Aum Gung Ganapathaye Namah

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma-sambuddhassa

Homage to The Blessed One, Accomplished and Fully Enlightened

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Test Diary

A Collection of Articles, Notes and References

Chapter 34

(November 2006)

(Revised: Thursday, October 08, 2009)


A Pseudo Monk

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

- William Shakespeare

Copyright © 2002-2020 A Pseudo Monk

The following educational writings are STRICTLY for academic research purposes ONLY.

Should NOT be used for commercial, political or any other purposes.

(The following notes are subject to update and revision)

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8 "... Freely you received, freely give”.

- Matthew 10:8 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The attempt to make God just in the eyes of sinful men will always lead to error.

- Pastor William L. Brown.

1 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,

7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.

9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.”

- 2 Timothy 3:1-9 :: New International Version (NIV)

The right to be left alone – the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by a free people

- Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. U.S., 1928.

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

- Revelation 3:15-16 :: King James Version (KJV)

6 As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

- Hebrews 5:6 :: King James Version (KJV)

3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

- Hebrews 7:3 :: King James Version (KJV)

Therefore, I say:

Know your enemy and know yourself;

in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself,

your chances of winning or losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself,

you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c. 500bc

There are two ends not to be served by a wanderer. What are these two? The pursuit of desires and of the pleasure which springs from desire, which is base, common, leading to rebirth, ignoble, and unprofitable; and the pursuit of pain and hardship, which is grievous, ignoble, and unprofitable.

- The Blessed One, Lord Buddha

3 Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.

- Isaiah 56:3 :: King James Version (KJV)

21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

- Matthew 17:21 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)


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Test Diary

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I receive numerous letters of pathetic tales of dissipated, lost youth. The recent trend in the increase of vulgar, cheap and aphrodisiac literature and obscene films, both Indian and Western, had added to the miseries of misguided youth. Loss of the vital energy creates great fear in their mind. The body becomes weak, memory fails, the face becomes ugly and the young man is not able to remedy his pitiable condition due to shame. But there is no cause for despair. Even if a few of the hints in the following pages are observed, he will develop the correct attitude to life and will lead a disciplined spiritual life and ultimately attain supreme bliss.

Difference between physiological pollution and pathological pollution

Spermatorrhoea is involuntary seminal discharge. Nocturnal discharge, night pollution, Svapna-Dosha, wet dream are all synonymous terms. Ayurvedic doctors call this disease Sukra-Megha. This is due to the evil habits in youth. In severe cases, discharges occur in daytime also. The patient passes semen along with urine during micturition. If there is occasional discharge, you need not be alarmed a bit. This may be due to heat in the body, or the pressure of loaded bowels or bladder on the seminal bags. This is not a pathological condition.

Night pollution is of two kinds, namely, physiological pollution and pathological pollution. In physiological pollution, you will be refreshed. You should not be afraid of this act. You should not mind if the discharge of semen is very occasional. You need not worry about it. This is also a slight flushing of the apparatus or a periodical cleansing through a slight overflow from the reservoir in which the semen is stored up. This act may not be attended with evil thoughts. The person may not be aware of the act during the night. Whereas, in pathological pollution, the act is accompanied by sexual thoughts. Depression follows. There is irritability, languishment, laziness, inability to work and concentrate. Occasional discharges are of no consequence, but frequent nocturnal pollutions cause depression of spirits, debility, dyspepsia, low spirits, loss of memory, severe pain in the back, headache, burning of the eyes, drowsiness and burning sensation at urination or during the flow of semen. The semen becomes very thin.

Causes and consequences

Wet dreams and spermatorrhoea may be due to various causes like constipation, a loaded stomach, irritation-producing or wind-producing food, impure thoughts and long self-abuse done in ignorance.

Seminal weakness, nocturnal emissions, lascivious dreams and all other effects of an immoral life will surely lead one to a miserable state of living if not checked by proper medicines. But these medicines cannot produce a permanent cure. One can get temporary relief during the time one takes the medicine. Even doctors of the West admit that such medicines cannot effect a permanent cure. The moment the medicine is discontinued, the patient will find his disease all the worse. In some cases, the patient becomes impotent by the use of drugs. The only effective permanent cure can be had through the system of ancient Yoga. Nasti Yogat Param Balam. There is no strength higher than that of Yoga. The different methods given in this book will enable you to get success if practiced regularly.

(Reference: Swami Sivananda. (1997) Practice of Brahmacharya. (WWW Edition) Himalayas, India: The Divine Life Society. Chapter 19: Wet Dreams and Spermatorrhoea.)

Test Diary

November 2006

To continue

Thursday, November 02, 2006

To continue

0615 a.m. - 0617 a.m. 0:02 Leave New Module; to general office; mark attendance

0617 a.m. - 0625 a.m. 0:08 To tea lounge; put notes, headphones into bag; to toilet; urinal; wash hands, face, eyes, mouth; wipe

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 1103 a.m. Thursday, November 02, 2006

0625 a.m. - 0642 a.m. 0:17 Food: Bakery bread x3, potatoe stew, half a steamed banana, a glass of water, a cup of tea; wash utensils

0642 a.m. - 0645 a.m. 0:03 Exit Nila building taking the steps nearest to the toilet, exit II floor, I floor, at ground floor walk past Rangoli restaurant and ICFAI

0645 a.m. - 0654 a.m. 0:09 Walk to Technopark gates

0654 a.m. - 0700 a.m. 0:06 Walk to Pallinada busstop

0700 a.m. - 0713 a.m. 0:13 Wait for public bus

0713 a.m. - 0753 a.m. 0:40 City bus to Statue: Red/Orange bus; bus fare – Rupees 7.50; bus no: KL-15.2989 TN950); catnap

0753 a.m. - 0758 a.m. 0:05 Walk back home

Around 0754 a.m.

An exclamation noted from the Australian woman stalker...from a far away the man disembarked from the if something untoward is about to happen...

Around 0758 a.m. che-ta ae-yu-ti ka-la-nu...he wrote a big abuse...

- The sucker with deep her guardians...

Around 0754 a.m. to 0758 a.m.

Voices of the old woman and the medical representative noted...watching the man more he walked along the MG Road...towards home from Statue busstop...

I wonder...if the rotten bastard...that fecal matter...that asshole of a sucker...that bloody voyeur woman...was staging another of her spite of 6+ years of surveillance and stalking...

Shameless vermin, when is this going to stop...go and eat some fecal matter...of some stray dog...that will give more women like you...than running after me to suck my penis...Bastard!!...Go and ask your voyeur companion...that old to drink the urine of a stray dog...straight from its hole...

Even if I call these women voyeurs...bastard...thousands of times...for all the world to is strange that these pieces of rotten, filthy not feel anything!!...

What sort of worms are these sex predators?...

And they dress themselves as women!...Shaking their extra flabs of unwanted places...covered with colored if it will evoke passion...even to filthy dogs of the road...

I wonder how a stray dog...will mount this type of sex maniac insert...

And such are women!!...bleeding for sex...

Written around 0813 a.m. Thursday, November 02, 2006

Revised around 0910 a.m. Thursday, November 02, 2006

0758 a.m. - 0803 a.m. 0:05 Kiss to mother; return tiffin utensils, money to mother; remove shirt, socks, handkerchief and put them for washing

0803 a.m. - 0813 a.m. 0:10 Diary notes on paper

0813 a.m. - 0817 a.m. 0:04 Rice and water for birds

0817 a.m. - 0820 a.m. 0:03 Ayurvedic medicine for Schizophrenia – lehiyam, kashayam, laxative

0820 a.m. - 0830 a.m. 0:10 To upstairs; undress, urinal, wash hands, face, feet, wear indoor dress: Blue/green dhoti; turn ON computer for diary notes

I pity my women monitors...for their for sex...

How much it has tarnished the image of many a innocent woman...for what these sex maniacs reflects on other women also...for they are all women first of all...

Have they ever thought what...many a innocent woman will feel?...for being humiliated...for no reason at all...just because a group of sex starved women hunted a hunting a animal in the forest...with no honor...nothing...for years and years...

And these stalkers say I write huge abuses...

Their voyeurism...and surveillance is something I should be very happy about...

Oh! least I have some women to watch my penis...many a man dream for JUST that...IF ONLY a woman looked at my penis...if only a woman watched me masturbating...I am willing to pay any money for that monitoring...but no woman pays heed to the antics of those matter what mooning those men-in-need do...even walking on a public road stark naked...just for some women to get impressed at that huge penis...hanging down under...

YES!!...I should not abuse...I should not feel irritated...I should not feel disturbed...

Oh! yes!...those threats of the women predators...

Many a man out there...daydream...on how to rape a enjoy the feel of hear the mock cries of the woman in distress...when her cloths get torn...pulled...ripped off...when she gets mauled...clawed...bitten...when being inserted...repeatedly...

It is interesting to observe...the irony...the contradiction...that...her cries only make the man more if the woman is begging for more...through her lovely screaming... this whole world...maybe thousands out of millions...get such an ample enjoy that very common privilege...bestowed by

When women themselves...want to do rape a enjoy the feel of hear the mock cries of the man in distress...when his cloths get torn...pulled...ripped off...when he gets mauled...clawed...bitten...when being pulled downunder repeatedly...and forcibly...for his penis to remain steady...stout like a rod...for the man pleasure...for being so fortunate...for being the chosen one...what more do you need in this human world??... this whole world...maybe one or two out of millions...get such a rare enjoy that very unique privilege...bestowed by women...women-in-love...women-in-need...

YES!!...I should not abuse...I should not feel irritated...I should not feel disturbed...

And the irony...the irony that makes me...a mad man...before other men...

That which they dream as the most love...turn out to be the most be hated...

And I ran become a perpetual mad man...

But even those women maniacs got to face other a not being able have his penis inserted...that too after running after...following...his penis...for so many years...

So what ever be the shame...hunt him down...mercilessly...for his penis...the penis alone matters...

Once I even contemplated...why not cut out that badly needed penis...and give it to an act of ultimate charity...for them to play much as they the privacy of their residences...for that is all they want...

At least they will leave me alone...with no more sexual harassing...running after...monitoring...surveillance...stalking...

But then what guarantee is there??...that I will be left alone?...

If I don’t have a least a hole that area...down under...

And to some other people...a hole is something...very coveted...for insertion...

And eunuchs are darlings to them!...

And I will be left without a penis...forever...though a man may be I...

And the next question to remove a hole?...

Earlier...out of was how to get rid of the it will be the other way to get rid of the hole?...

How to get back the penis?...

Men may give...donate...some of their body parts for transplanting...but few will be there...who will EVER part with their penis...for they live in this world ONLY for its happiness...for its nourishment...for its body building...for its diverse means...

And I will then have a dilemma...I will have to get my own penis back...not someone else...

But then those women maniacs must have spoiled it...beyond recognition...

The father won’t even recognize his son...

After countless rubbing...playing sharing amongst themselves...that piece of flesh may have worn out!...or withered away...of no more use...and the women maniacs might be left with just a lump...a blob of meat...shapeless beyond recognition...that which once prided a pointed spear...

And I will be left to lament...on my ultimate charity... Lord!...I just have to live with my penis...

There is no point in doing the ultimate charity...

I just have to hold on...somehow...

Written around 0937 a.m. Thursday, November 02, 2006

Revised around 1152 a.m. Thursday, November 02, 2006

8 "... Freely you received, freely give”.

- Matthew 10:8 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB)

43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

47 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:

48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.

50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.

- Mark 9:38-50 :: King James Version (KJV)

3 Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.

- Isaiah 56:3 :: King James Version (KJV)

Castration at wedding party

When some time after a boy was born she exposed him, but he was saved by a goat that nourished him. And when years later Attis became a youth of beauty more than human, he was sent by some relatives to Pessinus in central Asia Minor near Mount Dindymus, to marry the king's daughter. However, when the wedding ceremony was being celebrated and all were singing, Agdistis made a sudden appearance, whereupon Attis, losing his mind, cut off his own genitals; and so did the king too.


Attis buried

When this happened, Agdistis repented and asked Zeus to grant that Attis' body should not decay; for as they say, Agdistis was himself in love with the youth. But whatever happened to that request, Attis was buried in the vicinity of Pessinus, where a temple was built to the Mother of the Gods, whom they called Agdistis although she is often identified with Rhea 1, Cronos' wife.

Attis love for Sagaritis

Others have said that Attis was a worshipper of the Mother of the Gods, and that the goddess asked him to guard her temple and keep his chastity, whereupon he promised obedience saying:

"If I lie ... may the love for which I break faith be my last love of all." [Ovid, Fasti 4.227]

And since promises are more often than not broken, Attis met the Naiad Sagaritis and turned her into his sweetheart. But the Mother of the Gods, who was well informed, by wounding the Naiad's tree destroyed Attis' sweetheart as well, since her fate was dependent on the tree's. This event, they say, and nothing else, is the reason why Attis lost his mind, imagining that his chamber's roof was falling in.



1. Greek Mythology. One of the nymphs who lived in and presided over brooks, springs, and fountains.

2. Any one of a subfamily (Najades) of butterflies including the purples, the fritillaries, the peacock butterfly, etc.; -- called also naiad.

Attis goes mad

So being completely mad, Attis ran to the top of Mount Dindymus, uttering such words that let understand that he was seeing the ERINYES. Then he mangled his body with a sharp stone, and trailed his hair in the dust, crying as he tortured himself that he had deserved what he was going through. Then he shouted repeatedly:

"Ah, perish the parts that were my ruin." [Ovid, Fasti 4.240]

whereupon he cut off his genitals. Then Attis turned into a pine-tree, which is why this tree is pleasing to the Mother of the Gods.

Born an eunuch and killed by a boar

Still others say that Attis was son of the Phrygian Calaus and eunuch from birth. Attis became known, they say, when he, after migrating to Lydia instructed his hosts in the orgies of the Mother. But the Lydians, for loving Attis and the Mother so much, had their tillage destroyed by a boar sent by Zeus; and this animal, they tell, killed Attis in addition to some Lydians.

(Reference: Attis.)

0000 a.m. - 0000 a.m. 0:00

To continue


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Thursday, November 02, 2006 1156 a.m. – 1213 p.m. IST

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Internet Connection: Home computer

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Thursday, November 02, 2006 0729 p.m. – 0734 p.m. IST

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upload chap34


Friday, November 03, 2006

To continue

0747 a.m. - 0750 a.m. 0:03 Exit Nila building taking the steps nearest to the toilet, exit II floor, I floor, at ground floor walk past Rangoli restaurant and ICFAI

0750 a.m. - 0756 a.m. 0:06 Walk to Technopark gates

0756 a.m. - 0800 a.m. 0:04 Walk to Pallinada bus stop; run to catch the bus; some of the my monitors...give out an exclamation...while watching...from a far away such...a great man...a stray catch a bus...

0800 a.m. - 0845 a.m. 0:45 City bus to Statue: White/blue bus; bus fare – Rupees 8.00; bus no: KL-15.6029 RT857); catnap

0845 a.m. - 0850 a.m. 0:05 Walk back home

Near Pankaj Hotel...a crow sitting in the overhead electric cable...drops her fecal matter...prasad...onto my falls onto my right wrist...near the big thumb...a whitish liquid...warm...and I walk away...not heeding it...happy...for she is kind...for giving something in return...for whatever a bird normal circumstances...for feeding her family members...

Also...yesterday...I a woman...through my go and get whatever she can...from the hole of a stray dog...and today this bird...she gives me the apt my abusive giving me...something fresh...and warm...straight from her hole...

I am proud...I have to be proud...for I asked for it...and I got it...

Written around 0959 a.m. Friday, November 03, 2006

Revised around 0655 p.m. Friday, November 03, 2006

0850 a.m. - 0855 a.m. 0:05 Kisses to mother; wash hands; return tiffin utensils, money to mother; remove shirt, banian, socks, handkerchief and put them for washing

The medical representative tries to joke...on the incident...see a crow defecated on him...ha...ha...ha...The old woman tries to stop his laughter...

Well...if I wanted...if I be defecated upon...urinated upon...detested...humiliated...abused...called filthy names...joked...jeered...laughed at...What does it matter to me?...Why should I care?...I who gave birth to an subject to its reaction too...anytime...anywhere...

It is all a matter of how you look at it...

Written around 1002 a.m. Friday, November 03, 2006

Revised around 0712 p.m. Friday, November 03, 2006

To continue

Around 1200 a.m....while transcribing a medical file...I search the web for the right medical dictated by the US doctor...and I stumble upon an article...that came Google...along with the search results for the medical was on...long range thermal sensors...The brief writeup in the search results...I found clicked open that webpage...

A text file at... ...

A pdf file is also there at... ...

Read the pdf contains pictures...

The writeup mention...US Border Patrol using such high tech spy helps them to detect even heart beats from a long range distance...

Go to google or any similar search engine...type the words...long range thermal sensors...a list of articles come up...and read them at leisure...

For my work place...I listen for the next 3-5 hours or the words of alarm...from my various stalking a far away distance...that I finally found out...exactly what sort of device...they are using...24 hours a monitor my activities...precisely...from a far away distance...

I don’t know if they are speaking true or false...

But I just noted what they spoke...for every computer within the company is being monitored...from a far away distance...cyberstalked...and they know at any instance of time...what is done on any computer...within the company...especially the one I use...whether it be typing out a document...trancribing..or even surfing the net...

Read those articles...if possible investigate my case undercover...and you will have ample my documentation...

Later, I also listen to some suggestions...between the stalking each other...

He lives in a land of fire...being a tantric...following a path of fire...So that is how he detected the use of thermal sensors...

The use of heat...your own body heat...heat emitted or reflected by surrounding objects...and so track down your activities...verbal...physical...even the gentle whisper of anal gas...or flatus from your attractive anus...with detailed precision...from a far, far away safe distance...while many ordinary people of society did not...find out the increasingly...common use of such high tech gadgetry...for snooping...surveillance...privacy violation...voyeurism...stealing company secrets...and so on...

Written around 1102 a.m. Friday, November 03, 2006

Revised around 0637 p.m. Friday, November 03, 2006

To continue


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Friday, November 03, 2006 1121 a.m. – 1145 a.m. IST

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TechBeat Spring 1998

Save a copy

Search terms:

long range thermal sensors


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Friday, November 03, 2006 1137 p.m. – 1144 p.m. IST

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To continue

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

0000 a.m. ~ 0230 a.m. 2:30 Sleep

Normal...sound sleep...

No dreams noted...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Written around 1133 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

0230 a.m. – 0250 a.m. 0:20 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 1134 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

0250 a.m. – 0255 a.m. 0:05 Sit on mat, not sleepy

0255 a.m. – 0300 a.m. 0:05 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; to toilet

Emission check: No emission stains the aqua dhoti...

Written around 1135 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

0300 a.m. – 0315 a.m. 0:15 Undress; emission check, urinal, brush teeth

Emission check: No emission stains the aqua dhoti...

Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in a few minutes...leaving clear water...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 1136 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1136 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

0315 a.m. – 0325 a.m. 0:10 To room, prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; turn ON computer; to downstairs; reboil tea; to upstairs

0325 a.m. - 0336 a.m. 0:11 Browse computer files

0336 a.m. - 0809 a.m. 4:33 Read TechBeat Spring 1998 pages 1-8; prepare notes; computer crashes at around 0809 a.m.



National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.(NLECTC) (Spring 1998) TechBeat: Dedicated to Reporting Developments in Technology for Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Forensics. USA: P.O. Box 1160 Rockville, MD 20849–1160. Pages 1-8.

Page 1

Is There a Doctor in the House?

According to Wilkinson, telemedicine allows ODRC to provide remote medical services to prisoners. From the prison’s clinic, a health care professional presents the patient and operates the scopes and cameras that transmit the video images in real-time to a doctor at another location.

The advantages of telemedicine, Wilkinson says, are many. Prisoners receive care without incurring the cost of escorted hospital visits. Telemedicine gives the prison access to a wider range of outside medical sources and specialized doctors. And, telemedicine provides a visual record of the visit, ensures the safety of the doctors, and reduces the potential for escape. This is important, he notes, since it was recently reported that more than 50 escape attempts occurred in this country from offsite medical facilities in one 12-month period.

“We can do consultations, post-operative medical reviews, and routine doctor’s visits. We

can read x-rays, or zero in and magnify certain areas of the body so the doctor can get a very clear picture. We can actually hear the heartbeat of a person through the system,” Wilkinson says.

Page 2

Those consultations, Wilkinson notes, include a successful foray into telepsychiatry, something to which the inmates have responded well. He says, “It totally debunks the myth that you have to be in a room and on a couch to address your problems. The prisoners have been extremely responsive. They’ve answered questions and are not intimidated by the equipment at all.”


“We bring in vendors who sell various products and then review the applicability of those

products to determine if they are something that might be beneficial for us. We have a large database of information on all of the latest technology, from devices that let us listen for a heartbeat in the trunk of a car, to other types of sound-monitoring and personnel-location devices. We haven’t bought everything we’ve seen, but we’ve exposed ourselves to an awful lot,” Wilkinson says.


Another database tracks gang members. It enables corrections personnel to instantly tell which prisoners are gang members, information readily shared with law enforcement. The Intranet system is accessible only to prison personnel. The ODRC’s Internet site is equally sophisticated, allowing the public to keep up with parole information or track the movements of a specific prisoner.


TechBeat is the flagship publication of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center system. Our goal is to keep you up to date on technologies that are currently being developed by the NLECTC system, as well as other research and development efforts within the Federal Government and private industry. Your questions, comments, and story ideas are always welcome...

Reproduction of any part of this publication is encouraged by NLECTC unless otherwise indicated.

Page 3

More Fire Power for Bomb and Arson Investigation

Develop a restricted-access electronic library for forensic and law enforcement professionals. This library will link to databases of other organizations and associations to provide a comprehensive source of expertise and research materials. It will be accessible to lab personnel and to crime scene technicians, who can tap into it from onsite laptop computers. This online access will include procedural guidelines, information on unfamiliar types of evidence, and contact names of individuals with indepth experience in a particular area.


“We met extensively with representatives from the Federal laboratories, including the FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation] and ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms], to make sure there wouldn’t be any project overlap,” Dr. Cunningham says. “We now have some of their top people on our board. We’ll use the working groups and our advisory board to direct our research and training initiatives . . . no point in us duplicating research that is being done by the ATF or the FBI. They already do superb research in these areas,” he says.

Dr. Cunningham notes that a World Wide Web site is already in place, and work on the center’s electronic library is under way. There is even a newsletter, appropriately titled Debris. Center staff also are developing new training courses for crime lab and law enforcement professionals. In the future, he says, the center will partner with the university’s Institute of Simulation and Training, which currently focuses on using computer simulation to train in emergency preparedness. According to Dr. Cunningham, the institute’s ability to do computer modeling can be extended into the area of molecular modeling to simulate explosions.

“We believe in strength in numbers and in a strong partnership between government, industry, and academe,” says Marilyn Cobb Croach, UCF’s director of Federal relations.

“We have an amazing research base here, with the Naval Air Warfare Center, the U.S. Army

Simulation Training and Instrumentation Command, the U.S. Air Force’s Simulation and Modeling office, and the U.S. Marine Corps Program Office, all located in Orlando. We believe we can join with these partners to take the knowledge to the professions that need it,” she states.

Page 4

We Got You Covered

The idea of using science and technology to combat crime has long sparked the imaginations of the criminal justice community as well as the general public. Beginning in the 1890s, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, through his Sherlock Holmes stories, fascinated readers with techniques such as cataloging tobacco ashes to identify suspects’ brands of choice. Real life soon found it was able to imitate fiction, when in 1891 the idea of tracing and identifying an individual typewriter by peculiarities of the type first appeared in the Sherlock Holmes’ tale “A Case of Identity.” Three years later, such a process was invented to help authorities authenticate typewritten documents. Doyle was later called upon to assist in the investigation of London’s “Jack the Ripper” case. During 1919 in San Francisco, Edward Oscar Heinrich, known as “the American Sherlock Holmes,” opened the first modern laboratory devoted to crime detection. A chemist originally from Wisconsin, Heinrich went on to solve cases that included the Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle affair.

Despite strong interest, development and adoption of criminal justice technology has been a slow process. There were scattered early attempts to update police technology. An early example of police technology was the construction of the first modern polygraph in 1921 by a medical student and a police officer. However, it wasn’t until the explosion of technology during and after World War II that law enforcement agencies were able to learn from developments in other organizations, particularly the military. Radio equipment and surveillance aircraft found their way onto some larger police departments. But few devices were conceived and developed specifically for law enforcement applications. It was with this in mind that the U.S. Government began in the 1960s to assemble the resources to provide specific technical assistance to the Nation’s law enforcement—and later corrections and forensic science—communities.



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• Timeline analysis.

• Through-the-wall sensors technology.

• Distributed wireless communications.


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• Audio enhancement technology.

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• Public safety communications.

• Weapons and ballistics systems.

• Crime mapping and analysis training and technical assistance.

• Corrections and law enforcement outreach support.

• Explosives detection and neutralization technology.


Office of Law Enforcement

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• Location and evaluation of technologies for commercialization into the criminal justice field.

• Technology assessments, market and financial analyses, intellectual property evaluations, capital access information, manufacturer profiling and selection, and commercialization/business plans.

• Informational technology showcases and commercialization opportunity programs that connect the criminal justice community with manufacturers and technology developers.

Border Research and Technology Center (BRTC)

225 Broadway, Suite 740 • San Diego, CA 92101

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• Border crossing interdiction technology.

• Mobile radio interoperability technology.

• Contraband detection technology.

• Base station/repeaters technology.

• Infrared/night vision technology.

Page 1, 5

Nighttime Eyes

With a new generation of night vision devices that see in the dark by detecting heat, there is no more hiding in dark corners, crawling under bushes, or crossing borders on a moonless night. No more tossing out evidence, ditching weapons, or stashing the drugs. Serving as test beds for these lightweight, handheld thermal-imaging devices, 10 Texas police agencies are putting some new “heat” on criminals by getting them out of the dark.

Developed by Raytheon Corporation and supplied by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), these thermal imagers resemble a typical palm-sized camcorder, but with a much wider lens. They also can be linked to video recording systems for review of a police pursuit, crime scene investigation, or surveillance. But because these devices detect heat (infrared radiation) instead of visible light, they allow officers to “see” any heat-emitting object, even one hidden in total darkness. Officers can, for example, spot a suspect hiding behind or underneath bushes simply by panning the area or locate recently discarded evidence or weapons that still retain the heat of the suspect’s hands. Because of the heat emanating from the engine, even a parking lot full of cars can be scanned to find a recently driven vehicle.

“You can also use these cameras for search and rescue, to find people in the woods,” says NIJ program manager Tom Coty. “Infrared cameras used by fire departments have saved lives. In one city, firefighters used an infrared camera to scan a smokefilled room. They found an elderly woman and saved her life,” he says. Because these devices detect images through temperature contrast, they also can be used in the daytime.

Thermal imaging, or infrared technology, is not new, Coty says. It has been used by the military for many years and increasingly sophisticated, long-range thermal imagers are used by the U.S. Border Patrol to intercept drug smugglers and apprehend individuals attempting to illegally cross our borders. While thermal imaging devices called Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) have been installed on police helicopters, the NIJ project will assess the handheld and patrol-vehicle-mounted thermal imagers being evaluated by four Texas police departments, three sheriff’s departments, and the Texas Rangers. NIJ anticipates that feedback from the evaluation will show the imagers to have greater mobility and agility for law enforcement use.

“There are many uses for infrared technology,” Coty says. “Officers can use them while searching darkened buildings or houses . . . without using a flashlight that would give the suspect an unwanted advantage. They can also use them to pick out vehicles that have been recently driven. In one case, an officer with an infrared unit mounted on the patrol car found a hit-and-run suspect’s car parked on a residential street. Its warm engine made it stand out among the other ‘cold’ cars. Additionally, officers will be able to spot recently made tire skid marks, detect the warm-water trail of a swimmer, or find recently discarded evidence by the heat it retains from the suspect’s hands,” he adds.

Coty says the project is actually a two-pronged effort. Through the University of Texas at Dallas and Raytheon, NIJ is evaluating the use and effectiveness of infrared technology. In the first phase of the project, Raytheon will document the effort required

to install the thermal imagers, train operators, and determine how long it takes before the agency is effectively using the devices. In the second phase, the university will study the use and effectiveness of the devices and compare the information to data from a control group of agencies that did not receive them.

Coty notes that most of the departments and agencies receiving the thermal imagers will act as test beds and attempt to find new ways to use the technology. Some of the other agencies, however, have more specific plans: The Dallas County Sheriff’s Department will use the devices for warrant serving; the Grayson County Sheriff’s Department will use them in water rescue, marina and resort area surveillance, and in counterdrug operations; and the Texas Rangers plan to use the devices at murder scene investigations and during manhunts.

The cost of the thermal imager together with video recorders and other accessories can run over $10,000. But according to Coty, “Law enforcement agencies should see a reduction in the cost of the sensors if a Department of Defense program is successful in reducing the manufacturing costs of the core infrared sensor components.” Assisting NIJ in monitoring this grant is the Border Research and Technology Center (BRTC) in San Diego, California. BRTC, which is part of the NIJ National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center system and is operated by Sandia National Laboratories, is currently facilitating the identification and delivery of advanced night vision and specialized illumination technologies to law enforcement agencies operating along the border.

Page 6

Body Armor–A Common Sense Guide


The guide will also provide a history of the body armor program, which was created in the early 1970s when E.I du Pont de Nemours & Co. developed Kevlar®, a material the company intended as a replacement for the steel belting in radial tires. An NIJ scientist’s musing over whether Kevlar was also strong enough to stop bullets was the spark that started it all. Shortly thereafter, NIJ distributed 5,000 vests for field testing to law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Within 6 months, this new technology—which was originally met with great skepticism—saved a police officer’s life.

New Publications

Preventing In-Custody Deaths. This informational videotape, targeted to the many smaller county municipal jail facilities throughout the United States, details actions to prevent in-custody deaths related to positional asphyxia. The video provides jail personnel information about why and how positional asphyxia occurs and offers suggestions and recommendations to help reduce the potential of in-custody death. The video highlights the correct procedures to use when restraining a violent prisoner and safety precautions to follow to help jail personnel prevent medical problems.


Personal Note

1. Movie: Silence of the Lambs

One of Hannibal Lecter’s requests...a condition for solve a serial-crime case...access to the Sun...the air least through a small window...up in the listen the sound of be close to Nature...

2. Yogic books on Pranayama

The role of fresh controlling the calm down...the human body...

Written around 0502 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

Revised around 0751 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006


Page 7

NLECTC Is Online


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National Institute of Justice (NIJ)...


Last August, 19 mid-level managers from law enforcement agencies across the United States attended the first such Institute. Participants shared the operational challenges that their departments have experienced and how they used technology to solve these problems. Participants also toured NIJ’s Office of Science and Technology; the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC); FBI Headquarters; the FBI National Academy; the U.S. Department of Justice; and the Pentagon, where staff gave demonstrations on various technologies under development or being used by their agencies.

Page 8

I’ve Seen Your Face Before!


“We have addressed the fundamental problem of all two-dimensional systems, which is that mug shots only have a front and a profile view. But most of the time people are captured on tape at an angled view,” Eraslan says. “None of the existing methods can capture that to match it because the human head is three dimensional.”

Eraslan knew a three-dimensional problem required a three-dimensional solution.


The program also will be equipped with an automatic composite builder, which will allow the investigator to build a face while the victim describes the suspect. The investigator will be able to rotate the head to different angles and change the lighting to recreate the conditions that existed when the crime occurred. In addition, the software program will let investigators convert existing two-dimensional mug shots to three dimensional.


0809 a.m. - 0817 a.m. 0:08 To downstairs; idli crumbs and water for birds

0817 a.m. - 0820 a.m. 0:03 Urinal, wash hands

0820 a.m. - 0835 a.m. 0:15 Ayurvedic medicine for Schizophrenia – lehiyam, kashayam, laxative; food: Idli x2, loose white coconut chammandi, uyunu vada x2, cabbage twaran; around a glass of water; discussion with mother

The discussion this day morning...was on the local Malayalam newspaper article...on the Government Labor commission raid at my workplace...following some worker’s complaint on low wages...

I tell my mother...that the government didn’t care to investigate my petitions...on the ongoing surveillance...privacy violation...stalking...human rights hacking...sexual harassment...voyeurism...

But they act on labor complaints...filed by someone...maybe that person got political hold...or know how to pull high places...for the government to take action...

My mother replies that...maybe a group of people...say 5 or more...together filed a complaint...which must have prompted the authorities to investigate...

Written around 1143 a.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

0835 a.m. - 0922 a.m. 0:07 To upstairsº; update Test Diary – chap 30, 31, 34; spydevices; links

º We should not have stood there...yesterday...

- The sucker to her family...

So it must have been the great bastard...the medical representative...the sucker...the so-called old woman...and a baby kid...the strange 3+1 people that I acting the entrance to Technopark...yesterday night...

Strange...that I didn’t look at any of their faces...just had a passing glance at those filthy fecal matter eating bastards...from a distance...

Strange...that the so-called old woman didn’t really look that old...that fat pig of a woman who stood near that tall fat man...looked around 50 years or so...not that old as I thought...nor was the woman...thin, dark, and I imagined...

But then there was a baby being held by that woman...I wonder whose child it is...

Did the bastard medical representative have a child?...or is it someone else...

Anyway do the bastard pig know...that if this stalking goes this...what will be his family status in this city...Do he know what will happen to that child when he or she grows up...

Pray to God...bastard...that if that child is yours...that he doesn’t publically disown you...doesn’t publically proclaim that he didn’t have a father...a fecal matter eating voyeur as you...Shameless spineless filth...will be that child...if he is your son...a child who will have the same nosy...intrusive character as who believes he can do anything in other’s house hold...try to force any man or woman to have sex with any whore...out too will be the character of that child...let the world know...the product of your rotten penis...if it is your child, bastard of a worm...

Hoi...hoi...What did you do yesterday?...

You acting as bowing to me...folding your hands to, a stray dog...

And when you found that I crossed the road...from the opposite side...not to walk near by this praying man....what did you do, bastard?...

You beckoned that young woman...who stood next to cross the road ...and stand in the opposite that I might see that whore...I might get impressed by that penis sucking public urinal...isn’t?...Strange that I didn’t feel anything...when I walked past that rotten pumpkin...acting as if a tall sucker...wearing high heeled slippers...who will have to scoop really low...if she want to suck any more penis...

What honor do your family have...rotten pig?...

What filth of man created you into this world?...

Which rotten whore got you out of her bleeding hole...into this world...bastard?...

Bastard, after nearly 7 thought that you can see me face to face...isn’t rotten asshole?...Oh!...what a courage...I really should admire...such a shameless man...and those women...who accompanied him...

That shows you masquerading as a nothing but a spineless filth...who still think...after all these of voyeurism...that I will admire the prostitutes of your rotten family...

Get lost...mother fucker...

Go asshole...get some rotten fuck your women...

You will never get me...

And if you to me...face to face...

And make is a public road...with lots and lots of people around...not a place with less people yesterday...

Face me as a man...shit eunuch...hiding behind prostitutes...

And day...when this case becomes sufficiently public...and comes before government...

All the nick names I have used so medical representative...sucker...old woman...will be modified...with your true names in society...

And when you and your women come out public...your photos will also be taken...and displayed in my websites...for all the people in this see...for people need to know...who these famous voyeurs...medical representative...sucker...old whore...are ...whether they were only the imaginations of a mad man...a mad his only people in this world...his old parents and brother...thought...or they were actually inhuman bastards...of flesh and blood...who tried to cheat a man...sexually abuse him...and hunted him mercilessly like a dog...for years and years...

Written around 1249 p.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

Revised around 0110 p.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

0922 a.m. - 1019 a.m. 0:57 Internet surfing


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Thermal Imaging Turns Up the Heat

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1019 a.m. - 1038 a.m. 0:19 Browse computer files

1038 a.m. - 1053 a.m. 0:15 CD Write – backup copy of testdiary

1048 a.m. - 1050 a.m. 0:15 Urinal, wash hands

1053 a.m. - 1056 a.m. 0:03 Collect tea from downstairs

1056 a.m. - 1148 a.m. 0:52 Diary notes on paper; I change writing on garbage paper to fair paper; for those on garbage paper fades away after some time...I thought this stalking will stop...those bastards will never come before me out of shame...and I don’t have to publish my filth...but these voices...suggesting renewed runins...force me to go into commence taking proper ensure my physical let the world file court case, if needed...using what ever money, a beggar like me got...and do what ever I stop this menace...from spoiling my life...destroying my life...further...after all these years of over 10+ years of combined stalking...I just have to destroy my stalkers...before they destroy me...

If they were true to what I wrote on philosophy...then never in this world...would they have done what happened yesterday...never would have they shown a rotten prostitute to a mad man...but they tried yesterday...totally discarding my writings...which don’t have any value...or meaning to them...other than making money from my stolen notes...To them, all that matters is my penis...nothing else...and yesterday they proved it...So I have to that family is going to the years to come...whether they should pride themselves...or whether they should detest themselves...for their own activities...

Written around 0126 p.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

Revised around 0129 p.m. Saturday, November 04, 2006

1148 a.m. - 0132 a.m. 0:44 Daily diary notes on computer

A set of diary notes...very abusive in it was some of those in 2002-2004...then I masked vulgar I don’t...

It is always I write those vulgar that spur of the moment...when I become someone else...

Yesterday...I watched that other man...typing furiously...with whatever few typing skills he got...typing madly onto the computer keyboard...words that just came into his mind...flowed out...through the fingers...and expressed themselves...

I watched that other genuine surprise...and admiration...that such a man exists along with me...

I watched the emotions of my various stalkers and their that other man typed various things a state of a state of a state of trance...

The surprised feeling of the Australians...the humiliated feeling of the medical representative family...the emotional feeling of the Brahmin family...and some others...all at their own individual observation posts...individual base stations...

And above all...I watched this very body...the fingers typing furiouslyº...and that part of my mind...that was agitated...

Watching many things at the same time...within...and without...

I was in a sort of...elevated mental state...spread out...and the feeling is very pleasant...a feeling where you become all bodily pains...of hunger, tiredness, etc...

That elevation...that elevated very voluptuous...bewitching...that you be in that state...always...

That transformation...the in-between process...from one another man...and back to equally watch...

All watches the if a shadow...


Written around 1132 a.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Revised around 0824 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

Before sitting down to talk to your first-ever patient, remind yourself what you are trying to do.

1. To establish the facts about the illness by recording the patient’s experiences. You may well be offered the patient’s own diagnosis, or another physician’s, such as ‘indigestion’, ‘anaemia’, or ‘arthritis’ but remember that behind each label lies a set of symptoms and it is these you must now ferret out.

2. To establish the patient’s attitudes to his illness by watching for non-verbal clues and by listening for the hopes and fears with which he clothes his narrative.

3. To establish the doctor’s attitude to the patient and his illness. The commonest complaint about doctors is that they neither seem to have the time nor the inclination to listen and the patient who sees the doctor reaching for a prescription pad for a psychotropic drug before he has told his full story must fear that the bulb in the dashboard warning light is being removed as a quicker and cleaner alternative to lifting the bonnet to check the oil level. A patient of mine said ‘I knew he must be an important specialist because he wouldn’t let me talk to him’, while a colleague commented ‘Usually I talk to my patients, but if I have time, I listen to them too.’

(Reference: Toghill, Peter J. (Editor) (1991) Examining Patients: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine. Great Britain: Educational Low-Priced Books Scheme (ELBS) with Edward Arnold. J R A Mitchell. History Taking. Chapter 1. Page 2.)

The medical representative family...have seen this elevated condition...many times before...

And when the flame died out...the medical is the other man...stopped his outpouring of that instance of elevation...

Written around 1136 a.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

º Back in 2004 and before...I didn’t know I know a little bit...

Analysis of yesterday’s event...shows that the typing skills are not up to the face this type of outpour....

I need to improve my prepare for many a future instance...of spontaneous transformation...from one personality to another...based on multiple emotions...

Yesterday considerable typing mistakes were made...while in the state of elevation...typing need to be if I am and furious...when my environment...

This factor is already known to some of my foreign noted by their words of analysis...from February to August or so of I was learning...and practicing...typing at my workplace...that benchmark for high speed typing...

Yes...I have to practice more...

Written around 1200 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Revised around 1203 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

So far...majority of such frenzied state...occurred in an abusive it depended on my current stalking case...

I need to slowly move away...from an abusive context...unethical something better...Apply the same concept to other contexts...without the abusive element...

There in olden times...history records frenzied states of many...temple oracles...great singers...skilled dancers...and so on...that fusion of work in hand...and the the zen concept goes on mindfulness...concentration...

Written around 0848 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

Revised around 0851 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

To Continue

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

To Continue

0945 a.m. - 0950 a.m. 0:05 Turn ON computer; diary notes on paper; mother comes upstairs to arrange mat and tie mosquito net; talk to mother on the verbal duel faced by Sankaracharya with Madana Mishra

Madana Mishra was a family man...while Sankaracharya a celibate...and they faced a verbal duel...two opposing philosophical schools of thought...fighting each other...Mishra was assisted by his wise wife...and the philosophical debate moved onto tantric topics dealing with Kamasutra...

How can a celibate answer kamasutra...without experiencing...The opponent’s wife asks certain questions from experience...while the celibate is left with no answer...Oh!!...

For according to the wise’s knowledge is only complete...when the so-called dirty things of life...the second-rate stuff...classified as sin in also known...

So Sankaracharya took leave of the duel...after asking permission to recommence the duel...after a certain period of time...

He was a man under retain his body the Christ...but he need to know the intricate details of sex...and in those days, they didn’t have...pictorial materials in paper format...detailed sex videos...simulations...or similar teach what it it you have today...

He was a celibate tantric...but with yogic powers...

He went into meditation...leaving some of his choicest guard his body...until he returned...

The yogi entered the body of a his a far away kingdom...The king survived his virtue of the yogi’s powers...and he continued to rule his it was well as enjoy adventures of the bed...with his various wives...and the being along with the king...riding the same vehicle of the king’s body...learned the forbidden science...without any breach of purity...retaining his personal purity as a celibate...

After sufficient direct...but indirect knowledge...of kamasutra...the yogi left the king’s body...satisfied...and returned back to his own body...

He then returned for the verbal duel...and defeated Madana Mishra...making him renounce his family life...and converted him into a wandering ascetic...and one of his disciples...

Written around 0150 p.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

Revised around 0158 p.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0950 a.m. - 0959 a.m. 0:09 Diary notes on paper

0959 a.m. - 1032 a.m. 0:33 Food: Rice, cabbage and cauliflower twaran, gooseberry pickle, a handful of groundnut and channa, half a muruku, a glass of water, a small cup of milk, a small rasakatali banana; discussion with parents

1032 a.m. - 1035 a.m. 0:03 Diary notes on paper

1035 a.m. - 1102 a.m. 0:27 Modify front pages of some of the sister websites by adding information about the new ones

1102 a.m. - 1115 a.m. 0:13 Defecate – loose motion, wash, wipe

1115 a.m. - 1204 p.m. 0:49 Daily diary notes on computer

1204 p.m. - 1210 p.m. 0:06 Shut down computer terminal, diary notes on paper

1210 p.m. - 1215 p.m. 0:05 To toilet, urinal, wash hands; to room, lock door, prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; lay down on mat to sleep

1215 p.m. ~ 0400 p.m. 3:45 Sleep

Normal...sound sleep...

A vague dream was noted...not much can be recollected...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Written around 0715 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

0400 p.m. – 0457 p.m. 0:30 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0715 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

0457 p.m. – 0518 p.m. 0:21 Sit on mat, not sleepy

Couple of teardrops drip from the right noted by my monitors...some of them think...I am sad...

Written around 0717 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Revised around 1102 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0518 p.m. – 0520 p.m. 0:02 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; to toilet

Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 0717 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

0520 p.m. – 0607 p.m. 0:47 Undress, emission check, urinal, brush teeth, jala neti, thread neti, anoint head with ayurvedic oil, prayer, shower, wipe the body dry with a towel, prayer, apply a pinch of ayurvedic powder Rasnadi to head, apply Thromboprob to the pubic pustule, apply Nycil powder to itchy areas of the body, dress in towel

Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in a few minutes...leaving clear water...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this sleeping instance as...No emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 0718 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

But then...someone else is also watching...(those two personalities interchanging...)

- A foreign male monitor...

In my diary notes, there are various things lying hidden...not revealed...that is why I write with the 3 if a sort of a run along format...It is up to the reader to bring it ferret out...various interpretations...for if I do such will take ages to explain...a single concept alone...

At the end of the day...that entity...which some call God...which some don’t call anything...or it...covers A-Z...of any spectrum...both pure and all-inclusive...

It all depends on how you look at it...and it also depends on which level you are...where you look at it...The view at something...from the ground...from atop a tower...are two different things...but deal with one and the same thing...

The more apt...for something...which is male...which is female...which is both...which is neither...Thus it can be looked upon as a bastard...a homosexual...a virgin...a whore...a stone...just anything...for words are meaningless to describe it...

Oh! yes!...some of my monitors ponder on the word bastard...

It is already mentioned in one of my previous a dilemma...

Do you know the Catholic Church take great pains to explain the bastard nature of the Christ...cloaked in purity...about something that looks dirty...but is not dirty...but it is...normal you can say...abnormal you can say...though he was born by legitimate means...

From the tantric view, I just put it...a bit more blunt...or vulgar...for to normal is something hard to a virgin...untouched woman...can ever give birth...under normal human circumstances...without pollination...

But then to the one who died...and started all over again...the transformed one...the Christ...the whole concept...takes a new meaning...a different meaning...but the same words...

Written around 0734 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Revised around 1215 p.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0607 p.m. - 0615 p.m. 0:08 Dress in outdoor cloths: Brown underwear, cream pants, multicolored checkered handkerchief, white banian, ash full-sleeves shirt

0615 p.m. - 0633 p.m. 0:18 Partially untie mosquito net, fold net, blanket, mat; sprinkle water in the 3 upstairs rooms, offer water to the Lord, collect fresh water from downstairs, burn incense, camphor, ring bell, prostrate to the Lord, brief prayer

0633 p.m. - 0715 p.m. 0:42 Kapalabhati 30x3, Anuloma Viloma 2x5, meditation, Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Paschimothanasana, Chakrasana, Padahasthasana, Kakasana, Tadasana

0715 p.m. - 0740 p.m. 0:25 Diary notes on paper

0740 p.m. - 0855 p.m. 1:15 To downstairs; food: Rice, vendaka twaran, cauliflower murukuvatti, rasam, steamed tapioca, quarter glass of water; discussion with mother

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0853 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0855 p.m. - 0900 p.m. 0:05 Call workplace and inform of leave this night for I was feeling sleepy and dazed

Some visitors...part of the so-called relatives group...

A chubby guy...a pretty young woman...a small kid...I quickly shy away...go upstairs...not to face them...or any outsiders...

They look perfect couple...perfect for insertion...guy is chubby like a to insert that healthy and pretty make her happy...and satisfied...with lots of stored the form of fat...

The medical representative is more fatter than this pig...

Written around 0920 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Revised around 0903 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0900 p.m. - 0910 p.m. 0:10 To upstairs, change dress to white dhoti and purple full sleeves shirt, urinal, wash hands; to room, lock door, spread mat, tie mosquito net

e-ga-ne pa-ra-yan o-kum...en-doe-nu pa-ra-nal kel-kum...What to tell him...what to say to him...that he might listen...

- The obsessed sucker to the old woman on insertion...on analyzing the conversation between the mother...and the son who was talking about solipsism...

What to tell him...what to say to him...that he might insert...into the sucker’s lick the sucker’s hole...

Maybe the a bit too a pumpkin...not bent forward...and lick her own hole...

Written around 0918 p.m. Sunday, November 05, 2006

Revised around 0125 p.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0910 p.m. - 0922 p.m. 0:12 Diary notes on paper

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

The old woman is agitated...on reading my scribbled notes...written in dim light...especially the abuse a request to her daughter...who was reading alongwith...from a far away distance...

The old woman is too abusive...for her sucker daughter...

Well...I just condensed solipsism...

Written around 0930 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0922 p.m. - 0930 p.m. 0:08 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; lay down on mat to sleep

0930 p.m. - 1200 p.m. 2:30 Sleep

Monday, November 06, 2006

Emission Damage

Relative Amount Medium

How do I feel? Tired

0000 a.m. ~ 0100 a.m. 1:00 Sleep

Normal...sound sleep...except that instance when I regained awareness...

A vague dream was noted...the image of my mother appeared again...I was kissing my beloved mother...

I penis pumping...I slip back to sleep...

No other carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No other images of women noted either...

Written around 0705 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0100 a.m. – 0133 a.m. 0:33 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

The medical representative talks...on why I didn’t lay on the the prone that the emission would not have been monitored...

As if I went to sleep...wanting to have an emission...(then such a want, would have become a masturbation NOT an emission)...and I don’t want my monitors to witness it...

Couple of days back...I noted voices of some men and women...while at my work place...talking on how a man can live without if emitting or masturbation is a basic human need...

And here I have my monitors...curious men and women...sitting awake all enjoy just that...basic human need...

And I...being aware of the 24 hour monitoring...should have the honor...and masturbate for them...for their satisfaction...isn’t?...

As if every night...or even once a while...a man goes and stand on a busy road...pulls down his undergarments...exposes his curious men and women...and masturbates before all the men and women in the witness...People would then call such a man...mad... one so far called my voyeurs mad...but they call me instead mad!...

Was it because...I didn’t please those women-in-love...women-in-need??...

If instead of a man like me,...if it was a young woman...who is aware of predator men watching her privacy...all day and night...will she...have the honor...and masturbate for them...for their satisfaction?...

If I use the same logic as my women monitors say...turn the same logic around...then I should say...that women should be undress...before men...AND women...and public...And if married...have public...with your spouse...

Which nowadays...even if many of the women feel of no use...ABSOLUTELY no use at all...for you are being watched...

And there are many women nowadays...who feel very high...elevated...on watching such privacy...of other women!...

Can you label them lesbians?...

The problem is...there are lots of them...leaving you to wonder...when you feel their presence monitoring...whether the word ‘woman’ stands for ‘lesbian’!...

Do investigate my stalking case...and you will know...confirm...what I speak of...

Written around 0718 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

Revised around 0816 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0133 a.m. – 0158 a.m. 0:25 Sit on mat, not sleepy

0158 a.m. – 0200 a.m. 0:02 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; to toilet

Emission check: No thick stain...noted in the undergarment...on manual darkness...

Written around 0730 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0200 a.m. – 0245 a.m. 0:45 Undress, emission check, urinal, brush teeth, jala neti, thread neti, anoint head with ayurvedic oil, prayer, shower, wipe the body dry with a towel, prayer, apply a pinch of ayurvedic powder Rasnadi to head, dress in towel

Emission check: Medium sized pale and dry patch...stain of the white fabric...

Urinal: Thick white effervescent bubbles...which continues to remain adamant...even after 3-5 minutes...without noted by my monitors...

The evidence proves my emission...

May the Lord forgive me...


Written around 0736 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 0736 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0245 a.m. – 0300 a.m. 0:15 Dress in black track suit and black banian; to room; untie mosquito net; wash mat and put to dry on a wooden stand for the water to drip away; wash mosquito net, blanket, and put them to dry on the wooden stand; to room, prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord

0300 a.m. – 0309 a.m. 0:09 Tidy personal things; diary notes on paper

0309 a.m. - 0325 a.m. 0:16 To downstairs, put soiled and other cloths for washing in the washing machine; tidy rooms

0325 a.m. - 0555 a.m. 2:30 Parents wake up; discussion with mother; food: Idli x2, cauliflower murukuvatti; half a steamed banana; a glass of water; tea x2; read pages 82-92 of Whitaker; ayurvedic medicine for Schizophrenia – lehiyam, kashayam, laxative; to upstairs; basic lessons on how to use Microsoft Word to wordprocess documents to mother

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0636 a.m. Monday, November 06, 2006

0555 a.m. - 0610 a.m. 0:15 Defecate – small lumps of fecal matter; not much, wash, wipe

0610 a.m. - 0620 a.m. 0:10 Rice and water for birds; to downstairs; reboil tea

0620 a.m. - 0640 a.m. 0:20 Daily diary notes on computer

0640 a.m. - 0652 a.m. 0:12 Defecate – loose motion, wash, wipe

0652 a.m. - 0657 a.m. 0:05 Remove loudspeakers connected to the computer and put them safely in the attic

0657 a.m. - 0826 a.m. 1:29 Daily diary notes on computer

0826 a.m. - 0835 a.m. 0:09 Defecate – loose motion, wash, wipe

0835 a.m. - 0940 a.m. 1:05 Daily diary notes on computer

0000 a.m. - 0000 a.m. 0:00

To continue

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

To continue

Thursday, November 16, 2006

To continue

0033 a.m. - 0212 a.m. 1:39 Finish transcription of wave 2 of 06:50 minutes. Contains considerable material in short time...with less time dragging...

0212 a.m. - 0216 a.m. 0:04 Prepare to edit; a bit of water

0216 a.m. - 0258 a.m. 0:42 Edit wave 2

0258 a.m. - 0303 a.m. 0:05 TL edits wave 2

0303 a.m. - 0320 a.m. 0:17 To toilet; urinal; wash hands, face, eyes, mouth; wipe; to tea lounge; collect bag; prepare for food intake; food: Idli x3, loose white coconut chammandi, cauliflower murukuvatti, a glass of water, a cup of tea; wash utensils, leave bag between locker and coffee machine; to toilet; wash mouth; to new module

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0912 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Come out of the flesh...and you will get it...a thought passes...

Written around 0324 a.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

0320 a.m. - 0325 a.m. 0:05 Look for TL; diary notes on paper

0325 a.m. - 0334 a.m. 0:09 Review wave 2; upload

0334 a.m. - 0350 a.m. 0:16 Read medical webpages

0350 a.m. - 0418 a.m. 0:28 Transcribe wave 3, JOB263259508, of 90 seconds

Around 0421 a.m.

Ii-ni ei-ghi-lum e-la-ki least now...remove it...

- The medical a tone of the cabaret dancer...

For my scribbled notes...I believe...are instantaneously available to many...including to some at my workplace!...

Am I mad?...

Written around 0423 a.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0928 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

0418 a.m. - 0434 a.m. 0:16 Edit wave 3

0434 a.m. - 0455 a.m. 0:21 TL edit wave 3 at terminal HS 390; transcribe wave 4, JOB263332619, of 17 seconds from the next terminal HS 415; TL edit wave 4; peer edit wave 3

0455 a.m. - 0459 a.m. 0:04 To toilet; urinal; wash hands, face, eyes, mouth; wipe

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0937 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Oh! Mirror...How am I to express my you...

How I want to laugh...aloud...laugh...and laugh...

Oh!...that early morning heralding...from that nearby mosque...


May peace be unto him!...


Written around 0502 a.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0943 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

0459 a.m. - 0505 a.m. 0:06 A cup of tea, diary notes on paper at tea lounge

0505 a.m. - 0513 a.m. 0:08 Review wave 3; upload

0513 a.m. - 0520 a.m. 0:07 Edit wave 4; prepare to transcribe wave 5, JOB263336998, of 4:08 minutes

0520 a.m. - 0610 a.m. 0:50 Transcribe wave 5, JOB263336998, of 4:08 minutes at terminal HS 415

0610 a.m. - 0615 a.m. 0:05 Upload wave 4

0615 a.m. - 0620 a.m. 0:05 Patient information (ADT) of wave 5

Around 0703 a.m.

En-du che-yan po-ku-nu...alo-chi-chu ni-kan ne-ra-mi-la...what are we going to do...there is no time to time to waste...(something have to be done very fast...before those scribbled notes go to the web...)

- The cabaret dancer to the medical a tone of distress...

The woman in distress...because the medical representative family understand...that I became aware...of the indepth monitoring...of my scribbled diary notes in well as what is done on the the new internal monitors...within the addition to...the usual external monitors...outside the a far away distance...

Written around 0703 a.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 1007 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

0620 a.m. - 0650 a.m. 0:30 Edit wave 5

0650 a.m. - 0704 a.m. 0:14 Peer edit wave 5

0704 a.m. - 0710 a.m. 0:06 Upload wave 5; shut down terminal HS 390

0710 a.m. - 0715 a.m. 0:05 Exit New Module; talk to QC (Quality Manager) on the way; to main office; mark attendance

To continue

0924 a.m. - 0945 a.m. 0:21 Walk home

Outside the house...a blue saree clad woman...along with some other women and men...were trying to sell off...some other geisha...this old woman had a dog-like barking voice...a voice nowadays I frequently door...on the South side of my I hear on the North side...the old woman’s voice...

So there is another old woman now...with a dog-like voice...trying to sell her bitch...

This time I walked...from the opposite side of the road...near the taxi stand...outside Hotel instance like yesterday’s is not repeated...

Many a taxidriver at that stand...were witnesses are today...and as I walk...I listen to their hush/hush the grand technological many a young woman and their lauch a combined sexually abuse the stalking victim...some how...

And what I am going the the bus stop...opposite the house...just anywhere outside my house of stay...are all different women...part of a combined stalking group...doing a joint sexually abuse a man...and the chief mode of instantaneous communication...between the mobile phone...

You must have noticed that last 2 weeks or so...I was uploading daily notes...for I was conducting a covert test...and yesterday night...I confirmed my belief...

That thermal imaging device...I mentioned in my diary notes...the date of the article is colored was 1998...NOW it is 2006...A more high tech device is now in common use...I BELIEVE...

I will explain...the reason behind that belief... can easily brush this the imagination of a Schizophrenic...

But...hear what I have to observation...

Whatever diary notes are scribbled down in tiny fast rough paper...I have found that within half an hour...this diary notes is instantaneously available for lots and lots of far away places...This material...they can even read at a later if reading a webpage...


To zoom from a far away distance...clearly decipher what I wrote...and then type it out in a computer...upload onto a website...will take at least 2-3 hours...after I have written, say 20

The common mistaken belief...that 20 lines...others can most 2-3 hours later...

But what I have the last 2-3 weeks is takes less than half an hour...and it is available to lots of and far away distances...places...

So the above process of typing not what is going on...

Some other high tech spy equipment is IN OPERATION...which facilitates transfer of hand written a wider audience in less than half an hour...and it also allows the create a database of that...they can read...the earlier if reading the front page of a book...instead of the last back page...the latest writings...

I expect you the matter in which part of the conduct a covert investigation...on the use of certain highly advanced spying common operation...among common people...

My stalking case is the proof of such a new age privacy...human rights...personal freedom...violation...

Remember...the same can be applicable...any your land too...but few are the documentation...of such advanced devices being in common use...covertly...for sexual abuse...


Written around 0115 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0523 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

If you are a woman...a sister to is absolutely important...that you investigate this this city...of from any country you are...Try to learn the modus operandi...used by the sexual predators...and ponder...the opposite scenario...The scenario where male sex predators...use similar devices...for raping any women out there...any time...any where...

You will then understand the gravity of the scenario...when similar covert spy devices are in operation...

The mobile phone...which many a woman carry if that tiny thing is a security nothing... go somewhere...a bit far from your home...In the time of emergency...for a far away relative...say your father or brother or spouse...physically at a far away respond to a call of will take at least half an physically get to where you are...And when similar devices of indepth 24 hour monitoring is in won’t take 5 minutes...of that crucial vulnerable deflower you...

Remember that...

The right place...the right time...the right circumstances...when nobody is around...5 minutes is too much...of a time...for a rapist...tracking you...for months or fulfill his satiate himself...He just have to move that crucial what he wanted to do...and disappear...without a trace...back into darkness...into the shadows...from where he came from...

That is for a single man...operating alone...

What about a gang of men...with combined resources...

I face a gang of women sex predators...their families...and in this city...a virtual stalemate...

Turn whatever that occurred here...all these 6+ years...around...and ponder from the angle of...male sex predators and...women victims...

I...a mad schizophrenic...guarantee (who cares?)...that a covert field research...on what happened here...this nightmare...can lead to various insights...into many aspects of human life...human well-being...which can be used as a basis for new ways of approach...a different perception...and so on...

Written around 0132 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0720 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

To continue

1053 a.m. - 1105 a.m. 0:12 Food: Rice, cabbage twaran, cauliflower murujuvatti, a glass of water, a small cup of milk, muruku x1, a small Rasakatali banana; discussion with mother

Around 1105 a.m.

The mental noting...voices from a far away distance...

Pa-ri-cha-ya pe-dan o-ki-la...mi-da-te cannot introduce yourself to him...develop friendship...or acquaintance with sit quietly...

- The old woman...

Seems the old woman got a similar age-group friend...trying to sell off her daughter too...

Written around 1110 a.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0807 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

I ask a question to my old a little child...which only later...while pondering do I understand...was a very mature question...

Do women put makeup on their face alone?...

After some careful thought...and old mother depends on individual women...and their personal tastes...

Couple of hours later...I ponder on that...

Maybe if I have had asked such a question to a young pretty woman...out of genuine innocence...and curiosity...maybe I might have got a slightly different answer:

Do you put makeup...ONLY in the face?...

No...we do decorate other places also...but it depends on the context...circumstances...on the man...whom to please...and so on...

Do you want to see makeup in some other places?...

Then marry me...Then I will show a certain place...which you will NEVER EVER forget...

So when are you going to marry me?...

I will badly yearn to see it...whenever possible...

As an smells so looks so captivating...and inviting...and it tastes so good...

Once you taste will ever be a slave to it...addicted to that taste...

But then it is like that...once in a blue moon bumper...jumbo lottery...

You cannot sit and whatever you want to do...24 hours a day...on that...for I have other things to do...not just sit and show that...always...

I will pity that nymph...who try to restrict her fountain...from admiring...from tasting...

For with this high tech don’t even need her enjoy whatever precious she enjoy...everyday...for long as I want...without marrying her...and she won’t even know it...

And even if she does come to know about it...she just won’t be able to do stop it...

That is all!...

Written around 0157 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0813 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006


The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible (August, 1989) Project Gutenberg etext

20:17 And if a man shall take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it is a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.

20:18 And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.

20:19 And thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister, nor of thy father's sister: for he uncovereth his near kin: they shall bear their iniquity.

20:20 And if a man shall lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncovered his uncle's nakedness: they shall bear their sin; they shall die childless.

20:21 And if a man shall take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless.

20:22 Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: that the land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue you not out.

20:23 And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.

- The Third Book of Moses: Called Leviticus

For the last 6+ years...did my voyeurs...ask my permission?...They only deny...

Written around 0813 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

To continue

0750 p.m. - 0806 p.m. 0:16 Diary notes on paper

Du-sh-ta...cruel man...

- The sucker calling the stalking victim...

And I listen to distress voices of the sucker to her family...

6+ years...If some prostitutes think...they can monitor A-Z of a man...years and years...for the sole purpose of sucking his penis...then, I don’t see any reason...why such whores and their family...shall not be a democratic government setulp...for violation of individual rights...

So rotten whore...come out to suck...bloody shit!...

Bring your mother suck along with...

Written around 0814 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0835 a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Around 0822 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ko-lla-nam...Must kill him...

- The a tone of his family...some men are listeners to...

Written around 0822 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0838.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

The military court will need to look into the above words of the voyeur...on why he said that...after 6+ years of stalking...surveillance...

Written around 0824 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0841.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006



National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.(NLECTC) (Spring 1998) TechBeat: Dedicated to Reporting Developments in Technology for Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Forensics. USA: P.O. Box 1160 Rockville, MD 20849–1160. Pages 1-8.

Despite strong interest, development and adoption of criminal justice technology has been a slow process. There were scattered early attempts to update police technology. An early example of police technology was the construction of the first modern polygraph in 1921 by a medical student and a police officer. However, it wasn’t until the explosion of technology during and after World War II that law enforcement agencies were able to learn from developments in other organizations, particularly the military. Radio equipment and surveillance aircraft found their way onto some larger police departments. But few devices were conceived and developed specifically for law enforcement applications. It was with this in mind that the U.S. Government began in the 1960s to assemble the resources to provide specific technical assistance to the Nation’s law enforcement—and later corrections and forensic science—communities.


“We believe in strength in numbers and in a strong partnership between government, industry, and academe,” says Marilyn Cobb Croach, UCF’s director of Federal relations.

“We have an amazing research base here, with the Naval Air Warfare Center, the U.S. Army

Simulation Training and Instrumentation Command, the U.S. Air Force’s Simulation and Modeling office, and the U.S. Marine Corps Program Office, all located in Orlando. We believe we can join with these partners to take the knowledge to the professions that need it,” she states.



26 Electronic Parkway • Rome, NY 13441

Phone: 888–338–0584 • Fax: 315–330–4315 E-mail:

• Concealed weapons detection technology.

• Contraband detection technology.

• Audio processing technology.

• Timeline analysis.

• Through-the-wall sensors technology.

• Distributed wireless communications.


To continue

1134 p.m. - 1145 p.m. 0:11 Urinal; wash hands, face, eyes, mouth; wipe; collect from the coffee machine; tea at the steps

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0913 p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

He doesn’t know....what is true?...what is false?...

- The medical representative...

What is true?...what is false?...what is true and false?...what is true or false?...what is true but not false?...what is false but not true?...

Written around 1146 p.m. Thursday, November 16, 2006

Revised around 0854.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

To continue

Friday, November 17 2006

To continue

Around 0215 a.m. – 0300 a.m. Friday, November 17 2006

The medical happy...jubilant (how I admire his happiness!)...that he was able to give...a live some of the new my ‘work place’ (?)(!!)...

As if we are trying to convert them...indirectly...

Written around 0319 a.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 1024.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

To continue

All through the night shift...I delighted my new monitors...with my Google searching...some women admire...some men they constantly monitor my computer activities...what I type...what I search on the web...their cyberstalking is splendid...and some are a bit the possibility of me leaving their company...when I typed out a short my TL...that I might be leaving...look forward to opt for home transcription...For I have my usual excuses...I have lots to study...

Their internal monitoring...was as usual...supervised by my external monitors...from far away...

Written around 0708 a.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 1019.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Couple of points the discussion of my new...internal monitors...within the the use of mobile phone...for receiving zoomed well as hand written material...and the confirmation...that this ‘majestic typist’ indeed is he...talked about...among the masses...all over the city...”What they said...(the medical representative family and the public...) is true...”

Written around 0739 a.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0731.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

And there was a notable comment about my erotic writings...which pleases many a man...puts many a woman to dream...that those high power activities...pressing activities...the adventures of the bed...are written by someone...who is said to have come out...of that physical interest...of the body...while what the others...the Casanovas...who wish to test it...imitate it...with their weak body...are with that yearning indulge...physically...with any woman...about what he a state of altered mind...of madness...

Written around 0903 a.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0738.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

To continue

1000 a.m. ~ 0100 p.m. 3:00 Sleep on mat, covered with brown blanket

Normal...sound sleep...

No dreams noted...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Written around 0523 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

0100 p.m. – 0200 p.m. 1:00 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0524 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

0200 p.m. – 0215 p.m. 0:15 Sit on mat, not sleepy

0215 p.m. – 0218 p.m. 0:03 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; roll up mat; fold blanket; manual emission check; to toilet

Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 0526 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

0218 p.m. – 0308 p.m. 0:50 Undress, emission checkº, urinal¹, brush teeth², jala neti, thread neti, anoint head with ayurvedic oil, clean wash basin area, prayer, shower, wipe the body dry with a towel, prayer, apply a pinch of ayurvedic powder Rasnadi to head, apply Quadriderm to the arm pit and pubic itchy areas, dress in towel

º Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 0531 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

¹ Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in 1-3 minutes...leaving clear water...behind...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this instance of sleeping as...No emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 0531 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

² Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

He is aggressive...

- The Australian woman stalker...

I was naked...and very jolly...pleasant...and as it happens to many...who when the privacy of their bathroom...suddenly feel a imitate the best singer in the too I...and I sing...whatever my mind feels like...and along with the blabbering...I reply to the invisible voice...

O Vittal...they say you are the most calm...the most serene one...

Have you not been...the most aggressive one...then where would have been we?...None of the things that we see...that we don’t see...would ever have been there...had you been not the most aggressive oneº...

We got a form...a body...ONLY because you were aggressive...

Strange that some felt wanted you created...whatever is out there¹...

Strange too...that you...the most serene one...advocate...stillness...calmness...expect us to follow the commandments...precepts...while you are...the most aggressive one...without ANY self-control²...too!!...

But then that is what makes you the greatest...Only you the invisible sublime one have the right for this strange duality...

We...the weak mortals...just have to your laws...

That is it...

Written around 0544 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0646.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

º There would have been only that single Matter...nothing else...Just you alone...nan nan ma-tr-am...I I all respects...

Written around 0614 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0649.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

¹ If that is true...then to need to be aggressive...

To create all those infinite need to be very, very aggressive...

Written around 0615 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0650.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

² Ponder...the most aggressive one...the greatest criminal...teaching be the most calm...the serenest monk... that joke!!...

Laugh...and laugh...and that madness...

Written around 0620 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0652.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

To continue

0415 p.m. - 0430 p.m. 0:15 Food: Rice, steamed legumes, ginger pickle, a small Rasakatali banana, a glass of yoghurt and water

0430 p.m. - 0500 p.m. 0:30 Snacks: a quarter piece of Muruku; discussion with mother

I talk about Christ...his union with the so-called Devil...the evil called killing...the eating of flesh/meat/fish...

Written around 0648 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 1032.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Around 0640 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

A short flare up...Along with the loud blabbering...I suddenly blurt agitation...

An-di ta-da-vi-ya-le o-ra-kam va-ru-lu...can sleep only when the penis is coddled...gently stroked...massaged...

An extremely vulgar phrase in Malayalam...which I used about the persistent women stalkers...who it seems...can go to sleep...only when your penis is coddled...gently their deft fingers...breasts...

After blurting it out...I sit in serene silence...and suddenly ponder on the reverse implication...of that beautiful phrase...

I who work night shift...rarely sleep at night...face the same do my against...

I...6+ years of sleeping at normal people...

But they stayed awake...and did make me not to go to sleep...not to have a good sound constantly talking obscene things...of so as to somehow cause emission in the stalking victim...make him physically tired...

No...I don’t want to write the same material...over and over again...I leave it to the enforcement...court of law...the ponder...

Written around 0656 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0522.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Any person...who works continuous night shift...knows how difficult it have a normal sound sleep...a good sleep...during the day...especially during hot scorching weather...

Back in 1996-1997...before going to the monastery...I faced similar scenario...with the Australian stalker...

With the night just can’t sleep properly during the day...

Something have to be there...which can tire your body...a bit that it remains dead...for at least 5-6 hours...

To have a 6-hour sleep is really a boon...

If you are married...maybe you can indulge with your the morning...and that might make you a log...

You can even keep a woman...under the title of girlfriend...ask her to have a good night’s sleep...and come to see you in the morning...when you return from work...

And you undress her...ask her to assume various positions...and vent all your anger...of working inserting...pushing and prodding...your rod...into her hole...for half an hour or make you sleep...

But then I was not married...and I wanted to sleep...

So there was a time where I used the same concept...of...

An-di ta-da-vi-ya-le o-ra-kam va-ru-lu...can sleep only when the penis is coddled...gently stroked...massaged...

In other words...masturbation...just to make me sleep...and those masturbation sounds...were keenly listened the woman stalker...

Various methods were used to have a good masturbation...and some of them were a bit the bed moving to and fro...which made many a woman neighbour suddenly wise...and the morning...

Early morning...a small sleepy university town...even a small sound...will assume a very audible nature...

After months of testing...such diverse methods...I understood...that it only weakens the mind and body...with no long term benefits...other than ill health...due to tremendous loss of that fluid...

And I just have to find alternate methods...

Written around 1058.a.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

The irony is...that masturbation...sometimes even daily...gave an impression to the stalker that she had made a right coming stay opposite my hunt me down...for normal working men insert only once or twice...or even thrice...a week...while here is a guy...with lots of energy...who masturbates nearly every day...And if you corner such an aggressive guy...he can make you happy...everyday...which other men may not be able to...

During the initial stages of the masturbation...after night shift...I toyed with the idea...of going over...and that unusually pretty, young, white woman...who stands outside her residence...opposite the street...every day I return from work...

You start with talking to her casually...

Then slowly...invite her over to your residence for a cup of tea or coffee...

And then slowly...invite her to your room...for more personal conversation...

And then slowly...invite her to lay down and talk...

And then once the initial bodily introductions are over...ask come over...every day morning...for a half an hour or so humping...instead of just standing there and staring...for more better understanding...before you decide...should you marry her or not...

During the climax days of masturbation...whenever I used to have sex with the unfortunate bed...I used to listen to her pangs...within her residence...across the street...her increased beating of heart...her sudden cries of those goose which quack...quack...quack...her excited passion...her thoughts about her object of obsession...indulging with are supposed to be that someone...but you are not there physically...

Finally I got sick of the is croaking too much...its legs give away to my continuous pressing...that ever increasing pressure for more and more...

I threw the bed away...


And slowly commenced the ascetic practices...from experience...


Today...after years...when I look back at those days...I am very proud of...due to the experience gained...

When I look at the physical and mental constitution of many of my women lovers...a thought dawns...that majority of these women are of weak constitution...their flesh just cannot withstand a strong aggressive bout...for days and days...They have great ideas of sex...but their body is just not withstand...what they dream of...

I know from experience...a good aggressive bout...will leave many of these women mutiliated...for life...a body which is not trained to withstand high pressure...physically or mentally...

And I pity them...for harboring desires of the forbidden...

And I also understand that...ONLY through ascetic practices...can a sex maniac like me...can further...nurture my weakness...into a strength...of vast potential...for union...with the mental world...through the mind...


Written around 0600.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Revised around 0726.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

Yesterday when I added the word the court of monitors...especiallly the foreign ones got a bit worried...

Ponder...on the use of this high tech devices...the various examples I have cited...I have experienced as violation...its misuse...

Don’t you think...the security of any nation is AT GRAVE DANGER...RISK...when similar devices are in common use...

That is what I expect...whoever who investigate this case to ponder onº...

You have a state of emergency...a state of counter civilian government can handle or respond to...once you fully understand the ramifications...the implications...when similar devices are in common use...

The removal of ignorance...even that slight lifting of the bring in distilled amount of wisdom...can bring about great changes...turmoil...panic...

Written around 0708 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0629.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

º My individual experience...the issues...that affect this body...this city of nine gates...this forbidden city...this Patala...this hell...this heaven...when stretched a rubber band...the same rubber a a a a a continent...the whole planet...the whole world...

The dangers remain the same...the same external threats...the same internal problems...regarding lack of submission to authority...

All remains the it is...

Written around 0718 p.m. Friday, November 17 2006

Revised around 0634.p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2006

To continue

Saturday, November 18 2006

To continue

Ka-li ka-ri-yam ma-yi-po-yi...the game got serious...

- The cabaret dancer to the medical representative...on my seriousness...

It may be about the stalking/monitoring may be about my personal life...

How can you achieve something...anything...without being the cause?...

Written around 0248 a.m. Saturday, November 18 2006 monitors should not worry about the concepts...of military takeover...and so on...

Ponder...on the state of Israel...a small land...the so-called promised land...but surrounded from all enemies...the state is always in a state of emergency...a state where it is the civilians who rule...civilians who are de-facto military members...a state where there is compulsory military education...compulsory military training...compulsory military service...for a certain period of time...where each expected to return back to the barracks...when the state goes to defend itself...during war...

During the time of so-called peace...the non-active...surplus...soldiers live a state of civilian life...

And there is no retirement...from the are always on service...on duty...on serve the nation...any time...even until old long as you are to to handle a weapon...even it be a serve...the motherland...

The ultimate ideal is that One nation...the whole planet as One nation...with freedom of movement live work anywhere...

As long as such a state of oneness...a federation of NOT just have to abide...with the near best option...

That is all...

Written around 0308 a.m. Saturday, November 18 2006

Revised around 1150 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

Discussion with mother...

On the role of portraits...idols externally...and its ideal be in your mind always...

The viewing of a separate well as a thought process...or even part of yourself...

Written around 0344 a.m. Saturday, November 18 2006

Are monks...priests...exempt from military service...or given a minor role as a military pastor?...

Those who train to be celibates...will the higher commando training...

They will be trained...for those high-risk...deep penetration...covert activities...within enemy territory...NOT in minor is now prevalent...

You will remain a monk...a priest...a nun...but also a those Christian those warrior Buddhist those of the Naga army...of yesterdays...

Written around 0349 a.m. Saturday, November 18 2006

Revised around 1151 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

Oh! Yes!...yesterday...I also talked about that...ancient South Indian sage...Bhogar...the Siddha...who developed the Black stone...according to certain alchemic rules...and installed in Mecca...

The cradle of that modern day religion...going under the title of Islam...

The Siddha...whose so-called said to be at Tamil Nadu...the hills where the temple of the God of War...Lord situated...

Ponder on the concept of warfare...across nations...the God of War...the modern Islam ‘extremism’...

Written around 0454 a.m. Saturday, November 18 2006

Revised around 1152 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

Now you mad I am...writing too much of speculation...

Written around 0457 a.m. Saturday, November 18 2006

To continue

Sunday, November 19 2006

To continue

1105 a.m. - 1111 a.m. 0:06 Walk home

Pulimoodu junction...the man standing to cross MG Road...opposite the Punjab and Sind Bank...

a-ra-va-taa...a-ra-va-taa...O half-mad...O half-mad...

- A young man loudly calling the man...from the back...behind noted by the medical representative family...from a far away distance...

The young man is probably working in one of the shops there...and want to tease the man...loudly...for other people to hear...

Without heeding...not bothering...the man crosses the road...and walk towards home...

How kind is that man...calls me half-mad...while I call myself fully mad...

Written around 0912 p.m. Sunday, November 19 2006

Revised around 0837.p.m. Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Go...go and stand outside...

- The old woman to the the man walked past the closed Repromen...

The woman is probably referring to my yesterday’s writings...the man is returning home...from work...tired...and if the sucker can stand outside...shaking with undergarments...or slowly gyrating her fat hips...conveying an unspoken message...maybe the tired man might feel passion...get heated...and allow the thirsty woman to wipe his pubic area...around his penis...with her tongue...using her saliva as polish...and allow her to quench her Sunday morning sucking the juice out of that fat cucumber...

The man reaches home...ring the calling bell...and wait for his mother to open the door...

While waiting...he walks to the side...and looks at Repromen...

The institute is closed for Sunday...

He will come...and beat...

- The sucker to the old woman...monitoring the man...

The man just confirmed the use of deliberate conversation...between the if to increase his tension...

Probably this monitors must be somewhere far away...maybe 2-5 kilometers away...probably within the safety of their private residence...and watching the overall activities of their victim...and whenever the ideal surroundings come up...they use apt infuriate their victim...

Written around 0912 p.m. Sunday, November 19 2006

Revised around 1019.a.m. Wednesday, November 22, 2006

To continue

Monday, November 20 2006

To continue

Tuesday, November 21 2006

To continue

0917 p.m. - 0927 p.m. 0:10 To Pattom

0927 p.m. - 0939 p.m. 0:12 Wait near bus bay for company bus; diary notes on paper

It is also strange...that in some is the commando who goes in first...destroys that that is vital...and then the regular army follows behind...

Written around 0938 p.m. Tuesday, November 21 2006

As the car neared the public bus bay...I note two women standing in the bus young 20-30 years old...the other 40-50 years old...a young man 20-35 years old was sitting on a motor bike...leisurely...and talking to them...the time is nearly 09:30 p.m. at night...

I didn’t look at any of them...

I stood a little bit away from them...who knows whether they are prostitutes or not...standing at such a late hour...near a traffic junction...under the pretext of boarding a bus...they were well dressed...which doesn’t give any first their trade...

Many a bus came...these women didn’t board any of them...they continued talking to their so-called customer...pleasing his penis...with their nocturnal sweet talk...

As I stood a bit further...scribbling my diary notes...I note the loud voices of the young woman...she is excited...and talking about story which is public this city...on how I humiliated women...and so on...

As it is getting late for work...and since I missing the company this boarding point also...I board the get to father will drop me...

As the car moved...I note the conversation of the Brahmin family...

The old man is asking the young woman...why she stood there...

Oops! was that of my voyeurs...that saintly lover...

If it was her...I really didn’t expect...this stand at that so late an hour...and do a preplanned run-in...

I thought...was under the impression...that this Brahmin saint...will have some decency...maybe she may exhibit herself...within some temple...or so...

The voices of the medical representative family trio...continue as usual...bearing a silent witness...from a far away all the documented events...

Written around 1052 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Revised around 1058 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

0939 p.m. - 0958 p.m. 0:19 To Technopark by car

To continue

1037 p.m. - 1041 p.m. 0:04 To main office; mark attendance

a-ga-ne ma-na-m should not humiliate like that...

- A young woman...

If this implies...about my women stalkers...and my abuses...

Yes...I did abuse a lot...I feel sorry...

Now what I went through...from the hands of those women sex predators...for over 6+ years...

Just turn the whole scenario around...

A man...or a group of male sex predators...doing the same any woman...out there...

Voyeurism...surveillance...stalking...sexual baiting...harrassment...teasing publically on any hole activity...especially the vaginal leakage...or anal expelling...or breast discharge if any...of the woman victim...


The woman victim...should not abuse...humiliate...her male voyeurs...monitors...abusers...this what I did...

I believe it is...acceptable?...

For here...all those women tried to do...was to make him have sex with him...

And since more women are there...make him that more happy...

For there...all those men try to do...was to make her have sex with her...

And if more men are is make her that more happy...

That is all...

And since it is all of a different kind...I should not go to court...for it is natural to fall in love...with anything even rich...

And if I don’t go to too should any woman...out there...

Praise your I follow the advice of my women stalkers...

Sing always...Oh! beloved greatest beloved rapists...and so on...

Written around 1048 p.m. Tuesday, November 21 2006

Revised around 0843 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

And pray for Lord...forgive them...may you wash away their sins...they were just a little bit little children...

That is all...

Written around 0843 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Revised around 0845 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

To continue

Wednesday, November 22 2006

To continue

Around 0250 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

i-vi-de kon-du nir-ti ka-ni-ku-ka-ya-nu...they are bring them show him...

- A woman’s voice nearby...

That many a family are bringing their marriageable show him...which sometimes include the main women stalkers also...and all such...other show offs are under the monitoring...witness...of the main stalking groups...

I suspect the break-times...the intervals...when I leave the computer lab for outside...suddenly women appearing from nowhere...I think...I have to take random breaks...instead of a fixed time...and test it out...

Written around 0253 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Revised around 1151 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Around 1145 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

There is security there...outsiders cannot enter...(the Technopark campus)...

- The medical representative the presence of his family...while cyberstalking this diary they are being typed onto the computer...

Written around 0835 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Yes...officially you have the excuse...that entry passes are needed...outsiders are not allowed entry...and so on...

But with the daily new voices...I hear at night...I suspect...some inside contact is breach that rule...

Just have the entry pass of someone...who is working at Technopark...maybe working at someother shift...and a whole family can drive in...showing that pass at the gates...that is all...

Once inside the can lay in wait...ANYWHERE...constantly monitoring him...understanding his regular pattern of nightlife...

Whenever he leaves the computer lab... just mingle with other women workers...walk past him...stand near the women’s toilet...sit by the steps near the in the tea lounge...and so on...all to show off that makeup...

And the ideal time is always the shift change time...when there is a huge crowd in and around the office...Mingling with the thick crowd at that time...can even help brush your breasts against his get the feel of it...

Written around 1204 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

To continue

0350 a.m. - 0357 a.m. 0:07 Tea at tea lounge

e-ni-ku pe-di aa-vu-nu...I am getting frightened...

- The sucker to her a mock distress voice...while monitoring the man having tea...

6+ years of stalking...If I haven’t exposed the the read...I don’t think this bastard would have any fear...

If I did not publish my diary notes...the stalking...and surveillance...will continue as such...without any fear...for no one else knows what is going on...

I published some of my diary notes...

And the stalking continues...inspite of that publication...

It means this bastard just don’t fear anyone...nor do her family...

And now they bank their hopes...on other women...who may be more prettier...than that shitface...the cabaret hunting down the stalking victim...

For if he doesn’t turn on even after showing the woman to him for over 6+ just means...the woman is not beautiful turn him let some else try...

We just watch from far away...and when he is tired with that woman...we will resume again...for it will be then...just another hole to shake the penis in...

A different variety of taste...if you go by a sex connoisseur’s standards...

Written around 0405 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Revised around 1221 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Locally...the same words have a common a different context...a romantic context...

e-ni-ku pe-di aa-vu-nu...I am getting frightened...

When a young man and a young woman...together are alone in a place...say a house...a lonely park...a lonely spot of a beach...and so on...the excited woman says act turn on the manliness of the give that sense of protection to her...that someone is there as a protect her...and you implement that feeling of look after care for removing that feeling of fear...of becoming one with boost her inner entering that secluded satisfying her as much as she want...

Written around 1228 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

Revised around 1232 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

To continue

0807 a.m. - 0815 a.m. 0:08 Walk home

Around 0812 a.m. – 0815 a.m. A suspected run-in

Pulimoodu junction...the man standing to cross MG Road...opposite the Punjab and Sind Bank...

The man crosses the road...a young woman 20-30 years light shining green churidar...quickly crosses the road from the opposite if towards the Shanta Paint House direction...

Without looking at her...I walk towards home...

On entering the Ambuja Vilasom Road...just after the Kesari Buildings...a dark blue/black/green small car was parked...looked expensive...the car paint was shining...and a man in white 50-60 years of age...sat in the driver’s seat...he was fiddling a mobile if in constant communication with someone far away...the mobile phone had a blue lighted screen...and he was holding it the steering give the impression...that he is busy...

The sight of the expensive looking car...on the left side of the this time of early morning...when most of the shops are closed...surprised me...and also made me suspicious...and few are the people on the road...

I note the registration of the car...KL-01 AK 6652...I don’t know the model or make of the car...It is one of those fancy new models...small type...which is frequently seen...among the so-called prestigious...head-weight people of the city...

I walked past the car...and the car slowly rolled past give the impression...that the car left...was not parked there on purpose...

At the front of my house...this car...went into the narrow Lukes’s lane...the vital mistake...of the driver...who must have dropped that woman bait...and was waiting for her return...

As I neared my house...I watched the car...that went into that blind alley...proudly...slowly...

At the far end...just before Holiday Inn...the car turned into the car park of a multistory building at the right side...reversed...and turned return...back to the junction...

From a far away distance...that old man...must have spotted me...standing outside my house...watching his tantrums...going all the way into Lukes Lane...just to reverse a small car...

He spotted me...staring at him...from a far away distance...and he was a sort of trapped...he comes up...he will expose his he stopped his car there...and waited...

Confirming that it was indeed a preplanned run-in...I walked into my house...for I don’t want to create a going up and asking that old man...

Old man...why do you pester young men...just because you have an unmarried woman at home...your daughter most probably...

Can’t you lick her hole everyday...and satisfy her...and thus help control herself...instead of pestering other do the same...

Do you have any weakness...sexual this old age...that prevents you from indulging...But you dress yourself as a man...

The voices of the medical representative family trio...continue as usual...bearing a silent witness...from a far away all the documented events...

The voices of the Brahmin also noted...bearing a silent witness...from a far away all the documented events...

Both groups are worried...that I immediately understood a run-in is going on...and a vital evidence...the vehicle registration number is noted down...

As I stalking story is the talk of the town...few are the women who haven’t heard my story...

And I humiliated women...

And today...many a woman want to regain the lost humiliation...and the only way to achieve to some how sexually abuse me...suck my penis forcibly...or force sex onto me...

And today...many a young woman harbor that get even with this monster...who scarred the very name of womanhood...

And sweet...and soft are the initial steps...of sexual baiting...

Written around 1138 a.m. Wednesday, November 22 2006

0815 a.m. - 0819 a.m. 0:04 Reach home; diary notes on paper

To continue

Saturday, November 25, 2006

To continue


Internet Connection: Home computer

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Saturday, November 25, 2006 1133 a.m. – 0225 p.m. IST


Check emails; delete junk emails


Check emails; delete junk emails


Delete junk mails


Check emails; delete junk emails

kamaxidevi homoeopathic medical college goa

vinayaka mission homoeopathic medical college salem

Internet cameras let police peek into businesses

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Panel works to improve tracking of sex offenders

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Photo technology to aid in search for abducted children

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Brown wants to expand GPS monitoring beyond tracking sex offenders

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Professors devise way to detect secret data in photos

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To continue

Monday, November 27, 2006

To continue


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Monday, November 27, 2006 0058 a.m. – 0313 a.m. IST

jain monasteries Karnataka

MD homoeopathy psychiatry India

The Jain Legacy In Karnataka

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Jaina System of Education

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Jainism is divided into two sects of Swetambara and Digambara. The Swetambara monks wear white and Digambara ascetics who practice extreme renunciation have to discard even the last piece of cloth or the barest necessity of life, to overcome worldly binding. Similarly sallekhana or death by observing religious injunction of fast unto death is not only permitted in Jainism2, but also held in high esteem. Individuals who have died observing sallekhana are remembered in special epitaphs known as nishidi or nisadi stones.


Jaina faith lays stress on charity as a path towards self-realization. This charity is fourfold, consisting of food, shelter, medicine, and donating of books. This aspect of charity has helped the spread of education and learning in a great measure. Granthadāna or giving of religious books was common to all faiths but among Jains it took an institutionalized form and helped masses a good deal to acquire knowledge.


All the Jaina Preceptors, acharyas, upadhyas and sādhus or shramanas were recluses and did not have a family or place of their own. They belonged to the whole humanity. To avoid attachment to worldly things, they kept on moving. Jaina mathas and basadis that existed throughout the country made provisions for the stay, food and religious discourses of ascetics. These mathas provided shelter and education to students of other faiths as well.


In the days when education could not be separated from religion, both mingled to motivate individuals with character-building and leading a pious life.

JAIN TEMPLES: in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Orissa

Vithala Temple

History: Moodabidri

Badami Cave Temple


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Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association

Mrigendra Das, Nitin Gupta, Kavita Dutta. (2002) Psychiatric training in India Psychiatric Bulletin 26: 70-72 The Royal College of Psychiatrists

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Practice of psychiatry in India — some issues and differences

Psychiatry is an evolving speciality in India (Trivedi, 1998). The bulk of current training is in general psychiatry and liaison psychiatry. It is expected that training programmes in areas like child psychiatry and substance misuse disorders will evolve in the near future.

There are currently approximately 3000 psychiatrists in India. A significant number are in private practice. There is still a considerable number of so called ‘asylum era’ mental hospitals that house patients with chronic mental illness. Community psychiatry is not yet developed, although pilot schemes like the Raipur Rani project in Punjab (Wig et al, 1981) have shown its feasibility. At the moment community psychiatry services are functioning in Karnataka under the aegis of NIMHANS, Bangalore (Srinivasamurthy & Burns, 1992). This could serve as a model for further development of community services across the country. However, this appears to be low on the priority list of the government and funding is a major issue.

Although there is a Mental Health Act, use of mental health legislation is virtually non-existent, with most trainees having only read about it. The probable reasons for less reliance on the mental health law are cultural; family members often persuade patients to seek treatment and the advice of the doctor is often seen as binding. Similarly, the strength of social networks and involvement of the family in the management of the patient probably makes up, to some extent, for the lack of community care. Effective management of patients can be compromised because primary care is not well developed and lines of communication between the private and government psychiatrists are poor.

There are important differences with respect to developed countries in the epidemiology, manifestations and outcome of mental illness, which influence the practice of psychiatry in India (Varma & Das, 1995). Also, traditional medicine and religious beliefs play a large part in the treatment seeking patterns of patients. Large numbers of patients from rural areas are initially seen by religious healers (Kapur, 1975) and only ever get to see a psychiatrist (who are almost always urban-based) if the problems do not resolve. Many patients also seek treatment from alternative systems of medicine like Ayurveda and homeopathy. Stigma about mental illness is significant and symptoms of mental illness are often interpreted along religious lines. It has also been suggested that the practice of psychotherapy, as in the Western world, has to be adapted to Indian cultural beliefs (Neki, 1977).


Psychiatry is still an evolving speciality in India. There is an organised and well-proven postgraduate training programme; however, the number of training places and psychiatrists is low. Training in sub-specialities of psychiatry is in its infancy. The practice of psychiatry is affected by cultural factors, with many patients seeking treatment from magico-religious healers.


To continue

Around 0110 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Ae-ge-ru-de a-du-thu che-nu en-ta-ghi-lum som-sa-ri-kan pa-tu-mo...Can we ever go near him to talk...will it be possible to talk anything...

- The sucker to the medical if worried...

Something like going up to the stalking victim...after years of pacify...with sweet smiles of the have to forgive was this burning urge...for insertion...that made me to watch...that was supposed not to be watched...

Hi...forgive me...hi...forgive me...every day on accousting the victim...purposely...

Their irritating talk from a distance...all these years...I should not care now...

I should only care what they talk to me face to face...

I wonder...when I am going to be a fool like listen...only to what people say to you face to face...while all the time...they said something else...from a distance...and to others...on trapping pull his thing in...ku-thu-ka...and so on...

Interesting...that there are women...who are willing to come forward to spite of what they have done...without any shame...

I always thought...a person who did something bad...will have something called conscience...that prevents him or her...from seeing his or her victim...face to face...due to shame...

After all...after the deed...WHAT IS THERE TO TALK??...whatever cannot go to the past and correct it...

And thus there is no point in citing excuses either...

Written around 0129 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 1003 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006 about this...the imaginary scenario...the sucker meets the victim...face to face...

You have to forgive was this burning urge...for insertion...that made me to watch...that was supposed not to be watched...

I am very sorry...that I didn’t ask any permission...for watching...for I thought it will be mine, anyway...or someday...

And now...I am still single...unmarried...and continue to think of you...

Hope you a man...u-ru pu-ru-shan e-na en-nu pra-ti-shi-ku-nu...

And the sucker walks away...with a seductive, lingering smile...leaving the ball in the victim’s court...leaving the victim in a dilemma...with that strange throb down under...that erect penis suffocating suddenly...

From a far away distance...the medical representative...zooming beyond those pants...fills with so much happiness...watching that heart throb down under...that he too gets a gigantic spite of his old age...

And that old woman...watching from a safe distanceº...who accompanied the sucker as a security guard...on finding the less-than-one-minute confortation was a success...without any nasty ending¹...suddenly feels her old bra is a bit too short...those breasts seem to have gotten a bit spite of her old age...

Written around 0751 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0849 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

º so case he happen to run towards her...immediately is to trash need run away for life...more faster than him...and that safe distance might be an extra mileage...a good start...

Run with her saree pulled the thighs...revealing those beautiful...crane-like ko-ki-de ka-lu po-le...dark, slender as to run with top that the saree doesn’t block her limiting those if shackles...limiting to take giant strides...

Written around 0757 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0931 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

¹ On looking more keenly...from a distance...

No...she didn’t kiss him...

No...he didn’t kiss her...

No...she didn’t slap him...

No...he didn’t slap her...

Written around 0859 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Around 0156 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Chu-ma-te pa-ra-nu che-tam...simply style...

- A woman to the sucker...cyberstalking the man’s computer...commenting the highlighting of philosophical/religious the man...

If this is Chu-ma-te pa-ra-nu che-tam...then something else have to be...real and concrete...

And according to my reasoning...on pondering on majority of the common alternatives...that pushing/pulling in the penis is the only thing...real and concrete...

I am looking for say this observation...from false...

Written around 0202 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0345 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

And that explains...why I nowadays...write in a degraded...B-grade a vulgar way...combining the opposites...for to many...that way is THE ONLY make them read...AND to least to a certain extent...

Written around 0206 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0217 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

The sexy part...attracts their attention...bring them read...more on if it is something that might teach to seduce to captivate the other/s so much, so as to follow you everywhere like a to kiss to push/pull in to heat the other/s up, by diverse means, when ever you feel to enjoy the other/s, by diverse means...

Then there is a pondering part...while they idle their time...later on...

The end stage of pondering...about the higher stages of tantrism...on total abstaining from all sexual left to THE option...physically...and then slowly...mentally...

In other words...we start with the lower dark side...slowly move on to the white side...and then again move remain in the higher dark complete the circle...with that white always being with a a relative that ray of light...surrounded by the overwhelming darkness...

Everything as it is...but with a difference...

Written around 0216 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0404 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006


Kali. Part 1

The description of the Great Cosmic Power Kali describes her as being dark as the night, dancing over Shiva's inert, white body. This representation reveals the significance of the two fundamental aspects of Reality: on one hand there is the dynamic, imanent aspect of God (Kali's dance) and on the other the static, transcendent aspect of consciousness (identified with Shiva).

Shiva is white because he signifies the infinite divine light (prakasha), inert because the absence of movement and action reveals the consciousness pure, homogenous and compact.

On the other hand, Kali's dance signifies the dynamic, active aspect of the Divine, and the dark color of her skin indicates that the processes of the creation are disolved in Kali.

From a different perspective, Kali is also the creator of the universes, as they come to life from the ashes of the Divine Consciousness' purifying fire. Consequently, Kali's action is deeply evolutionary, as she impels the human beings towards evolution, sometimes in a painful manner.

Nonetheless, Kali performs her actions in the divine light and harmony, knowing that this is the best thing to do. Those who manage to pass all the tests and go through all the stages are in truth spiritual heroes, and they will be rewarded with Kali's spiritual grace.

I talk with my mother...on heating up...

Those night shifts can cause the brain to liquefy...ta-la u-ru-ku-ka...due to intense heat...according to my mother...

Anything secretion...need some impetus...

You sexually heat bring out that liquid...from the penis...

You eat heat up the digestive secrete digestive juices...

By exercising you heat some exocrine secrete outside the body...

So too in the brain...

The endocrine glands...which secrete...into the body...some vital can speed that up...with adequate heating...

And to the yogis...tantrics...the secretions of the endocrine glands...especially in the brain...are very vital...

You just have to heat diverse stimulate those glands...

And at night...that romantic god...the moon...Lord Chandra...provide an ideal cooling to such a heat generated...whereas the Sun god can drain it off...cause more exhaustion...if the same is followed during daytime...his heat in the physical world is tremendous during daytime...while at night...with less heat in the surroundings to interfere...we heat the mind...

And hence...any this path...have to train to stay least 6 of the 7 nights...a what you want at do anything...they all lead to the same goal...BUT no leakage of that liquidº...from downunder...

Something I believe ought to be made any monk...priest...or any one...feeling attracted towards the path of spirituality¹...towards the so-called god...towards the so-called devil...

Yes...they say...prolonged night shift...can cause madness...

I admire madness...I delve in madness...I live in madness...

You just need madness...fanatic religious following is nothing but madness...and that is what I try to bring madness...the way of looking at this a totally different way...other than the socially accepted conventional manner...of pseudo rules...laws...behavior...etiquette...regulations...etc...

My experience...the way they tried to pull me out...of this...made me to go more deeper into that save myself...and I became a fanatic...for only fanatism...brings about a mental condition...something very hard to reverse that it will be more harder for my do anything...

Remember they never followed...the socially accepted conventional manner...of pseudo rules...laws...behavior...etiquette...regulations...etc...

To is the goal of the mission...that matters...and so should I follow... the goal of the mission...alone matters...

Strange...that when I became them...I followed the same mission...what they followed for the physical world...I carried it over...into the mental world...for union with that ocean...and thereby nullifying everything in the physical world...

Written around 0411 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 1011 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

º Reference

Dr. S. Chidambarathanu Pillai. (1991) Siddha System of Life. (1/e) Madras, India: Siddha Medical Literature Research Centre.


In Siddha medicine, to preserve the body of human-being without being destroyed or attacked by diseases, Kayakalpam (like Stone) is in practice. It would be of three types:

(1) Mani: It conveys various meanings viz. grain, pearl etc.

Here anyone of the mercury, sulphur, paadaanam and salt is converted into MANI (Rasamani)

How far semen is vital-thadu to man, so also mercury is vital substance in the earth. It has the character of running; it will be burnt in the fire and it mixes with all metals and arsenic matters.

If it can be converted into Mani, without running and being burnt, it acquires great power. It is called ‘Kanaga kulikai’, ‘Soothagakulikai’ or ‘Rasa Kulikai’. It is considered as the super medicine. In the world, Siddhas found at first ‘Rasa Mani’.

¹ Reference

Dr. Bernardo A. Merizalde. Homeopathic Medicine and Psychiatry.

Other biological treatments involve the concept of similarity in their treatment. Such is the case in the treatment of depression with sleep deprivation (Wu,, 1990)...

From this concept...of battlefield...derives my earlier writing...the interpretation on the Christ...

Where you become your enemy...having all the traits of the enemy...something very vital in any military operation...

Two people run a can outrun...only when you have the same speed as your other words...become one with your opponent...and then add a bit exceed defeat him...

Two of the best a thick to kill the can only defeat the other...when you think as the other exactly as the other...IN ALL RESPECTS...and then add a bit exceed defeat him...

So too the battle of the Christ...with the the wilderness...the desert...

The Devil can only be is any first becoming all respects...and then add a bit exceed defeat him...

So in the Bible...I following the above have the concept of union with the one instance...and with another instance...and thus become an all-inclusive one...the One...a concept which is equally available in texts of other religions too...

And that concept of evil is always that other side of a coin...dark just because...when you normally see one side...face to face...the other is dark...not seen alongwith...

Killing...eating fish, meat....sexual indulgence...abusing...are all concepts of the evil...

I abuse a lot...

The Old Testament says killing is not accepted...drinking alcohol is forbidden...

All through the the New have the day to day life of the Christ...imbibing wine...eating fish, if that trait of evil is inbuilt...

And it even says...God creating all creatures...animals...fishes...birds...for man to kill and eat...

That...which are also children of God...part of the same are told to kill!... the ultimate nothing but imagination...yet you are supposed to have compassion...inaction...towards that companion...the imagination...the not touching it just a Sphinx...thereby nullifying the inbuilt evil...

And then you also have the polarity the Bible...advocating celibacy...purity...on one side...and equally advocating that evil...the married...householder life...sexual indulgence...impurity...on the other side...

Thus the Church...may classify their interpretation of the the white side...Christianity as THE white religion...and all others representing the pagan or path of the Devil...the Dark side...

I...with my interpretation...just don’t classify anything as solely white...

White and black always go CANNOT exist without the other...for the sole reason...they are relative measures...

White never exist alone...even you paint a house white...after some years...that whiteness fades to such an extent...that it is horrible to look just have to repaint...

Written around 0449 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0522 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

If sexual indulgence is classified as the act of the Devil...then the permission to marry...that slap onto the face of the master...the way he lived as a an open invitation to the so-called Devil...welcoming him into the Church...the so-called white side...and sit alongwith the so-called God...

Protestants permit it...and many Catholic priests...without openly marrying...indulge by diverse means...with if venting their their Protestant brothers...

Written around 0526 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0532 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006 it any it any it any it any it any village...if there is a Church...there is also something surrounding the Church...something that is very localized...something that stays within the confines of the village or the town...a few kilometers or so surrounding the Church...and the priest/s residence...and that is the sex life of the priest/s...of that church...

You need to go there...the specific church...and live in its premises...for some find out...what that is...and is the most classified secret of the village or town...and if will be killed...

But this new have this wonderful spy keep track...from a safe distance...the penis of...many a father...any it of the religious life...or the family learn how they deal with that...little Devil...down under...THE THING that demarcates spiritual life...and the householder life...THE THING that demarcates a life dedicated to God...and a life dedicted to woman/women... THE THING that demarcates a life on how to please Him better...and a life on how to please her better (which if you follow my ONLY with adventures of the bed!...the only real and concrete thing...)

Have fun...

It will be learn...that many who pride...walking in that imperial attire...of the white cloak...symbolizing the master did with tattered ones...just don’t wear that cloak...

It would be far better to wear the similar but colored cloaks of many housewives...for to the housewives...such a cloak is very easy and handy...especially when their man...feels unite...just raise it up...being stark naked underneath...

Written around 0540 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0612 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

14:51 And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth

cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him:

14:52 And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.

- Mark 14:51-52

To continue

0740 a.m. - 0904 a.m. 1:24 Diary notes on paper; daily diary notes on computer

0904 a.m. - 0906 a.m. 0:02 Shut down computer

0906 a.m. - 0910 a.m. 0:04 To downstairs, wait for mother to serve food

0910 a.m. - 0925 a.m. 0:15 Food: Idli x4, loose white coconut chammandi, tapioca puyuku, a handful of channa and groundnut, muruku x1, a glass of water

Ae-ge-ru chu-ma-te e-yu-ti va-ka-te u-llu...he will only write down...and keep himself...

- The old woman to her daughter...

That explains...the attitude of my predators...for their continued surveillance...and stalking...extending over 6 years...

My feelings...about what I pain...on being visually violated...voyeurism...stalking...cyber stalking...24-hour monitoring...within the house...even over 3000kms away in the work place there...

My diary notes are of no use to them...they just don’t care...what I feel...what I wrote...

The only thing that matters...when am I going to insert into that woman?...give her the joy of pulling it in...and take it out...when wipe it clean...with her tongue...and reinsert satisfy again and again...all the years of waiting...something like a repeated rape...again and again...turned around...until the frail body of the woman gets tired...but the voraciousº will continue again...after some rest...

That alone matters...

That is what constitutes the predator...

And so will be any sex predator...even when turned the other way around...male predators hunting women...using similar...or more advanced spy devices...repeated gang rapes...

I now understand...why all these years of my writings...petitions...didn’t stop them from further monitoring...

They frequently going to the web...I humiliated them...

And now...only that suck...or insertion...will remove the taint of humiliation...

And you have a stalemate...which as in any stalking climax...can end in blood shed...

And if at all...I end up hacking to death...the three main stalkers...the sucker, her mother, and the medical save myself from sexual abuse...I can tell the court...that my writings...were on the web...for the world to read...warning the possibility many a year ago...

I have knocked the doors of many law officers...for investigation into this surveillance...but no one heeded...and by putting all the filled petitions onto the web...the petitions are ever is not just gathering dust in some corner of a police is also in the net for the world to read...but no one did anything....

Many a people in this city...know the story...yet the police is stoically silent...enjoying the drama...

Written around 0941 a.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

Revised around 0107 p.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

º Reference

Dr. Bernardo A. Merizalde. Homeopathic Medicine and Psychiatry.

At Hahnemann Hospital, in Philadelphia, Professor H.N Guernsey was one of the teachers of psychiatry, even though he was an Obstetrician. In 1866, in a paper on Hysteria, he presents a process of hysterical affections as a result of sexual or emotional conflicts, an hypothesis presented many years later by Freud. (Guernsey, 1866)

0925 a.m. - 0928 a.m. 0:03 Urinal, wash hands

0928 a.m. - 0931 a.m. 0:03 Diary notes on paper

0931 a.m. - 0148 p.m. 4:17 Internet surfing; read webpages

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 0520 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006


Internet Connection: Home computer

IP Address:

Monday, November 27, 2006 1006 a.m. – 1038 a.m. IST

Badami Cave Temple


History: Moodabidri

Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association

Mrigendra Das, Nitin Gupta, Kavita Dutta. (2002) Psychiatric training in India Psychiatric Bulletin 26: 70-72 The Royal College of Psychiatrists

Subscribe to the Psychiatric Bulletin published by The Royal College of Psychiatrists

Mrigendra Das, Nitin Gupta, Kavita Dutta. (2002) Psychiatric training in India Psychiatric Bulletin 26: 70-72 The Royal College of Psychiatrists

Central Council of Homoeopathy, India: Post Graduate Degree Course PART IV Syllabus

Information about Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in India

Homeopathic Abbreviations

Hahnemann College of Homeopathy – Faculty


Read and save a copy.

Relevant material/highlights given in:


The Body Matrix

Life in Ayurveda is conceived as the union of body, senses, mind and soul. The living man is a conglomeration of three humours (Vata, Pitta &Kapha), seven basic tissues (Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, Asthi, Majja & Shukra) and the waste products of the body such as faeces, urine and sweat. Thus the total body matrix comprises of the humours, the tissues and the waste products of the body. The growth and decay of this body matrix and its constituents revolve around food which gets processed into humours, tissues and wastes. Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and metabolism of food have an interplay in health and disease which are significantly affected by psychological mechanisms as well as by bio- fire(Agni).


Normally treatment measures involve use of medicines, specific diet and prescribed activity routine. Use of these three measures is done in two ways. In one approach of treatment the three measures antagonize the disease by counteracting the etiological factors and various manifestations of the disease. In the second approach the same three measures of medicine, diet and activity are targeted to exert effects similar to the etiological factors and manifestations of the disease process. These two types of therapeutic approaches are respectively known as Vipreeta and Vipreetarthkari treatments.


Cross Reference

Stedman Medical Dictionary 2.0 (1996)


A therapeutic system in which a disease is treated by producing a second condition that is incompatible with or antagonistic to the first.


A system of therapy developed by Samuel Hahnemann based on the “law of similia,” from the aphorism, similia similibus curantur (likes are cured by likes), which holds that a medicinal substance that can evoke certain symptoms in healthy individuals may be effective in the treatment of illnesses having symptoms closely resembling those produced by the substance.



(e) Satvavajaya concerns mainly with the area of mental disturbances. This includes restraining the mind from desires for unwholesome objects and cultivation of courage, memory and concentration. The study of psychology and psychiatry have been developed extensively in Ayurveda and have wide range of approaches in the treatment of mental disorders.


Diet and Ayurvedic Treatment

In Ayurveda, regulation of diet as therapy has great importance. This is because it considers human body as the product of food. An individual’s mental and spiritual development as well as his temperament is influenced by the quality of food consumed by him. Food in human body is transformed first into chyle or Rasa and then successive processes involve its conversion into blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone-marrow, reproductive elements and ojas. Thus, food is basic to all the metabolic transformations and life activities. Lack of nutrients in food or improper transformation of food lead to a variety of disease conditions.

Development and its Status

In India, development and growth of such a body of knowledge known as Ayurveda, meaning science of life, was coeval with the growth and evolution of Indian civilization and culture. Vedas, which are considered to be the repositories of recorded Indian culture, have mention of this knowledge both in theoretical and practical form. There is discussion of theories about the composition of living and non-living matter, the physical, biochemical, biological, psychological and spiritual components of man and the vital motive forces working both inside and outside the body. In other ancient works there is mention of such current medical subject like anatomy, physiology, aetiology, pathology, treatment and environmental factors. This medical knowledge has been the work of ages. It is the out-come of the great power of observation, generalisation and analysis combined with patient labour of hundred of investigators spread over thousand of years. This knowledge has played so important a part in the development of Indian culture that it has been documented in an integrated form in the Vedas-the ancient most documented Indian wisdom and knowledge.. Most of the mythological and medico-religious genesis of Ayurveda is even today shrouded in the mist of antiquity.


In course of time Ayurveda, which started as a magico-religious practice,...

Dr. Bernardo A. Merizalde. Homeopathic Medicine and Psychiatry.

Read and save a copy.

Relevant material/highlights given in:

The symptoms that developed were recorded carefully and classified according to the organic systems these medicinal substances altered, from the mind and general systemic effects, to specific organ systems.


Hahnemann was a precursor in the field of psychosomatics. He saw the human being having an integrated mind and body, in contrast to the prevailing dualism of his time. In paragraph 210 he says: "In all diseases being treated, the psychic condition of the patient should be written down among the totality of symptoms as one of the most important, if one desires to have a faithful picture of the disease from which to make a successful homeopathic cure."

For him,"..emotional and mental not constitute a class of diseases completely separated from all others, because in so-called physical diseases the emotional and mental state is always affected. For example, how often does not one find, in the most painful diseases of many years standing, a mild gentle disposition commanding the physician's tender consideration and compassion? But when he overcomes the disease and restores the patient...he is often surprised and shocked at the dreadful change in the patient's nature, ingratitude, hardheartedness, unusual maliciousness, and a disposition most disgraceful and degrading to mankind often make their appearance. These are exactly the qualities that this patient had before he became ill. One often finds that people that were patient when they were healthy become obstinate, violent, hasty or unbearable and self-willed, impatient or despairing-when they are ill, those who were discrete and modest become obscene and shameless, those who were clearheaded become dull-witted, those who were inclined to be feebleminded seem to become rather clever and more sensible, those who were slow to decide acquire great presence of mind and decisiveness, etc.". In that paragraph we can see how keen Hahnemann was in observing emotional and behavioral reactions and personality characteristics.

In paragraph 220 he mentions the occurrence of cases with a periodicity of violent insanity with melancholic depression, and the return of certain conditions during specific months of the year.


It seems that Hahnemann was one of those leaders, ahead of his time by more than 100 years. (Dunbar, 1935)

His insights into the role of the mind in disease were such that he noted: "It is possible to create a very grave disease by acting on the vital principle through the power of imagination and to cure it in the same way". He also mentions the use of suggestion and countersuggestion in the treatment of patients. He even endorsed the use of "mesmerism", which is regarded today as the antecedent of hypnosis. (Organon, Paragraphs 17, 288ss.)

From the theoretical point of view, philosophers and theologians were the ones that tackled the concepts of mental illness, while the rest of medicine was centered in the cellular pathology and disinterested in psychiatry.


Davidson has noted that there are similarities between modern psychiatry and homeopathy. Recent neurobiological research tends to validate old homeopathic concepts. Psychotherapeutic techniques tend to elicit the patient's symptoms, in a controlled manner, in order to heal the patient. Such is the case in cognitive, behavioral as well as psychoanalytic treatments. In his article Davidson discusses other points such as the self-healing principle, the microdose effect, disappearance of the symptoms in reverse order of their appearance, and diagnosis by pattern recognition of the symptoms. (Davidson, 1994)

Other biological treatments involve the concept of similarity in their treatment. Such is the case in the treatment of depression with sleep deprivation (Wu,, 1990),...

Homeopaths assert that symptoms are the expression of the organism's effort to restore health. Post and Weiss (1992) and Nesse (2000) present a similar view in contemporary psychiatry. They contend that symptoms of major affective disorders can be adaptive and may reflect the body's self-treating activity.


Most conventional practitioners do not take homeopathy seriously because it is difficult to accept that very diluted substances could have any therapeutic value. Usually, homeopathy is rejected without adequate scientific evaluation. Many scientists postulate that accepting homeopathy would require the abandon of accepted theories of physics and chemistry. This is not necessarily so, just as Newtonian theories are not superseded by quantum physics. It is necessary, and possible, to evaluate homeopathy according to conventional scientific standards.


There have been very few published studies on the use of homeopathy in the mental health field and even fewer follow good scientific methodology.


Hundreds of case reports have been published, in homeopathic journals from the 19nd 20th centuries, of patients suffering from mental disorders who have been treated successfully with homeopathy.


0148 p.m. - 0155 p.m. 0:07 Shut down computer; to toilet, urinal, wash hands

0155 p.m. - 0200 p.m. 0:05 Instructions to father on surfing web; to room; lock door

0200 p.m. - 0205 p.m. 0:05 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; lay down on mat to sleep; cover with white blanket

0205 p.m. ~ 0500 p.m. 2:55 Sleep

Normal...sound sleep...

Some vague dream was noted...I forgot its details...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Did my penis...get erect...while sleeping...I can’t remember...was there a conversation about it...between my monitors...on the likely reasons behind the if it was a matter of serious concern to them...

Written around 1000 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0452 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

0500 p.m. – 0600 p.m. 1:00 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 1002 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0600 p.m. – 0610 p.m. 0:10 Sit on mat, not sleepy

0610 p.m. – 0613 p.m. 0:03 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; to toilet

Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1004 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0613 p.m. – 0705 p.m. 0:52 Undressº, emission check¹, urinal², brush teeth, jala neti, thread neti, anoint head with ayurvedic oil, prayer, shower, wipe the body dry with a towel, prayer, apply a pinch of ayurvedic powder Rasnadi to head, apply Nycil powder to the arm pit and pubic itchy areas, dress in blood red underwear

º Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1005 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

¹ Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1005 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

² Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in 3-5 minutes...leaving clear water...behind...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this instance of sleeping as...No emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 1007 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

Around 0633 p.m. Monday, November 27, 2006

To continue

0705 p.m. - 0712 p.m. 0:07 Dress in outdoor cloths: Brown pants, green handkerchief, white banian, green checkered full-sleeves shirt

0712 p.m. - 0725 p.m. 0:13 Sprinkle water in the 3 upstairs rooms, offer water to the Lord, wash the idol of Lord Buddha, burn incense, camphor, ring bell, prostrate to the Lord, brief prayer

0725 p.m. - 0733 p.m. 0:08 Tidy personal things; look for some missing scribbled paper bits

To continue

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

To continue

0834 a.m. - 0845 a.m. 0:11 Diary notes on paper

0845 a.m. - 0858 a.m. 0:13 Food: Rice, pachatheyal, tapioca puyuku, a quarter glass of water, one Rasakatali banana

0858 a.m. - 0907 a.m. 0:09 Muruku, a handful of channa and groundnut

Strange...are those women...who undergo sex...

It is immaterial...whether it is with one man...or many...

To have that extra happiness...the man will want his penis...sucked by the woman’s lips...licked by her tongue...and in a heated frenzy...he sprays...onto her so those male cats and dogs which demarcate their territory...

After all the frenzy has ebbed away...after a good is THAT is THAT hair...that woman keep so look so sport captivate...

The hair...someone sprayed onto...the face someone ejected onto... squirted without any control...

And such faces...of women who had sex before...maybe with their husband...maybe with someone else...that many men so admire...dream about...

Won’t...the urinate onto more beautiful...than that face...

For in majority of only urinate...whereas in the other one...that sticky glue is also sprayed at...and some urinate have the feel of it...of having conquered a woman...of having made a slave...

In spite of all this...practical realities...women are considered the poets say...What a beautiful face!...what a voluptuous woman...will the moonº be more beautiful than this face... should be considered...more beautiful...than women...for women don’t have anything spray onto a man...unless and is a breast feeding woman...who takes squeezing her huge round water bottles...about...onto whoever is those kids who play with...squeezing water from water bottles...onto each other...

Written around 0918 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0411 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

º Is there any man...who ever urinated...onto the moon...onto Chandra?...

If at all...something similar was was at a pool of water...onto the reflection of the moon...

But here the poets their adoration of beauty...that some man or men may have sprayed onto that pretty face...not by looking at a pool of water...but at those voluptuous parts...of the whole...which may be...that hole...or those innocent looking...bunch of grapes...hanging down...ever look up...

Written around 0947 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0416 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

0907 a.m. - 0920 a.m. 0:13 Diary notes on paper

0920 a.m. - 0935 a.m. 0:15 Defecate: Loose pasty, churdy motion...dark noted by the angryº old whore...from a far away distance...

This woman may not have ever looked at the fecal the urine of her children...once they were above a certain age...

Such a woman showed a stranger like monitoring my urine...fecal matter...and that liquid...for the last 6+ years...

How kind is this old woman...for doing something...even my old mother doesn’t do...

Written around 0954 a.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

º Angry...on reading my above diary notes...zooming from a far away distance...about women in general...women who have have sex...and do a lot of makeup on that if putting a cover the reality...of sporting around a urinal...the so-called if nothing ever happened!...

Written around 0352 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

Revised around 0421 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

0935 a.m. - 1052 a.m. 1:17 Diary notes on paper

1052 a.m. - 1055 a.m. 0:03 Urinal, wash hands

1055 a.m. - 1100 a.m. 0:05 Sort notes to read and study

1100 a.m. - 1105 a.m. 0:05 To room; lock door, prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; lay down on mat to sleep; cover with white blanket

1105 a.m. ~ 0400 p.m. 4:55 Sleep

Normal...sound sleep...

No dreams noted...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Written around 1000 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0400 p.m. – 0500 p.m. 1:00 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 1001 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0500 p.m. – 0510 p.m. 0:10 Sit on mat, not sleepy

0510 p.m. – 0515 p.m. 0:05 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; partially untie mosquito net, fold net, blanket, mat; to toilet

Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1024 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0515 p.m. – 0614 p.m. 0:59 Undress, emission checkº, urinal¹, brush teeth², jala neti, thread neti, anoint head with ayurvedic oil, clean wash basin area, prayer, shower, wipe the body dry with a towel, prayer, apply a pinch of ayurvedic powder Rasnadi to head, apply Surfaz to the arm pit and pubic³ itchy areas, dress in towel

º Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1024 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

¹ Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in 3-5 minutes...leaving clear water...behind...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this instance of sleeping as...No emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 1025 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

² Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1025 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

³ Voices of couple of local men...along with the medical representative family...

Va-li-ya e-tu a-ki-ka-la-nu...he made that a big matter...a big show off...

- A local envy...watching the man...massaging his penis...and the surrounding area...with the antifungal...antibacterial...ointment...Surfaz...

As if the showing off...his penis excite them...while few for the penis of them...the other this ongoing voyeurism...

In short...women spend a lot of time...keeping track of his penis...while no one watches the penis of other men...though penis is the same...for every man...

Written around 1036 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1054 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

At that time...that man’s comment irritated me...for a different reason...

Written around 1041 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1046 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

All these voices...the regular monitors...the new ones...are all watching my very personal things...within the privacy of my house...

That envy that comes to a monitor...seeing the stubbornness of his/her victim to bent...that psychological throb...that feeds him/ rape his/her victim break the other one...who seems to remain spite of repeated rapes...

I leave to the council to ponder...on this...the machismo of the big brother...the overall monitor...

Written around 0628 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1051 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I always minded my own personal matters are never discussed in public by others...

And there comes the voyeurs...monitoring each and everything of my private life...and gossiping around...

I who live in made into some kind of playboy...someone oozing with sex...for the sole reason...I rarely deal with women...

And look at the comment...of envy...of that man...

I don’t want to be a playboy...I just want to be left alone...but those women gossipied whatever they covertly watch...and the men are too jealous...

And now we have a scenario...of a hot man...among both men and some one too go near...

There are men who want to break him...rape him...just to remove his playboy status...of being women’s hero...

There are women who want to break him...rape him...just to remove his playboy get even with him...for his humiliating writings on their voyeurism...

Both sexes after him...for their own reasons... spite of their daily voyeurism...visual rape...of the victim...

And when 24 hour monitoring is in place...that comment is a very serious security problem...

Written around 1104 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1157 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

In the future...when similar monitoring by neighbours...and far away people...become very common...this very dangerous...

If you don’t submit the whims and fancies of your can expect...a gang some vulnerable point of time...

That is all...

Written around 1106 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1110 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

For some of the monitors can develop that aggressive feeling...that you are too much...too unbenting...and need to be brokenº...need to be cut down to that tree overgrown...beyond its permissible limits...

Written around 1113 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1139 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

º brought down to their level...their way of life...

Written around 1139 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The state of a woman...spurning off all sexual advances...and remains chaste...I pity her state of being...under such monitoring circumstances...

Written around 1115 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

For the machismo of the big brother...the overall monitor...comes into play...spurring them to commit various things...on such unbenting victims of surveillance...

Written around 1124 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Now re-read that above writings of pain...written around 0628 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006...again...

Written around 1104 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1157 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0614 p.m. - 0620 p.m. 0:06 Dress in outdoor cloths: Dark blue underwear, brown pants, white multicolored handkerchief, white banian, white full-sleeves shirt

0620 p.m. - 0628 p.m. 0:08 Diary notes on paper

Around 0621 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Va-li-ya u-cha-li aa-ki ka-la-nu...he made himself into a big ruffian...a big rowdy...

- The her family...on reading my hastily scribbled diary notes on paper...from a far away distance...

Written around 0625 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 1152 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0628 p.m. - 0645 p.m. 0:17 Sprinkle water in the 3 upstairs rooms, offer water to the Lord, wash the idol of Lord Buddha, collect fresh water from downstairs; burn incense, camphor, ring bell, prostrate to the Lord, brief prayer

The thought to resign my job...and bring my diary notes to the soon as possible...

The earlier the world knows...the better...

Written around 0646 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0645 p.m. - 0650 p.m. 0:05 Diary notes on paper; to downstairs; talk to mother about the persistent voices being unbearable

They came to destroy me...they set off on a journey...ei-ra-gi ti-ri-cha-tu...the sole purpose of to destroy this body...

And the only option I to destroy myself...before they destroy me...

And when I destroy myself...that which came to destroy me...will be itself...

May my Lord be praised...

Written around 0810 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

That sums up...the art of a few words...

My interpretation...of solipsism...and warfare...combined...

Written around 0940 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0941 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Therefore, I say:

Know your enemy and know yourself;

in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself,

your chances of winning or losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself,

you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c. 500bc

In the above passage...the word destroy...takes two opposing each phrase...

One deals with...abstaining...and its associated measures...

The other deals with...indulgence...and its associated measures...

Written around 0944 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0946 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ponder...on the capillary principle...I wrote before...

Written around 0954 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0650 p.m. - 0704 p.m. 0:14 Food: Fried rice, potatoe murukuvatti, vegetable salad, a glass of water

0704 p.m. - 0720 p.m. 0:16 Loud flare up abusing the medical representative family...for all the neighbors to hear...Some of the finest abuses...ever spoken by me...something which I always just not enough...even if I scream out a crowded court room...or a busy front of...face to face...that voyeur family...for what they have monitored so far...the last 6+ years...whatever they looked at...whatever they talked about...teased about...whatever sexual baiting was done...

Written around 0736 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0739 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

There are laws written down...for those living in follow...And thus I...a not allowed to take law unto my own hands...I am not allowed to take a hatchet...and chop each of those monitors into a thousand pieces...WHICH I VERY BADLY YEARN stop violating me further...

To save me from madness...from this repeated violation...the only recourse I have...then...when I am this loud abuses...some spoken verbally...some written down...

I expect the court to understand...

For I am a man...of flesh and blood...of emotion...of passion...not a monk...nor a god...

And such a entity...was repeatedly violated...

Written around 0747 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0749 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0720 p.m. - 0725 p.m. 0:05 Collect tea from downstairs; during the above flare old father and mother tried to stop me...from screaming out vulgar abuses...for before the is the family honor that is at stake...people will easily understand...a mad man is living next they tried to force me to stop screaming...I in my madness...of mental elevation...threatened to beat them up...asked them to get lost...

My poor parents...cowered...and retreated to a corner...leaving me to scream...until I got tired...

This was the usual in many a past flare ups...

They are just the acceptance...of having a mad son...

For they don’t know about the reality behind...why I scream...those ongoing unknown to them...they never saw anything...they never heard anything...of being and night...

Written around 0757 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0725 p.m. - 0817 p.m. 0:52 Diary notes on computer

0817 p.m. - 0832 p.m. 0:15 To downstairs; mother reboils tea; inform mother that I am resigning...from my current medical transcription job...with this persistent voices 24 hours a day...the appearance of strange unearthly hours at the work night...between around 0900 p.m. to 0700 a.m...the voices which claim those women as the security is at stake...I have to retreat...stay at home...locked in some time...and bring out all those pending diary notes written in paper...the notes from year 2004 onwards...running over thousands of pages when typed out...

Written around 0930 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0938 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0832 p.m. - 0838 p.m. 0:06 Arrange diary notes to be published in the next few days...from now on...I am free...from the pressures of workº...and can devote more typing out...the pending notes...and there will be daily my test diary...both the latest news...and well as past history...the old diary notes...about me...

Written around 0934 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Revised around 0010 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

º those 10+ hours spent daily...for work to work...

Written around 0001 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0838 p.m. - 0856 p.m. 0:18 Defecate: Loose motion

0856 p.m. - 0920 p.m. 0:24 Loiter around; mother reboils tea; kisses to parents, for I am now a sort of calmed down...after that mad frenzy...of abusing...

Around 0858 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

o-re o-ru va-yi-ye ul-lu...ko-nnu ka-la-ya-nam...there is only one way remaining...kill him off...

- The sucker to her mother...with the tone of a defeated woman...unable to have that penis inserted...after repeated distress...and humiliation...

Written around 1022 p.m. Tuesday, November 28, 2006

0915 p.m. - 0918 p.m. 0:03 Call workplace to inform that I am on leave today and tomorrow

0920 p.m. - 1130 p.m. 2:10 Daily diary notes on computer; a cup of tea

1005 p.m. - 1010 p.m. 0:05 Mother brings medicine upstairs; ayurvedic medicine for Schizophrenia – kashayam and medicine with honey

1130 p.m. - 1135 p.m. 0:05 Call workplace to inform a colleague about yesterday’s linecount, for the company statistics

1135 p.m. - 1200 a.m. 0:25 Daily diary notes on computer; a cup of tea

Insert the daily overall monitoring template here

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0000 a.m. - 0023 a.m. 0:23 Daily diary notes on computer

0023 a.m. - 0032 a.m. 0:09 Internet surfing

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1038 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Internet Connection: Home computer

IP Address:

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 0023 a.m. – 0032 a.m. IST

login to apseudomonk

Upload Chap34


0032 a.m. - 0035 a.m. 0:03 Shut down computer terminal

0035 a.m. - 0040 a.m. 0:05 To toilet, urinal, wash hands, to room; lock door, prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; wear blue socks; lay down on mat to sleep

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1032 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0040 a.m. ~ 0330 a.m. 2:50 Sleep

Normal...sound sleep...

A vague dream noted...I forgot its details...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Written around 1122 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0330 a.m. – 0350 a.m. 0:20 Lay on mat, not sleepy

Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...monitoring...talking...

Written around 1124 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0350 a.m. – 0400 p.m. 0:10 Sit on mat, not sleepy

0400 a.m. – 0405 a.m. 0:05 Prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; to toilet

Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1126 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0405 a.m. – 0420 a.m. 0:15 Undressº, emission check¹, urinal², brush teeth, dress in the same dress: blue/green dhoti, purple full sleeves shirt

º Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1133 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

¹ Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1133 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

² Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in 1-3 minutes...leaving clear water...behind...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this instance of sleeping as...No emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 1133 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

0420 a.m. - 0500 a.m. 0:40 To room; prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; to downstairs, wake up mother, mother serves food: Half of dosa x3, potatoe murukuvatti, muruku x3, a glass of water; talk to mother

0500 a.m. - 0505 a.m. 0:05 To upstairs, wear blue socks, change dhoti to black track suit

0505 a.m. - 0528 a.m. 0:23 A cup of tea, just sitting in the arm chair in my room before the portraits of the Lord

0528 a.m. - 0739 a.m. 2:11 Lay on mat, sleepy; sleep

Normal...sound sleep...

No dreams noted...

No carnal/erotic thoughts noted...

No images of women noted either...

Written around 1151 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0739 a.m. - 0748 a.m. 0:09 Sit up; prostrate to the omnipresent invisible Lord; stand up; manual emission check; to toilet, undressº, emission check¹, urinal², dress in indoor cloths: blue/green dhoti, purple full sleeves shirt

º Listen to the voices of my beloved monitors...especially the medical representative family...talking...

Written around 1154 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

¹ Emission check: No emission stains noted...

Written around 1154 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

² Urinal: Some bubbles in urine...most of them vanish in 1-3 minutes...leaving clear water...behind...

No physical the body...noted...

I thus classify this instance of sleeping as...No emission...

May the Lord be praised...


Written around 1154 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Emission Nil

How do I feel? Normal

0748 a.m. - 0752 a.m. 0:04 Diary notes on paper

0752 a.m. - 0813 a.m. 0:21 Loiter around

0813 a.m. - 0816 a.m. 0:03 Fried rice and water for birds

0816 a.m. - 0818 a.m. 0:02 Tidy personal things

0818 a.m. - 0820 a.m. 0:02 Ayurvedic medicine for Schizophrenia – lehiyam, kashayam, laxative

0820 a.m. - 0837 a.m. 0:17 Wait for food to be served

0837 a.m. - 0900 a.m. 0:23 Food: Dosa x2, mulaku char, potatoe murukuvatti, steamed tapioca, a glass of water, muruku x2, a bit of water

0820 a.m. - 0907 a.m. 0:47 Read pages 22-42 of Brian Austin. (2000) Using the Internet in easy steps .compact. (1/e) UK: Computer Step.

0907 a.m. - 0910 a.m. 0:03 To upstairs room, diary notes on paper

0910 a.m. - 0934 a.m. 0:24 Read pages 43-54 of Brian Austin. (2000) Using the Internet in easy steps .compact. (1/e) UK: Computer Step; a cup of tea

0934 a.m. - 0940 a.m. 0:06 Loiter around while mother reboils tea

0940 a.m. - 0958 a.m. 0:18 Relax; browse Dr. S. Chidambarathanu Pillai. (1991) Siddha System of Life. (1/e) Madras, India: Siddha Medical Literature Research Centre; a cup of tea


Dr. S. Chidambarathanu Pillai. (1991) Siddha System of Life. (1/e) Madras, India: Siddha Medical Literature Research Centre.


In Siddha medicine, to preserve the body of human-being without being destroyed or attacked by diseases, Kayakalpam (like Stone) is in practice. It would be of three types:

(1) Mani: It conveys various meanings viz. grain, pearl etc.

Here anyone of the mercury, sulphur, paadaanam and salt is converted into MANI (Rasamani)

How far semen is vital-thadu to man, so also mercury is vital substance in the earth. It has the character of running; it will be burnt in the fire and it mixes with all metals and arsenic matters.

If it can be converted into Mani, without running and being burnt, it acquires great power. It is called ‘Kanaga kulikai’, ‘Soothagakulikai’ or ‘Rasa Kulikai’. It is considered as the super medicine. In the world, Siddhas found at first ‘Rasa Mani’.

0958 a.m. - 1042 a.m. 0:44 Daily diary notes on computer

1042 a.m. - 1049 a.m. 0:07 Tidy personal things; notes

1049 a.m. - 1101 a.m. 0:12 Loiter around while mother boils tea

1101 a.m. - 1103 a.m. 0:02 Urinal, wash hands

Ne-ri-tu kan-dal u-lla pra-sa-nam e-ta-nu...this is the problem if seen face to face...

- An excited medical representative to his the website material...written slowly...revealing the extent of stalking...

According to the voices, this is further confirmation...that the dark woman...who opened the toilet door from the exact moment...the man was about to enter...the adjacent men’s toilet...was indeed the whore...the Trivandrum stalker...staging a the second floor of the Nila building, Technopark campus...just outside the company’s new module lab...

That sort of precise can stage...only when overall monitoring and mobile phones are involved...

A group of monitors monitor from a far away distance...the stalker moves into the pre-planned location...and waits...patiently...for its prey to walk in/by...

When the victim nears the location...the monitors inform the stalker...through the mobile phone...text walk out of show herself...and is what...that must have happened yesterday...

And it all if by accident...but very carefully pre-planned...

If it was the sucker...I cite the Brahmin family...the Australian some of the this the workplace...watching silently...from a far away distance...

I pity the stalkers...for they just created a major stalking complicating it further...which in the beginning days of stalking...was just and around my house...

If it was indeed the sucker...see the whore’s show off that face...urinated by the beautiful...

A woman whom I have pelted abuses...for years...for the world to hear...

Such are women...when obsessed to lick...and suck a penis...

Any woman...will be likewise...

Written around 1116 a.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Revised around 0316 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Back in 1998-1999, there was a time...when I used to study in the RMIT computer Melbourne, Australia...all night...

The then monitor...the Australian woman her fit of obsession...also tried...many enter the get to that computer have a good time...with her obsession...all night...with no one else around...other than the occasional cleaner...or the security guard...doing their rounds...

That is why...from experience...I say...when heated up...any woman...will repeat the same story...

Written around 0326 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Reverse...turn around...the scenario...

I...a beautiful, voluptuous woman...who spurned off many a sexual advance...

And a group of men hunting me...monitoring me day and night...

In an instance like yesterday...with no one around at that time...the stalker opens the adjacent door...graps me suddenly...drags into the toilet...and locks the door from within...and in 5-10 minutes...the whole world...of the victim...caves in...breaks before her...

No one is going to know...what is going on...other than the other monitors...who are given a sumptuous feast...on sexual violence...

There in the lab...many sleep...nod...and work...ignorant of what is going on within the toilet...

After doing what he wanted to do...the rapist flees away...disappears into darkness...

The situation may look imaginary...but the circumstances are very similar...and thus can happen to any woman...out there...

May be different place...different time...different circumstances...

Written around 0337 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Revised around 0302 a.m. Thursday, November 30, 2006

I mentioned that...after the time noted...of going to the toilet...yesterday morning...the monitors talked and talked...the various aspects of the if to create a smoke create a confusion in the victim...was it the stalker...or was it not...

They if imply it was indeed the sucker...

And the sucker mentioned...that I usually come out only when few people are around...I don’t come out of the lab during the usual allotted break times...interval times...

For at that time...a crowd will be the toilet tea lounge...

And if the stalker moves in...who along with her family are camping in the vicinity...all night...watching...studying the daily pattern of the victim...she can mingle with the crowd...and stage a run-in...for I don’t look at the face of each and every woman standing there...

But in the scenario...of no one around...staging a run-in is risky...and can easily be spotted...detected...and that is what happened...opening of the toilet the exact moment...the victim approached the toilet...

Such a probability...of the ladies toilet door opening...when you normal very less...if it is natural...without any pre-plan...

And that is what evoked my come the door open immediately...that too when few are the people around...

Around 12 hours or so before the incident...I noted the bastard speaking to the can accuse him of raping you...

Yes...if I have had looked at that shit face...and immediate recognize the a fit of rage...if I verbally berate...or even slap the face of the vampire...she gets the upper hand...

No one is around...and she can claim...that I tried to rape her...

With no witness...I will find it prove that I am innocent...where as many believe a woman’s story...when acted...spoken with all the innocence...of a victim...violated...

For in this is always looked upon as the aggressive one...the rapist...and woman as the victim...

This world today...never accept the opposite side of the coin...woman as the aggressive one...the rapist...and man as the victim...

Written around 0358 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

If that woman was indeed the sucker...the question is...why she came there?...

6+ years of diary loud abuses...bring out one fact...I DON’T WISH TO FUCK THAT BASTARD!!!...

Does’t the fuck of a woman...know that...

Doesn’t the fuck of the woman’s mother know that...

Doesn’t the fuck of the medical representative know that...after all these years of monitoring...

Sucker...go and fuck that medical representative...

I believe...that is what a good police officer ought to do...make the medical representative fuck the the presence of her mother...

Written around 0403 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Yes...the stalkers can always say...a physical run-in was not staged...they only talked purposely...deliberately...based on an innocent innocent coworker came out of the toilet...

But don’t they know...after 6+ years of monitoring...that the victim got a problem with hallucination...and that is what his parents are treating him a schizophrenic...

Knowing this fact...why do they talk deliberately...purposely?...

Don’t they know the victim is chicken-hearted...worries too much...get depressed...gets agitated very fast...becomes very violent...

In spite of this knowledge...what they did they do?...

With the help of their monitoring devices...they purposely make the victim...more mad...make him violent...

In other words...constant mental harassment...with the help of spy devices...talks which oriented towards sexual other words...sexual harassment...

Isn’t this the ongoing fact?...

Don’t you my petition is named...misuse of spy devices... can always say...nothing was done face to face...

But when an investigation is done...into this stalking case...what you have something more violent what anyone can do physically...

For you repeated tried to make a healthy man...mad for life...break his mind...for ever...

Any injury to the body can be cured with a certain extent...

What about the mind?...the daily mental abuse....ongoing...

Mental pain is far severe than bodily pain...

So what you like...try suck this penis...for that might come as an escape any punishment from the courts...Just claim the other way around...he requested his penis to be I, an innocent woman helped him...

And maybe if I get completely mad...maybe it might be easy to suck more in many mental hospitals...the victim doesn’t even know if he or she is raped or not...repeatedly gangraped or not...for he or she is totally unaware of any bodily violation...all he or she can do is scream...when it pains...

Rotten bastards!!...

Written around 0428 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Revised around 0436 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

1103 a.m. - 1107 a.m. 0:04 Diary notes on paper

1117 a.m. - 1221 p.m. 1:04 Daily dairy notes on computer

1221 p.m. - 1225 p.m. 0:04 Power failure, shut down the computer

1225 p.m. - 1245 p.m. 0:20 Loiter around; talk to parents about homeo studies; they advise to take long leave from work instead of resigning straight away...for I don’t want to work in a place...where it is so easy for the stalkers to do whatever they want to do...

One of the many reasons, for shifting to night shift...was that there will be less interference from others...

Other company personnel will be around...a lot of people in the surroundings during the day time...and the stalkers will have a heyday...staging many a runin mingling with them...

At night...few are the people around...and thus hard to avoid detection...if at attack is staged...from their camp...somewhere near or in the building...

Written around 0416 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

1245 p.m. - 0106 p.m. 0:21 Food: Fried rice, steamed tapioca, lemon pickle, vegetable raita, tomato sauce, a glass of water, a glass of yoghurt and water

0106 p.m. - 0115 p.m. 0:09 Relax, power returns; diary notes on paper

Na-ta-na-tu a-tu po-le e-yu-ti...whatever it is...(without seeing)...

- The Brahmin man...

Written around 0120 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Revised around 0443 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0115 p.m. - 0119 p.m. 0:04 Ayurvedic medicine for Schizophrenia – kashayam; to upstairs, turn ON computer

0119 p.m. - 0123 p.m. 0:04 Diary notes on paper

Around 0128 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pi-ya-pi-chu koo-da...should not deflower him... should not rape him... should not make him impure... should not make him dirty...

- The bastard medical representative to his family...

The big brother discussing...should the victim be raped...or not...

Written around 0130 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Revised around 0450 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

0123 p.m. - 0203 p.m. 0:40 Diary notes on paper; revise stalking webpage in a sister website



Shaya Tayefe Mohajer. (Sunday, November 12, 2006) Photo technology to aid in search for abducted children. West Virginia, USA: The Times West Virginian.

Published: November 12, 2006 12:23 am

Photo technology to aid in search for abducted children

By Shaya Tayefe Mohajer

Associated Press Writer

CHARLESTON — The nightmare of every parent became all too real for Michelle Riggs two years ago when a man broke into her home late at night, assaulted her daughter and then tried to drag the child through a bedroom window to his waiting car.

“God forbid, if she had been taken, I don’t know what I would have done,” Riggs said. “I wasn’t in my right mind that night to go find a picture or give the police a description.”

West Virginia will be the first in the nation to set that worry aside. School photos and physical descriptions of more than 300,000 students, grades K-12, have been entered into a database called AmberView. The pictures will be used to generate computerized 3-D images so police and the public have a better chance of recognizing a child from any angle. The database will be updated annually.


Initially, parents were wary that putting personal information about their children into a centralized database would leave it vulnerable to hacking, said Harrison County schools Superintendent Carl Friebel. Parents became supportive after learning only three State Police troopers would have access to the database.

“We know we can never guarantee the safety of a child, but the idea is that we want to stack the deck in our favor if there is an incident of any kind,” Friebel said.



Personal Note

If my stalking case is true...where you can zoom in...from a far away distance...using high tech thermal sensor type devices...where you don’t even have to enter INTO (hack) any network to access any information...where whatever information that appears on the computer readable...then the same information will also be available to the sex predators...instantaneously...whenever those who have legal access to the data read the data...from the computer screen/monitor...

Written around 0148 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Revised around 0200 p.m. Wednesday, November 29, 2006



0203 p.m. - 0235 p.m. 0:32 Daily diary notes on computer

0235 p.m. - 0237 p.m. 0:02 Urinal, wash hands

0237 p.m. - 0255 p.m. 0:18 Loiter around while mother boils tea; kisses to mother

0000 p.m. - 0000 p.m. 0:00

To continue

Thursday, November 30, 2006

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Published on internet: Thursday, November 02, 2006

Revised: Thursday, October 08, 2009

Information on the web site is given in good faith about a certain spiritual way of life, irrespective of any specific religion, in the belief that the information is not misused, misjudged or misunderstood. Persons using this information for whatever purpose must rely on their own skill, intelligence and judgment in its application. The webmaster does not accept any liability for harm or damage resulting from advice given in good faith on this website.

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“Thou belongest to That Which Is Undying, and not merely to time alone,” murmured the Sphinx, breaking its muteness at last. “Thou art eternal, and not merely of the vanishing flesh. The soul in man cannot be killed, cannot die. It waits, shroud-wrapped, in thy heart, as I waited, sand-wrapped, in thy world. Know thyself, O mortal! For there is One within thee, as in all men, that comes and stands at the bar and bears witness that there IS a God!”

(Reference: Brunton, Paul. (1962) A Search in Secret Egypt. (17th Impression) London, UK: Rider & Company. Page: 35.)



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