Crossroads Chapter Questions

Crossroads Chapter 5 Questions

Instructions- Answer the following questions using Chapter 5 of your Crossroads textbook. You can answer the questions in point form. You may work with others to answer the questions but you must have your own copy of the answers.

Section 2: (pg. 128-133)

Introduction (p.129)

1. What is a revolution?

2. What type of revolution was happening in Great Britain?

3. What are some ways that this revolution changed Great Britain and the traditional ways of farming?

4. What were some of the problems that happened because of the revolution?

5. How did this revolution make the economy of the world become global?

Why Britain?

6. What were the essential elements Britain contained that allowed industrialization to happen? Summarize each one.

An Agricultural Revolution

7. Describe the types of farming that were going on in Great Britain before the Industrial revolution.

8. What types of laws did Parliament pass that threatened these traditional types of farming? How did these laws affect farmers?

New Breeds

9. How did new breeds help farming?

New Crops and Technologies

10. What were the new crops and technologies that were being used and how they each improved farming.

Section 3: (p. 134-139)

An Economic Revolution (pg.134/134)

11. What were the two main parties in the English Parliament? Describe each one.

12. What was the laissez faire policy? Why wasn’t it good for workers?

The Textile Industry (pg. 135-138)

13. Why did British wool become profitable?

14. How did the textile industry influence Britain’s desire to acquire new colonies?

15. Pick two new inventions and/or innovations that helped the textile industry and explain how each one improved it, and who was responsible for the invention/innovation.

The Steam Machine (pg. 138-139)

16. Who invented the steam machine? Who improved it?

17. Why was the steam machine important?

The Iron and Coal Industries (p. 139)

18. Why were these industries important to the Industrial Revolution?

19. What were some of the problems associated with these industries?

Section 4: (p. 140-150)

Transportation (p. 140-141)

20. Why was transportation important to the Industrial Revolution?

21. What was the condition of Roads in 1700?

22. What types of improvements were made to roads?

23. What were canals? Why were these important to transportation?

24. What improvements were made to canals?

Railways (p. 141-143)

25. Who invented the locomotive? Why was it the most important means of transportation at that time?

Mechanization and the Factory System (p. 143-144)

26. What were cottage industries? What were the advantages and disadvantages?

The Factory Age (p. 144-146)

27. How did the inventions of the Industrial revolution make the cottage industry obsolete?

28. What were the effects of this?

Child Labour (p. 147-148)

29. Why did so many children have to work? Why were children useful as workers?

30. What were problems faced by children as they were working? What effects did these have on these children?

The Factory Acts (p. 149-150)

31. Who were social reformers? What did they try to do?

32. What were the factory acts? How did they help workers?

Section 5: (p. 150-157)

Society and Culture (p. 150-151)

33. Describe the British Class system. Describe each of the different classes. (upper, middle, lower middle, working class)

Women in the Industrial Age (p. 152-153)

34. How did the industrial revolution change the family and the way women worked and lived? Give 2 examples.

35. What kind of work did women have to do during this time?

36. Were there any good things that happened for women during this time?

The Poor (p. 153-155)

37. Describe some of the troubles faced by poor people during this time.

38. What was Britain’s poor law? Why didn’t it work well? Give specific examples.

39. Who began to gather information about society at this time?

Population on the move (p. 155)

40. What happened to the population of England during the industrial revolution?

41. What were the results of this?

The Irish Potato Famine (p. 155)

42. Why were potatoes important in Ireland?

43. What happened in 1845? How did this affect the people living in Ireland at the time?

The Clearances (p. 155-156)

44. What were the clearances and the crofters? What effect did these have on people?


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