Focus and Meaning Content and Development Organization ...

[Pages:1]Focus and Meaning The extent to which the essay establishes and maintains a controlling idea/thesis, an understanding of purpose and audience, and completion of the task.

Content and Development

The extent to which the essay develops ideas fully and artfully using extensive, specific, accurate and relevant details (facts, examples, anecdotes, statistics and explanations.

Organization The extent to which the essay demonstrates a unified structure, direction and unity, including transitional devices.

Language Use, Voice and Style

The extent to which the essay demonstrates an awareness of audience and purpose through effective sentence structure, sentence variety, word choice and usage that together create voice and tone.

Mechanics and Conventions

The extent to which the essay demonstrates control of conventions, including paragraphing, grammar, punctuation and spelling.


Very Effective Focus and Meaning. Establishes and maintains Very Effective Content and

an insightful controlling idea/thesis; demonstrates a thorough Development. Develops ideas

Very Effective Organization. Demonstrates a cohesive and

Very Effective Language Use, Voice and Style. Demonstrates

Very Effective Control of Conventions and Mechanics.

understanding of purpose and audience; completes all parts of fully and artfully, using a wide

unified structure with an

precise language and word

Few or no errors in grammar,

the task and may go beyond the limits of the task.

variety of appropriate details to engaging introduction and a

choice, a defined voice, and a

mechanics, punctuation and

support ideas. Effectively

strong conclusion; effective use clear sense of audience; uses


develops arguments, using a wide of paragraphing and transitional well-structured and varied

variety of specific, accurate, and devices throughout.


relevant detail to support the

writer's position and, where

applicable, convincingly

addresses readers' opposing

points of view or



Adequate Focus and Meaning. Establishes a controlling idea

Adequate Content and

and demonstrates a basic understanding of the purpose and Development. Develops ideas

Good Organization. Demonstrates a mostly unified

Good Language Use, Voice and Good Control of Conventions and Style. Demonstrates appropriate Mechanics. Few errors in

audience; completes many parts of the task.

adequately, using sufficient

structure with a good

language and word choice, with grammar, mechanics,

details to support ideas. Develops introduction and conclusion;

some evidence of voice and a

punctuation and spelling that do

arguments using sufficient

consistent use of paragraphing

clear sense of audience; uses

not interfere with the message.

specific, accurate and relevant

and transitional devices.

well-structured sentences with

details to support the position

some variety.

and, where applicable, clearly

addresses readers' opposing

points of view or



Limited Focus and Meaning. Establishes a controlling

Limited Content and

idea/thesis but demonstrates little understanding of purpose Development. Develops ideas

Limited Organization. Demonstrates evidence of

Limited Language Use, Voice and Limited Control of Conventions

Style. Demonstrates simple

and Mechanics. Several

and audience; completes some parts of the task.

briefly and inconsistently, using structure with an uncertain

language and word choice, some noticeable errors in grammar,

insufficient details to support

introduction and conclusion; lacks awareness of audience and

mechanics, punctuation and

ideas and defend position.

paragraphing and some

control of voice; relies on simple spelling that may interfere with

transitional devices.

sentences with insufficient

the communication of the

sentence variety and word




Inadequate or No Focus and

Meaning. Fails to establish a controlling idea/thesis;

Inadequate or No Content and Development. Fails to develop

Inadequate or No Organization. Demonstrates no evidence of

Inadequate Language Use, Voice Limited Control of Conventions and Style. Demonstrates unclear and Mechanics. Several

demonstrates no understanding of purpose and audience; and ideas, using no details to support structure with no introduction or or incoherent language and word noticeable errors in grammar,

completes no parts of the task.

ideas and defend position.

conclusion; no evidence of

choice, no awareness of

mechanics, punctuation and

paragraphing and transitional

audience, and major errors in

spelling that may interfere with


sentence structure and usage.

the communication of the


Research-Based Persuasive (Hybrid Expository-Persuasive) Essay Rubric from MyAccess and Aspire Pacific Academy


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