Facilitator’s Overview of the Student Success 2011 Summer Program for

Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics 7-12

|The materials in this package are for your use and adaptation. Facilitators may choose to complete the mandatory module before beginning a selection of the additional modules or the board-specific application |

|activities, or may choose to intersperse sections of the mandatory module throughout the board-specific portions of the program. |

| |

|Our expectation is that all participants will have an opportunity to meet the following learning goals: |

|Know that using open and parallel questions is a means of differentiating instruction to increase student engagement and achievement in mathematics |

|Practice forming effective questions including open and parallel questions |

|Consider classroom dynamics to provide environments for powerful learning |

|Discuss how to use ministry-developed resources aligned with the “questioning” focus |

Overview of the Mandatory Part of the Program

|Focus Area |Details |Slides / |Appr. |

| | |Materials |time (min.) |

|Minds On |

|Welcome |Post Parking Lot for participants to identify any questions not addressed. |Post Parking Lot |15 |

|Ministry Directives |Makes connections between initiatives and supporting student learning. |Slides 1-13 | |

|Purpose of Questions |Participants generate a list of types of questions and a list of purposes of questions. |Slides 14-18 |15 |

| |Word Wall: Participants post their words on stick-on sheets of paper. Remove duplications in the debrief. Invite them to |large stick-on sheets (2 colours) | |

| |add to the word wall through-out the session. They will revisit this list towards the end of the session to make | | |

| |connections between the two lists. | | |

|Why Questioning Focus |Participants examine and discuss Digital Research Paper Diagram on Effective Questioning. |Slides 19-20 |15 |

| |View and Discuss: Video clip on Learning. |Diagram | |

| | |Video clip | |

|Action |

|Open Questions |Participants examine open questions, learn techniques to create them and practice by generating them. Post created questions.|Slides 21-29 |30 |

| |Gallery Walk: View each others’ work. |Handout: Slide 25 | |

| Scaffolding Questions |In order to address student difficulty getting started examples of scaffolding questions are provided on the slides. |Slides 30 - 34 |10 |

| |A rich source of questions can be found on the DI Math Processes cards which are in the left-hand Effecting Questioning menu |Processes Question Cards | |

| |on the Math GAINS website. Consider providing these for your participants. | | |

|Parallel & Common Questions |Participants practice doing parallel tasks and consider how given Common Debrief Questions draw out the mathematics. |Slides 35- 45 |15 |

| |Distribute the strategies for creating Parallel Tasks (Slide 25). |Handout: Slide 45 | |

|Practice |Four Corners: Participants practice doing parallel tasks themselves while creating Common & Scaffolding Questions for their |Slides 46-47 |20 |

|The Practice |choice of parallel tasks. They are given a choice of tasks, BLM 1: Slide 46, to work with based on the content they teach - |Handout: BLM 1: Slide 46 (embedded at | |

| |experience the process as their students would. Scaffold where needed, keeping in mind the important mathematics, and the |the end of this file) | |

| |Mathematical Processes Question Cards. | | |

|Lesson Planning |Distribute a copy of a blank PPQ template to participants. Briefly go over the components of this template and how to use it.|Slides 48-54 |15 |

| |Highlight the importance of identifying Big Ideas, Lesson Goals and Consolidation Activity. Make connections to the ‘Design | | |

| |Down Process’ for planning. If copies of the Big Ideas & Questioning: Proportional Reasoning K-12 Package are available, |PPQ Template | |

| |refer to (pg. 26) in this resource, as you highlight the process of planning. | | |

|Classroom Dynamics |To ensure opportunities for questions to be effective teachers needs to consider the learning environment that include |Slides 55-57 |10 |

| |Classroom Management, set-up and relationships for learning. These resources on available on the Math GAINS website. | | |

|Consolidation |

|Resource Support |Distribute the 2 page handout Math GAINS Resources. It provides an overview of the resources in the Learning Materials |Slides 58-65 |10 |

|Open & Parallel Questions |section in Math GAINS. Briefly go over the resources that are available to support Effective Questioning. |Math GAINS Resources | |

|Reflection |Open Activity: Participants make connections between question types and their purposes. Using string they identify |Slide 66 |15 |

| |possible connections between the two lists. This is an opportunity for them to clarify any difficulties between the types |String | |

| |of questions and/or the purposes they could serve. |Scotch tape | |

Note 1: Instructional Strategies for this professional learning are identified in Blue: Consider making this explicit and posting for student learning.

Note 2: The additional modules listed below are possible professional learning themes that highlight ministry-developed resources aligned with the “questioning” focus. A Facilitator’s Guide with possible activities and hyperlinks to accompanying materials is provided for each module. All materials are posted in the Effective Questioning section of MathGAINS posted at Facilitators can choose which of the modules align with a board’s priorities and differentiate according to their participants.

Additional Half Day Modules

|Module |Learning Goals |

|TIPS PPQ |Develop a deeper understanding of how to plan, implement, and support students when using open questions and parallel tasks with the resources that support the selected |

| |module |

| |Increase pedagogical content knowledge on the selected topics in the selected grade band |

| |Increase awareness of MathGAINS resources and how to use them |

|Classroom Dynamics | |

|Proportional Reasoning | |

BLM 1 for Slide 46: Common & Scaffolding Questions

| |

|Choice A: Linear Growing Patterns |

|Option 1: The pattern rule is: Start at [] and add (. Can the 100th term of the pattern be 900 greater than the 10th term? Explain.|

|Option 2: The pattern rule is: Multiply the term number by [] and add (. Can the 100th term of the pattern be 900 greater than the |

|10th term? Explain. |

| |

|Choice B: Linear Relations |

|Option 1: Five numbers on a hundreds chart form an L. The sum of the numbers is 308. What are the numbers? |

| |

|Option 2: Three numbers on a hundreds chart form an I. The sum of the numbers is 150. What are the numbers? |

| |

| |

| |

|Choice C: Quadratic Relations |

|Option 1: A baseball is hit from a height of 1 m. The height, h, in metres after t seconds is modelled by h = -5t2 + 9t + 1. |

|Determine the maximum height. |

|Option 2: A baseball is hit from a height of 1 m. The height, h, in metres after t seconds is modelled by h = -5t2 + 9t + 1. Use |

|the algebraic expression to tell what you know about how the height changes. Tell how you are using the expression. |

| |

|Choice D: Trigonometric Functions |

|Choose one of these functions and graph it. |

|y = sin x 0° ≤ x ≤ 360° |

|y = sin (x – 30°) |

|y = sin (3x + 60°) |


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