D1 (U20): Discuss the legal and ethical constraints within the planned campaignWhen creating my adverts for this campaign, I will need to consider multiple legal and ethical issues so that my adverts don’t include illegal aspects.Legal IssuesOne big legal issue that can come into advertising is copyright. This is when a company uses content that belongs to someone else without their permission. It is important that you consider these laws because failure to do so can mean the adverts being taken down or the owner of the copyrighting claiming the content for copyright infringement. Content that can be copyrighted includes music, sound effects, graphics, images and products that belong to a different company. Copyright free content on the internet can be used without any problem, although you may want to credit the creator in the video for using their content. Alternatively, contacting the creator to ask if you can use their content would also be a way to use it legally. Another legal issue that the production team would need to consider is having permission to film in a certain area or film any people in the video. It is illegal to film on private property or land without the landowner’s permission. This is also the case with any cast members, or members of the public that feature in the video. If I was to include people in my film, I would have to create individual release forms so that they can give their consent to feature in the video. This would mean no legal issues would be put forward. If I was recording in a private place, I would need to make a permission form for the property owner to sign so that I can legally film in that area. For my video, I will make sure that I film in public places where filming is allowed. I will also make sure that no members of public appear in my video. This way, I will not have any legal accusations in this area. Ethical IssuesOne relevant ethical issue I would need to consider for my adverts is ensuring that all the adverts and information on it is truthful and isn’t deceptive or unfair. I can’t make any claims in the adverts that aren’t true about the product. For this campaign about a new fizzy drink, which is what the adverts are about, I would need to make sure all the information is true. This would include statements like ‘Sugar free’ and ‘No added’. I would need to make sure these were correct otherwise it would be false advertisement. It is important to make sure that everything is true and fair, otherwise consequences may be taken. This could include the adverts being taken down, which is why it is important to follow these ethical rules. On top of this, the intended audience or public may lose respect for the company and campaign, which will lead to lower sales.Another ethical issue can arise when advertising to children. Adverts that are aimed at children must be suitable and must be able to be understood by them. Products advertised to children mustn’t be harmful or encourage bad habits. For a fizzy drink, some people may think that they shouldn’t be advertised to children as they are sugary and bad for your health. This is especially troublesome if the kid is unaware of the impacts and effects unhealthy drinks like these can cause. These products are also easily accessible from shops, so these children will most likely buy them after seeing the advert. If the product isn’t as unhealthy as its competitors, this could be a unique selling point for the product and a reason why parents may allow their children to buy them ................

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