Civic Mirror Hidden Agendas:

Civic Mirror Hidden Agendas:


Your main goal is to make as much money as possible. The best way to do that is own profitable businesses, such as apartment buildings or the E/I hex. You believe that competition makes your economy strong and you want the government to stay out of your way.

Also, try to come up with creative ways to make money and make sure to keep taxes low!

How you earn points:

• Make as much money as possible

• Own as many hexes as possible – especially business & apartment hexes

• Fight for laws that give business more freedom to make money

• Fight for laws that allow you to charge as much as you want for units

• Fight for laws that do not let government tax rich people more than poor people

• Fight for laws that do not let government tax hexes


You are a strong believer in democracy. Business is really important to you. You believe it’s necessary to make sure the economy in your country is strong. And, you think government should stay out of the way of business.

You think taxes should be as low as possible. You do not think it’s government’s job to take care of poor people. Instead, other organizations should do that – such as charities.

How you earn points:

• Become part of the government

• Make sure you country keeps having elections

• Make sure the government does not own any businesses

• Make sure there are low or no taxes in your country.

Cultural Egalitarian

An Egalitarian is someone who believes that all people should be treated equally and should be given equal opportunities. You will be representing this philosophy, with a specific focus on culture. Put simply, your Hid- den Agenda is to eliminate the economic inequalities that exist in your country, especially between the two cultures.

You believe that the economic gap between your country’s two cultures is the main reason for its problems. This gap must be eliminated if your nation is to ever become great. You believe that a nation’s worth can be determined by how well its weakest citizens are treated. Nations with massive gaps between their ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ are not good nations.

How you earn points:

• Equality Legislation: Ensure that your government makes one law that aims to significantly decrease economic ‘inequalities’ amongst the citizens of your country.

• Cultural Equality Legislation: Ensure that your government makes one law that aims to minimize the economic, cultural, and/or political differences or inequalities between the two cultural groups in your country.

• Economic Equality between Cultures: Ensure that one of the top four students in “well being points” is a member of the cultural minority.

Cultural Supremacy

Your Hidden Agenda is one of the most challenging because it will likely require you to say and do things that you personally disagree with. You were selected for this agenda because your instructor thinks you are a strong, mature student who can handle its responsibilities and challenges.

You will secretly be representing the elite cultural group in your country, belonging to either a wealthy majority or a wealthy minority depending on what you and your classmates decided on. To put it simply, your Hidden Agenda is to ensure that your culture retains as much of your nation’s wealth as possible.

In your simulated opinion, you believe that the economic gap between the two cultures is a result of your culture’s hard work and excellence. You think there is nothing wrong with the economic divide because it is the end result of different cultural work ethics. You understand that there is cultural tension, but that’s only because the other cultural group wants what your people worked hard for. Any citizens who attempt to pass laws to shrink this natural gap are not to be trusted!

How you earn points:

• Total Supremacy (15 sp): Finish the year with a clear distinction between cultural groups. Everyone of your culture has more well-being points than anyone in the other culture

• All-but-one (10 sp): All but one of the members of the other culture appear as the bottom students in well-being points.

• All-but-two (5 sp): All but but of the members of the other culture appear as the bottom students in well-being points.


You goal is to preserve and protect Wilderness hexes. There will be many citizens in your country who want to develop these hexes, or turn them into businesses. You must fight against them. These citizens infuriate you (or make you really angry) because they are killing the environment in order to make more money and obtain more power.

Remember, the citizens earn more well-being points if you have more wilderness hexes! Remind other citizens of this when you try to convince them to not develop hexes.

How you earn points:

• Become part of the government

• Save the Trees! (and water!)

• Make sure there are no hexes developed

• Try to convert hexes that are businesses or houses to wilderness/river hexes

• Find other Environmentalists and pool money to buys trees


Your hidden agenda is probably the most difficult. You will probably have to say and do things that you don’t actually believe in. You were chosen for this agenda because your instructor thinks you’re a strong, mature student who can handle its responsibilities and challenges. Remember that you will be playing a role that will help make your Civic Mirror country more realistic.

You are Fascist. That means you believe that governments should be really strong. You believe that individuals should give up some of their freedom for the greater good. You think that it takes too long to make decisions in democracies. You believe that the goal of your country should be to make the government really strong.

You believe that countries are stronger if they have just one leader who can get things done quickly.

How you earn points:

• Become part of the government and challenge the way democracies work. You could point out:

o How it takes so long to make decisions

o How it would be easier if we only have one person making the decisions

o How we can’t get anything done if we have to keep voting new people in

• Make sure people are not allowed to criticize the government

• Try to restructure the government so there is one powerful leader and no senators or representatives


You are a Humanitarian, or a person who believes everyone has the right to food and a place to live. Similar to Socialists, you don’t think it’s fair when there are really rich people and really poor people. You want things to be more equal so that everyone has food and shelter.

You main goal (and it is a challenging one) is to make sure that no citizens’ family members die – or at least make sure the number of deaths is as small as possible. You need to try to pass laws that make sure that everyone has necessary insurance, health care, education, food, and a place to live.

How you earn points:

• Make sure no citizens’ family members die

• Become part of the government

• Fight for laws that make sure everyone gets food and a place to live

• Fight for laws that reduces the gap between the rich and the poor

o That means, you don’t think it’s fair that there are people with a whole lot of money & property and so many people without money and property. So, you want a law that makes it so the rich


You believe in democracy. You believe that every individual has the right to think and speak freely. You believe that democracy is necessary to keep everyone in your society free and your country strong.

You believe that while freedom is very important, it has its limits: the protection of rights. You believe that it’s important for government to control education and health care. However, you are not socialist, so you don’t think that government should control everything. You think people have the right to own their own property. You just want to make sure the weakest members of your society are cared for.

How you earn points:

• Become part of the government

• Make sure you country keeps having elections

• Fight for laws that make sure everyone can get education and health care

• Me sure no taxes are taken away

• Get the government to take over Security, Health Care, and Education


You believe that everyone should have about the same amount of things and money. Similar to Humanitarians, you think it’s really unfair when some people are really rich and others are really poor.

You believe that governments should control the economy to make sure people are equal. You believe the way to do that is tax the rich people in order to make sure to poor people have enough things and money.

The process of converting a privately owned business into a government-owned business is called nationalization. You believe certain things must be nationalized to ensure a more equal playing field.

How you earn points:

• Become part of the government

• Fight for laws that tax the rich more than the poor

• Fight for laws that allow the government to take over / buy hexes

• Fight for laws that limit the power of the wealthy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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