Characteristics of an Effective Financial Management System

Characteristics of an Effective Financial Management System

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

10. Internal Controls

1. Regulatory Requirements

9. Reporting

8. Matching Requirements

and In-Kind Contributions

Effective Financial Management

7. Time & Activity


6. Budget Controls

2. Written Policies and Procedures

5. Efficient Accounting


3. Documentation

of Expenses

1 4. Managing

42 Cash

Regulatory Requirements

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

OMB Circular Requirements

State Requirements Federal Grant Provisions Award Letter



OMB Circulars

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

Type of Institution

Cost Principles

Administrative Requirements

Audit Requirements

State and Local OMB Circular A-87 "Common Rule"




Non Profit Organizations

OMB Circular A122

OMB Circular A110

1 Colleges and


OMB Circular A-21 OMB Circular A110

2 Cost Circulars can be found at:


A-133 A-133

Written Policies and Procedures 0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

? Organization operates within a written set of policies and procedures.

? All staff are familiar with policies and procedures.

? Organizational policies and procedures are up-

1 to-date.

? Policies and procedures incorporate grant

42 provisions.

Documentation of Expenses

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

? All staff are familiar with documentation requirements for grants.

? All expenses have supporting documentation that directly relates to expense funded under the grant.

1 ? Organization has proper record retention policy.

? Documentation supports expenditure

2 requirements: reasonableness, necessity,

allocability, allowability, and adherence to grant

4 guidelines.

Managing Cash

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

? Organization has adequate cash to meet obligations.

? Organization is requesting funds on a regular basis.

? Advance requests (if used) are timed so funds

1 are spent within three days for grantee or thirty

days for subgrantees.

2 ? Organization performs monthly bank

4 reconciliations with financial records.

Efficient Accounting System ?

The Accounting System must be capable of:

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

? Distinguishing grant verses non-grant related expenditures.

? Identifying costs by program year.

? Identifying costs by budget category.

? Differentiating between direct and indirect costs (administrative costs).

? Accounting for each award/grant separately.

? Maintaining Federal/nonFederal matching funds separately from grant funds.

? Recording in-kind contributions as both revenues and expenses.

1 ? Allowing management to easily obtain financial reports at both the summary or 2 detailed levels. ? Correlating accounting

information and documents

4to financial reports

submitted to the granting agency.

Budget Controls

0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

? A properly approved budget is a financial blueprint to help an organization meet its goals and objectives.

? A properly approved budget is a tool to help ensure an

? ? ? ?

organization is meeting matching requirements.

An organization should periodically review budget to actual expenses.

1 An organization should assure budget changes are properly


2 An organization should review movements between line items

and verify if they are within provisions and/or guidelines.

Budget changes should be approved by the awarding agencies if they are: changes in scope, objectives or goals of the program;

4 additional sub-grants or contracts; or line item changes greater

than the established percentage of the grant award.


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