The Effects of Pollution: Internet Assignment


Block__________________ Date_____________

Health Science 11: The Immune System

Immunity and The Effects of Pollution: Internet Assignment

Section 1: Fighting Disease

Review each website, and write a couple of sentences about what you

learned from each one.

Become a medical technician and examine germs online.

See how the body's immune system battles the AIDS virus. (Click on "Fighting Back".)

See if you can create six different types of vaccines. You may need to load the non-flash version.

A short cartoon about the discovery of the polio vaccine.

Microbes, such as bacteria, and microbe mysteries to solve.

Compare viruses and bacteria. (Scroll down and click on "How big" for an animation comparing the size of different microbes.)

Detailed overview of the human immune system.

Section 2: Light Pollution

Light pollution has been linked to a higher incidence of breast cancer in women. Why do people think there is a link?

How are birds and other animals affected by light pollution?

How can plants be affected by light pollution?

Section 3: Common Household Chemicals Linked to Cancer

In which products are fluorinated polymers used?

In time, fluorinated polymers break down or change chemically. What do fluorinated polymers degrade into?

Why are PFCAs a problem?

How do scientists think the PFCAs may have travelled to the arctic?

Section 4: ‘Cancer Villages’ are the legacy of China’s economic expansion

Look at the colour of the water in the photo!

What is your first impression after reading the article?

Write down 5 points of interest from the article (or more if you like)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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