(Department of Business Administration)




This packet comprises the following material:

1. Course Outline

2. Assignment No. 1, 2

In this packet, if you find anything missing out of the above mentioned material, please contact at the address given below:

Director Admission and Mailing

Services Block No. 28

Allama Iqbal Open University

Block No. 28, Sector H-8


Mahmood – ul – Hasan

(Course Coordinator)


(Department of Business Administration)


1. Plagiarism or hiring of ghost writer(s) for solving the assignment(s) will debar the student from award of degree/certificate, if found at any stage.

2. Submitting assignment(s) borrowed or stolen from other(s) as one’s own, will be penalized as defined in “AIOU Plagiarism Policy”.


Course: Purchasing and Procurement Principles (9542) Semester: Autumn 2020

Level: PGD Total Marks: 100

Credit Hours: 03 Pass Marks: 50

Note: All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Q. 1 Information systems (IS) impact supply chain management (SCM) on processes such as planning, sourcing, and delivering and at levels ranging from tactical operations to organizational strategy. Explain with arguments? (20)

Q. 2 Quality control (QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. “Explain? (20)

Q. 3 What is the Relationship between Supply and Logistics and also describe Financial Significance of Supplier Spending? (20)

Q. 4 Distinguish between Commercial and Consumer Acquisition and also explain the

Qualifications of Purchasing and Supply Staff. (20)

Q. 5 During the 1990s and the first part of the 21st century, the high availability and low cost of transportation services relative to the cost of holding inventory encouraged organizations to emphasize fast, frequent delivery to customers through such means as just-in-time deliver. But things have changed dramatically in the last decade, and companies increasingly are calling such long-standing strategies into question. The “game changers” are volatile, escalating oil prices and an imbalance of supply and demand for freight transport services. Explain. (20)

Guidelines FOR ASSIGNMENT # 1

The student should look upon the assignments as a test of knowledge, management skills, and communication skills. When you write an assignment answer, you are indicating your knowledge to the teacher:

▪ Your level of understanding of the subject;

▪ How clearly you think;

▪ How well you can reflect on your knowledge & experience;

▪ How well you can use your knowledge in solving problems, explaining situations, and describing organizations and management;

▪ How professional you are, and how much care and attention you give to what you do.

To answer a question effectively, address the question directly, bring important related issues into the discussion, refer to sources, and indicate how principles from the course materials apply. The student must also be able to identify important problems and implications arising from the answer.

For citing references, writing bibliographies, and formatting the assignment, APA format should be followed.


Total Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 50

This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to obtain information from a business/commercial organization and prepare a report of about 1000 words on the issue allotted to you to be submitted to your teacher for evaluation.

You are required to select one of the following issues according to the last digit of your roll number. For example, if your roll number is P-3427180 then you will select issue # 0 (the last digit): -


1. Management Information Systems (MIS)

2. e-procurement

3. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

4. Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

5. Learning Curve

6. Governing Laws for E-Commerce and Intellectual Property

7. Challenges in Global Supply

8. Risk Management

9. Contemporary Issues in Purchasing and Supply Management

0. Nature and Role of Chief Purchasing Officer (CPO)

The report should follow the following format:

1. Title page

2. Acknowledgements

3. An abstract (one-page summary of the paper)

4. Table of contents

5. Introduction to the issue (brief history & significance of issue assigned)

6. Practical study of the organization (with respect to the issue)

7. Data collection methods

8. SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) relevant to the issue assigned

9. Conclusion (one-page brief covering important aspects of your report)

10. Recommendations (specific recommendations relevant to issue assigned)

11. References (as per APA format)

12. Annexes (if any)


▪ 1.5 line spacing

▪ Use headers and subheads throughout all sections

▪ Organization of ideas

▪ Writing skills (spelling, grammar, punctuation)

▪ Professionalism (readability and general appearance)

▪ Do more than repeat the text

▪ Express a point of view and defend it.



The workshop presentations provide students opportunity to express their communication skills, knowledge & understanding of concepts learned during practical study assigned in assignment # 2.

You should use transparencies and any other material for effective presentation. The transparencies are not the presentation, but only a tool; the presentation is the combination of the transparencies and your speech. Workshop presentation transparencies should only be in typed format.

The transparencies should follow the following format:

1) Title page

2) An abstract (one page summary of the paper)

3) Introduction to the issue (brief history & significance of issue assigned)

4) Practical study of the organization (with respect to the issue)

5) Data collection methods

6) SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) relevant to the issue assigned

7) Conclusion (one page brief covering important aspects of your report)

8) Recommendations (specific recommendations relevant to issue assigned)


▪ Make eye contact and react to the audience. Don't read from the transparencies or from report, and don't look too much at the transparencies (occasional glances are acceptable to help in recalling the topic to cover).

▪ A 15-minute presentation can be practiced several times in advance, so do that until you are confident enough. Some people also use a mirror when rehearsing as a substitute for an audience.


Assignment # 2 & workshop presentations are evaluated on the basis of theory & its applicability. The weightage of each aspect would be:

Theory: 60%

Applicability (practical study of the organization): 40%


(Department of Business Administration)

Course: Purchasing and Procurement Principles Course Code: 9542

Level: PGD Credit Hours: 03

UNIT-1 Purchasing and Supply Management

1. Introduction to Purchasing and Supply Management

2. The Relationship between Supply and Logistics

3. Financial Significance of Supplier Spending

4. Perspectives on Supply

5. Decision Tree for Selecting Supplier

6. Distinguishing Commercial and Consumer Acquisition

7. Qualifications of Purchasing and Supply Staff

8. Challenges for Purchasing and Supply Management

9. Supply Management for Procurement and Purchasing

10. Standard Organizational Structures to Manage Supply

11. The Nature and Role of Chief Purchasing Officer (CPO)

12. Various Supply Activities and Responsibilities

13. Overview of Supply Teams

14. Types of Supply Teams

UNIT-2 Supply Process and Information Systems

1. Introduction to Supply Cycle

2. Aligning Strategy and Goal to Optimize Supply Process

3. Ensuring Process Compliance

4. Steps of Supply Management Process

5. Supply Process flowchart

6. Rush vs Small Value Orders

7. Policy Manuals

8. Role of Information Technology

9. Introduction to e-procurement

10. Understanding Management Information Systems (MIS)

11. Uses of Technology for Supply management

12. Technology Tools for Supply Operations

13. Electronic communication and Online Auctions

14. Reverse Auctions

15. When to Use Reverse Auctions

16. Conducting Reverse Auction Events

17. Important Factors for e-commerce

UNIT-3 Quality, Quantity and Inventory Management

1. Need Determination

2. The Transformation and Value-Added Chain

3. Methods of Description

4. Differentiating Standardization and Simplification

5. Quality, Suitability, and Best Buy

6. Various quality standards and Awards

7. Understanding Total Quality Management (TQM)

8. The Concept of Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

9. Importance of Inspection and Testing

10. Essentials of Process Control

11. Supplier Certification

12. Introduction to Inventory Management

13. Functions and Types of Inventories

14. The Concept of ABC Classification

15. Calculating Inventories Cost

16. Important Forecasting Techniques

17. Estimating Order Quantities and Inventory Levels

18. Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

19. Significance of Lean Supply

20. Kanban Implications for Supply Management

21. JIT Implications for Supply Management

UNIT-4 Logistics Decisions for Transportation and Pricing

1. Managing Logistics Decisions

2. Free on Board and Incoterms

3. Transportation Regulation and Supply’s’ Involvement

4. Types of Transportation Carriers

5. Rates and Pricing

6. Other Service Providers

7. Important Documentation in Freight Shipments

8. Tracing Shipments

9. Transportation and Logistics Strategy Formulation

10. Understanding Cost to Price Relationship

11. External Influences on Pricing

12. Various Types of Purchases

13. Quotations and Competitive Bidding

14. Price Fluctuations and Changes

15. Causes of Contract Cancellation

16. Forward Buying and commodities

UNIT-5 Negotiation Process and Supplier Selection

1. Introduction to Cost Management

2. Total Cost of Ownership

3. Target Pricing and Activity Based Costing

4. The Learning Curve

5. Types of Discounts

6. Negotiation for Price Determination

7. Effective Negotiation Strategy and Practice

8. Model of Negotiation Process

9. Factors Affecting Supplier Selection Decision

10. Decision Trees for Supplier Selection

11. Potential Sources for Supplier Selection

12. The Evaluation of Potential Sources

13. Important Methods for Supplier Evaluation

14. Establishing a link for Sourcing to Strategy

UNIT-6 Investment Recovery, Law and Ethical Issues

1. Introduction to Environmental Investment Recovery Initiatives

2. ISO 14000 Environmental Standards

3. Benefits of Effective Disposal

4. Various Disposal Materials

5. Key Concerns for Material Disposal

6. Understanding Profitable Disposal

7. Understanding Disposal Channels and Disposal Partner

8. Effective Disposal Procedures for profitable Disposal

9. Legal Authority vs Personal Liability

10. Authority of Suppliers Representatives

11. The Uniform Commercial code

12. Common Law

13. Governing Laws for E-Commerce and Intellectual Property

14. The Concept of Product Liability and Alternative Dispute Resolution

15. The Sarbanes Oxley Act

16. Ethics and Social Responsibility

17. Research for Supply Decisions

18. Components of Effective Buying

19. Research Opportunities in Supply Domain

20. Supply Planning Process and Supply Budgets

21. Efficiency Metrics vs Effectiveness Metrics

UNIT-7 Global Supply and Public Supply Management

1. Nature and Importance of Global Supply

2. Challenges in Global Supply

3. Indentifying and Evaluating International Suppliers

4. The Role of Global Sourcing Organizations

5. Incoterms, Intermediaries and Countertrade

6. Foreign Trade Zones

7. Free Trade Agreements

8. Key Characteristics of Public Supply

9. Acquisition Procedures for Public Buying

10. Military Supply and Various Contracts

11. State, Local, and Municipal Supply

12. Model Procurement Code

13. Public Supply Changes

UNIT-8 Capital Goods and Services

1. Procuring Capital Assets

2. New Technology for Competitive Advantage

3. Sourcing and Supply issues

4. Merits and De-merits of Buying Used Equipment

5. Leasing Equipment

6. Technology Acquisition vs Construction Acquisition

7. Significance of Services

8. Significance of Services Spend

9. Analyzing Services

10. The Process of Acquiring Services

11. Managing Third Party Service Providers

12. Expanding Supply’s Involvement

13. Process Steps

UNIT-9 Purchasing Strategy and Supplier Relations

1. Understanding Merits and De-Merits of Make or Buy

2. Nature, Scope and Significance of In-sourcing

3. Nature, Scope and Significance of Outsourcing

4. Linking Supplier Performance and Customer Satisfaction

5. Purchaser to Supplier Relations

6. Purchase Supplier Satisfaction Matrix

7. Rating Supplier Performance

8. Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

9. Supplier Development Initiatives with Purchaser

10. Strategy in Purchasing and Supply Management

11. Strategic Planning Levels

12. Challenges for Supply Objectives and Strategies

13. Strategic Planning within Purchasing and Supply Management Context

14. Categorizing Supply Strategies

15. Strategic Purchasing Planning Process

16. Risk Management

17. Strategic Components

18. Contemporary Issues in Purchasing and Supply Management

Recommended Books:

• Leenders, M.R., Johnson, P.F., Flynn, A. E., and Fearon, H.E. (2010) Purchasing and Supply Management (13thed.), McGraw-Hill, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York.

• Baily, P., Farmer, D., Crocker, B., Jessop, D., and Jones, D. (2008), Procurement, Principles & Management (10th Edition), FT Prentice Hall.

• Monczka, R., Handfield, R., Giunipero, L., (2011), Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Cengage Learning.



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