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Program Title: Bless_Israel_001_I58_v01

Program Source: IFCJ DRTV I58 Children

Ask: $90 to Help 2 Jews for 1 Month

$135 to Help 3 Jews for 1 Month

$180 to Help 4 Jews for 1 Month

# Asks in Program: 3


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Donation Sample Script Excerpt

Through The Fellowship’s Isaiah 58 program, a gift of $90 will provide two Jewish children in the former Soviet Union with emergency help for a month, including food, shelter, healthcare and schooling. In addition to three hot meals a day, your gift also provides medicine, blankets, warm clothing and heat during cold winter months. All of this happens for an entire month for two precious Jewish children with your gift of $90 today. $135 will help 3 Jewish children. $180 will help 4 children for one month. Here’s the number to call and help today. 855-880-5858.

Phone Number →855-880-5858


Radio Infomercial

Transcript, Edits & Announcer ASKS




The following program, “Bless Israel with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, is brought to you by The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, presenting the plight facing God's chosen people today so that you can be a blessing to them through your prayers and Christian love.

Today’s program is titled, “Isaiah 58: Holocaust Orphans.”

YAEL ECKSTEIN: For many Jewish children the Holocaust was not just something terrible that happened to their parents and grandparents, its effects are part of the reality they live every day.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Children who may not have witnessed or experienced the Holocaust as their grandparents did, but are survivors of the trauma of the Holocaust nonetheless.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: How do you raise your children in situations like this?

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: These children are being brought up in total despair.

INA MARKOVICTH: Sixty-five years has passed, it shouldn't be like this.


Founder and President of The Fellowship, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Every day, everywhere I can still see the effects and the reverberations of that cataclysmic event, that disastrous event that happened here many years ago.

These children, Holocaust survivors brought in to a world with nothing. These children are victims of the Holocaust and its effects much like their parents and their grandparents were. And we are called to help them.

INA MARKOVICH: It's hard to believe that people live here, it, it is hard to describe the smell that is unbearable. I imagine animals abroad live in better conditions.

INA MARKOVICH: You can just imagine what this women feel –

and what her children feel. The war officially has ended many years ago but, the victims are still alive.

INA MARKOVICH: She's a living victim of the Nazis, her children are victims of her misery -- childhood. And it goes on until we do something to stop it.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: They don't have support systems, the communities were destroyed, all destroyed.


Senior Vice President of The Fellowship, Yael Eckstein.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Their children are raised with those fears, with that reality, that their mother, their grandmother are the only ones left living after the Holocaust. And now they live in poverty.

INA MARKOVICH: She answered in one word, nothing. And how could she know, we cannot blame her, she cannot know because being Jewish is a punishment. You will not get a proper job. You'll be kicked out of university. We need to help them survive and end the war for them. We need to tell them that God exists, he love them. Sixty-five years after the war is over, every single day, every single meal is a struggle for life and we still have to help them to survive.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Many of them are orphans, many of them just have one parent who cannot care for them.

INA MARKOVICH: Children find themselves on the streets.

MALE SPEAKER: Today, literally, Jewish children on the streets?

INA MARKOVICH: Yes, you can go and see.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: We found Jewish children, orphans, children who are hungry, children who are in deep, deep poverty.

INA MARKOVICH: They have a soul, soul that they don't know about its existence because the struggle of survival kills thoughts about the soul.

RABBI YISROEL SILBERSTEIN: I've traveled all over the former Soviet Union and I've seen this terrible need there is. For every bed in the orphanage we have ten children who need help.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: You still can see the effects of that cataclysmic event that happened here many years ago. And I realized at that moment, a deeper understanding of the Bible and of God's word when he says don't afflict the orphan. Well, I'm not afflicting the orphans, but I heard a voice of God saying to me, yes, you are so long as you are not actively helping the orphans, the widows, the people in need, you're afflicting them. That's what I believe the Bible is saying to us.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: That is why Isaiah 58 exists, in response to God and his word, to bring the desperate Jewish children in the former Soviet Union, suffering from the effects of the Holocaust and Russian antisemitism, their basic needs until one day we can get them to Israel.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: This is done by working with Jewish communities and Jewish schools to provide food, shelter, schooling and healthcare that they otherwise would be without.

INA MARKOVICH: It shouldn't be like this, no hearts could stand to see them in the streets. We want your help to give them good education, to let them see that they're people with good hearts outside their sad world.


The Bible says in Psalm 82 verses 3 and 4, “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” 

Through The Fellowship’s Isaiah 58 program, a gift of $90 will provide two Jewish children in the former Soviet Union with emergency help for a month, including food, shelter, healthcare and schooling.

In addition to three hot meals a day, your gift also provides medicine, blankets, warm clothing and heat during cold winter months.

All of this happens for an entire month for two precious Jewish children with your gift of $90 today.

$135 will help 3 Jewish children for one month.

$180 will help 4 children.

Here’s the number to call and donate today. 855-880-5858. That’s 855-880-5858. 855-880-5858.

There is a waiting list of Jewish children living in desperate conditions and needing immediate help. These are children without clothes, without food, without warmth, without shelter and without education. But you can change all of that.

Please call right now. 855-880-5858. That’s 855-880-5858.

You can bless these precious little children, as God has blessed you and your family. 855-880-5858. 855-880-5858.

YAEL ECKSTEIN In addition to three hot meals a day, your gift provides medicine, blankets, warm clothing and heat. $90.00 will help two children and $135.00 will help three. We have a waiting list of children living in desperate conditions and needing immediate help.

Your call is needed now.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: When you call, remember you can put the gift on your credit card. When you help we would like to send you an Isaiah 58 prayer packet with updates on the children so that you can continue to bless them with your prayers.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: These are the children of the former Soviet Union. These are the survivors, the remnants of Israel. Here in this orphanage that we help fund and provide for their future, the first thing that the children did was commemorate the Holocaust, remember never forget.

RABBI YISROEL SILBERSTEIN: My great grandparents were murdered by the Nazis and to me it's very special that I can come back and give to the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, to give them what they didn't get.

INA MARKOVICH: The common is when it -- everyone to pray to only one God, Lenin. Synagogues were closed, Rabbis were sent to Siberia, migrant for the set in prison because he told to the KGB that he believes in God.

RABBI YISROEL SILBERSTEIN: Well, the communist in -- destroying it within and then the Holocaust destroying it from without, it was really almost totally destroyed, the Jewish community. And today, we're dealing with the remnants of what's left, to save what's left.

INA MARKOVICH: When the Nazis entered the Jewish town during the war, they took all the Jews that they could take. They were good heart Christians that would take one child and save him.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: There are thousands of such children without clothes, without food, without warmth, without shelter, without education. We're asking for your help for the Holocaust survivors of today, the children who are bearing the brunt of growing up as survivors of families of the Holocaust.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: I pray that God will lay it on your heart to bless one of these Jewish children living in desperation in the former Soviet Union.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: A gift of ninety dollars will help two children and a $135.00 will help three.

Their needs are great and the conditions for orphaned and abandoned Jewish children in these countries are quite bad. Your call is needed now.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Many of these children will one day, God willing, be moving to Israel and joining the Jewish people there in Israel. These are your children too. If you care about helping the orphans and the weak as the Bible commands us to do and if you care about the future of Israel, the future of the Jewish people, then God will hopefully be speaking to your heart.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: These Jewish children living in the former Soviet Union are forced to live in extreme poverty, alone, hungry and constantly sick. Most of them had long ago given up hope that any one really cared about them.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Now, you can be their angel sent by God to help provide food, warmth, medicine and school. Ninety dollars will help two children, and a $135.00 will help three. Of course, a gift of any amount is urgently needed and appreciated.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: If God is speaking to your heart, consider a monthly gift of $45.00 that can be added to your credit card, to help one child every month.


Isaiah 58 verse 7 says, “Share your food with the hungry. Give shelter to the homeless. When you see the naked, clothe them.” That’s the mission of The Fellowship’s Isaiah 58 program for Children.

With a gift today of $90, you’ll bring joy to two Jewish children. Your gift will provide them with three hot meals a day for an entire month, including medicine, shelter, blankets and clean clothing. All of this happens for two needy Jewish children.

$135 will help three children for an entire month. $180 helps four.

Here’s the number to call and help today. 855-880-5858. That’s 855-880-5858. 855-880-5858.

Please don’t put this off. You can be a part of The Fellowship’s Isaiah 58 program and help God’s chosen people who desperately need our help.

The Bible says in Isaiah 58 verse 10, “If you give some of your own food to those who are hungry, and satisfy the needs of those who are humble, then your light will rise in the dark, and your darkness will become as bright as the noonday sun.”

Here’s that number again. 855-880-5858. 855-880-5858. Our friendly Fellowship operators are standing by waiting to talk with you. 855-880-5858.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Hello, hi, shalom. This is how so many of them are living. Obviously, there's nothing here. There is no electricity, no gas, no heat here in the cold winters. This woman has literally nothing. Her mother and her grandmother, Jews, went through the Holocaust.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Most of her family was totally destroyed. This whole area, there are killing fields every few miles.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: It's hard to explain being here in Nela's home with her three-year old son and no electricity. This is the only heat that Nela has and she's run out of wood. That means that this three year old boy is going to be cold for the rest of day, he's going to go sleep cold, he's already sick. How do you raise your children in situations like this?

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: There's no chance, there's no chance in these walls, in these conditions to make it. And so, thanks to the Fellowship we have given an opportunity to her other two children, two beautiful, smart girls, to have a dormitory, a place to live, friends, Bible study, food, clothing, shoes and break out of this rut.

(Kids Singing & Playing)

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: I wish you could have seen these children when they were brought, when they came in to this school from the far stretches of the former Soviet Union. Sad, emaciated, not having any love, never a smile on their face. This is the miracle that we are bringing to the former Soviet Union. Smiling faces of Jewish children whose families have endured so much.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: See this sweet girl, this beautiful girl, this smart girl? Well, you met her mother and her brother, living in conditions that are really terrible, not having any food, just some stale bread. Not having heat during the winter. A young girl, grandparents killed in the Holocaust. Who now, we've been able to provide food, clothing, medicine, education. But there are literally thousands of other children here in the former Soviet Union who we want to give a chance to.

INA MARKOVITCH: A child who needs a warm bed, a child who need a caring person, children that without your help would end up very sadly.

INA MARKOVITCH: It's the 21st century and this is a Jewish family in Ukraine. And it's so sad. She has to prepare food with no running water and this is her life.

INA MARKOVITCH: Rahalla's a survivor from a communist orphanage home because her parents were survivor from the war and the Holocaust.

INA MARKOVITCH: The few sentences that Rahalla's agreed to tell about the orphanage house is I will do whatever I can so my son would go to school. Just ask me what to do; I will do whatever you say. This is her dream, that one of her children will graduate school.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Many of us ask, well, if I had lived during the Holocaust, would I have done something? Could I have done something? Today, we can. Today, we can help the children of Holocaust survivors so that these children would not only see the killing fields outside their villages but, to remind them that today there are people, Christians, Jews, who care for them, who love them, who want to help them. And we need to do something to give them faith in God and to change their despair into hope.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Reach out right now to a desperate needy Jewish child living somewhere in the former Soviet Union to provide food, shelter, healthcare and schooling. You can make that happen today and in doing so, bless God's chosen people in a wonderful way.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: Please call now and say I want to help.

You can provide a package of life-giving items for one child for a month. Food, a warm bed, a school where they can learn about God and his love for them and medicine when they are sick. $90 will help two children and $135 will help three.

YAEL ECKSTEIN: God may be speaking to you about adding $45.00 to your credit card monthly to help one child every month. Thank you, and I know that God will also bless you as he has promised for helping these children who have suffered too much and for too long. Please call now and say, I want to help.



“…For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat… I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink… I was a stranger and you invited me in… I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Friends, if God is speaking to you today about partnering with The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews’ Isaiah 58 program to help feed, clothe and care for ‘one of the least of these,’ poor Jewish children living in the former Soviet Union, you can do that today.

You can bless two little Jewish souls for an entire month for a one-time gift of just $90.

Your donation today will provide 3 hot meals a day, shelter, healthcare, clothing, schooling, and warm blankets during the cold Russian winters.

All of this happens for two precious Jewish children with your gift of $90 today.

$135 helps 3 Jewish children for one month. $180 helps four.

Here’s the number to call and help today. 855-880-5858. That’s 855-880-5858. 855-880-5858.

There is a waiting list of Jewish children living in desperate conditions and needing immediate help.

Please call right now. 855-880-5858. 855-880-5858.

Thank you. May God bless you for your sacrificial giving today.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: There are still in this particular city a 150 Jews remaining from a community of 15,000. And those Jews need our help. Hear those voices. Protect, help, sustain my children Israel.


Here’s Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein with an urgent report on the rising conflict in Ukraine with Russia’s intervention, and particularly the impact it is having on Jews living in this war-torn region.




The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews are conducting Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights to rescue hundreds of Jews and bring them to Israel.

If you would like to help rescue a Jew on an upcoming Wings of Eagles Ukraine Freedom Flight, you can give a donation at our special Wings of Eagles number. 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. You can also donate online at IFCJ dot ORG slash radio. That’s IFCJ dot ORG slash radio.

“Bless Israel” with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, has been presented by The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.


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