The Effects of World War I on European Nations

The Effects of World War I on European Nations

Map 17

1. Color the Allies nations in blue and the Central Powers nations in red.

2. The Eastern Front separated ___________________ from _____________________.

3. What country in central Europe remained neutral ? ____________________________

4. Most of the line of trench warfare on the Western Front was in what country? ________________

5. The farthest the Central Powers advanced west was near what city ? ________________________

6. During the war, what was the status of the three Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, and

Denmark? ___________________________________________

Map 18

1. What is the new name on this map of the country formerly called Russia? _______________________

2. What was the northern most country formed from a part of the Russian Empire? __________________

3. What are the names of the 3 small countries formed from part of the Russian Empire that faced the

Baltic Sea? _________________________________________________________________________

4. What new countries were formed from Austria-Hungary? ____________________________________


5. What was the largest country created from the Ottoman Empire ? _____________________________

6. What 3 other countries were formed from the Ottoman Empire ? ______________________________


7. Look at the map insert. What region did Germany lose to France ? ____________________________

Comparing the two maps, what effect did World War I have on the political geography (countries, nations, borders) of Europe?

How might have this led to another world war?


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