Complaint of Discrimination - EEO 21

Complaint of Discrimination

I, XXX, allege that I was harassed and treated differently and adversely by my first line supervisor, Mr. XXX based on my sex, female; age, 54 (DOB, XXX); and in retaliation for filing a formal complaint of discrimination on July 16, 2007, as follows:

1. On August 29, 2008, in presence of Postmaster XXX and Shop Steward XXX, Mr. XXX, my first-line supervisor, falsely accused me of not making the numbers on the route.

2. On August 29, 2008, in the presence of XXX and XXX (Shop Steward), Postmaster Mitchell XXX suggested that I take the early retirement option that the Post Office is offering.

3. On September 3, 2008, Mr. XXX order me to take a “pivot” from route 22; despite the fact that taking this pivot would render impossible completing in 8 hours my regular route; despite the fact that, per the union contract, the “pivot” should be assigned only after completing one’s regularly route first; and despite the fact that, since I was on “my route only” overtime list, I could not do the pivot during my overtime (since pivots come from other carriers’ routes).

4. On the same day, September 3, 2008, when I called Mr. XXX at 3:00 PM to inform him that I could not complete my route and the pivot by the scheduled end time of 4:20 PM, he aggressively drilled me and repeated falsely that I should have no problem completing the route, doing the pivot, and returning on time by 4:20 PM (the scheduled return time).

5. On September 16, 2008, Mr. XXX in a demeaning way accused me of loosing an orange throw back card the day before, the day when I was off work.

6. On the same day, September 16, 2008, Mr. XXXX shouted and order me not to pick up anyone else’s hot case mail, contrary to common practice in the office.

7. On September 17, 2008, Mr. XXX yelled at me, falsely accusing me of throwing a piece of First Class Mail in the throw back case.

8. On September 18, 2008, Mr. XXX asked me to take a pivot within the 8 hour work day without providing any means to accommodate the extra work, in violation of the union contract and the office practice.

9. On September 20, 2008, Mr. XXX assigned me 45 minute worth of a pivot (which was in Roosevelt City) while only providing 25 minutes of credit; and when I had to curtail one tub in order to accommodate for the extra (pivot) work, Mr. XXX selectively criticized me for curtailing the tub and for talking to the co-workers.

10. On September 25, 2008, Mr. XXX stood behind me, while I was working, and berated continuously for 10 minutes as to how I should be able to take a pivot; despite the fact that the mail in my case was heavy and was not completed; that if I had taken the pivot, I would not be able to return on time; and despite the fact that I could not do the pivot work during my overtime hours, as I was on the overtime list of “my route only.”

11. On September 26, 2008, at approximately 9:45 AM, Mr. Mr. XXX physically trapped me at her case and scolder her repeatedly that I should be able to case a tub of mail I was curtailing, that I should be cleaned up, and that no mail should be left on the route, despite the fact that I at the time still had mail on the ledge, the hold mail to put away, the parcel hamper to be retrieved to case away, and the third bundle (about quarter inch thick) to deliver on the street.

12. On the same day, September 26, 2008, when I informed Mr. XXX that I needed to take medical leave of absence effective immediately, he required me to present documentation pertaining to me return to work date, in violation of leave policy and office practice.


I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements made in the above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

(sign)__________________________ ______________

Name Date


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