR password and not one assigned by the LPDC. Once into your SAFE Account, click on ODE-CORE.Hover over My Educator Profile and scroll down to My Credentials – Renew Existing Credentials. Click on this link.Once you have chosen this link you should see a list of all current and previous licenses you have held with the most recent at the top. Select ACTION at the license to be renewed. Choose Renew and the year to be renewed. NOTE: All credentials and certifications should be listed on this license and will transfer automatically. If you have multiple licenses (i.e. P-3 and School Psych, PE K-12 and History 7-12), please follow the additional directions below. Click Add New Request.Choose your effective date (the year to begin your renewal) and choose the Mail To School option. (You may need to search for the district here – use the district IRN 044966.)Choose Save and Next at the bottom of the screen.Answer the given questions. At the Employment in Ohio section, an additional section will appear for signatures. Either type in the VWCS LPDC IRN number - 008849 or search for Van Wert City School and click. Continue to fill out the rest of the form, legal questions, etc. Under Experience – type in your beginning date (month and year or use their calendar), tab to the end date and a calendar should appear. An option of To Present should be available to click. Tab to the District Name and search (the magnifying glass box) the IRN – 044966 – to have the program fill in the address. Complete the other information. I do not think it is necessary to fill in any additional experience unless you have worked in another district in the last few years or you feel like it. (Only speculation here, they do mention something about revoking your license…). Click on the check at the end as the directions state. Check the Applicant Signature box to verify. Click the Save Application and Next button. You should now be on a documents page. NO action is required here as you are renewing through the LPDC and we have verified your paperwork/CEUs. Click Save Application and Done at the bottom. You should now be on the selected applications page. Here you need to click on the box beside the dollar sign of application you are renewing. Then choose Pay $200 (or other amount) for Selected Applications. On the My Account page, check over the basic info and then choose Next at the bottom. Your account balance is probably $0.00. (Not sure why here.)Fill out the billing/Credit Card info. (ODE now accepts Discover,Visa and Mastercard.) Complete needed info on billing. Submit address and continue to fill out credit card information and click Submit on each step. On the Step 3/4 page click PAY if all info looks correct. Print receipt if you would like.At this point you should be done! Your application should be submitted with payment. Notification will be automatically sent to your LPDC Chairperson/Signer. The Chairperson/Signer will then click approved as soon as s/he has verified 18 CEUs of PD.You application should be approved within about two days if your fingerprints are up to date, if you have 18 CEUs confirmed by the LPDC and your LPDC signer is on the ball. You can check on the status of your license by following the steps on the next page. Multiple Licenses:(Sorry these are a bit vague, I haven’t needed to complete multiple applications yet.) If you have multiple licenses listed separately, complete through approximately step 14 above. Instead of hitting the Save and Done button, just hit the SAVE button, which should return you to your credentials. This should allow you to choose your next license for renewal and repeat much of the process above. When done renewing all licenses, then use the Save and Done button to go to the payment page. You should be charged for an initial license at $200 and each additional license at $20. Other Helpful Resources:The ODE website has several (possibly) helpful links(as of June 2013) at this page you will find Resources about half way down. The resources include a you-tube video on how to fill out the electronic application and a PDF with various screen shots and instructions on how to sign up for a SAFE account, apply for various licenses, pay electronically, etc. I would recommend looking at page 22 of this document if you are having trouble applying for license renewal online. Please also use your LPDC members as a resource for helping complete the online license renewal process. We are willing to set up a time to meet and work through this application with you if you do not feel comfortable navigating the site yourself this first time through. To check on the status of a license renewal:Follow steps 1-4 above.1142895842055Choose the My Applications link (View Application Status). ................

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