Michelle Marie Fit

-54590-9690102571750-111760TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ……………………………………………………………………..3-7Breakfast Dishes ……………………………………………………………….8-16Protein ...…………………………………………………………………….17-60Tofu ………………………………………………………………………18Chicken ………………………………………………………………….19-34Turkey ……………………………………………………………………35-42Fish ……………………………………………………………………….43-55Seafood ……………………………………………………………….56-60Carbohydrates ………………………………………………………………….61-86Legumes ………………………………………………………………..62-64Potatoes ………………………………………………………………..65-66Rice Dishes …………………………………………………………….67-71Couscous ……………………………………………………………….72-73Sandwiches ……………………………………………………………74-80Pasta Dishes …………………………………………………………..81-86Vegetables & Salsas ………………………………………………………….87-98Snacks ……………………………………………………………………………..99-105INTRODUCTIONWhy do you do diet after diet, yet you are never able to keep the weight off? The reason is simple. You cannot deprive your body of certain foods for too long before you start having cravings and binge eating. Most people do diets where they deprive themselves of certain food groups. For example, the Atkins diet, in which you do not ingest carbohydrates. Does it work? Absoluteley,but is the weight loss fat? Most of the initial weight loss is water and muscle because forevery 1 gram of carbohydrate you intake the body holds on to 3-4 grams of water. Sothe initial weight loss when you cut out the carbohydrates is mostly water, not FAT! There are some instances where people are carb intolerant and might benefit from a carbohydrate restricted diet.Why is there muscle loss? The body’s main source of fuel iscarbohydrates. When there are no carbohydrates available, the body uses muscle and breaks it down to use for energy. Muscle is the placewhere fat is burned. So having lean, toned muscle speeds up metabolism, which in turn burns more calories all day long.So, what do you do? It is actually so simple that you are not going to believe it.All you have to do is eat a lean protein, a starchy carbohydrate, and a vegetable every 3-4 hours. Yes, it seems to be a lot of food if you are used to eating 1 to 3 times per day, but the portions are small.The reason why you should eat every 3-4 hours is because the process of digestion takes a lot of energy. When your body uses up energy, it is burning calories. The foods that I mentioned above (protein, carbohydrate, and vegetable) are foods that cause your body to work very hard to break it down, so you burn a lot of calories just by eating them.So if you eat every 3-4 hours a lean protein, a starchy carbohydrate, and a vegetable, you will burn calories all day long. Doesn’t that sound great?Following is a table that contains examples of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables.PROTEINCARBOHYDRATESVEGETABLESEgg whitesExtra lean turkey breastExtra lean ground turkey BreastChicken breastTunaFish:SnapperMahi-MahiTilapiaGrouperShrimpScallopsLobsterFat free cottage cheeseOatmealMilletQuinoa Baked potatoSweet potatoBrown riceQuinoaBrown rice or quinoa pastaGrains:LentilsKidney beansGarbanzo beansBlack beansCannelini beansCarrotsPeasTomatoAsparagusArugulaBroccoliSpinachZucchiniCauliflowerEggplantSquashPeppersMushroomsSaladsWatercressKale (any vegetable other than the ones considered a carb)Now, let me tell you about a client that you may relate to.My hope is that through her story, you will learn something and make a change.I had this client that said she had been dieting and exercising her whole life. She looked great, but she couldn’tseem to lose those last 10 lbs and she was really frustrated.Why?Though she eats well, she is constantly depriving herself of certain foods and she eats the same boring and bland food every day.So what happens?She ends up binging. In her mind, she thinks she always eats well, because most of the time she does. Until the weekend comes and she binges.Why does this happen?Does this happen to you? If it does, let me tell you what the secret is.The secret to fat loss and maintenance of it is moderation.The problem my client had was that she was eating the same thing every day. So at the end of the day…….DIETING! Even though she thought she wasn’t.She eats oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast, chicken, brown rice, and broccoli for snack and lunch, cottage cheese and fruit for mid-afternoon snack and tuna salad for dinner.Who would be able to eat like this every day and not feel on a diet?THE TRICKThe trick is to create a lifestyle in which you eat healthy all the time. You should enjoy what you eat. You should eat a variety of foods. You can makehealthy food taste delicious. If you do, you will not feel deprived. You will not feel as if you are on a diet, and you will be able to lose body fat, and still enjoy life.You should be able to eat healthy most of the time. But you should also be able to enjoy yourself. You should be able to go out with some friends and indulge in your favorite dessert, or have a cocktail at a party or celebration without feeling bad about it as long as it is in moderation.All you need is MODERATION!So what is this recipe book going do to for you?It is going to give you a variety of recipes that will help you lose fat and not sanity. I want you to lose body fat and keep it off, but I want you to enjoy eating.I don’t want you to eat bland chicken or tuna, with bland brown rice, and tasteless broccoli everyday.If you enjoy it….good for you! But most likely, one day you will get sick of it and want to eat every thing in site. So don’t eat bland, take some time to cook and plan your meals and you will enjoy it so much more, andbest of all you will lose the fat and keep it off!The recipes will be categorized by food groups.ProteinsStarchy CarbohydratesVegetablesSnacksAll you have to do is choose one from each food group. Within each section there are sub categories. For example: Within protein are chicken, turkey, meat, fish, etc. This will make it easy for you to cook your healthy delicious meals.They are all healthy and delicious and very easy to make.I know that eating 5-6 meals a day seems close to impossible, especially if you are presently finding it hard to eat 3 times a day. If you plan ahead it will be very easy.Take one day to figure out which recipes you are going to make for the week.Then make a list of everything you need, and do your groceries.On another day, or even the same day cook in bulks. What I mean by cooking in bulks is make extra of everything and store in your refrigerator in Tupperware’s. This way you will never be stuck without a healthy and delicious meal. This will also be more cost effective, and you will not have to pick up the first thing you see on the corner of the street when you are starving (Burger King, Mc Donald’s, etc.)If you work, make sure to look at the snacks because you will be able to make these and take them to work.I am so excited for you! You have made the decision to make a change in your body and you are going about it in the right way. Nutrition is the most important part of a fitness plan. I hope that you enjoy all the recipes and that itFOREVER!Your PlanYou will eat a protein, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable every 3-4 hours.Make sure to not skip meals. If and when you do you will be starving all day. And guess what happens when you are starving? You over eat, you binge! So don’t let more than 3 hours go by with out eating.Eating every 3-4 hours will also keep your sugar level stable. When too much time goes by without eating, your sugar level drops. When this happens, what your body is going to ask you for and need is sugar. So you will grab a granola bar, candy bar, or fruit; which all contain high sugar. This intake of sugar will cause your pancreas to release a hormone called insulin, in order to take that sugar and drive it to the muscle for energy, and the liver for storage. This is not the problem, the problem arises when glucagon is suppressed. You see, every time insulin is released in the body, your body starts shutting down the release of the only hormone in the body that releases FAT (glucagon). So, if you eat sugar, you will not burn fat!Portion control! Eat equal servings of protein, carbohydrate, and vegetable. Each serving should be about the size of your hand or fist. Don’t go too crazy; there is no need to count calories at this point.Drink plenty of water. Drink half of your body weight in pounds, in ounces. For example, if you weigh 100 lbs, you would drink 50 ounces of water. This is a rough estimate. Depending on your activity level you might need more.Have a cheat day! Take a day to indulge in your favorite food. Remember you should not do anything that will make you feel as if you are on a diet. Being able to still enjoy your favorite foods, will keep you sane, and on the program. Just don’t go crazy! Even though I know you won’t because after a couple of weeks eating healthy; eating high sugar and fat will not make your belly feel very good.Enjoy eating, remember it is a lifestyle.Breakfast DishesFabulous PancakesIngredients:? cup plain oats1 scoop vanilla protein powder1 ? tsp cinnamon powder1 packet of Sweetener2 eggsInstructions:Mix dry ingredients in a bowl and mix wet ingredients in another bowl. Then mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and stir well. Place batter in a non- stick skillet on medium heat. Cook on both sides. Top the pancake with sugar-free jelly or sugar free syrup.Bran Oatmeal Pancakes (3 servings)Ingredients:10 egg whites1-cup oatmeal, uncooked? cup oat bran, millet or quinoa flakes2 tbsp sweetener1 ripe banana1-ounce protein powder1 tsp cinnamonInstructions:Combine tall the ingredients in a blender until mixture is thick and smooth. Spoon the batter onto a hot griddle. Cook on both sides.Blueberry Egg White PancakesIngredients:4 egg whites? cup uncooked oatmeal? cup unsweetened blueberries? tsp cinnamon3 tbsp sugar-free blueberry preservesInstructions:Place all ingredients into a blender except blueberries. Blend until smooth. Add blueberries. Preheat a non-stick skillet over medium heat, and spray with Pam vegetable spray. Pour batter onto skillet in size desired, and cook until edges are dry. Turn and brown other side.Apple Egg White PancakesIngredients:4 egg whites1/2-cup oatmeal, uncooked? cup unsweetened applesauce1/2 tsp cinnamon1/2 tsp nutmegInstructions:Place all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth. Preheat a non-stick skillet over medium heat, and spray with Pam vegetable spray. Pour batter onto skillet in size desired, and cook until edges are dry. Turn and brown other side.Oriental Omelet (3 servings)Ingredients:9-10 ounces firm tofu, drained and cubed3 egg whites1 tbsp light soy sauce? tsp honey3 large fresh mushrooms, sliced2 green onions, choppedInstructions:Combine first four ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Heat skillet and add mushrooms and green onions and sauté for two to three minutes. Add mushrooms and onions to tofu-egg mixture and stir. Pour mixture back into skillet and cook over low heat.Breakfast DishesFrittata Combo (6 servings)Ingredients:2 cups red onion, sliced? cup red pepper, chopped2 tsp dried rosemary2 cups spinach, chopped1 tbsp minced garlic1 12ounce can of your favorite beans12 egg whites4 ounces reduced-fat feta cheese, crumbledInstructions:Sauté the onion, red pepper, and rosemary for six minutes. Cover and cook for another six minutes. Add the spinach and garlic, and sauté for one minute. Remove skillet from heat. In a large bowl, combine the beans, eggs, and half the feta cheese, mix in the sautéed vegetables. Preheat broiler. Clean the skillet, add the mixture and cook over medium heat for four minutes. Remove from heat and sprinkle remaining feta on top. Place the skillet under the broiler for three minutes until lightly browned on top.Spinach and Bell Pepper FrittataIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking1 roasted red pepper1 lb baby spinach1 garlic clove, minced6 egg whites? cup grated Parmesan cheeseInstructions:Cut pepper into strips. Heat stock in skillet and add spinach and garlic, and sauté. Beat eggs, stir in cheese. Pour egg mix into skillet, and cook until frittata is browned. Serve as breakfast or serve with salad.Vegetable and Turkey Omelet (2 servings)Ingredients:? cup chopped onions1 garlic clove, minced1-cup Sliced mushrooms? cup sliced zucchini? cup diced sweet red pepper? tsp basil2 ounces cooked lean turkey slices, chopped4 egg whites1 tsp water2 slices low fat cheeseInstructions:In a skillet cook onions and garlic over medium heat for two minutes. Add mushrooms, zucchini, red pepper, and basil. Cook for five minutes, stirring often, until vegetables are tender. Stir in chopped turkey. Transfer vegetable mixture to a small bowl and set aside. Whisk together egg whites and water. Add to another skillet and cook over medium heat. As eggs set, run a spatula around edge of skillet, lifting eggs and letting uncooked portion flow underneath. When eggs are set, spread vegetable mixture over half the omelet. Top with cheese slices. Fold opposite side over to cover vegetables, cooking for one more minute.Protein Wrap (2 serving)Ingredients:5 egg whites, scrambled? cup veggie crumbles? cup low-fat shredded cheeseGreen onions, to taste2 whole-wheat or gluten-free tortillas2 tbsp salsaInstructions:Stir the first four ingredients together. Divide in half and scoop onto the tortillas. Roll them to form burrito and top with salsa.Breakfast DishesRanchero Eggs Benedict (2 servings)Ingredients:2-8oz cans low sodium tomato sauce (optional-make your own)2 tbsp chili powder? tsp limejuice4 egg whites1 whole wheat or gluten-free English muffin2 slices extra lean or fat-free turkey breast2 tbsp green pepper, chopped2 tbsp red onion, chopped2 slices low-fat (your favorite) cheese? cup scallions, chopped? cup coriander, choppedInstructions:Mix tomato sauce in a bowl, add pinches of chili powder and limejuice, test spiciness. Put aside. Poach 2 eggs. Split English muffin in half and toast both sides. Place 1 slice of turkey, redonions and green peppers on each half, top with a slice of fat-free cheese. Heat tomato sauce, spoon some over the cheese and place the poached egg on top. Sprinkle with scallions and coriander.Egg & Cheese Sandwich (1 serving)Ingredients:4 egg whites2 slices of gluten-free bread1 slice of low-free cheeseInstructions:In a pan cook 4 egg whites and add seasoning a top. Toast the 2 slices of bread and place the eggs in between, place the slice of cheese on top of the eggs.Egg Mc Muffin (1 serving)Ingredients:3-4 egg whites1 100% whole wheat or gluten-free English muffin1 slice fat-free cheeseInstructions:Scramble egg whites in a nonstick pan. While cooking the eggs toast the English muffin with a slice of cheese on it. Place the scrambled egg whites on one half of the muffin and cover with the other half.Egg white burrito (1 serving)Ingredients:4 egg whites1 gluten-free brown rice or corn tortilla? cup shredded low-fat cheese3 tbsp salsaInstructions:Scramble egg whites in nonstick pan. Place cooked whites on tortilla, add cheese and salsa, and fold into burrito.Tortilla Tower (1 serving)Ingredients:3-100% corn or brown rice tortillas4 egg whites2 slices low fat cheeseInstructions:Toast the 3 tortillas. In a pan cook 2 - 2 egg white omelets. Place 1 tortilla, 1 slice of cheese, and 1 egg white omelet. On top of the omelet add another tortilla, cheese and omelet and cover with one more tortilla.Breakfast DishesEgg Whites with Potatoes and Salsa (2-3 servings)Ingredients:10 egg whites1 12oz potato? cup chunky-style salsaInstructions:Nuke the potato in microwave on high for approximately 10 minutes or until done. Scramble egg whites in Teflon pan sprayed with Pam vegetable spray. Place potato on plate and mash with a fork. Top potato and eggs with salsa and serve.Egg Whites, Beans, & Salsa (2-3 servings)Ingredients:10 egg whites1 cup black beans? cup salsa (Pace chunky style)Instructions:Spray pan with Pam vegetable spray. Mix together egg whites, beans, and salsa, and cook on medium heat.Hash Browns and Egg Whites (2 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking2 cups Simply Potatoes (shredded potatoes)10 egg whitesMrs. Dash seasoningCoconut oil sprayInstructions:Place stock in a skillet on medium heat. Add potatoes and cook until browned. Remove potatoes and spray skillet once again with Pam. Replace potatoes, sprinkle with salt and cover with egg whites, making sure to stir constantly with a spatula.Egg Whites and Spinach (2 servings)Ingredients:10 egg whites2/3 cup frozen spinach2oz low fat cheese? cup canned diced tomatoesInstructions:In a mixing bowl, mix together egg whites, spinach, and cheese. Spray a small Teflon pan with Pam vegetable spray. On medium heat scramble the mixture until all egg whites are cooked. Top with tomatoes and serve.Fat Free Cheese Omelet (2 servings)Ingredients:10 egg whites1-2oz low fat cheesesChopped vegetables as desiredInstructions:Spray a Teflon pan with Pam vegetable spray and preheat on medium. Mix all ingredients and pour into pan. Scramble the mixture while it cooks.Breakfast DishesProtein Quiche (2-3 servings)Ingredients:? to ? ground turkey, brownedOnion? cup green pepper? cup sliced mushroomsChopped tomato10 egg whites (6 egg beaters)1-cup low fat cottage cheese? - ? cup low fat cheese (shredded)Instructions:Sauté onion, peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes and add to the rest of the ingredients. Pour into pie pan or quiche sprayed with Pam. Lay sliced tomatoes on top and sprinkle with more nonfat mozzarella. Bake at 350F degrees until eggs are set.Grilled Egg & Cheese (1 serving)Ingredients:2 slices whole wheat bread3 hard-boiled egg whites1 slice low fat cheeseInstructions:Hard boil 3 eggs and separate the egg whites. Once they cool, cut into tiny pieces. In between the 2 slices of bread, add the egg whites and the slice of cheese. Cover with the other slice of bread and cook the sandwich in the George Foreman Grill.Microwave Omelet (1 serving)Ingredients:1 egg? cup egg whites2 oz cooked chicken, diced2 Tbsp. red onion, chopped2 Tbsp. red pepper, choppedSalt and pepper to taste2 Tbsp. shredded cheddar cheese2 Tbsp. salsaNonstick cooking sprayInstructions:Coat a wide microwave able dish with cooking spray. Blend egg and egg whites in dish. Add chicken, red pepper, salt and pepper. Microwave on high for two minutes. Top with cheese and cook an additional 15 seconds. Slide omelet out of dish and onto plate. Top with salsa and serve immediately.Egg Frittata (6 servings)Ingredients:10 egg whites3 medium white or sweet potatoes, shredded or 3 cups of Simply Shredded Potatoes? green pepper? red pepper1 onion, diced? lb ground turkey breast, cooked? cup low fat shredded cheddar cheesePepper to tasteInstructions:Cook the shredded potatoes in a skillet. Add peppers and onions and cook a little longer. Sauté the turkey patties and cut into small pieces. Add the turkey, cheese, and pepper to the egg whites. In a Pyrex, add the potato mixture. Pour the egg mixture over the potatoes and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutesBreakfast DishesCinnamon Frittata (1 serving)Ingredients:1 serving cooked cream of rice3-4 egg whites uncooked? tsp vanilla extract? tsp almond extract? tsp cinnamon3 packages sweetenerInstructions:Mix cream of rice, extracts, and sweetener together. Fold into egg whites and mix together well. Pour mixture into pan and cover. Cook 5-10 minutes (until solid), turn over, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Cook one more minute.Seafood Eggs (1 serving)Ingredients:3-4 egg whites? cup cooked small sized shrimpChopped red onion as desired? cup chopped tomatoes2 tbsp low sodium organic ketchupInstructions:Mix together all ingredients and pour into a preheated Teflon pan that has been sprayed with Pam. Cook over medium heat and scramble until thoroughly cooked.Mexican Frittata (1 serving)Ingredients:1 servings cooked cream of rice3-4 egg whites uncooked? tsp chili powder? tsp cumin1 tbsp salsaInstructions:Mix chili powder, cumin, salsa, and cayenne into cream of rice. Fold into egg whites. Pour mixture into pan and cover. Cook 5-10 minutes (until solid), turn over, sprinkle with cumin. Cook one minute.Mexican Egg White Wrap (4 servings)Ingredients:8 egg whites? cup of water? tsp pepper4 100% corn or brown rice tortillas1 cup chopped onion1 green bell pepper, chopped1/8 tsp chili powder? tsp cumin? cup low fat shredded cheddar cheeseInstructions:In a bowl, beat egg whites, water, and pepper; set aside. Heat tortillas and set aside. In a skillet cook onions, peppers, chili powder, and cumin; set aside. Pour ? cup of egg mixture into a hot skillet and swirl it around evenly to cover the pan surface. Let it cook until the edges are lightly brown and slide it onto a tortilla. Repeat until egg mixture is done. Place the vegetable mixture on top of the tortilla with the eggs in a strip down the center. Top with some cheese and roll the tortilla into a burrito. You may add salsa and fat-free sour cream.Breakfast DishesBreakfast Burritos (2 servings)Ingredients:Non-stick cooking spray? cup mushrooms, sliced? cup onion, diced? red pepper, trimmed and diced2 cups egg whites? cup nonfat cottage cheeseBlack pepper to taste2 whole-wheat or brown rice tortillas2 oz low fat cheese, gratedSalsaInstructions:In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, cottage cheese, and pepper. Set aside. Place tortillas in a warm oven. Coat a medium saucepan with cooking spray and place over medium-high heat until hot. Sauté mushrooms, onions, and red pepper until soft. Pour egg mixture over vegetables and cook until firm. Place ? of the egg and vegetable mixture down the center of the warm burrito. Roll the top with cheese and salsa.Chicken potato frittata (2 servings)Ingredients:4 oz shredded chicken1 cup chopped onion1 tomato, diced8 oz. Zucchini, diced3 cups shredded potatoes8 egg whites? cup Parmesan cheese? tsp thymeInstructions;Combine chicken, onion, tomato, and zucchini in a skillet and cook over medium for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes and continue to cook another 5 minutes. Meanwhile, beat the egg whites with Parmesan cheese and thyme. Pour the egg mixture in the skillet and let cook over medium.Frittata with Spinach, Red Pepper and Tomatoes (2 servings)Ingredients:1 cup diced tomatoes2/3 cup diced red bell pepper6 egg whitesdash non dairy milk? dried basil? tsp salt1/8 tsp pepper1 package frozen spinach? cup reduced fat shredded cheeseInstructions:On a skillet cook tomatoes, red peppers, spinach, basil and pepper. Whip egg whites with Skim milk and add to the skillet. Let it cook and then add the shredded cheese, cover until almost cooked, flip over and serve as omelet.Almond French Toast (4 servings)Ingredients:4 slices whole-wheat or gluten-free bread3 egg whites1/8-cup non-dairyDash vanilla extractCinnamon to tasteSliced almondsInstructions:In a bowl, beat egg whites, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla extract. Dip each slice of bread in the mixture and cook on a pan. Once it browns top with sliced almonds and either sugar-free jelly or sugar-free syrup.Breakfast DishesSwiss Oatmeal (1 serving)Ingredients:? cup rolled oats1 scoop protein powder1-cup low-fat vanilla soymilk? cup blueberriesInstructions:Mix rolled oats and protein powder in a large bowl. Add soymilk unsweetened, and mix again. Add blueberries; mix one last time.PROTEIN - TofuCitrus Garlic Tofu (4-6 servings)Ingredients:1 15-oz pkg. extra-firm tofuJuice from 1 lemon or limeJuice from 2 oranges1/4-cup pineapple juiceOven roasted garlicFresh basilDash of salt and pepperInstructions:Drain all water from tofu. Cut into 4 to 6 slices on the wide side. Place paper towels on a large surface or baking pan. Place sliced tofu on the towels. Cover with another towel. Place a baking pan on top with something heavy on it, like a cookbook, creating a press with which to squeeze excess moisture out of the tofu. Leave about 30 minutes. In a container or pan large enough to hold the tofu in a single layer, pour the juices. Add 8 to 10 cloves of roasted garlic and basil. Then layer in the tofu, and let marinade in the refrigerator for about 30 to 45 minutes. Turn and marinade the other side for another 30 to 45 minutes. Heat a non-stick skillet to medium or medium-high heat, Brown drained tofu on each side until the color is of your liking.Tofu Sate (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb firm tofu? tsp vinegar? cup peanut butter1 tbsp vegetable oil? tsp bay leaf, crumbled2 tsp honey? cup low-sodium soy sauce? cup boiling water? tsp ground gingerInstructions:Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk vinegar, peanut butter, oil, bay leaf crumbs, honey, soy sauce, water and ginger. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter mixture across the bottom of a baking pan. Slice tofu into half-inch slabs and lay flat, one layer thick, in baking pan. Pour remaining sauce evenly over top of tofu. Bake for 30 minutes.Protein - ChickenChunky Chicken Minestrone (4 servings)Ingredients:1 quart low sodium chicken stock plus more for cooking5 oz mixed vegetables5 oz green beans1 medium onion, diced8 oz mushrooms, sliced3 small zucchinis, shredded3 oz whole-wheat, brown rice, quinoa or lentil pasta? tsp basil? tsp oregano2 cups chicken breast, cooked and diced14 oz can crushed tomatoesInstructions:Place a nonstick pot over medium heat and coat with stock. Sauté onions and mushrooms, and then add frozen vegetables, spices, and tomatoes. Add chicken stock and bring to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes. Add cooked chicken, pasta, and shredded zucchini and simmer for another few minutes beforeserving.Chicken Vegetable Soup (3 servings)Ingredients:1 cup Low sodium chicken stock1 7 ?-oz can tomatoes1 cup sliced carrots? cup chopped onion? cup chopped green pepper? tsp dried thyme? tsp ground sage1/8 tsp pepper1 cup chopped chicken breast meatInstructions:In a saucepan combine all ingredients except chicken. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir in chicken. Simmer for 5 more minutes, and then serve.Oriental Chicken Linguine Soup (6 servings)Instructions;6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts3 sprigs fresh parsley2 ?-inch slices of ginger root? tsp salt? tsp pepper6 oz whole-wheat, brown rice, quinoa or lentil linguini, uncooked2 tbsp dry sherry2 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce1 6-oz package frozen pea pods, thawed and diagonally sliced lengthwiseSliced green onionsInstructions:In a large saucepan, place the chicken and enough water to cover (about six cups). Add parsley, ginger root, salt, and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for one hour or until chicken is tender but thoroughly cooked. Remove the chicken and strain the broth into separate bowl or original pan. Allow both to cool slightly. Cut the cooked chicken into small pieces. After the broth has cooled, skim any excess fat off the top. Measure the chicken broth and return to pan. Add enough water, if necessary, to equal six cups. Add the linguine, sherry, and soy sauce. Heat to boiling and then simmer, uncovered, about eight minutes or until linguine is cooked. Add more water if needed. Stir in the chopped chicken and sliced pea pods. Simmer, uncovered, for two minutes.Sprinkle with sliced green onions.Protein - ChickenAsian Chicken Soup with Shrimp Wontons (4 servings)Soup Ingredients:1 qt low-sodium chicken broth1 lb chicken breast1 head baby bok choy, cut leaves into 1-inch pieces2 scallions, sliced? carrot, peeled and sliced? cup shitake mushrooms, sliced3 garlic cloves, sliced Tbsp light soy sauce? tbsp hoisin sauce1 oz cilantro leaves, choppedShrimp Wontons ingredients:6 prawns, peeled and deveined1 scallion, chopped2 tsp ginger, peeled and minced 1 tsp garlic2 tbsp light soy sauce2 egg whites12 wonton wrappersWonton instructions:Place prawns, scallion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce and egg whites in a food processor and puree until paste is formed. Place this mixture in the center of each wonton wrapper (1 tsp in each). Moisten the edges of the wontons with water and seal edges. Set aside.Soup instructions:In a pot, bring chicken broth, soy sauce and hoisin sauce to a boil. Add chicken slivers, turn down heat and simmer for 1 minute. Add all vegetables and simmer for 2 minutes. Finally, add wontons and simmer for 3-4 minutes, add chopped cilantro on top.Veggie & Chicken Rolls (5 servings)Ingredients:8 mushrooms, sliced and sautéed? cup chopped coriander? cup chopped scallions? cup bean sprouts1 ? cup shredded carrots? cup cucumber1 red pepper125 grams of chopped chicken10 round rice paper wrappersInstructions:Put the mushrooms, coriander, scallions, bean sprouts, carrots, cucumber, red pepper, and chicken into a small bowl. Pour warm water in a skillet to about an inch deep. Take 2 rice paper wrappers and place one on top of the other and letthem soak in the water for 30 seconds. Remove from water and place them on a kitchen towel and pat dry with another towel. Next, place enough filling ingredients on the wrapper so that the wrapper will envelop them. Make sure to fold the edges in as you roll it.Protein - ChickenBaked Chicken Tenders with Honey Mustard Sauce (4 servings)Ingredients:Sauce:? cup honey? cup brown mustardChicken:1 ? lbs chicken breast tenders ~ 16 pieces? cup non-dairy creamer (So Delicious Coconut Milk)1 cup crushed gluten-free cereal? cup gluten free bread crumbs (1 slice gluten-free bread, food process)2 tsp paprika? tsp dried thymeInstructions:In a small bowl, combine honey and mustard and set aside. In a small dish combine the chicken breasts and the fat-free half and half. In a zip top plastic bag combine the next 4 ingredients. Place the chicken in the bag, and coat evenly. Place the chicken on a baking pan and bake at 400 degrees forapproximately 5 minutes per side. Drizzle sauce on top.Raspberry Balsamic Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking? cup red onion, chopped? tsp dried thyme4 chicken breasts1/3 cup sugar-free raspberry jelly2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar? tsp black pepperInstructions:Heat a nonstick pan with light stock; add onions and sauté for 4 minutes. Combine the thyme and pepper and sprinkle over the chicken. Add the chicken to the pan, and cook until done on each side. Remove the chicken from the pan, keep warm. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add jelly and vinegar, and stir until the jelly melts. Spoon the sauce over the chicken and serve.Roasted Chicken with Balsamic (4 servings)Ingredients1/4-cup balsamic vinegar2 tablespoons Dijon mustard2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice2 garlic cloves, choppedMrs. Dash seasoning4 chicken breasts1/2-cup low-salt chicken brothInstructions:Whisk the vinegar, mustard, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper in small bowl to blend. Combine the vinaigrette and chicken pieces in a large reseal able plastic bag; seal the bag and toss to coat. Refrigerate, turning the chicken pieces occasionally, for at least 2 hours and up to 1 day. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Remove chicken from the bag and arrange the chicken pieces on a large greased baking dish. Roast until the chicken is just cooked through. If your chicken browns too quickly, cover it with foil for the remaining cooking time. Transfer the chicken to a serving platter. Place the baking dish on a burner over medium-low heat. Whisk the chicken broth into the pan drippings, scraping up any browned bits on the bottom of the baking sheet with a wooden spoon and mixing them into the broth and pan drippings. Drizzle the pan drippings over the chicken. Sprinkle the lemon zest and parsley over the chicken, and serve.Protein - ChickenStuffed Tomato with Chicken Salad (6 servings)Ingredients:6 large tomatoes2 cups cooked and cubed chicken1/2 cup minced green bell pepper1/2 cup corn, drained2 tablespoons minced red onion1/4 cup fresh lemon juice1 tablespoon chopped fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley1 tablespoon Dijon mustard1 tablespoon low fat cottage cheese1 teaspoon ground black pepper1/2 teaspoon saltspinach leavesInstructions:Cut 1/2-inch off top of each tomato. Scoop out pulp from tomatoes. Turn tomatoes upside down on paper towels to drain. In a medium bowl, combine chicken, bell pepper, corn, and onion. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice and next 5 ingredients. Pour over chicken, tossing gently to coat. Line tomatoes with leaf lettuce or spinach leaves. Spoon chicken salad evenly into tomatoes. Refrigerate or serve immediately.Barbequed Chicken Packets (1 serving)Ingredients:Heavy aluminum foilBoneless chicken breast halvesDijon mustardDried basil leavesPaprikaCarrotsFresh mushroomsZucchiniOlive OilInstructions:Place a portion of chicken on a large sheet of heavy aluminum foil. Spread one teaspoon of Dijon mustard over the chicken. Sprinkle with basil and paprika. Top with sliced carrots, mushrooms, and zucchini. Wrap foil over and seal. Bake 10-22 minutes on barbeque. After cooking, open ends first to releasesteam.Chicken with Pesto and Spinach (2 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking2 boneless chicken breasts2 cups lightly packed baby spinach leaves (about 2 ounces)1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 to 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel1/3 cup olive oilSalt and freshly ground black pepper1/3 cup freshly grated ParmesanInstructions:Heat a grill pan on medium high heat. Lightly pour stock on the grill pan. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper. Grill the chicken until cooked through, about 5 minutes per side. Combine the spinach, pine nuts, lemon juice, and lemon peel in a processor. Lightly pulse. With the machine running, gradually add 1/3 cup of the oil, blending until the mixture is creamy. Add salt and pulse. Put half of the pesto into ice cube trays and store in the freezer for future use. Transfer the restof the spinach mixture to a medium bowl. Stir in the Parmesan. Season the pesto with salt and pepper, to taste. Spread the pesto over each piece of chicken and serve.Protein - ChickenClassic Chicken Chili (4 servings)Ingredients:6 1oz chicken tenderloins1 can white kidney beans1 can diced tomatoes with green peppers1 can stewed tomato1 envelope chili seasoning? lb extra lean turkeyInstructions:Brown chicken with 1/3 of chili seasoning, and then add ? lb turkey with another 1/3 of chili seasoning. Transfer into saucepot and add remaining chili seasoning and stir in both cans of tomatoes.Chicken Marinara (4 servings)Ingredients:8 1oz chicken tenderloins (cut into 3rds)? sliced onion1 red pepper julienne1 can Italian stewed tomatoes6 oz sliced fresh mushroomsSodium -Free Italian seasoning to taste1 can tomato sauce1 small can tomato paste2 cloves garlicInstructions:Combine chicken, onion, pepper, and mushrooms in covered pot and heat on medium heat about 30 minutes. Once chicken is cooked through, add remaining ingredients and simmer one hour. Serve over whole-wheat pasta or brown rice.Chicken Merlot (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts? cup Merlot wine1 tbsp limejuice2 small garlic cloves, minced4 tbsp parsley, chopped2 tbsp green onion, mincedInstructions:In a bowl, combine wine, limejuice, garlic, parsley, and green onions. Place chicken in a baking dish and pour the mixture on both sides of the chicken. Let it sit for one hour. Place the baking dish in oven and bake at 350 degrees until tender.Stuffed Spinach Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breastsSpinachSun-dried tomatoes, choppedPine nutsGoat cheese, crumbledComplete SeasoningTooth picksPre-heat oven to 350 degreesInstructions:Pound chicken breasts with millet. Season them with complete seasoning. In the center of the chicken add 3-4 spinach leaves, 3-4 pine nuts, a handful of sun-dried tomatoes, and a sprinkle of crumbled goat cheese. Roll up the chicken and put one or two tooth picks so as to hold the chicken together. In a skillet at medium heat, grill the stuffed chicken until lightly browned. Place the chicken on a cookie sheet and place in the pre-heated oven for about 10 minutes.Protein - ChickenTomato Basil Chicken (2 servings)Ingredients:Topping:5 Roma tomatoes, chopped1 tsp olive oil1 tsp balsamic vinegar1 tbsp chopped basilChicken:2 egg whitesGarlic & Herb Shake & Bake1 lb chicken breastsInstructions:Toppings:In a bowl, place tomatoes, oil, garlic, vinegar, and basil. Mix together and refrigerate.Chicken :Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Put egg whites in a bowl and spread the Shake & Bake onto a sheet of waxed paper. Coat the chicken with egg whites and then the Shake & Bake. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes and top with tomato topping.White Chicken Chili (4 servings)Ingredients:2 lbs chicken cut in cubes1 can cannelini white beans2-16oz jars mild salsa2 tbsp cuminInstructions:Steam 2 lbs chicken and cut into small cubes. Place in a saucepot and add one jar (48oz) white beans, 2 jars (16oz) medium salsa, and 2 tbsp cumin. Stir together over medium heat until thoroughly heated. Serve with a salad.Chicken EnchiladasIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking6-8 1 oz chicken tenderloins1-can black beans3 tbsp fat free sour cream1 small jar green chilis? cup diced onion6-8 100% corn tortillas1-cup brown rice (cooked)? cup light or fat free shredded cheese1 packet chili seasoning1 tsp cuminInstructions:Lightly line skillet with onion, chili heat about 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked. Combine chicken mixture, sour cream, and beans in a large mixing bowl. Evenly distribute the chicken mixture over the desired number of tortillas. Roll enchilada style and place in lightly sprayed baking pan. Arrange tightly into pan to prevent them from opening. Coat with sauce and cheese, cover pan with foil, and bake on 400 for about 40 minutes.Protein - ChickenMediterranean Chicken Breast (2 servings)Ingredients:2-7 oz chicken breasts1 bunch red chardExtra virgin olive oil6 purple potatoes5 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced? cup balsamic vinegar2 oz low-sodium chicken broth plus more for cooking1 orange, sliced1 tsp cilantro, choppedInstructions:Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Poke holes in the potatoes and bake in the oven for 30 minutes, or until soft. While potatoes are baking, begin the broth. Pour balsamic vinegar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer until a thick syrup has formed. While broth is thickening, begin the chicken. Season chicken with pepper and sear until golden. Place the breasts on a sheet in the oven and roast for 6-7 minutes. While chicken is roasting finish the broth. When balsamic vinegar has formed, add chicken broth and stir. Bring sauce a boil. Add orange pieces. Remove the potatoes from the oven and cut into thin slices and set aside. Add broth and garlic to the sauté pan and cook garlic until caramelized and nutty brown. Add the potato slices and sauté until light brown, stir often to prevent burning. Pour broth into a hot, pan and add ginger. Toss in the chard and stir. Deglaze with a little water. Cook until tender. Remove chicken from the oven and cool. Place chard on one edge of a plate and potatoes on another edge. Thinly slice the chicken place along the bottom of the plate. Add chopped cilantro to the sauce and pour on top.Chicken with Orange, Lime, and Ginger Sauce (4 servings)Ingredients:2? tbsp sugar-free orange marmalade1/8 tsp grated lime rind1? tbsp fresh limejuice1 tbsp grated fresh ginger4 (4oz) skinned and boned chicken breast halvesInstructions:Combine first four ingredients. Place chicken on grill, and brush with half of marmalade mixture. Cook, covered with grill lid, over medium hot coals (350 to 400 degrees) for 6 minutes. Turn chicken, and brush with remaining marmalade mixture; cook, covered with grill lid, 6 minutes or until done. Serve with grilled vegetables.Lemon Rosemary Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts2 lemons, zested and halved1 lime, zested and halved1 tbsp olive oil4 sprigs rosemaryMrs. Dash seasoningInstructions:Season the chicken with any Mrs. Dash seasoning. Mince the lemon and lime zests together and set aside. Save the whole fruit for later use. Heat a pan over moderate heat. Place the chicken, rosemary, and two lemon halves into the pan. Sear the chicken for two minutes on each side, bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Serve with Herb Rice.Protein - ChickenMango Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:? sweet onion1 mango, peeled1 orange, peeled? red pepper2 tbsp parsley4 chicken breasts2 tbsp cilantro1 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp limejuice1 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 tbsp basilInstructions:Season the chicken with salt and pepper and grill. Finely chop onion, mango, orange, pepper, parsley and cilantro; combine. Mix olive oil, limejuice, vinegar, and basil. Stir into fruit mixture and serve over grilled chicken.Provence Chicken and Vegetables (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts2 tbsp herbs de Provence1 yellow onion, diced2 garlic cloves, minced1 tsp cumin? tsp coriander1 cinnamon stick1-cup brown basmati rice3 cups low sodium vegetable stock1 medium green zucchini, sliced1 medium yellow zucchini, sliced8-12 cherry tomatoes2 tbsp fresh basil, choppedInstructions:Chicken:Season the chicken with herbs de Provence. In a pan, sear the chicken for two minutes on each side. Then bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.Rice:In a saucepan, sauté the onion until translucent. Add one clove of garlic and cook until browned. Stir in the cumin, coriander, and cinnamon stick. Stir in the rice. Add the vegetable stock and bring to a boil, cover, and simmer. Once the rice is cooked, remove the cinnamon stick.Vegetables:Steam the zucchinis and tomatoes together until tender. Toss with remaining garlic clove and basil.Chicken with Black Bean Salsa (4 servings)Ingredients:4 pieces of chicken breast1 tbsp fresh garlic3 tbsp low-sodium chicken broth + more for cooking1 can low-sodium black beans1-cup salsaScallionsGreek Yogurt, optionalInstructions:Take one tablespoon of fresh garlic and rub into chicken breasts. Coat a large skillet with stock and preheat skillet over medium-high heat. Arrange the chicken in the skillet, and cook for about two minutes in each side or until nicely browned.Reduce the heat to low and add three tablespoons of chicken broth. Cover and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes or until the chicken is tender and the juices run when the chicken is pierced. Transfer the chicken to a swerving platter, and cover to keep warm. Drain any liquid from the skillet and add a can of drained black beans. Add ? cup salsa and cook over medium heat until heated through, stirring occasionally Spoon a portion of black beans into plate and sprinkle with thinly sliced scallions. Add chicken breast, and top with a dollop of Greek Yogurt.Protein - ChickenPecan Tenders (4 servings)Ingredients:? cup Gluten-Free Cereal, crushed1/3-cup pecans, chopped4 chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch strips2 egg whites1 tsp dried basil? tsp paprikaInstructions:Preheat the oven o 400 degrees, and lightly coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. Crush the cereal. In a large zip-lock bag, mix together the cereal, pecans, paprika and parsley. Lightly beat the egg whites and dip the chicken pieces intothem. Next, place the egg-covered chicken into the bag with the mixture and shake until the chicken is coated. Place the chicken pieces on the baking sheet and cook for 15 minutes. When the chicken is done the juices will run clear.Cajun Chicken Fingers (2 servings)Ingredients:2 chicken breasts? cup gluten-free bread crumbs or quinoa flakes or almond meal3 tsp Cajun seasoningInstructions:Cut two boneless chicken breast into ?-inch strips. Put ? cup whole-wheat breadcrumbs into a pie pan and add one to 3 tsp of Cajun seasoning. Place skillet over medium-high heat and add stock. Then coat each chicken strip with the breadcrumbs.Add chicken strips to skillet, and cook until brown, about 10 to 15 minutes. Cool in the fridge overnight.Chicken Jalapeno (4 servings)Ingredients:2 tsp ground cinnamon2 tsp chili powder1 tsp cumin powder1 tsp salt1 tsp black pepper4 boneless chicken breasts1-cup low-sodium chicken broth2 tbsp honey2 limes, juiced1 jalapeno pepper, mincedInstructions:In a small bowl, mix the cinnamon, chili powder, cumin, salt, and pepper together. Rub the mixture onto the chicken and place on a baking sheet and bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. In a medium saucepan, combine the chicken broth, honey, limejuice, and jalapeno. Cook over medium heat, stirring until mixture thickens. Begin basting the chicken periodically with the broth mixture. Continue cooking for 30 minutes or until chick is no longer pink and juices run clear.Red Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:2-pounds chicken breasts, cubed8 ounces water1 tbsp vinegar8 ounces tomato sauce1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce4 small onions, chopped1 garlic clove, crushedInstructions:Mix the ingredients in a large pot and add the chicken once all the ingredients have thoroughly combined. Cover and cook on medium heat until chicken is cooked.Protein - ChickenBraised Chicken with Sun-Dried Tomatoes (2 servings)Ingredients:? cup low sodium chicken stock2 chicken breasts1 medium onion, finely chopped3 cloves of garlic, minced? cup sun-dried tomatoes1 cup sliced mushrooms? green or red bell pepper, chopped1 tsp dry mustard1 tsp dried basil leaves or oregano? cup dry white wineInstructions:Heat 2 tbsp chicken stock in a nonstick skillet. Add chicken breast and cook until browned; set aside. In the same pan, cook onion, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and mushrooms. Once onion is golden, add green or red bell peppers and cook aboutthree more minutes. Add mustard, basil leaves or oregano, white wine, and remaining chicken stock. Cook about 30 minutes. Serve with a baked potato and your favorite green vegetable.Grilled Chicken in White Wine, Garlic, and Herbs (4 servings)Ingredients:8 garlic cloves, minced1 Tbsp Rosemary1 Tbsp Parsley1 tsp black pepper? cup Dry white wine4 Thin-sliced chicken cutletsInstructions:Heat skillet over medium heat for five minutes. Add stock, and immediately add 5 to 8 cloves of minced garlic. Sauté, being careful not to brown garlic. Add 1 Tbsp rosemary, 1 Tbsp parsley, and 1 tsp fresh black pepper. Let simmer for two minutes to allow flavors to combine. Add ? cup white wine, and let reduce an additional 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Pour over 4 portions of raw chicken cutlets, and let marinate for 30 minutes to one hour. Grill chicken on barbeque. Serve with grilled potatoes, your favorite mixed, and veggies.Chicken & Veggie Skillet (1 serving)Ingredients:1 boneless chicken breast3 small potatoes, chopped1cup fresh asparagus cut into piecesMrs. Dash marinade to tasteInstructions:Cook the asparagus in a pan, add chopped potatoes and chicken. Continue to stir-fry until potatoes are lightly browned and chicken is fully cooked. Add Mrs. Dash marinade to taste and stir evenly to coat.Chick-a-Bobs (1 serving)Ingredients:1 chicken breast1 Tbsp lemon juice1 tsp black pepper? green pepper, cut in chunks? red pepper, cut in chunks? onion, cut in chunks? cup sliced mushrooms2 Kabob skewersGarlic powder or Mrs. Dash Garlic Herb seasoningBrown riceInstructions:Marinate chicken breast in lemon juice and pepper for one to six hours. Cut up chicken breast into one-inch cubes. Cut half a green pepper, half a red pepper, and half an onion into one-inch pieces. On a skewer, thread a piece of chicken, then green pepper, red pepper, mushroom, onion, and repeat until all the ingredients have been skewered. Place skewers onto the barbeque grill. Sprinkle with garlic powder or Mrs. Dash seasoning to taste. Grill until chicken is cooked through. Serve over cooked brown rice.Protein - ChickenVeggie Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking4 chicken breasts1 cup carrots, chopped1 cup asparagus, chopped? cup onion, chopped1 garlic clove, minced1 ? cup mushrooms, sliced1 ? tbsp thyme, chopped or driedMrs. Dash seasoning to tasteInstructions:Sprinkle Mrs. Dash seasoning on the chicken. In a pan with stock, grill the chicken breasts. Remove from heat and set aside. In the same pan, add the veggies, chicken broth, garlic, and thyme. When veggies are cooked, place the chicken in the pan and let simmer for about 5 minutes on medium lowCubed Chicken with Spanish riceIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking10 1oz chicken strips, cubed15 oz jar of salsa2 cups uncooked brown rice1 tsp cayenne pepper1 tsp ground cuminFresh ground pepper to tasteInstructions:Cube chicken strips, season with cumin, cayenne pepper and black pepper to taste, sauté on medium heat for about 25 minutes in a skillet with stock. While chicken is cooking, prepare rice as directed on package. Transfer above ingredients to a serving dish and add salsa.Teriyaki Chicken with Vegetables over Brown Rice (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts1 cup small whole mushrooms1 medium chopped green pepper1 medium chopped red pepper1 cup broccoli florets1 cup chopped white onion? cup teriyaki marinade or Mrs. Dash marinade2 cups cooked brown rice1 8oz can sliced water chestnuts1 8oz can bamboo shotsInstructions:Marinade 40 minutes while preparing vegetables. Place stock on a skillet and add marinated chicken, and cook over medium-high heat for 7 minutes. Add vegetables and continue to stir-fry until desired tenderness. For additional flavor, you may add sauce or teriyaki marinade. Serve over brown rice.Chicken Kebabs (2 servings)Ingredients:2 chicken breasts? cup low-fat dressing (your favorite)6 medium button mushrooms4 small onions1 small greed pepper1 small red pepper1 small yellow pepperInstructions:Cut chicken into bite-size pieces. Put in a bowl and pour dressing over it. Marinate in refrigerator at least one hour. Remove chicken pieces from marinade. Cut veggies into bite-size pieces and slide onto skewers, alternating with chicken pieces. Grill or bake until done.Protein - ChickenOrange Chicken (3-4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb skinless chicken breast1/2 cup sugar-free preserves1 tsp oregano1 tsp parsleyDash garlic powderDash pepperInstructions:Marinade breast in preserves, oregano, parsley, garlic, and pepper for 6 hours. Remove chicken. Place on non-stick broiler rack. Broil until brown, basting with marinade occasionally.Lemon Chicken (3-4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb skinless chicken breast? cup lemon juice1/8 tsp garlic powder1 tbsp oregano1 tbsp parsley1 tbsp grated lemon grindInstructions:Marinade chicken breast overnight in a mixture of all ingredients. Turn and baste while cooking chicken on a grill until doneSesame Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts2 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce1 tbsp smooth almond butter, freshly ground2 tsp sesame oilJuice from ? lime3 tbsp sesame seeds, toastedMrs. Dash seasoningInstructions:Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a food processor, combine soy sauce,almond butter, oil, and limejuice. Blend until smooth and pour onto a plate. Season chicken with Mrs. Dash and grill until golden brown. Coat each piece of chicken in peanut butter mixture, and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.Stuffed Chicken Breasts (4 servings)Ingredients:4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, pounded? tsp ground black pepper? tsp salt1 cup cooked brown rice? cup minced tomato1 oz finely shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese1 tbsp chopped fresh basilLow sodium chicken stock for cookingInstructions:Season chicken breasts with half the pepper and salt. Combine rice, tomato, cheese, basil, and remaining pepper. Spoon rice mixture on top of chicken breasts; fold over and secure with wooden water-soaked toothpicks. Coat a large skillet with stock and place over medium-high heat until hot. Cook stuffed chicken breasts one minute on each side or just until golden brown. Transfer each chicken to shallow baking pan and bake at 350* or until chicken is tender.Protein - ChickenChicken & Veggie Pasta SauceIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking8 1oz chicken tenderloins1 tbsp Virgin Olive Oil2 cans stewed tomatoes1 can tomato puree6 oz fresh sliced mushrooms1 cup Spinach? cup diced onions2 tbsp sodium free Italian seasoning2 tbsp garlic powderInstructions:Place stock in a saucepan on medium heat, after about 1 minute add the onion, mushrooms, spinach, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Let the seasoning coat the vegetables for about 5 minutes, while cubing the tenderloins. After cubing, add to the veggies already in the pan; let cook for 15-20 minutes on medium heat; open canned tomatoes and puree; pour in; and cook over low heat for about 2 hours.Chicken Tenders Dijon (2 servings)Ingredients:2 chicken breasts? cup low fat cottage cheese2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard2 Tbsp. fat-free grated Parmesan cheese2 Tbsp. + 1 Tbsp. dairy-free milk? tsp. saltPepper, to taste2 cups gluten free cereal, finely crushedInstructions:Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spray a medium nonstick baking sheet with cooking spray. Place chicken breasts on a flat surface between two pieces of wax paper. Using a mallet, or the back of a heavy span, pound each breast until thin. Cut each breast diagonally into five strips. In a medium bowl, mix cottage cheese, mustard, Parmesan, 2 Tbsp. milk, salt and pepper. Transfer one-third of Dijon mixture into a small bowl and stir in remaining 1 Tbsp. milk. Cover small bowl and refrigerate. Place crushed cereal in a shallow bowl. First, dip each chicken breast into Dijon mixture, then cereal, coating to cover. Bake 5 minutes, and then turn carefully. Bake 5 minutes more or until chicken is no longer pink inside. Serve hot with reserved Dijon mixture.Grilled Chicken with Salsa Barbeque Sauce (3 to 4 servings)Ingredients:1 cup salsa3 limes, juiced1 cup low sugar Barbeque Sauce1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro, for garnish4 skinless, boneless chicken breastInstructions:In a medium saucepan, combine salsa, limejuice, and barbeque sauce. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove sauce from heat, and add cilantro. Use sauce to baste chicken during the last 20 minutes of grilling, reserving abouta half cup of the sauce to baste the cooked pieces just before serving.Ginger Spicy Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking4 chicken breasts1 medium red bell pepper, cut into ?-inch strips1 medium green bell pepper, cut into ?-inch strips8 oz pineapple chunks2 tbsp chopped cilantro or fresh parsley1 tsp ground gingerInstructions:Lightly salt each chicken breast. Heat stock in large skillet over medium heat, and add chicken and cook five minutes on each side or until light brown and tender. Remove chicken from pan and keep warm. Add pepper strips, cilantro, and ginger to skillet. Cook, stirring frequently, five to seven minutes or untilpeppers are tender. Return chicken to skillet and heat through. Serve on a bed of brown rice.Protein - ChickenCajun Chicken Salad (4 Servings)Ingredients:1 ? lb chicken breast, cut into strips1 oz Cajun spice? lb spinach leaves2 ripe plums, pitted and cut into wedges1 lb potatoes6 oz green beans, stemmed and cooked1 oz pecans1 oz fresh cilantro, chopped5 oz non-fat cottage or Greek yogurt cheese1 tbsp chopped shallots1 tbsp red wine vinegarBlack pepper to tasteInstructions:Boil the potatoes in a saucepan until fully cooked. Drain and cool, then slice. Sprinkle the Cajun spice over the chicken and sear in a pan. For the dressing: blend cilantro, cottage cheese, shallots, vinegar and pepper in a bowl. To prepare the salad, place the spinach in a plate and surround it with plum wedges, pecans, potatoes, and beans. Place the chicken on top and drizzle it with thedressing.Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad (4 servings)Ingredients:4 4-ounce skinless, boneless chicken breast halvesSalt and ground black pepper1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese2 teaspoons Dijon mustard2 teaspoons olive oil1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 clove garlic, minced? cup low-sodium chicken stock6 cups romaine lettuce leaves16 cherry tomatoes, halvedInstructions:Preheat grill, broiler or grill pan. Season both sides of chicken with salt and pepper. Cook 5 minutes a side, or until done. Meanwhile, puree cheese, mustard oil, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and ? cup broth in a blender until smooth. Add remaining stock; puree. In a large bowl, toss romaine withdressing. Thinly slice grilled chicken crosswise; arrange on romaine with tomatoes.Mandarin Chicken SaladIngredients:2 chicken breasts1 head romaine lettuceFresh sliced mandarin orange3 tablespoons mandarin juice1 tablespoon sesame oil2 tablespoons light seasoned rice vinegar1 tablespoon sesame seedsInstructions:Grill two chicken breast and cut into strips. Tear romaine lettuce and place in a large bowl. Add chicken and mandarin oranges. In another bowl, combine sesame oil, rice vinegar, juice from mandarin oranges and sesame seeds. Drizzle over the lettuce, chicken, and orange slices. Toss and enjoy.Protein - ChickenAsian Chicken SaladIngredients:4 boneless chicken breasts, grilled and sliced1 package baby greens salad mix1/3 cup sliced almonds? cup scallionsDressing:3 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce? lemon (juice)1 tbsp. minced fresh gingerroot2 tbsp. Minced garlic? tsp. Dijon mustard1/3 tsp. HoneyInstructions:Whisk all dressing ingredients in a bowl. Place salad greens, almonds, chicken, and scallions in a bowl and drizzle dressing on top.Chicken Salad with Raspberries and WalnutsIngredients:? cup chopped walnuts1 tbsp. olive oil4 cooked chicken breasts2 tsp Dijon mustard1 cup fresh raspberriesHandful of spinach and arugula leaves2 green onions chopped1 tbsp raspberry white wine vinegar4 whole-wheat pita pockets or any gluten-free bread.Instructions:Place walnuts on skillet and cook until golden brown. In large bowl combine chicken, raspberries, green onions and walnuts, toss. In small bowl whisk vinegar, oil and mustard. Add to chicken mixture and toss. Stuff lettuce into pita pocket, and spoon chicken salad into pita.Greek chicken SaladIngredients:3 4-oz. skinless, boneless chicken breast halvesSalt and pepper to taste1 cup sliced cucumber? cup chopped red onion4 tbsp. crumbled feta cheese1 tbs. red wine vinegar2 tsp olive oil1 tsp Dijon mustard2 cups chopped Romaine lettuceInstructions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat baking sheet with cooking spray. Season both sides of chicken with salt and pepper and bake for 25 min. In a large bowl toss cucumber, onion and feta cheese. In small bowl whisk vinegar, oil and mustard. Add mustard to cucumber mixture and stir to coat. Stir in the chicken; serve the chicken salad over lettuce.Protein - ChickenLatin-Style Chicken and Bean Salad (4 servings)Ingredients:? cup chopped cilantro3 tbsp slivered almonds3 tbsp water1 jalapeno pepper1garlic clove1 tsp ground cumin? tsp salt2 tbsp fat free sour cream12 ounces cooked chicken cut into pieces1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained1 large red bell pepper into pieces? cup chopped sweet white onion4 cups lettuceInstructions:In food processor, blend ? cup cilantro, almonds, limejuice, water, jalapeno, garlic, cumin and salt until smooth. Add sour cream and pulse to mix. Combine chicken, beans, bell pepper, onion and remaining ? cup cilantro in bowl. Add dressing and toss. Serve salad with chicken atop.Protein - TurkeyCherry Tomato Turkey Meatballs (5 servings)Ingredients:1 lb extra lean ground turkey breast12 cherry tomatoes2 egg whites? cup chopped onion? tsp saltDash pepper? tsp dried oregano1 tbsp parsleyInstructions:In a bowl, combine egg whites, onion, salt, oregano, pepper, and parsley. Add to ground turkey and mix well. Shape ? cup of meat mixture evenly around each tomato, so that tomato sits inside the meatball. Place in baking dish sprayed with Pam and bake at 375F degrees for 25-30 minutes.Turkeyloaf Muffins (10 muffins)Ingredients:1 2/3 to 1 3/4 pounds ground extra-lean turkey breast1 medium onion, cut into chunks2 ribs celery, cut into 2-inch pieces1 green bell pepper2 egg whites1 whole-wheat bread, blended into crumbs2 tablespoons Mrs. Dash Italian Seasoning1 cup barbecue sauce (low-sodium, low-sugar)1/2 cup tomato salsa1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauceVegetable oil or extra-virgin olive oilInstructions:Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Put ground turkey into a big bowl. Put onion and celery into a food processor. Chop the pepper and add to the food processor. Pulse the processor to finely chop the vegetables into very small pieces then add them to the turkey bowl. Add egg whites, beaten, bread crumbs and seasoning to the bowl. Next, mix together the barbecue sauce, the salsa and the Worcestershire sauce. Pour half the sauce mixture into the bowl with the turkey loaf mix. Mix the turkey loaf together with your hands. Fill each tin with mixture and top each muffin with a spoonful of extra sauce. Bake about 20 minutes.Turkey Vegetable Meatloaf (8 servings)Ingredients:2 lb extra lean ground turkey breast1/2 cup chopped onions4 egg whites1 cup salsa? cup uncooked oatmeal1 package Vegetable Soup Mix (low sodium)? tsp pepper? tsp garlic powderInstructions:Mix all ingredients except ketchup until well blended. Place in a meatloaf pan. Cover and bake at 350* for approximately 30 minutes.Protein - TurkeyTurkey loaf (12 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking1 cup finely chopped onion? cup finely chopped carrot? cup finely chopped green onions? cup finely chopped celery? cup finely chopped red bell pepper2 garlic loves, minced2 ? lbs ground turkey breast? cup quinoa flakes or almond meal1/3-cup organic ketchup1 tsp salt1 tsp pepper? tsp ground nutmeg? tsp ground cumin? tsp ground coriander4 egg whites, lightly beatenVegetable cooking spray? cup ketchup3 tablespoons brown sugarInstructions:Heat stock in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion and next five ingredients (onion through garlic); sauté 5 minutes or until tender. Combine onion mixture, turkey, and next 8 ingredients (turkey through egg whites) in a large bowl; stir well (mixture will be wet). Shape meat mixture into meatloaf on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.Turkey meatloaf (12 servings)Ingredients:? cup oatmeal1 tbsp dried onion1 egg white2 tbsp flaxseed? cup ketchup1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 Lb lean ground turkey breastInstructions:Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and place the mixture on it, form into a meatloaf. Bake at 375 degrees for one hour covered for approximately 30 minutes.Apple Turkey LoafIngredients:1 lb ground extra lean turkey? cup uncooked oatmeal1 rib celery, chopped? cup apple, chopped1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce2 tsp poultry seasoning2 egg whitesInstructions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a bowl until well mixed. Spread the turkey mixture on a cookie sheet lined with foil and bake for 30-45 minutes.Protein - TurkeyMeatloaf with Balsamic GlazeIngredients:? cup low sodium chicken stock (eye ball it)1 large zucchini, finely diced? red bell pepper, finely diced1/2 yellow pepper, finely diced5 cloves garlic cloves minced3 egg whites, lightly beaten1/2 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme leaves1/8 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves1 lb extra lean ground turkey breast? cup almond meal or quinoa flakes1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan low sodium low fat1/2 cup organic ketchup, divided1/8 cup plus 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegarPreheat oven to 400 degrees F.Instructions:Heat the chicken stock in a large sauté pan over high heat. Add the zucchini, peppers, garlic and cook until almost soft, 5 minutes. Set aside to cool. Whisk together the eggs and herbs in a large bowl. Add the turkey, bread crumbs, cheese, 1/4 cup of the ketchup, 1 tablespoon of the balsamic vinegar, and thecooled vegetables and mix until just combined. Mold the meatloaf on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Whisk together the remaining ketchup, balsamic vinegar in a small bowl. Brush the mixture over the entire loaf. Bake the meatloaf for approximately 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes before slicing.Portobello bun Turkey Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:4 Portobello mushroom caps2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, eyeball the amount2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar, a splash1 1/2 pounds extra lean ground turkey1 small onion, chopped2 cloves garlic, chopped2 tablespoons tomato paste2 tablespoons chili powder1 tablespoon poultry or grill seasoning4 ounces crumbled goat cheese2 roasted red peppers, drained2 tablespoons chopped cilantro leavesInstructions:Preheat grill pan or large nonstick griddle pan over medium high to high heat. Combine Worcestershire sauce with balsamic vinegar. Brush mushrooms with dressing. Grill mushrooms on hot grill pan or griddle for 3 or 4 minutes on each side, until tender. Transfer to a plate and cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Combine turkey in a bowl with onion, garlic, tomato paste, chili powder and poultry seasoning. Form turkey into 4 large patties. Grill meat 4 to 7 minutes on each side for medium-rare to well done burgers. Melt cheese over burgers during the last minute or 2 the turkey is on the grill. A loose foil tent will help the cheese melt quicker. While the turkey cooks, grind the roasted red peppers in a food processor with cilantro or parsley. To assemble, place a Portobello cap-side- down on a plate and spread a spoonful or 2 of the ground roasted red peppers into the cavity. Top with a burger and serve.Turkey PattiesIngredients:1 lb. extra lean ground turkey breast1-cup egg whites? cup old-fashioned oatmeal, dry1 Tbsp. sodium free seasoning? cup low sugar garlic-marinade dressingSalt (to taste)Instructions:Mix all ingredients, adding more oats for consistency if needed. Form into 4 patties. Coat a pan with stock and place over medium heat. Place patties in pan and cook on one side about 5 minutes, then flip and cook the other side for 3-5 minutes. Serve with brown rice and steamed vegetables.Protein - TurkeyTurkey-Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking6 oz. ground turkey breast? cup cooked brown rice5 tsp. minced fresh parsley, divided? tsp. salt1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper? cup red wine1 Tbsp. fresh-squeezed lemon juiceInstructions:In a large bowl, mix the turkey, rice, 4 tsp. Parsley and salt. Form a patty, and line a nonstick pan with stock and place over high heat. When hot, add patty. Sear it on one side until browned, then flip and sear the other side. Reduce heat to medium and continue cooking until no longer pink inside (approximately 4-5 minutes each side.) Remove patty from pan; cover to keep warm. Add wine to the pan and increase heat to high, scraping any pan drippings as liquid begins to boil. Continue to boil wine until reduced by half. Stir in lemon juice, and then pour mixture over steak. Top with remaining parsley and serve.Turkey Stuffed Peppers (4 servings)Ingredients:4 large green bell peppers1 cup brown rice, cooked1 lb ground turkey breast? cup home made whole-wheat bread crumbs (blend whole-wheat bread)1 ? tsp dried oregano (1 tbsp fresh)2 cloves garlic, minced3 egg whites1 egg yolk? cup chopped onion1 15oz cans whole tomatoes, divided? cup brown rice, cooked1 tbsp fat-free Parmesan cheese (optional)Instructions:Cut off tops of peppers and remove seeds. Put ? cup brown rice in bottom of each pepper. Blend tomatoes in blender and pour all but ? cup over brown rice. In a large bowl, mix ground turkey, crumbs, oregano, garlic, and eggs. Fill each pepper with turkey mix, then pour remaining ? cup tomato blend over top. Place them on baking dish and cover with foil. Bake in 350-degree oven for 45 minutes. Sprinkle cheese on top & return to oven for 10 minutes without foil cover.Turkey & Eggplant Combo (1 serving)Ingredients:1 eggplant, chopped1 zucchini, chopped1 cup squash1 lb extra-lean ground turkey ? cup brown rice? cup Healthy Choice tomato sauceMrs. Dash seasoningInstructions:Sauté the vegetables in a pan. Season the turkey with Mrs. Dash and cook until brown. Cook the brown rice and mix it with the vegetables and turkey. Add a little tomato sauce, mix and serve.Protein - TurkeySmoked TurkeyIngredients:? cup sodium-free turkey, chicken, or vegetable stock2 tsp light soy sauce1 tsp liquid hickory smoke seasoning? tsp Chipotle pepper powder? tsp yellow mustard powder? tsp dried sage12 oz extra lean ground turkey breastInstructions:Combine all of the ingredients except for the turkey in a skillet. Stir, and then add turkey. Cover the skillet and bring to a boil. Then remove lid and simmer away the liquid.Turkey Tortilla Roll-Ups (6-8 servings)Ingredients:2 cups chopped broccoli, zucchini, or cauliflower1 medium onion, chopped10 ounces cooked, chopped extra lean ground turkey breast1 ? cups reduced sodium salsa? cup finely shredded fat-free cheddar cheese? cup shredded reduced fat cheddar cheese10 corn tortillasNon-fat sour creamSalsaInstructions:In a medium microwave-safe bowl, mix broccoli, zucchini, or cauliflower and chopped onion. Cover with wax paper. Microwave on high for three to four minutes or until vegetables are tender. Stir in turkey breast and salsa. Set aside. In a small bowl, toss together two types of cheddar cheese. Next, place tortilla on a flat work surface. Spoon about three tablespoons of the turkey mixture in the center. Sprinkle with two tablespoons of the cheese mixture. Carefully roll up the tortilla and place it, seam side down, on a baking sheet. Repeat with remaining tortillas, turkey mixture, and cheese. Broil the tortillas two inches from the heat for three to four minutes or until the cheese melts. Serve topped with non-fat sour cream and salsa.Turkey TacosIngredients:1 lb ground turkey breast1 8oz can whole tomatoes (drained)1 tsp chili powder? tsp cumin? tsp cayenne2 tbsp minced garlic? chopped medium onion? cup chopped celeryShredded lettuceDiced fresh tomatoesCorn tortillasInstructions:Brown turkey in a non-stick skillet. Add onions, celery, and spices. Cover, reduce heat, and let simmer for 10 minutes. Place turkey taco meat into corn tortillas and top with diced lettuce and tomatoes.Protein - TurkeyTurkey and VegetableIngredients:1 bag of frozen vegetables1 cup tomato sauce12 oz turkey breast, diced4 tbsp Parmesan cheeseInstructions:Season the turkey and cook in a skillet. While turkey is cooking, steam the vegetables. Pour the turkey on top of the vegetables and add the tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese.Turkey and Veggie Stew (19 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking1 lb extra lean ground turkey breast2 garlic cloves, chopped1 large onion, chopped1 large red pepper, chopped1 tsp crushed red pepper3 tsp Italian seasoning? tsp fresh ground 4-pepper blend3 28-oz cans diced tomatoes, with liquid, no salt added15 oz of your favorite beans1 small zucchini, sliced2 pckg sliced mushrooms1 tsp apple cider vinegar1 cup cornInstructions:Heat stock in a skillet, cook turkey until browned. Add the garlic, onion and red pepper. Cook for 3 minutes and add crushed pepper, 2 tsp Italian seasoning and ground pepper. Cook for 8 minutes, transfer to a large pot. Add the tomatoes with the liquid, the pinto beans. Stir in the zucchini and mushrooms. Bring to a simmer and add 1 tsp Italian seasoning, then reduce to low heat. Cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.Turkey ChiliIngredients:1 leg onion chopped4 scallions chopped1 large yellow bell pepper chopped1 tomato chopped2 garlic clove crushed? cup shredded reduced fat cheddar cheese2 canned chipotle chilies chopped2 tsp vegetable oil1 tbsp ground chili powder1 tsp ground cumin? tsp ground black pepper1 can low-sodium crushed tomatoes1 can low sodium fat free chicken broth1 bottle chili sauce1 lb deli turkey breast diced1 can kidney beans drainedInstructions:Cook onion, bell pepper, garlic, and chilies stirring occasionally, about 5 min., add next 3 ingredients, bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat and simmer 20 min. Serve with scallions, tomato, and cheese.Protein - TurkeyTurkey and Black Bean ChiliIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking1 lb extra lean turkey breast1 can stewed tomatoes1 can black beans? packet of taco seasoning1 can tomatoes for chili1 small can tomato paste? cup diced onion? cup diced red pepper? cup diced green pepper1 tbsp cuminInstructions:In a large skillet add a little chicken stock and combine ground turkey, taco seasoning, diced onion, peppers, and cumin. After browning transfer to sauce pot and add remaining ingredients, cook about an hour on top of stove. May serve over brown rice and top with fat-free cheese.Hot body chiliIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock1 lb ground turkey breast1 small onion chopped1 16oz. can crushed tomatoes1 tbs. brown sugar3 tbs. chili powder1 capful vinegar8 oz. can low sugar tomato sauceSalt and pepper to taste8 oz. can kidney beans, rinsed and drainedInstructions:Lightly coat a pan with stock and add turkey and onions. Crumble turkey and cook fully. Add remaining ingredients except beans. Cover pot with lid. Then add beans and simmer for 15 minutesHome-Style Chili with Potatoes (2 servings)Ingredients:? cup onions? cup celery? cup mushrooms1 lb extra-lean ground turkey breast1 cup low sodium and sugar tomato sauceChili powder to taste4 small potatoes cubedInstructions:In a pot coated with stock, brown ? cup onions, ? cup celery, ? cup mushrooms, and turkey. When the turkey is no longer pink, add one cup of tomato sauce and of diced potatoes. Season the chili with chili powder cayenne pepper, salt, and black pepper to taste. Simmer on medium-low heat for about 15-20 minutes, until potatoes are fork tender.Protein - TurkeyTurkey Waldorf Salad (4 servings)Ingredients:? cup plain low fat yogurt1 tbsp honey1 tbsp Dijon mustard? cup chopped walnuts? tsp thyme, crumbled? tsp salt? tsp pepper1 lb thin turkey breast cutlets1 tbsp olive oil6 cups shredded cabbage2 large carrots1 red apple thinly slicedInstructions:DressingMix yogurt, honey, mustard, and salt and pepper. In a skillet toast the walnuts. Stir together thyme, salt and pepper in a cup and sprinkle on both sides of turkey, cut turkey into pieces. In skillet heat stock and cook turkey. In a salad bowl, toss cabbage, carrots, apples and toasted walnuts with dressing, add turkey and serveTurkey Lettuce Rolls (1 serving)Ingredients:12 large lettuce leaves4 oz extra lean ground turkeyMrs. Dash seasoningsSalsa ingredients:? cup salsa? ripe avocado? tbsp minced onion or parsley1 tbsp lemon juiceInstructions:Season the ground turkey with Mrs. Dash seasonings and cook on medium heat. Set aside. Mix all the ingredients for the salsa and set aside. Place a lettuce leaf on a plate and place 2 tbsp of turkey and 1 tbsp of salsa. Cover with another lettuce leaf, roll it up and secure it with a toothpick. Repeat until all ingredients are done.Turkey Greek Salad (2 servings)Ingredients:4 cups salad greens1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved1 cucumber, peeled and sliced2 slices of sweet onion12 oz cooked turkey breast1 oz crumbled feta cheeseVinaigrette ingredients:2 tbsp red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil? cup low-sodium chicken broth? tsp dried oregano1/8 tsp black pepper2 tsp light soy sauceInstructions:Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Serve separately and add vinaigrette on top.. Protein - FishParmesan-Crusted Trout with Red Pepper Orzo (4 servings)Ingredients:6 oz uncooked orzo1 7oz jar roasted red peppers2 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese4 4oz trout fillets? cup almond meal, flax meal or quinoa flakesInstructions;In a pot boil water, and cook orzo until tender. Drain and toss with minced red peppers. In dish combine breadcrumbs and Parmesan. Add fillets and turn to coat both sides. Cook fillets in pan, and serve on orzo.Honey-Glazed Cod Fillets with Mango salsa (4 servings)Ingredients:2 tbsp honey1 tbsp hoisin sauce1 tbsp juice of an orange1 ? lb cod filletsMango Salsa:? cup diced tomatoes? cup diced mango1 tbsp minced red onion1 tbsp chopped cilantro1 tbsp minced jalapeno pepper1 tbsp lime juiceInstructions:In a bowl stir, honey, hoisin sauce and juice until blended. Brush both sides of fish fillets with mixture and broil fish. Mix all ingredients for the salsa and refrigerate, spoon over fillets.Steamed Swordfish (2 servings)Ingredients:12 oz swordfish1 lemon3 tbsp dry white wine1/3 tsp garlic powderPepperInstructions:In a steamer, steam swordfish covered with the juice of one lemon, white wine, garlic powder, and pepper. Steam until fish is flaky. Serve with a small baked potato and steamed sliced carrots and snap peas.Swordfish Lemon and Basil, Mint (4 servings)Ingredients:1/3 cup olive oil3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves1 garlic clove, mincedSalt and freshly ground black pepper4 swordfish steaksInstructions:Prepare the grill (medium-high heat). Whisk the oil, mint, lemon juice, basil, and garlic in a medium bowl to blend. Season the lemon and olive oil mixture with salt and pepper, to taste. Brush the swordfish steaks with 2 tablespoons of the lemon and olive oil mixture. Grill the steaks until just cooked through, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer the steaks to plates. Spoon the remaining sauce over and serve.Protein - FishCitrus Pesto Swordfish (4 servings)Ingredients:Citrus pesto:1 bunch fresh basil, stemmed (about 3 cups)1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted1 clove garlic1 lemon, zested and juiced1 orange, zested and juiced1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil1/2 cup reduced fat Parmesan4 swordfish steaksSalt and freshly ground black pepperInstructions:Blend the basil, pine nuts, garlic, zests, juices, salt, and pepper in a food processor until the mixture is finely chopped. With the machine running, gradually add the olive oil until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the Parmesan. Place a grill pan over medium-high heat or preheat a gas or charcoal grill. Season the swordfish fillets with salt and pepper. Grill the swordfish about 3 to 4 minutes on each. Transfer the grilled swordfish to serving plates, top with the citrus pesto, and serve.Miso Baked Halibut (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb halibut? cup mellow white miso3 tbsp sugar free maple syrupInstructions:Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Rinse fish and place in a dish. In a small bowl, mix miso and syrup and mix until it forms a paste. Spread over fish and bake for 15 minutes. Set oven to broil and place fish under broiler for three to five minutes.Pesto & Pea Halibut (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb halibut1 cup peas? cup fat-free, low sodium chicken or vegetable broth? cup shelled pistachios1 cup basil leaves1/3 cup mint leaves1 large garlic clove2 tbsp olive oilPepper to tasteInstructions:Grill the fish for approximately 5 minutes on each side. In a small saucepan, combine peas and broth. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for 5 minutes until peas are tender. Let cool. In a blender, combine peas and broth with the next 4 ingredients. Whirl to blend, and slowly add oil. Season with pepper and serve over fish. Garnish with mint and basil.Mango Halibut (3 servings)Ingredients:1 lb. Halibut? tsp. garlic powder? tsp. White pepperMango Salsa Ingredients:2 cups diced mango? cup fresh cilantro, chopped? cup sweet red onion, diced2 garlic cloves, crushedLime juice from 1 limeInstructions:In a bowl, mix mango, cilantro, onion, and garlic together. Pour limejuice over salsa and toss. Sprinkle garlic and pepper on halibut. Heat stock in a non stick pan and grill halibut. Place mango salsa on top.Protein - FishBaked Orange Roughy (2 servings)Ingredients:? lb of orange roughy or codGarlic powder to tasteBlack pepper to taste? lemon, sliced2 thin slices of sweet onionInstructions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place a large piece of aluminum foil paper on a baking sheet. Place the fish in the center. Sprinkle garlic and pepper over fillet. Place 5 slices of lemon on fillet and top with sliced onions. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.Almond Orange Roughy (4 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking? cup Dijon mustard? cup almond meal, flax meal or qunoa flakes2 Tbsp. finely chopped almonds? tsp. garlic powder4 6oz orange roughy fillets1 tbsp vegetable oil or macadamia nut oil, dividedInstructions:In a shallow dish combine breadcrumbs, chopped almonds, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Cover one fillet in mustard, and cover in breadcrumb mixture. Repeat with other fillets, then set aside. Heat stock in large nonstick skillet over high heat. Place fillets in pan and cook 3 minutes on each side or until fish flakes easily, when tested with a fork.Sunflower Roughy (4 servings)Ingredients:? cup crumbled gluten-free cereal2 tbsp dry-roasted sunflower kernels1 tsp Mrs. Dash seasoning4 Orange Roughy fillets3 tbsp lemon juiceInstructions:Combine first three ingredients in a bowl. Dip fish in lemon juice and coat in crumb mixture. Place fish on a broiler pan. Sprinkle remaining crumbs over fish. Bake at 415 degrees for 15 minutes.Snapper a-la-mode (2 servings)Ingredients:1/3 cup chopped onions2 large garlic cloves, minced or crushed2/3 cup chopped, seeded fresh plum tomatoes (any tomato)2 Tbsp. minced fresh jalapeno chili peppers3 Tbsp. water2 snapper fillets, 6 oz1 whole limeInstructions:Line a grill pan with stock and place it over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic and cook until tender, but not browned, approximately 3-5 minutes. Add tomatoes, jalapenos, and water. Allow mixture to boil, cover pan, then reduce heat and simmer until the tomatoes are slightly softened and warm. Add fish to simmering sauce and squeeze juice of the entire lime over the fillets. Spoon some sauce on top, then cover pan and cook about 6-10 minutes until fish flakes and is no longer translucent.Protein - FishSnapper with Tomatillo Sauce (4 servings)Ingredients:4 6-7oz red snapper filletsSalt and pepperOnion powderGarlic powderGround cumin6 100% corn or brown rice tortillasLow sodium chicken stock1 ripe tomato, seeded and choppedSauce:4 10oz cans tomatillos4 green onions2 jalapeno peppers1 bunch cilantro, leaves only with a couple of sprigs reserved for garnish2 cups low sodium chicken stock2 cloves garlic? tsp cumin? tsp pepperInstructions:Wash and dry the fillets. Season them on both sides with salt, pepper, onion, garlic, and cumin. Tear the tortillas into strips, and turn into crumbs using a food processor. Dip the fillets in the tortilla crumbs to coat. Heat a large non-stick skillet on medium high; place the fish fillets in the pan. Cook about 4 minutes on each side. Combine all sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor while the snapper is cooking. Blend until smooth. Pour into a small saucepan and bring just to a simmer. Pour sauce in each plate, put the fillet on top, and pour a little more sauce over the fish.Cilantro and Lime White Fish (8 servings)Ingredients:4 limes, sliced and seeded1 bunch cilantro, chopped? red onion, chopped4 garlic cloves, crushed3 jalapenos, seeded? cup water2 tbsp hoisin sauce1 tbsp Mrs. Dash8 white fish filletsInstructions:Blend all ingredients together except for fish. Pour mixture over fillets and let them marinate in the fridge overnight in a covered container. Broil the fish in the oven for two minutes on each side.Sesame White Fish (4 servings)Ingredients:1 whole fish1 tbsp. sesame oil1? cup water2 tbsp. sliced ginger2 tbsp. rice wine vinegar1 tbsp. low sodium soy sauce? cup sliced scallionsInstructions:In a large pan, warm the sesame oil and add ginger to release flavor. Lower heat to medium and add water, rice wine vinegar and soy sauce. Place fish in the pan; cover and steam over medium until done. Add water to moisten as necessary. While steaming slowly add sliced scallions on top of the fish.Protein - FishFish CakesIngredients:4 egg whites6 oz. white fish cut in chunks8 oz. potato peeled and boiled until soft2 tsp parsley2 tsp vinegar3 tbsp flax meal, almond meal or quinoa flakes1 tsp lemon juice? cup dairy free milk2 tsp Worcestershire sauce? tsp red pepperInstructions:In large bowl, beat egg whites until thick. In another bowl, combine all other ingredients and mix well with electric mixer. Carefully fold egg whites into fish mixture. Spoon mixture onto a non-stick skillet and form about 5 cakes.Funky Crab cakesIngredients:6 oz. can white crabmeat drained1 egg white3 tbsp chopped yellow or white onion2 tbsp chopped green bell pepper1 ? tbsp fat free cottage cheese? tsp Creole seasoning? cup gluten-free crumbs (optional)Instructions:In a bowl mix all ingredients and stir well. Divide crab mixture and shape into patties. Sprinkle Creole seasoning and broil.Tuna Salad (2 servings)Ingredients:1 6oz can water-packed tuna (drained)2 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt1 tsp Dijon mustard2 hard-boiled egg whites1 tbsp relish1 tbsp cranberriesInstructions:Mix all ingredients well. Serve on whole wheat bread or toast. Top with lettuce and/or tomato.Tuna Walnut Salad (1 serving)Ingredients:3 ounces canned tuna, drained1/8 tsp mustard1/8 tsp dill1/8 tsp rosemary1/8 tsp lemon zest? tsp Worcestershire sauce1 cup arugula1 tsp olive oil2 tsp vinegarToasted walnuts to tasteInstructions:Tuna:In a bowl, combine the tuna, mustard, dill, rosemary, lemon zest, and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well.Greens:Combine the oil and vinegar and drizzle over the arugula. Add the tuna and walnuts.Protein - FishTuna Almond Salad (1 serving)Ingredients? cup red wine vinegar? cup apple cider vinegar1 tsp mustard seeds? tsp dried red pepper flakes2 tbsp honey1 lb vine ripened tomatoes, diced1 red bell pepper, diced? cup scallions, diced2 ounces lettuce3 ounces canned tunaSliced almondsInstructions:Dressing:In a pot, combine the vinegars, mustard seeds, and red pepper flakes. Bring the mixture to a boil, stir in the honey until dissolved. Then add the tomatoes, bell pepper, and scallions. Let the mixture simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally until thickened. Cool completely.Tuna and Greens:On a plate, place the greens with the tuna on top. Drizzle the dressing and top with sliced almonds.Cajun Tuna Salad (1 serving)Ingredients:3 ounces canned tuna1 tbsp shallot, diced1 tbsp garlic chives, chopped1 tsp Cajun seasoning1-ounce baby spinach1-ounce watercress1 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juicePecansInstructions:Tuna:In a bowl, combine the tuna, shallot, garlic, chives, and Cajun seasoning.Greens:Combine the greens in a bowl. Mix one tbsp of oil with orange juice and drizzle the dressing over the greens and top with pecans.Summer Tuna Salad (6 servings)Ingredients:1 5-ounce bag baby greens1 tomato, cubed1 yellow tomato, cubed1 medium avocado, cubed? cucumber, peeled and cubed1 cup garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained? cup yellow and Red Peppers, diced1cup mushrooms, chopped1 cup Artichoke Hearts, rinsed2 tbsp fresh basil, chopped3 cans tuna, packed in water and low sodiumVinaigrette:? cup olive oil1/2-cup balsamic vinegar1 tbsp Dijon mustard1/8 tsp four-blend pepper1 tsp fresh garlic, crushed? tsp Mrs. Dash Italian SeasoningInstructions:Combine all of the salad ingredients in a large bowl, and toss. Then add all the vinaigrette ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Place on top of salad and toss.Protein - FishGrilled Ahi Steaks with Rosemary Potatoes (4 servings)Ingredients:4 Ahi fillets (or tuna, halibut, or mahi-mahi)2 lbs red new potatoes, quartered1 tsp olive oil1/8 tsp salt1 tsp dried rosemary, crushedInstructions:Preheat oven to 375*. Place new potatoes in a large bowl. Add salt and rosemary; mix thoroughly and spoon onto heated nonstick baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 50 minutes. Flavor Ahi fillets with your favorite spices. Grill fillets over medium heat for 6-8 minutes on each side.Grilled Tuna with Black Bean Mango Salsa (8 servings)Ingredients:FOR THE SALSA1/2 cup mango, peeled and medium dice1/4 cup black beans, canned and rinsed1 jalapeno peppers, seeded and minced1/4 cup red onion, small dice1/4 cup cilantro, chopped1/4 cup fresh limejuice1/8 cup olive oil1/8 tsp. freshly ground pepperFOR THE TUNA8 tuna steaks1/8 cup garlic, minced1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepperInstructions:To make the salsa, toss all the ingredients together in a medium bowl. Cover and keep at room temperature until ready to serve. Rub each tuna steak with garlic and season with pepper. Line a grill pan with stock and cook tuna until cooked to your liking. Top each steak with salsa and serve.Seared Tuna with Roasted Red Pepper SauceIngredients:2 tsp olive oil1 tbs. minced fresh ginger1 lb tuna steak1 clove garlic peeled1 cup roasted red peppers from water packed jarPepper to taste? cup reduced sodium chicken broth1 tbs. balsamic vinegarInstructions:Season both sides of tuna with pepper. Add tuna to skillet and cook for 3 min. per side, fish will be pink in center. In blender combine roasted peppers, chicken broth, vinegar, ginger, and garlic. Process until mixture is smooth and spoon sauce over tuna before serving.Protein - FishBlackened Chutney Tuna (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb. Tuna fillet1 tsp white pepper1 tsp. Red pepper flakes1/8 tsp garlic powderChutney:Ingredients:4 cups peach slices1 onion? cup white wine vinegar3 packets of sweetener1/3 cup your favorite dried fruit2 tbsp. fresh ginger, minced2 tbsp. curry powder3 tbsp. fresh mint, chopped1/3 tsp saltInstructions:Mix all ingredients together and coat the tuna on both sides. Cook on a skillet for approximately 5 minutes on each side.Chutney Instructions:In a saucepan, combine all ingredients except mint. Bring to a slow boil and then reduce heat and cook gently until onions are cooked. Remove and cool. Add mint and stir. Drizzle on top of the tuna.Fat-Free Tuna-Stuffed Potatoes (1 serving)Ingredients:1 large baked potato1 can (6 oz) white albacore tuna in spring water, drained1 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt1 tsp Dijon mustard1 stalk celery, finely chopped? medium yellow onion, finely chopped2 hard-boiled egg whites, coarsely chopped4 oz low fat cheddar, cheese1/2-cup broccoli, choppedInstructions:Mix together tuna, mustard, cottage cheese, celery, onion, and egg whites. Cut potato in half, scoop out insides and place large spoonful of tuna mixture in each half. Top with broccoli and cheese. Bake in 350-degree until cheese melts.Pan Seared Tuna with Tomato-Mushroom SauceIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock2 ounces low sodium deli turkey, diced1 leek green only, chopped3 cloves minced garlic10 ounces mushroom, sliced4 plum tomatoes4 cups fresh spinach1 cup fresh basil4 6-ounce tuna steaksInstructions:Heat stock in skillet. Add turkey, sauté 5 min. Stir in garlic, and turn off heat. Heat stock in another skillet and add leek and mushrooms, and sauté. Stir in tomatoes, season with salt and pepper. Stir in spinach, basil, and turkey garlic mixture. Season both sides of tuna with salt and pepper. Heat stock in a skillet, add tuna and cook each side for 3 minutes for medium rare. Spoon ragout onto plate and add tuna.Protein - FishGrilled Tuna with Honey Dressing (4 servings)Ingredients:4-5ounce tuna steaks1 cup quick cook barley or quinoa? cup apple cider vinegar1 tbsp honey1 shallot minced1 tsp poppy seeds2 tsp olive oil10 ounces fresh spinachInstructions:Season the tuna with salt and pepper. Bring 2 cups of water to boil with barley in it until tender. Whisk vinegar, honey and mustard, transfer 1/3 cup of mixture to shallow dish. Add tuna one at a time and turn to coat. Grill tuna 3 min. per side. To prepare dressing add shallot and poppy seeds to remaining honey mixture. Heat stock in pan and add spinach. To serve, spoon barley and spinach on plate and place tuna steak on side and spoon honey, poppy seed mixture on top.Tuna and Veggie PlatterIngredients:2 cans tuna drained? cup chopped roasted red pepper? cup chopped celery? cup sliced scallions? cup diced cucumber? cup chopped parsley1 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese1 tbsp lemon juice? tsp pepper1 cup halved grape tomatoes2 cups broccoli and cauliflower1 small red and yellow bell pepper2 large carrots peeled and cutInstructions:Place tuna in bowl. Add red peppers, celery, scallions, cucumber, parsley, cottage cheese, lemon juice and pepper, stir and mix. Mound tuna on plate and arrange veggies around.Grilled Sesame Tuna with Potato Salad (4 servings)Ingredients:? cup rice vinegar1 tbsp sesame oil4 4-ounce tuna steaks6 small red potatoes, quartered1 cup string beans? cup minced red onion? cup chopped parsleyInstructions:In bowl, add ? cup rice vinegar to sesame oil. Add tuna steaks and turn to coat. Grill 5-7 minutes. Cook potatoes for 5-7 minutes in pot of boiling water. Add string beans and cook for a couple more minutes. Then toss with remaining vinegar, red onions and parsley. Add salt and pepper. To serve place 1 tunasteak with ? cup of potatoes.Protein - FishGrilled Tuna SteaksIngredients:1/3 cup dry white wine1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil2 tbsp dried oregano1 tbsp salt? tbsp pepper2 garlic cloves, mincedInstructions:In a small bowl, combine dry white wine, olive oil, dried oregano, salt, pepper, and garlic cloves. Place the mixture in a Ziploc bag; add the tuna steaks, seal bag, and shake. Marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to two hours. When ready, grill tuna steaks or broil for 4 minutes on each side. Serve with potatoes and broccoli.Salsa Tuna Steaks (1 serving)Ingredients:1 lb tuna steak? cup diced cucumber? cup frozen corn3 tbsp limejuice? cup diced tomato? cup diced bell pepper? tsp red pepperDash tomato sauceInstructions:In a saucepan, mix together cucumber, red onion, corn, limejuice, tomato, bell pepper, and spices. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat, let simmer 5-10 minutes. Grill steaks over fire, cook on first side approximately 5 minutes, turn steaks over and grill until done. Spoon salsa over cooked tuna.Cucumber Tuna Boats (3 servings)Ingredients:3 medium cucumbers1 (6oz) can tuna, flaked2 hard-boiled egg whites, chopped? cup shredded fat-free cheddar cheese? cup diced celery? cup fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt2 tbsp finely chopped roasted red pepper1 tbsp finely chopped red onion1 tsp lemon juiceInstructions:Cut cumbers in half lengthwise; remove and discard seeds. Cut a thin slice from bottom of cucumber if necessary so that it sits flat. In a bowl, combine the remaining ingredients. Spoon into the cucumbers.Tuna-stuffed Cherry Tomatoes (4 servings)Ingredients:1 pint cherry tomatoes2 cans chunk light albacore tuna1 Tbsp fat-free cottage cheese1 Tbsp Greek yogurt2 tsp horseradish1/3 cup onions, dicedFresh parsleyInstructions:Carefully slice the tops from the tomatoes. Using a small spoon, remove the pulp from inside each tomato and drain. Set aside. In a small bowl, combine tuna, cottage cheese, sour cream, horseradish, and onions. Spoon one tablespoon into each tomato and chill. Garnish with parsley before serving.Protein - FishBalsamic Salmon (2 servings)Ingredients:1 ? tbsp honey1? tbsp Dijon mustard2 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 garlic clove, minced2 salmon steaksInstructions:Combine first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Brush mixture over fish and place on a grill rack coated with non-stick cooking spray. Grill for three minutes on each side.Grilled Salmon (2 servings)Ingredients:2 tbsp peanut oil2 tbsp light soy vinegar2 tbsp balsamic vinegar2 tbsp chopped green onions1 ? tsp brown sugar1 garlic clove, minced? tsp ground ginger powderSalmon steaks or filletsInstructions:Mix all ingredients and pour over two portions of salmon in a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes up to 6 hours, stirring once or twice. Grill salmon on barbecue for 10 to 15 minutes or until it flakes easily with a fork.Poached Salmon with Basil Mayonnaise (4 servings)Ingredients:Basil Dressing*? cup fat-free cottage cheese? cup Greek yogurt1 green onion, cut into 1-inch pieces1 tbsp fresh parsley sprigs1 tbsp fresh basilSalt and pepper1 bay leaf4 peppercorns4 salmon steaksInstructions:Prepare Bail Dressing by blending all ingredients in food processor, cover, and set aside. In medium skillet, add peppercorns, bay leaf, and enough water to fill a one-inch depth. Bring to a boil. Add salmon. Reduce to low heat and cover. Simmer five minutes or until salmon flakes easily when tested with a fork. Remove salmon from poaching liquid and serve with Basil Dressing.Grilled Dill Salmon (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb. Salmon fillet2 tsp. minced garlic2 tbsp. brown sugar? cup fresh squeezed orange juiceDill Sauce2 tbsp low fat cottage cheese1 tbsp. Greek yogurt1 tsp. lemon juice1 tsp. spicy brown mustard1 tbsp. finely chopped dried dillInstructions:For Dill sauce, mix all ingredients in a bowl until well blended. Add chopped dill and set aside. In a bowl, mix garlic and brown sugar. Rub this mixture on the salmon flesh, coating the whole piece. Pour orange juice gently over fillet and sear for 30 minutes. Place salmon on grill flesh-side down and sear for 3 minutes on high. Turn fillet over and reduce heat to medium. Top with DillSauce.Protein - FishGrilled Salmon Tacos (4 Servings)Ingredients:2tbs lemon juice2tsp olive oil2 garlic cloves, crushed? tsp grated lemon zest? tsp dried thyme, crumbled1/4 tsp salt? tsp ground black pepper1 lb center cut salmon skin removed8 -100% corn or brown ricee tortillasInstructions:Whisk first 7 ingredients. Place salmon in a shallow dish; drizzle with lemon dressing. Cover and chill. Grill salmon 8-10 minutes then let cool slightly, then crumble into large chunks. Divide evenly on tortilla and add some salsa.Salmon Pockets (1 serving)Ingredients:1 salmon fillet? cup carrots, chopped? cup squash, sliced? cup onions, chopped? lemonMrs. Dash Lemon & Pepper seasoningInstructions:Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place veggies and fish on a piece of aluminum foil. Squeeze lemon juice over salmon and season the fish with Mrs. Dash. Fold up the edges of the foil, leaving a space open in the center. Place the foil on a cookie sheet and cook for approximately 30 minutes.Indian Salmon Cucumber Boats (1 serving)Ingredients:7 1 oz. pouch pink salmon3 tbsp. Greek yogurt1 tbsp. ginger sauce? cup cucumberInstructions:In a bowl, mix salmon, yogurt and ginger sauce. Slice cucumber in half lengthwise. With teaspoon, scrape seeds from inside cucumber and fill it with salmon mix.Tandoori Salmon (4 servings)Ingredients:? cup Greek yogurt1 tsp. paprika2 garlic cloves minced? tsp. ground cardamom2 tsp grated gingerroot4 salmon filets1 ? tsp ground coriander1? tsp ground cuminInstructions;In a bowl whisk yogurt, garlic, gingerroot, coriander, cumin, paprika, and cardamom. Transfer to a large zip plastic bag. Add salmon, seal bag and turn to coat fish. Chill for 20 minutes. Bake in oven until roasted.Protein - FishBaked Salmon with Asparagus (2 servings)Ingredients:2 salmon fillets2 bunches asparagus stem removed2 tsp extra virgin olive oil4 cups arugula3 oranges peeled and cutVinaigrette:? cup juice of orange2 tbsp balsamic vinegar2 tsp extra virgin olive oil3 tbsp chopped basil or parsleyInstructions:Place asparagus, olive oil, salt and pepper in a large bag and shake. Arrange asparagus and salmon in a sheet. Bake until cooked. Toss greens and add vinaigrette, add some orange pieces and place salmon on plate with asparagus atop.Dill Cream Salmon (4 servings)Ingredients:1 cup uncooked quinoa1 lemon1 tsp lemon zest1 lb salmon fillets1 bunch asparagus? cup Greek yogurt3 tbsp chopped dill1 tbsp Dijon mustardInstructions:Cook quinoa as instructed. Add juice from lemon and 1 tsp zest; set aside. Meanwhile, in pot, cover salmon with cold water. Bring to a boil, and then remove from heat and let sit. Trim asparagus ends and boil in water, drain and set aside. In a bowl, whisk sour cream, dill and mustard. Remove salmon from water, add salt and pepper. Serve warm with dill cream and asparagus.Blackened Salmon Salad (1 serving)Ingredients:6 oz. salmonBlackening season2 cups chopped lettuce1 cup chopped mixed veggies of choice2 Tbsp. light salad dressingNonstick cooking sprayInstructions:Season the salmon with salt and pepper. Line a pan with stock and place over medium heat. Cook salmon on both sides until done. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, layer lettuce and vegetables. Place salmon on top and toss with dressing.Protein - SeafoodsFresh Shrimp and Calamari Pasta SaladIngredients:1 cup gluten free short grain pasta1/2 pound calamari, whole bodies and tentacles1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined2 zucchini, sliced lengthwise, about 1-inch wide1 eggplant, sliced lengthwise, about 1-inch wide2 Roma tomatoes, halved lengthwise1 (15-ounce) can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed3 cups arugula3/4 cups chopped fresh basil leaves1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley2 lemons, juiced2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil1 1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepperInstructions:Cook pasta per package instructions in water. Meanwhile, place a grill pan over medium-high heat or preheat a gas or charcoal grill. Drizzle the fish, zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill the calamari and shrimp, just until cooked through, about 1 to 2 minutes a side. Grill the zucchini and eggplant until tender, about 4 minutes a side. Grill the tomatoes just until grill marks appear, about 2 minutes. Add the orzo, cannellini beans, arugula, basil, and parsley to the bowl. Cut the calamari bodies into 1-inch rings. Cut the zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes roughly. Add the vegetables and calamari to the bowl with the lemon juice, extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss to combine. Finally, add the shrimp on top of the salad.Shrimp Tomato and Feta PastaIngredients:1 medium onion, finely chopped3 garlic cloves, minced1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crumbled1/2 cup dry white wine1 28 ounce can crushed tomatoes1 1/2 pounds large shrimp shelled and deveined1 pound brown rice pasta1 packet of reduced-fat feta crumbledInstructions:Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cook onion, garlic, oregano, in a pot over moderately high heat, stirring, until onion is softened, about 3 minutes. Add wine and boil until reduced by 1/2, about 3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, then reduce heat, and simmer stirring frequently, until slightly thickened. Stir shrimp into sauce and simmer, stirring occasionally, until shrimp are just cooked through, about 3 minutes. While sauce and shrimp are cooking, cook pasta in a pot of boiling water until al dente. Reserve 1/2 cup cooking water, and then drain pasta. Return pasta to pot. Stir in sauce with shrimp and reserved cooking water, add pepper to taste. Spoon 1/2 of pasta into a 13 by 9 by 2-inch glass baking dish, then sprinkle with 1/2 of feta. Top with remaining pasta and feta, then bake in middle of oven, uncovered, until cheese is slightly melted and pasta is heatedthrough, 10 to 15 minutes.Creole Shrimp Kabobs with Quinoa(4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb large shrimp1 onion, roughly chopped1 tbsp Creole seasoning2 red bell peppers, roughly chopped16 cherry tomatoes, halved1 cup quinoaInstructions:Toss shrimp in Creole seasoning. Alternate shrimp and veggies on skewers and grill. Meanwhile bring 11/4 cups water to boil. Stir in quinoa, cover and remove from heat. Serve with kabobs.Protein - SeafoodsSeafood Salad (6 servings)Ingredients:? cup low sodium chicken stock1 tbsp olive oil1 packet of sweetener? cup snipped chives6 cups pre-packaged mixed salad2 cloves garlic, minced1 ? lbs cooked shrimp, peeled1 orange bell pepper, 1 red bell pepper? cup rice wine vinegar1 tsp dry mustardInstructions:Prepare dressing by combining stock, vinegar, sugar, mustard, and minced garlic in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and let cool; once cool, whisk in the olive oil. Cut peppers into strips. To assemble salad, mix shrimp, peppers, and salad mix in a large bowl. Pour dressing over salad and toss.Shrimp Jambalaya (5 servings)Ingredients:2 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined? cup chopped onion? cup chopped green pepper1 clove garlic, minced1 16oz can stewed tomatoes? cup water2 bay leaves? tsp thyme? tsp basil? tsp red pepperDash pepper1 cup brown rice, cookedInstructions:In a saucepan lined with stock, cook onion, pepper, and garlic until tender. Stir in undrained tomatoes, water, bay leaves, thyme, basil, red pepper, and shrimp. Mix this mixture into the brown rice and let simmer for 10 minutes.Shrimp Mint and Basil Pesto (4 servings)Ingredients:3/4 cups lightly packed fresh mint leaves1/2 cup lightly packed fresh basil leaves? cup pine nuts, toasted1 garlic clove? cup olive oil2 tbsp low-sodium Parmesan2 pounds uncooked jumbo shrimp, peeled and de-veinedInstructions:Blend the mint, basil, pine nuts, and garlic in a food processor until finely chopped. With the machine running, gradually add 1/4 cup of olive oil, processing until well blended. Transfer the pesto to a medium bowl, and stir in the Parmesan. Sprinkle the shrimp with pepper, and toss. Heat a heavy large skillet over high heat. Add the shrimp and sauté until just cooked through, about 3 minutes. Toss the shrimp with enough pesto to coat.Protein - SeafoodsSpicy Shrimp (4 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock1 lb shrimp (deshelled)2 cups chopped onion2 cloves minced garlic2 tsp grated ginger root1/8 tsp ground red pepper1 bay leaf2 tbsp water1 tsp ground coriander5 oz package frozen cut green beans2 tbsp vinegarInstructions:Heat a skillet and line it with stock. Add onion, garlic, ginger root, pepper, and bay leaf. Cook and stir for 5 minutes. Add water and coriander. Cook for 3 minutes more. Add shrimp, beans, and vinegar. Continue to cook and stir the mixture until shrimp are tender.Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche (4-6 servings)Ingredients:1 1/2 pound cooked shrimp1 lime, juiced1/2 cup salsa2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro leaves1 avocado, dicedpepperInstructions:In a medium bowl, combine shrimp, lime juice, salsa, and cilantro. Let sit 5 to 10 minutes. Add diced avocado and toss to combine. Season to taste with pepper. Serve immediately.Lime Shrimp (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb shrimp, shelled and deveined? cup limejuice1 medium onion? tsp garlic salt? tsp pepper1 bell pepper, chopped1? cup uncooked brown riceInstructions:Cook rice per package instructions. Coat a pan with stock over medium-heat and sauté onion until soft. Add shrimp, limejuice, pepper, and garlic powder. Stir occasionally and cook for 3 minutes. Add bell pepper, cook until shrimp curls. Drain slightly, place lime shrimp over a bed of cooked rice.Protein - SeafoodsSlaw and ShrimpIngredients:Slaw1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice2 tbsp fresh lemon juice1 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp brown sugar? tsp salt4 slices thin cabbage1/8 tsp pepper1 cup snow peas1 cup sliced yellow pepper1 cup sliced red pepper1/3 cup chopped parsley2 tomatoes cut in wedgesShrimp? lb large shrimp1 tbsp chopped parsley2 tbsp lemon juice1 tsp grated lemon zest1 tsp olive oilInstructions:Whisk first 6 ingredients, add remaining slaw ingredients; toss to combine. Cover and chill. In a large plastic food storage bag combine shrimp, parsley, lemon juice, and zest turning to coat. Cook shrimp and place atop slawSesame-Ginger Shrimp (5-6 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock2 cloves minced garlic2 tsp minced ginger1 ? lb large shrimp peeled2 tbsp reduced sodium soy sauce2 cups sliced zucchiniInstructions:Cook garlic and ginger for 2 min. Add shrimp and zucchini and cook for 5 minutes until shrimp is pink stir in soy sauce.Santa Fe Shrimp (3 servings)Ingredients:2 tbsp limejuice1tsp grated lime zest? tsp dried oregano? tsp salt24 large shrimp peeledOptional (6 skewers)Instructions:Whisk limejuice, zest, oregano, and salt; add shrimp and toss. Cover and chill a 20 minutes. Coat a pan with stock and grill shrimp.Protein - SeafoodsShrimp Tacos (2 servings)Ingredients:1tbs. taco seasoning2 tbs. water6 oz. shrimp2 small corn or brownrice tortillas1 oz. reduced fat cheese1 cup shredded lettuce? cup chopped plum tomatoes? cup chopped onionInstructions:In a bowl, mix taco seasoning and water until lumps disappear. Add shrimp and stir until coated. Microwave high in 20-second intervals stirring in between until water evaporates and shrimp is hot. Warm tortillas, add cheese, add shrimp mixture then add lettuce, onion.Chinese Scallops (5 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock? lb fresh scallops2 tbsp light soy sauce1 tbsp lemon juice or limejuice? tsp ground ginger? tsp dry mustard1 fresh large chopped tomato1 green pepper, cut and chopped1 red pepper, cut and chopped2 cups brown rice (cooked)Instructions:Combine soy sauce, lemon juice, ginger, and mustard. Pour over scallops. Cover. Let marinade 1 ? hours. Drain marinade and save on the side. Coat a wok with stock. Cook peppers, scallops, and tomatoes in the wok, occasionally adding marinade. Cook until the scallops are done and place over bed of brown rice.Lemony ScallopsIngredients:3 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp lemon zest1 lb large scallopsSauce:1 tsp honey? tsp limejuice? papaya, diced2 tsp chopped cilantro1 tsp chopped scallions1 ? tbsp minced red bell peppers1 tsp minced red onionInstructions:In a small bowl, combine olive oil and lemon zest. Cover and let sit. In a small bowl, combine honey and lime juice. Add remaining ingredients for papaya sauce and mix well. In a pan, sauté scallops over medium two to three minutes per side. Serve with two tsp of lemon oil and two tbsp papaya sauceCARBOHYDRATES - LegumesBlack Bean and Chicken Salad (6 servings)Ingredients:2 cups chicken breast, chopped1 cup black beans canned1? cup diced tomato1-cup corn? cup red onions, diced1/4 cup chopped fresh corianderDressing:2 tbsp limejuice1 tbsp olive oil? tsp ground cumin and sugarInstructions:Combine first six ingredients in a large bowl and mix. In a small bowl, whisk together dressing ingredients. Pour dressing over bean mixture and stir until evenly distributed. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.South of the Border Bean Salad (6 servings)Ingredients:16 oz can whole green beans, drained15 oz can garbanzo beans, drained15 oz can kidney beans, drained12 oz can, drained1 medium onion, chopped? cup vinaigrette dressing? cup low fat cheddar cheese, shredded6 large lettuce leavesInstructions:Toss beans, corn, and onion with dressing in a large bowl. Refrigerate at least one hour or overnight. Before serving, toss with cheese and spoon onto lettuce leaves, either in salad bowls or on plates.Veggie & Bean Chili (16 servings)Ingredients:1 ? cup sliced carrots1 ? cup chopped onion1 ? cup chopped green pepper1 ? cup sliced celery1 15-ounce can stewed tomatoes1 15-ounce can tomato puree or pasteJuice of 1 lemon2 15-ounce cans kidney beans, drained1 15-ounce can chickpeas3 garlic cloves, minced2-3 tbsp chili powder1 tsp Splenda1 ? tsp basil1 tsp salt? tsp pepper? tsp red pepper sauceInstructions:Heat cut-up veggies in a pot until tender. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.CARBOHYDRATES - LegumesHearty Navy Soup (12 servings)Ingredients:1 lb navy beans3 quarts water1 ? cup low-sodium chicken broth3 garlic cloves, minced1 bay leaf? tsp salt? tsp pepper2 cups diced potatoes.3 medium onions, chopped1? cups diced celery? cup chopped parsley2 cups diced carrots2 tbsp cider vinegarInstructions:Cover dry beans with water in soup pot and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and allow stand for one hour. Add chicken broth, garlic, bay leaf, salt and pepper to the beans. Simmer covered, for two hours. Stir in the potatoes, onions, celery, parsley, and carrots into the soup. Cover and simmer for one hour. Stir in cider vinegar. Let simmer for another couple of minutes.Fresh Cumin Garbanzo SaladIngredients:1 cup arugula, chopped10 cherry tomatoes, halved1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil1 lemon, juiced2 teaspoons honey1 teaspoon ground cuminInstructions:In a large bowl, combine the arugula, tomatoes, and chickpeas. In a small bowl mix together the olive oil, lemon juice, honey, and cumin. Drizzle the olive oil mixture over the salad and toss to combine.Curried Navy Beans (8 cups)Ingredients:2 small sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into ? inch pieces? tsp dried crushed red pepper2 cans (19 oz) navy beans rinsed, drained, divided2 cups vegetable broth (low sodium)2 tsp minced fresh ginger? tsp turmeric1 large onion, chopped1 tbsp hot curry powder? tsp pepper1 large tomato, chopped and seeded? cup chopped fresh cilantroInstructions:Cook potatoes and red pepper in boiling water for about 15 minutes. In a food processor or blender, process 1 cup of beans, broth, ginger, and turmeric until smooth. In a non-stick skillet sauté onion and add a tiny bit of water if necessary to prevent onion from sticking. Add curry powder and cook for about one more minute. Stir in potato, pureed bean mixture, remaining beans, salt and black pepper. Reduce heat to low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes or until thickened.CARBOHYDRATES - LegumesGarbanzo SaladIngredients:1 16-oz can garbanzo beans, drained1 carrot, chopped2 green onions, chopped3 tbsp wine vinegar1 tbsp olive oil1 tsp Mrs. Dash seasoningInstructions:Place the beans and carrots in a bowl. In a separate bowl mix the remaining ingredients and serve a top the beans and carrots.Cashew Kidney Bean Chili (6 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium vegetable stock4 medium onions, chopped2 large green peppers, chopped2 celery stalks, minced4 garlic cloves, minced1 tsp dried basil1 tsp oregano? tsp chili powder1 tsp ground cumin1 16-ounce can stewed tomatoes1 16-ounce can tomato sauce2 tbsp red wine vinegar1 bay leaf1-cup cashews2 15-ounce cans dark red kidney beansInstructions:In a large pot add enough stock to sauté the veggies. Add onions, green peppers and celery. Cook over medium heat until the onions are translucent. Stir in garlic, basil, oregano, chili powder, and cumin. Add tomatoes and sauce, vinegar, and bay leaf. Continue cooking over low heat until mixture starts to lightly boil. Stir in cashews and cook for about 25 minutes over low heat. Add beans and cook for an additional 25 minutes.Lentil and Flax Soup (10 cup servings)Ingredients:1 onion, chopped1 carrot, chopped1 celery, chopped? green pepper, chopped5 cups boiling water1/3 cup low-sodium chicken broth2 tsp minced garlic1 bay leaf2 tsp Worcestershire sauce28 ounce can herbed tomatoes1/3 cup brown rice pasta1/3 cup dried lentils, rinsed1 tsp brown sugar? cup flaxseedInstructions:In a pot add stock enough to cook the veggies. Add onion, carrot, celery and green pepper. Gently sauté over medium-low heat for 20 minutes. Add boiling water, broth, garlic, bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce, tomatoes with their juice, pasta, and lentils. Slowly simmer for one hour with lid ajar, stirring occasionally until lentils are soft. Add sugar and flaxseed. Stir, then serve.CARBOHYDRATES - PotatoesMashed Sweet PotatoIngredients:3 sweet potatoes? cup starchy water? low fat cottage cheese? cup low fat shredded cheddar cheeseCinnamon to taste-optionalInstructions:Peel and boil the sweet potatoes until soft. Cut the potatoes in chunks and place them in a food processor, add the starchy water, the cottage cheese and the shredded cheddar cheese and blend until smooth and creamy.Grilled Spicy Potatoes (6 servings)Ingredients:6 potatoes, peeled and sliced lengthwise, 1/3-inch thick2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro (or any other herbs)1 tbsp lemon juice1 tsp chili powder? tsp black pepperCanola or olive oilIngredients:In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with all remaining ingredients except the oil. Drizzle with oil until the potatoes are lightly coated. Allow them to marinate for 30 minutes. Preheat the grilling machine for five minutes. Grill potatoes for five to seven minutes. Keep the cooked potatoes warm by placing them on an uncovered plate in a 200-degree oven. Keep them in a single layer.Quick Mashed PotatoesIngredients:1 large red potato? cup dairy free ? tsp garlic powder? tsp pepper1 tbsp onion bitsInstructions:Cook potatoes in microwave until well done. Place potatoes and additional ingredients in food processor and blend until smoothNon-fried fries (4 servings)Ingredients:2 large potatoes1 tsp garlic powder? tsp ground red chili pepper1 ? cups raw onion, choppedCooking sprayInstructions:Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut potatoes lengthwise into French fry style slices. Combine garlic salt and chili pepper. Arrange the potato strips in a baking dish and coat them with one spray of cooking spray on both sides. Add chopped onion over the top and sprinkle garlic salt and chili pepper seasoning. Bake for 1 hour.CARBOHYDRATES - PotatoesTwice-Baked Potato (1 serving)Ingredients:1 medium potatoDill to tasteMrs. Dash seasoning to taste1 tbsp low fat cheese, shredded1 tbsp low fat cottage cheeseSalsa:1 green pepper, chopped1yellow pepper, chopped1 medium tomato, chopped3 tbsp red onion, chopped1 tbsp cilantro, chopped1 tbsp sweetenerInstructions:Pierce the potato in several places and bake for 45 minutes. Scoop the cooked Potato and mix with the rest of ingredients. Next, put the flesh mixture back in and bake until the cheese is melted. Remove from the oven and top with salsa. For the salsa, combine all ingredients in a bowl and add to the top of the potato.Potatoes & OnionsIngredients:2 pounds new potatoes (white, red, or Yukon gold), scrubbed and halved1 pound onions, peeled1/8 cup low sodium chicken or vegetable stock2 teaspoons dried rosemary1 teaspoon sodium-free seasoning (Mrs. Dash)1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepperPreheat the oven to 400 degrees F.Instructions:In a large bowl, toss together all of the ingredients. Spread the mixture in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake until the potatoes and onions are golden brown and cooked through, about 40 minutes. Serve immediately or cool and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator, reheating the next day in a preheated 400 degrees F oven for 10 to 15 minutes.Potato Salad (3 servings)Ingredients:3 cups cubed, cooked potatoes? cup low fat cottage cheese? cup mustard? cup diced onions? tsp garlic powder? cup diced celery? tsp paprika? tsp dill weedInstructions:Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Stir together and mix all ingredients well. Serve and refrigerate leftovers.CARBOHYDRATES - Rice DishesLemony Lentil-Rice Salad with Toasted WalnutsIngredients:1 cup brown lentils10 ounces package frozen artichoke hearts? cup brown rice? cup Greek yogurt1 tbsp olive oil1 lemon1 medium onion chopped3 tbs. chopped walnuts3 garlic cloves minced? cup chopped parsleyChicken stock for cookingInstructions:Place 3 cups water and lentils to boil. Drain and let cool. Boil 1 ? cups water, add rice and cook until tender. Heat stock and add onion and garlic, sauté until golden. Cook artichoke, drain and let cool. Cut into quarters. Place lentils in a salad bowl. Add rice, onion mixture, artichokes, parsley, and yogurt. Grate rind of lemon over bowl, stir in 3 tbsp lemon juice with walnuts and oil.Broccoli RiceIngredients:1 cup low-sodium chicken broth3 cup water1 cup brown rice1/4 red bell pepper, chopped1 box chopped frozen broccoli, defrosted and squeezedInstructions:Bring broth and water to a boil. Add rice and stir to combine. Bring liquid back to a boil then reduce heat and simmer, 15 minutes. Add bell pepper and chopped, defrosted, drained broccoli. Cook rice with broccoli and pepper another 2 to 3 minutes. Fluff with fork and serve.Rainbow riceInstructions:Cook brown rice as usual and top with sliced green onions, diced tomatoes, and chopped cilantro.Vegetable riceInstructions:Cook brown rice in chicken broth. Once done, add sliced mushrooms, sautéed onions, and chopped colored peppers.Curry riceInstructions:Add curry powder to the water, bring to boil, add rice and cook as usual.Green riceInstructions:Add cilantro and parsley to the water and bring to boil, add rice and cook as usualCARBOHYDRATES - Rice DishesMushroom RiceIngredients:2 cups rice4 cups water2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms? cup sliced green onionDash garlic powder? tsp black pepperStock for cookingInstructions:Drain rice and place with water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 20-30 minutes. In a nonstick saucepan, pour stock and preheat over medium heat. Add mushrooms, onions, and spices. Cook until tender. Stir vegetable mixture into cooked rice.Herb Basmati RiceIngredients:1 garlic clove, crushed1 shallot, diced1 tsp turmeric1 tsp cumin3 cups low-sodium vegetable stock, plus more for cooking1 tbsp thyme1 tbsp oregano1 cup brown basmati riceInstructions:In a medium saucepan add stock, garlic, and shallot, and cook until browned. Add the cumin, turmeric, and brown rice, and stir until rice is coated. Add the vegetable stock and bring to a boil, cover and let simmer. When rice is cooked, stir in the oregano and thyme.Chili RiceIngredients:? cup chopped onion? cup chopped green pepper1? cups water1 14 oz can whole tomatoes1 cup long grain rice1 4 oz can green chilies, drained1 tsp garlic powderLow-sodium chicken stock for cookingInstructions:Coat a saucepan with stock; place over medium heat until hot. Add onion and green pepper; sauté until tender. Add water, tomatoes, chilies, and garlic. Bring to a boil and add rice. Cover, simmer 25-30 minutes or until water is absorbed and rice is tender.Sweet and Sour Stir-Fry (6 servings)Ingredients:? cup water1/3 cup ketchup1/3 cup brown sugar2 tbsp light soy sauce? tsp dried red pepper flakesVegetable or low sodium chicken stock for sautéing1 cup sliced onion2 cups sliced mushrooms1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced1 medium zucchini, thinly sliced2 cups snow peas4 cups brown riceInstructions:Combine first seven ingredients in a bowl, and set aside. In a large skillet, heat stock and add onions. Cook the onions until soft, add mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes. Add bell pepper, zucchini, and snow peas. Cook over medium, stirring occasionally. Add reserved mixture and cook until sauce is thickened, about 2 minutes. Serve over rice.CARBOHYDRATES - Rice DishesMediterranean Warm Brown Rice SaladIngredients:1 cup short grain brown rice6 oz. medium shrimp? cup chopped red bell pepper1/3 cup chopped green onion? oz. reduced fat feta cheese2 tsp balsamic vinegarSalt and pepper to tasteInstructions:Cook rice, in a serving bowl combine shrimp, red bell pepper, onion, feta and olives. Add brown rice and mix. Season with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.Creole Rice and Shrimp Mix (6 servings)Ingredients:1 ? cups brown rice, uncooked4 tbsp fat-free Italian dressing1 lb shrimp, shelled4 ounces turkey or chicken breast? cup onions, chopped? cup celery, chopped? cup bell pepper, chopped8 ounces tomato sauce1 ? tsp garlic, minced? tsp thyme? tsp red pepper1 bay leaf? tsp oregano? tsp rosemary? tsp onion powder7 sprigs parsleyInstructions:Cook rice accordingly. In a soup pot, sauté the shrimp and turkey in 2 tbsp of the dressing, and remove from the pan. Add the remaining dressing, onions, celery, and bell peppers to the pot, and sauté until soft. Add the shrimp mixture and all the remaining ingredients, except the rice, and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the bay leaf and cod the cooked rice into the mixture.Latin Chop (6 servings)Ingredients:1/2 cup avocado, peeled and diced1 cup Roma tomatoes, chopped? cup parsley, chopped2 tbsp cilantro, chopped1 tsp cumin? cups brown rice, cooked15-ounces black beans, cooked1 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp balsamic vinegarInstructions:In a large bowl, combine the avocado, vinegar, oil cumin and toss. Now add the rice, tomatoes, beans, parsley and cilantro, and mix. Let the salad chili in the refrigerator before serving.CARBOHYDRATES - Rice DishesThai Chicken Stir-Fry with French Beans (4 servings)Ingredients:1 cup brown basmati rice4 chicken breasts cut in strips1? tsp coriander seeds1? tsp cumin1 inch of ginger root, peeled and minced1 garlic clove, mincedZest and juice of 2 limesLow sodium vegetable or chicken stock for sautéing2 medium carrots, cut into pieces4 ounces green beans? tsp cumin seeds1 tsp paprikaInstructions:Rice and Chicken:Cook rice accordingly. Meanwhile, combine chicken, coriander, ground cumin, ginger, garlic, lemon juice and zest. Heat a pan over medium and add stock. Sauté the chicken and spices in pan, stirring occasionally. Steam carrots and green beans until tender. Toss cooked vegetables with cumin seeds andpaprika.Shrimp Paella (4 servings)Ingredients:1 cup uncooked brown jasmineLow sodium vegetable or chicken stock for sautéing2 cloves garlic, minced1 lb. medium shrimp, peeled and deveined2 tsp. curry powder1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes1 cup snow peas, ends trimmedInstructions:Cook rice according to package directions. Set aside. Heat stock in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and shrimp and stir-fry two minutes until shrimp are bright pink. Add curry and stir to coat shrimp. Add tomatoes and snow peas are crisp-tender. Add cooked rice, mix well, and cook one minute to heat through.Taco Scramble (1 serving)Ingredients:1/3 cup cooked brown rice4 egg whites2 Tbsp. taco sauce, or to taste1 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro leaves1 oz. finely shredded low-fat cheddar cheeseNonstick cooking sprayInstructions:If rice has been reheated after cooking, reheat it. Spray a small microwave-safe bowl with cooking spray. Pour in egg whites. Microwave on high for one minute, then in 20-second intervals until whites are no longer runny. Using a fork, break cooked eggs apart slightly so they resemble scrambled eggs. Mix in remaining ingredients. If cheese melts, serve immediately. Otherwise, microwave until the cheese is melted.Turkey Fried Rice (4 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium vegetable or chicken stock for sautéing2 cloves garlic, minced1 lb extra-lean ground turkey, fat trimmed, cut into thin strips2 cups fresh cauliflower florets1 beefsteak tomato, diced2 cups uncooked instant brown rice1 ? cups reduced-sodium chicken broth2 tbsp reduced-sodium tamari or soy sauce1 cup frozen green peas, thawedInstructions:Heat stock in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and turkey and stir-fry until meat is browned. Add cauliflower and tomato and stir-fry two minutes. Add rice and mix well. Add chicken broth and tamari sauce, reduce heat to medium low. Cover and cook 10 minutes, until liquid is absorbed and rice is tender. Fold in peas and cook one minute to heat through.CARBOHYDRATES - Rice DishesColorful Rice Bowl (4 servings)Ingredients:3-4 chicken breasts1 cup cooked brown rice1 medium can low sodium black beans, drained1 medium can low sodium corn, drained1 can stewed tomatoes1 cup shredded low fat cheeseInstructions:Boil chicken in water until cooked then cut into small cubes. Place rice, beans, corn, and tomatoes in a large, oven-safe Pyrex dish and stir until mixed. Top with shredded cheese. Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese meltsCARBOHYDRATES - CouscousLemon Couscous (4 servings)Ingredients:2 cups cooked quinoa2 tbsp lemon juice4 green onions, chopped2 tbsp olive oilLemon pepper to tasteInstructions:Cook quinoa as directed. In a bowl, mix lemon juice, green onions, olive oil and lemon pepper. Add mixture to quinoa and mix well.Scampi on QuinoaIngredients:Low sodium vegetable or chicken stock for sautéing1/2 cup quinoa1 small onion, chopped1 carrot, chopped3 garlic cloves, minced2 (8 ounce) cans chopped tomatoes in their juice1 (8ounce) bottle clam juice1/4 cup dry white wine1 cup water2 cups whole wheat couscous2 pounds large shrimp, peeled and deveined1 lemon, juicedInstructions:In a large pot with stock, add onion, carrot and 1 clove minced garlic and sauté until vegetables are soft, about 5 minutes. Add the canned tomatoes and their juice, clam juice and white wine. Bring to a boil and simmer on medium heat for 10 minutes, uncovered. Remove from heat and allow cool slightly. Pour tomato mixture in the bowl of a food processor and puree. Add a couple of tablespoons of water if needed to end up with a broth. Return broth to the pot. Add 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add 2 cups quinoa. Cover pot and remove from heat. Let rest for 10 minutes Fluff with a fork. In a large skillet, add stock and the 2 cloves of minced garlic. When the skillet is hot, add the shrimp and stirring occasionally, cook the shrimp until they start to turn pink, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add the lemon juice. To serve, mound the quinoa in the center of a platter and top with the shrimp.Veggie Quinoa salad (8 servings)Ingredients:1 (10-ounce) box quinoa6 roasted red peppers, rinsed3 scallions, thinly sliced on a diagonal1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed1 large cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut1 lemon, juiced1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oilInstructions:Make the quinoa according to the directions. Uncover and fluff with a fork. Transfer the couscous to a large bowl and let cool. To the couscous, add the peppers, scallion, chickpeas, and cucumber. In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice and olive oil. Pour this dressing over the quinoa mixture and toss lightly to combine. To add protein, grill chicken breast and cut into chunks, and toss into salad; or grill shrimp and toss.CARBOHYDRATES - CouscousQuinoa with Veggies and Lemon Balsamic Vinaigrette (8 servings)Ingredients:1/2 pound quinoa12 spears asparagus, grilled and cut into 1/4-inch pieces1 zucchini, halved, grilled and cut into 1-inch pieces1 yellow squash, halved, grilled and cut into 1-inch pieces2 roasted red peppers2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil leavesFreshly ground black pepperLemon-Balsamic Vinaigrette, recipe followsLemon-Balsamic Vinaigrette:1 small shallot, minced3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 teaspoon lemon zest3 tablespoons aged balsamic vinegar1 tablespoon red wine vinegarSalt and freshly ground black pepper3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oilInstructions:Bring 6 cups of water to a boil over high heat and cook qunoa. Add grilled vegetables, basil, and vinaigrette and toss until combined; season with salt and pepper. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving or cover and refrigerate.Greek Pasta with Feta (6 servings)Ingredients:3/4 pound gluten-free pasta, cooked al dente1 large English cucumber, sliced3 green onions, thinly sliced1 pint grape tomatoes, halved1/4 cup white wine vinegar3 tablespoons Dijon mustard1/2 cup olive oil16 peeled and deveined shrimpSalt and freshly ground pepper1 small package reduced-fat feta cheese, crumbledInstructions:Combine pasta, cucumber, green onions, and tomatoes in a large bowl. Place vinegar, and mustard in a blender and blend until smooth. With the motor running, slowly add the olive oil and blend until emulsified. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Pour the vinaigrette over the orzo mixture and stir well to combine. Gently fold in the feta cheese. To add protein, grill 16-20 shrimps and toss in the pasta.CARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesBowl Sandwich (4 servings)Ingredients:3 cups ? inch whole wheat bread cubes2 small tomatoes, cut into cubes1 cucumber, halved and cut into cubes1 yellow, orange, or red bell pepper sliced lengthwise? small red onion, diced2 tbsp. Olive oil2 tbsp. Red wine vinegarPepper to taste? cup reduced fat crumbled feta cheese3 tbsp. Italian parsley, choppedInstructions:In a large bowl, mix first 5 ingredients. In another bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, and pepper. Pour dressing over bread mixture. Toss and refrigerate, when ready to serve, mix in feta and sprinkle with parsley.Tofu Sandwich (1 serving)Ingredients: 1 5-ounce slice tofu2 slices whole wheat or gluten-free breadSun dried tomato pasteLettuce1 slice soy cheeseInstructions:Grill the tofu on George Foreman grill for 5 minutes. Slather the bread with sun dried tomato paste then sandwich the tofu between the bread. Include lettuce and soy cheese if desired.Veggie Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:4 seasoned veggie burger patties (Boca or Garden burger)4 whole-wheat or gluten-free hamburger buns? cup Dijon mustard1 cup alfalfa sproutsInstructions:Grill patties for 3-5 minutes per side or until cooked. Toast buns and slather mustard on each half. Spread the alfalfa sprouts and cover. You may also add sautéed mushrooms and onions.Parmesan Tofu Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:2-12 ounce blocks of low-fat, extra-firm tofu, each cut in half to form 2 steaks? cup finely chopped basil4 small garlic cloves, chopped4 whole-wheat or gluten-free buns1 /3 cup low sugar low sodium tomato sauce? cup low sodium Parmesan cheeseInstructions:In a bowl, combine the basil and garlic. Add the mixture to the tofu and grill for approximately 3 minutes per side. Toast the buns and heat the sauce. Place tofu steaks on bottom half and top with sauce and Parmesan cheese. Cover with top bun.CARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesPortobello Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:4 large Portobello mushrooms4 garlic cloves, crushed4 cups finely chopped yellow or white onion4 whole-wheat or gluten-free buns2 oz. low fat shredded mozzarellaKetchup to tasteInstructions:Rub garlic and seasonings to the mushrooms and set aside. On a pan, sauté onions until tender, set aside and keep warm. Grill mushrooms until soft approximately 4 minutes per side. Toast buns and place the mushroom on bottom half and sprinkle with cheese and onions, top with ketchup and coverTeriyaki Salmon Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb skinned, ground salmon filet? cup Mrs. Dash marinade? cup minced green onion1 tsp garlic powder4 whole-wheat or gluten-free hamburger bunsInstructions:In a large bowl, place salmon and the marinade, onion, and garlic powder and mix until well combined. Pat meat into patties and grill 3-5 minutes per side. You may add a slice of fat-free cheese.Seared Wasabi Ahi Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:2 tbsp wasabi? cup fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt2 tbsp nonfat milk3 cups chopped red cabbage1 ? lbs sushi-grade ahí tunaGarlic powder and seasonings to taste4 whole-wheat or gluten-free bunsInstructions:In a bowl, mix cottage cheese, milk, and seasoning. Stir in cabbage. In another bowl, sprinkle garlic and seasonings to tuna. Pat the mixture into patties and grill 1-2 minutes per side. Toast buns and place filet in between.Asian Salmon BurgersIngredients:2 cans skinless boneless salmon packed in water, well drained1 egg beaten? cup dry breadcrumbs or almond meal, flax meal or quinoa flakes4 scallions minced2 tbsp chopped cilantro1 tsp Dijon mustard1/8 tsp ground black pepperInstructions:In a large bowl combine flaked salmon, egg, breadcrumbs, scallions, cilantro, mustard, and pepper. Combine into about 4 patties. Broil 10 min until brown.. CARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesTuna WrapIngredients;1 can solid, water-packed white tuna, drained3 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt3 tbsp green onion tops, diced1 slice low fat mozzarella1/8 tsp dill1 whole-wheat or gluten-free tortilla? avocado, slicedInstructions:In a bowl, mix the tuna, cottage cheese and onion together, and let chill. Place the cheese halves down the middle of the tortilla. Warm the tortilla in a pan over medium-low heat, until the cheese melts. Move the tortilla onto a plate, spread the tuna mixture over the melted cheese, and add the avocado and roll.Tuna & Artichoke SandwichIngredients:3/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes2 tablespoons olive oil2 garlic cloves1 teaspoon lemon zest1/4 cup fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt2 (6-ounce) cans tuna in olive oil, drained1 (12-ounce) jar marinated artichokes, drained and coarsely chopped1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper2 slices of Gluten-free breadInstructions:Puree the sun-dried tomatoes, oil, garlic, and zest in a food processor until smooth and spread able. Blend in the cottage cheese. Toss the tuna, artichokes, lemon juice, and pepper in a medium bowl, keeping the tuna in small chunks. Spread the tomato puree over both cut sides of the bread. Spoon the tuna and artichoke mixture onto the bottom half of the bread. Cover with the bread top.Salmon Salad Pitas (4 servings)Ingredients:1 can salmon drained2 hard cooked egg whites2/3 cup chopped cucumber2/3 cup chopped tomato3 tbsp chopped red onion? cup fat-free cottage cheese2 tbsp dill2 tbsp parsley1 small garlic clove? tsp pepper4 whole-wheat pitas or any gluten free version of bread2 cups arugulaInstructions:In a bowl, mash salmon with fork, add egg whites, cucumber, tomato and onion, and toss with fork. In food processor, combine cottage cheese, herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. Process the mixture until smooth. Stir ? cup of the mixture into salmon; reserve the rest. Fill each pita half with some arugula, top with salmon salad and drizzle 1 tbsp mixture.CARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesTuna Steak Pita Sandwiches (4 servings)Ingredients:1 hard-cooked egg white1 tsp lemon juiceDash of pepper1 (8oz) grilled tuna steak, or 1 (9oz) can solid tuna in water, drained? cup diced celery? cup raisins or dried cranberries2 tbsp minced green onions3 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt1 tsp Dijon mustard1 medium tomato, thinly sliced1 whole-wheat pitas cut in half1 1/3 cups torn Bibb lettuceInstructions:Sprinkle lemon juice and pepper over tuna. Break up tuna into large pieces. Slice egg white in half lengthwise. Combine tuna, egg white, celery, and the next five ingredients in a bowl. Line each pita half with lettuce and two tomato slices. Divide the tuna mixture evenly among pita halves.Turkey-Spinach CheeseburgersIngredients:? lb lean ground turkey breast1 package chopped spinach1/8 ground black pepper4 whole-wheat or gluten-free buns4 leaves of lettuce1 roasted red pepper quartered4 low fat cheeseInstructions:In a bowl combine turkey, spinach, pepper. Shape into 4 patties. Grill and top each bun with lettuce and cheese.Turkey Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb extra-lean ground turkey breast? cup oatmeal, uncooked? cup low-sodium chicken broth1 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp Dijon mustard1 tbsp ketchup1 tbsp fresh garlic, crushed2 tsp powdered onion? cup fresh parsley, chopped1 tbsp feta cheese, optionalInstructions:In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together. Then form four equal-size patties. Cook them on grill for 10 minutes. Serve on a or Portobello mushroom to cut back on carbohydrates.CARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesGourmet BurgerIngredients:1 lb 99% fat-free ground turkey? cup fresh basil4 small garlic cloves, minced? tsp pepper? tsp Mrs., Dash seasoning4 whole-wheat or gluten-free hamburger buns1 cup roasted red pepper strips? cup crumbled reduced-fat feta cheeseInstructions:In a large bowl, combine turkey, basil, garlic and seasoning and mix well. Pat turkey into patties and grill 2-5 minutes per side. Toast buns and place the turkey on the bun with red pepper and feta cheese.Turkey Raspberry Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:1 lb 99% fat-free ground turkey2 egg whites, beaten2 tsp dried rosemary2 tsp garlic powder1 tsp Mrs. Dash seasoning4 whole-wheat or glute-free buns1/3 cup sugar-free raspberry preservesInstructions:In a large bowl, combine turkey, egg whites, rosemary, garlic powder, and seasoning until well combined. Pat into patties and grill. Toast buns and smear a little raspberry preserves and top with the turkey patty.Turkey and Vegetable Club (4 servings)Ingredients:8 whole-wheat bread slices, toasted? fat-free cottage cheese1 medium tomato, sliced? lb roasted turkey breast4 slices low-fat cheddar cheese1 cup alfalfa sprouts1 red pepper, cut into stripsInstructions:Spread cottage cheese on toast slices. Layer four of the toast slices with tomato, cucumber, turkey, and second toast slice. Top with cheese, sprouts, pepper strips, more turkey, and third toast slice. Secure with toothpicks and cut into quarters.Turkey BurritoIngredients:1 lb extra lean ground turkey12 ounces salsa1 can black beansWhole-wheat or 100% corn or brown rice tortillas8-ounce bag low fat cheeseGreek yogurt1 avocadoInstructions:Cook turkey until brown. Reduce heat and add salsa and beans. Simmer and stir until smooth. In a tortilla, place bean mixture, cheese, sour cream and a couple of slices of avocado. Roll it up.CARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesBarbecue Chicken Burger (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts, shredded? cup + 1/3 cup low sugar, low sodium barbecue sauce1 tsp garlic powder4 whole-wheat buns4 large leaves of lettuce4 large slices of tomatoSlivered red onionsInstructions:Season the chicken with garlic powder and barbecue sauce and grill. Once cooked, shred the chicken. Toast the buns and slather a little more barbecue sauce. Place the chicken on the bun with the lettuce and tomato. Optional-add 1 slice of fat-free American cheese.Grilled Chicken & Mushrooms (1 serving)Ingredients:4 ounces chicken breastSmoky marinade to tastePoultry seasoning to taste8 ounces sliced mushroomsBalsamic vinegar to taste1 slice fat-free cheese1 whole-wheat or Ezekiel hamburger bunInstructions:Brush both sides of chicken with marinade and seasoning and cook for a few minutes. In a pan add in mushrooms and balsamic vinegar and cook until tender. Place cheese on the bun and toast. Finally, place chicken on the bun and smother with mushrooms.Chicken Fajita Wraps (4 servings)Ingredients:? red bell pepper, sliced? green bell pepper, sliced? onion4 chicken breasts? cup sodium-free marinade4 whole-wheat or brown rice tortillasSalsaLettuceTomatoesInstructions:Cut half an onion, half a red bell pepper, and half a green bell pepper into slices. Set veggies aside. Cut four portions of chicken breasts into strips. Then place a little low sodium chicken stock on a skillet and brown the chicken until cooked through (about 10 minutes on medium0high heat). Add a ? cup marinade. Stir in the peppers and onion and cook until they start to soften. Warm four whole-wheat tortillas in the microwave for about 15 seconds. Then add a portion of the chicken mixture into each tortilla. Top with salsa, lettuce, and or tomato.Southwest Fajitas (4-6 servings)Ingredients:4-6 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless1 cup onion, peeled and sliced? cup red bell pepper, sliced? cup lime or lemon juice2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce? teaspoon ground cumin? teaspoon garlic powder? teaspoon dried oreganoInstructions:Trim chicken of all fat and cut into thin slices. Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and mix very well. Separate chicken from vegetable mixture. Preheat the grilling machine for 5 minutes. Spread vegetables on the machine and top with chicken slices. Grill for four to five minutesCARBOHYDRATES - SandwichesChicken BBQ Pizza (3 servings)Ingredients:Thin crust whole-wheat or gluten-free Pizza8 1oz chicken tenderloinsBBQ sauce to taste? cup low fat shredded cheddar3 oz sliced fresh mushrooms? cup sliced onions1 sliced roasted red pepperInstructions:Place chicken tenderloins, BBQ sauce, onion, mushrooms, and peppers in a pot and simmer until cooked through. Lightly cover the Boboli with BBQ sauce and distribute the chicken and veggies over the shell evenly. Finally sprinkle fat free cheddar over the chicken and bake in the oven 10-12 minutes on 350 degrees.Spinach and Feta Pita Pizzas (1 serving)Ingredients:1 grilled chicken cut in chunksWhole-wheat pitasFrozen spinach (thawed)TomatoesReduced fat feta cheeseGarlic powderInstructions:Top pita with grilled chicken, spinach, tomatoes, garlic powder, and feta. Bake in the oven on 300 degrees for 15 or until crispy and cheese is melted.Pita Pizza (1 serving)Ingredients:1 whole-wheat Pita? cup low fat diced tomatoes1 ? oz. shredded low fat mozzarella cheese1 small cooked and diced chicken breast? cup chopped broccoli floretsInstructions:Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place pita on baking sheet. Top evenly with tomatoes, then cheese, then chicken and broccoli. Bake 8-12 minutes until crust is crisp and cheese is melted.Healthy Mexican Pizza (1 serving)Ingredients:1 low-carb or Gluten free wrap? cup fat-free cottage cheese? cup black bean paste (mash the beans after cooked)2/3 cup cooked soy crumbles1 oz. shredded soy cheeseSalsa, to tasteInstructions:Toast wrap in the oven / toaster oven until crispy. Mix cottage cheese and black bean paste, and then spread over crispy wrap. Add soy crumbles; top with cheese and salsa. Return to oven / toaster over until hot.Easy Egg-White Salad Sandwiches (2 servings)Ingredients:2 to 6 egg whites1 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt? tbsp mustard2 slices whole-wheat or gluten-free breadPepperInstructions:Boil 2 to 6 eggs and let cool. Remove shell, cut eggs in half lengthwise, and remove the yolks. Place egg whites in bowl along with one-tablespoon fat-free cottage cheese and ? tablespoon mustard. Mash with a fork until evenly distributed. Spread egg mixture between two slices of whole-wheat bread.Sprinkle pepper to taste.CARBOHYDRATES - Pasta DishesPeanut Chicken PastaIngredients:1/2 tbsp ginger powder1 tbsp garlic, minced1 tbsp basil, minced2 tbsp low sodium chicken stock4-3 oz chicken cut in strips? cup peanuts, unsalted, crushed4 oz whole-wheat or gluten-free spaghetti2 tbsp Parmesan gratedYour favorite veggiesInstructions:In a bowl, mix basil, garlic, and ginger to form a paste. Spread mixture on strips of chicken with a fork and place in a skillet. Once the chicken is cooked, toss in the peanuts. Boil the spaghetti. Once the chicken and pasta are almost cooked, scoop out the peanuts from the skillet and toss into the boiling pasta. Turn the heat to low. Once the pasta is cooked, drain the spaghetti and peanuts and return to the pot. Add 2 tbsp of low sodium chicken stock to pasta and peanuts and mix. Place chicken strips on top and sprinkle with Parmesan. Add your favorite veggies.Pad Thai Noodles (6 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking8 oz. Linguini style whole-wheat or gluten-free noodles? white onion, diced4 garlic cloves, minced1 tsp paprika? lb shrimp, deveined and cut lengthwise? lb chicken breast, cut into ? inch cubes14 asparagus tips? cup rice vinegar1 tbsp fish sauce1 tbsp tomato paste2 packets Sweetener3 egg whites1 tbsp roasted peanuts, chopped? cup cilantro, chopped1-cup bean sproutsInstructions:Cook noodles as directed; drain and set aside. In a large pan, heat stock and add onions. Stir in garlic, and paprika. Cook about 30 seconds and then add the shrimp and chicken, cooking until shrimp turns pink and chicken turns white. Add asparagus and cook until tender. Set mixture aside but leave the pan on. In a small bowl, mix rice vinegar, fish sauce, tomato paste and Splenda. Set aside. Pour egg whites into heated pan, chopping them as they scramble. Add noodles, shrimp/chicken mixture and rice vinegar mixture. Reduce heat to low and cook until ingredients are well mixed. Serve on a platter and sprinkle with chopped peanuts, and garnish with cilantro. Serve with bean sprouts on the side.Pine-nut-crusted Chicken with Angel-Hair Pasta (4 servings)Ingredients:6 tablespoons whole wheat or gluten-free bread crumbs2 tablespoons finely chopped pine nuts4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halvesLow sodium chicken stock for cooking8 ounces uncooked whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta1 14-ounce can diced tomatoes seasoned with basil, garlic, and oreganoInstructions:In a shallow dish, combine breadcrumbs and pine nuts. Add chicken and turn to coat both sides. Heat stock in a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook 3 minutes per side, until golden brown. Reduce heat to medium, cover and cook 1-2 more minutes, until chicken is cooked through. Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of rapidly boiling water until tender, about 2- 3 minutes. Drain and toss with diced tomatoes. Serve chicken with pasta on the side.CARBOHYDRATES - Pasta DishesPenne and Sun-dried Tomato Pesto (4 servings)Ingredients4 chicken breasts, grilled and cut into chunks12 ounces whole-wheat or gluten-free penne pasta1 (8.5-ounce) jar sun-dried tomatoes packed in olive oil2 garlic clovesSalt and freshly ground black pepper1 cup (packed) fresh basil leaves1/4 cup freshly grated ParmesanInstructions:Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes. Drain, reserving 1 cup of the cooking liquid. Season and grill the chicken with Mrs. Dash, cut into chunks and set aside. Meanwhile, blend the sun-dried tomatoes and their oil, garlic, salt and pepper, to taste, and basil in a food processor and blend until the tomatoes are finely chopped. Transfer the tomato mixture to a large bowl. Stir in the Parmesan. Add the pasta to the pesto and toss to coat, adding enough reserved cooking liquid to moisten. Serve with the chicken chunks on top.Whole wheat Pasta with Arugula (4 servings)Ingredients:4 chicken breasts, seasoned and grilledLow sodium chicken stock for cooking2 onions, thinly sliced1 bag Arugula chopped3 garlic cloves, minced1 (14 1/2-ounce) can diced tomatoes with juices1/4 cup dry white wine8 ounces whole-wheat or gluten-free spaghetti, cooked2 tablespoons low-sodium parmesan cheese2 tablespoons toasted pine nutsInstructions:Heat the stock in a heavy large pan over medium heat. Add the onions and sauté until tender, about 8 minutes. Add the Arugula and sauté until it wilts, about 2 minutes. Add the garlic and sauté. Stir in the tomatoes with their juices, and the wine. Bring to a simmer. Cover and simmer until the tomatoes begin to break down and the Arugula is very tender, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Season the Arugula mixture, to taste, with salt and pepper and add to the pasta. Add the grilled chicken on top.Pasta with Chicken and BroccoliniIngredients:1 pound broccolini, trimmed, stalks cut into pieces1 (9-ounce) container whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta1 (14-ounce) can reduced-sodium chicken broth1/4 cup fresh lemon juice3 cups shredded chicken3/4 cup low sodium, low fat Parmesan1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leavesLow sodium chicken stock for cooking1 tablespoon lemon zestSalt and freshly ground black pepperInstructionsBring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the broccolini and cook until crisp-tender, 2 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the broccolini to a large bowl of ice water. Once cooled, drain broccolini and set aside. Add the pasta to the same pot of boiling water and cook until just tender, about 2 minutes. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of cooking liquid. Meanwhile, bring the broth and lemon juice to a boil in a heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Boil until the broth reduces by half, about 5 minutes. Add the chicken and simmer just until heated through, about 2 minutes. Add broccolini to the chicken broth and stir to combine. Add the pasta, 1/2 cup of Parmesan, pine nuts, parsley, and lemon zest. Toss to coat, adding some of the reserved cooking liquid, 1/4 cup at a time, to moisten. Season the pasta with salt and pepper, to taste. Mound the pasta into bowls and serve. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan and serve.CARBOHYDRATES - Pasta DishesPenne with Cauliflower Sauce and Chicken (4 servings)Ingredients:1 pound whole-wheat or gluten-free penne1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil3 cloves garlic, minced1 red onion, finely chopped1 head cauliflower, stem removed and choppedLow sodium chicken stock for cooking1 cup low-sodium chicken stock4 sprigs fresh rosemary, finely chopped? cup low-sodium Parmesan4 chicken breasts, grilled and choppedInstructions:Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add salt and pasta and cook to al dente. Drain and reserve 2 ladles of pasta water. While water is coming up to a boil and pasta cooks, make sauce. Heat a deep skillet over medium heat with stock. Add garlic and cook 3 minutes, then remove. Add onions and cook 5 minutes then add cauliflower, chicken stock and the rosemary. Cover the pan and cook 15 minutes. Uncover the sauce, add 1 to 2 ladles of pasta water and mash the cauliflower with the back of a wooden spoon. Add the pasta and cheese to the cauliflower and toss to combine. Add the grilled chicken chunks on topBaked Ziti (6-8 servings)Ingredients:1 box whole-wheat or gluten-free ziti noodles1 cup Healthy Choice Tomato sauceMrs. Dash Italian seasoning1 packet extra-lean ground turkey2 tsp ground basil2 tsp ground oregano1 24 oz container of low-fat cottage cheeseCouple of handfuls of low-fat shredded mozzarella cheeseInstructions:In a deep saucepan, boil water for the pasta. While water is boiling, season the ground turkey with Mrs. Dash and cook in a skillet. Add the pasta and cook al dente. Drain the pasta and add ? cup of tomato sauce, just enough to coat the ziti. To the turkey add the other ? cup of tomato sauce, basil, oregano, and the container of cottage cheese; mix well. Toss with the ziti and place in a baking pan. Add shredded mozzarella on top, cover, and bake at 350F for 20 minutes or until cheese melts.Lasagna (5 servings)Ingredients:1 lb extra lean ground turkey breast? cup chopped onions? cup chopped celery? tsp pepper? tsp oregano? tsp pepper? tsp oregano? tsp garlic powder12 oz whole-wheat lasagna noodles6 oz low-fat cottage cheese1 cans tomato sauce (6 oz)1 package chopped spinachInstructions:Brown turkey and mix in onions, celery, pepper, oregano, and garlic powder. Boil lasagna noodles. Beginning with a layer of tomato sauce, layer ingredients in the following order in a large lasagna pan: noodles, turkey, spinach, cheese, and sauce. Repeat layers ending with a layer of noodles topped with tomato sauce. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake at 350F degrees for 1 hour.CARBOHYDRATES - Pasta DishesPasta with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Goat CheeseIngredients:1 lb shrimp grilled1 (10-ounce) bag of sun-dried tomatoes1 small onion, chopped4 garlic cloves, minced1/4 cup tomato paste2/3 cup dry white wine8 ounces whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta2 ounces soft fresh goat cheese, coarsely crumbled2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley leavesInstructions:Heat the stock over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté until tender. Stir in the garlic and sauté about 1 minute. Add the tomato paste and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the wine and sun-dried tomatoes and simmer until the liquid reduces by half. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook until al dente, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Drain reserving 1/2 cup of cooking liquid. Add the pasta to the tomato mixture and toss to coat, adding some reserved cooking liquid to moisten, add the grilled shrimp. Season the pasta, to taste, with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with the goat cheese and parsley and stir.Pasta with Shrimp and ArugulaIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking1/4 cup finely chopped shallots1 tablespoon minced garlic1 cup dry white wine1 pound large shrimp, peeled and de-veined12 ounces whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta3 cups (packed) fresh arugulaInstructions:Heat the stock in a heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add the shallots and garlic and sauté until translucent. Add the white wine and bring to a simmer. Simmer until the wine reduces by half. Add the shrimp and cook just until they are pink, about 2 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until just tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain the pasta and add the pasta and arugula to the skillet. Toss to combine.Tuna Pasta Salad (4 servings)Ingredients:6 oz whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta shells1 cup fat-free cottage cheese? cup nonfat Italian salad dressing1 clove garlic, minced? cup chopped fresh parsley1 6-oz can tuna in water; rinsed, drained, and flaked1 cup frozen peas1 cup chopped celery? cup chopped red onionInstructions:Cook shells according to package directions. Rinse and drain. Set aside. In a food processor or blender add cottage cheese, salad dressing, garlic, and parsley and pulse until well incorporated. Add pasta and remaining ingredients and toss with dressing to coat well. Cover and chill for two hours. Serve chilled.CARBOHYDRATES - Pasta DishesQuick Protein Pasta (1 serving)Ingredients:4 oz. tuna, water-packed1 cup cooked whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta? cup shredded fat-free cheddar cheeseChopped vegetables, as desiredSalt and pepperInstructions:In a medium microwave able bowl, mix tuna with pasta. Top with cheese. Heat 1-2 minutes in microwave. Stir and season with salt and pepper.Seafood Primavera with Whole Wheat NoodlesIngredients:Low sodium chicken or vegetable stock for cooking? lb cooked shrimp1 can baby clams10-12oz of clam juice in a jar1 medium orange pepper1 medium red pepper1 cup small sliced mushrooms1 cup broccoli florets1 cup quartered red onion1 can Italian-style stewed tomatoes1 8oz can of tomato sauce2 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp finely chopped garlic1? tsp dried thyme1? tsp black pepper2 cups wheat or gluten-free pastaInstructions:Sauté the garlic in stock to bring out flavor. Over a medium heat, stir in clam juice and veggies and simmer for about 5 minutes, slowly add shrimp, clams, thyme, pepper, stewed tomatoes, and tomato sauce. Reduce heat to low and simmer. Prepare noodles and serve covered in seafood mixture, finish with Parmesan cheese.Shrimp Pasta with Spring Vegetables (2 servings)Ingredients:8 ounces whole-wheat or gluten-free pasta12 sugar snap peas, peeled8 baby carrots, peeled and sliced8 spears baby asparagus2 tbsp basil leaves, sliveredLow sodium chicken or vegetable stock for cooking2 garlic cloves, minced1/8 medium onion, minced1 red bell pepper, seeded and sliced ? carrot, peeled and grated? cup low-sodium chicken broth1/8 cup dairy free milkInstructions:Sauce:In a saucepan, add stock, garlic and onions over medium heat. Then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking until the onions are clear. Add the red pepper and grated carrot and cook for one minute. Now, stir in the broth and bring the mixture to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer until the liquid has reduced by half. Add the milk and then puree with a hand blender until smooth.Pasta:pasta is cooking, blanche the vegetables in a separate pot of boiling water. Cook only until they yield slightly to the touch. Add the vegetables to the pasta pot and cook for another 30 seconds. Drain the water and toss with sauce.CARBOHYDRATES - Pasta DishesTuna and Pasta Casserole (6 servings)Ingredients:1 pound whole-wheat or gluten-free pastaLow sodium chicken or vegetable stock for cooking4 cloves garlic, minced1 small onion, chopped2 (6-ounce) cans tuna in water1/2 cup tender sun-dried tomatoes, thinly sliced1/2 cup dry white wine1/4 cup non-dairy creamer1/2 cup frozen peasCouple handfuls low-sodium parmesan cheese1 cup fresh basil, shreddedInstructions:Place pasta water on to boil. Salt water, add pasta and cook to al dente. While pasta cooks, heat a deep skillet over medium heat with stock, and sauté garlic and onions until tender. Add tuna and sun-dried tomatoes and stir to heat through, another 1 to 2 minutes. Add wine and cook it down a minute then add cream. Toss hot pasta and peas with sauce and cheese. Top with shredded basil.Vegetable Lasagna (12 servings)Ingredients:1-package whole-wheat lasagna noodles, uncooked1 small container low-fat cottage cheese? bag soy crumbles? large zucchini, sliced1 cup low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese1 large can tomato sauceInstructions:Heat soy crumbles in microwave for one minute. Add half the can of tomato sauce, stir, and microwave for one minute. In a large casserole dish, layer noodles, cottage cheese, soy crumbles mix, and zucchini until dish is nearly full. Pour remaining tomato sauce on top and sprinkle with the shredded cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.Extra Veggie Lasagna (10 servings)Ingredients:Low sodium chicken or vegetable stock for cooking1 lb extra-lean ground turkey breast1 medium onion, diced3 garlic cloves, minced3 cups sliced mushrooms? zucchini, sliced1 cup spinach, chopped10 oz jar sun-dried tomatoes15 oz jar tomato sauce, low in sugar and sodium12 oz can tomato paste1 cup waterOregano to tasteMrs. Dash Italian seasoning to taste16 oz low-fat cottage cheese15 oz package whole-wheat lasagna noodles1 cup shredded low fat mozzarella cheeseInstructions:Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Brown turkey with onion, garlic and mushrooms in a pan with a little stock. Add zucchini, spinach and sun-dried tomatoes along with Mrs. Dash seasoning to taste. Simmer over medium heat and cover for 5-10 minutes. Then add tomato sauce, tomato paste, water and oregano. Reduce to low-medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add cottage cheese and remove from heat. In a 13 x 9 inch casserole dish sprayed with non-stick cooking spray, layer noodles, sauce and mozzarella, repeat up to three times. Cove the top layer of sauce more heavily wit cheese, sprinkle oregano on top. Cover with foil and bake 30-40 minutes. Remove the foil for the last 10 minutes of baking.Vegetables & SalsasTomato and Tomatillo SalsaIngredients:5 tomatoes cut into eighths3-4 tomatillos cut into quarters1 medium red onion, cut into eighths2 green jalapeno peppers quartered? cup cilantro3 garlic cloves, halved1 Tbsp fresh limejuice? tsp salt2 green onions, thinly slicedInstructions:Combine tomatoes and tomatillos in a food processor. Pulse until they are cut in small pieces and transfer to a large bowl. Combine onions, jalapenos, garlic, cilantro, limejuice, and salt in the food processor. Pulse until they are cut into small pieces. Transfer to the bowl with the tomatoes. Sprinkle in the green onions and mix well. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.Black Bean SalsaIngredients:1 can cooked black beans (low sodium)? cup diced red onion? cup frozen corn (thawed)1 medium tomato (diced)1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantroInstructions:Drain and rinse the canned beans. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Stir well and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes or longer. Great over grilled fish or chicken!Pineapple Pico de GalloIngredients:1 cup fresh-diced pineapple? diced red onion4 heaping tbsp diced fresh cilantro1 tbsp lemon juiceInstructions:Place pineapple, onion, and cilantro in mixing bowl. Stir together and add in lemon juice. Mix well. Place in refrigerator and chill at least 30 minutes before serving over grilled fish or chicken breast.Chunky SalsaIngredients:? cup minced onions? cup finely chopped green bell peppers2 cloves garlic, minced1 10oz can diced tomatoes and green chilies, undrained1 cup diced tomatoes3 tbsp tomato paste2 tbsp lime juice? tsp ground cuminInstructions:Combine onions, bell peppers, and garlic and microwave for 3 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Stir, and cover with moist paper towel. Microwave for12 minutes, stirring every 3 minutes.Vegetables & SalsasPico de GalloIngredients:2 large tomatoes1 white onion3-4 tbsp minced cilantroInstructions:Chop tomatoes and onions, sprinkle with cilantro, and place over grilled fish or chicken breast.Jalapeno SalsaIngredients:1 cup chopped red onion1 cup chopped tomato1 medium can diced jalapenos1 tbsp lemon juice1 tbsp dried oreganoDash of black pepperInstructions:Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Stir well.Thick and Rich Homemade Barbeque Sauce (2 cups)Ingredients:6 tbsp lemon juice? cup vinegar1 tbsp brown sugar? cup Worcestershire sauce1 cup low fat, reduced calorie ketchup1/2 teaspoon mustard powderInstructions:In a small saucepan over low heat, combine the lemon juice, vinegar, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, and mustard powder; stir well. Simmer for 10 minutes, remove from heat and allow cooling.Lemon VinaigretteIngredients:1 tbsp chopped cilantro1 tbsp chopped parsley? tsp minced garlic4 ? tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp olive oil1 tsp brown sugar1 tsp sweetenerInstructions;In a bowl, whisk all ingredients together and serve on a salad or vegetables.Lemony green beansIngredients:1 ? lb green beans1 cup shallots sliced1 tsp grated lemon rind2 tsp lemon juiceLow sodium chicken stock for cookingSalt and pepper to tasteInstructions:Place beans in saucepan in boiling water, cook until tender. Heat stock in skillet, add shallots; sauté couple of minutes. Add green beans, lemon rind, lemon juice and cook for 2 minutes, add salt and pepper.Vegetables & SalsasCashew Curry Asparagus (4-6 servings)Ingredients:1 1/2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil1 pound asparagus spears, trimmedSalt and pepper2 tablespoons cashews1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt1 teaspoon curry powder1/2 teaspoon lemon juiceInstructions:Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line baking sheet with aluminum foil. Season the asparagus with salt and pepper, to taste. Toss together to evenly distribute. Roast in oven for 8 to 10 minutes depending on the size of the asparagus. While asparagus is roasting, prepare sauce. Process 2 tablespoons of cashews in a blender until finely ground. In a small bowl, stir to combine ground cashews, cottage cheese, curry powder, lemon juice, and pepper.Feta Asparagus (4-6 servings)Ingredients:1 pound asparagus3 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme leaves3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oilground black pepper1/2 cup reduced-fat crumbled fetaInstructions:Slice about 1-inch from the bottom of the asparagus stalks. Cover an outdoor grill with aluminum foil. Preheat grill to high heat. In a large bowl, toss asparagus with thyme and olive oil until all the asparagus is coated. Place asparagus on the foil-covered grill and cook until tender, sprinkle with feta.Asparagus with Pine NutsIngredients:1 head garlic2 tbsp olive oil1 lb asparagus3 tbsp pine nuts, finely choppedInstructions:Roast garlic by placing it in foil with salt, pepper, and a tbsp of olive oil. Bake it for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, steam the asparagus for one or two minutes. Arrange them in a plate. Place the garlic clove into a bowl and mash it with the pine nuts and remaining olive oil. Spread this over the asparagus.Roasted Eggplant Balsamic (8 servings)Ingredients:2 large eggplants, sliced into 1/8 pieces4 tsp olive oil1 tsp fresh garlic, chopped1 tbsp balsamic vinegar1/8 tsp four blend pepper, groundInstructions:Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place eggplant on a cookie sheet lightly covered in non-stick cooking spray and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven. Mix olive oil and garlic and drizzle on top of each eggplant and return to the over for another 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and place in a bowl. Chop and mash the eggplant using a fork. Finally, add balsamic vinegar and continue to mash.Vegetables & SalsasEggplant with Goat CheeseIngredients:1 tablespoon olive oil7 Japanese eggplant, ends trimmed, cut into 1-inch wide slices1/2 cup toasted pine nuts3 ounces goat cheese, crumbled1/3 cup basil, thinly sliced2 tablespoons chopped basil3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepperInstructions:Place a grill pan over medium-high heat or preheat a gas or charcoal grill. Drizzle the olive oil over the slices of eggplant and toss to coat. Grill the eggplants until tender and grill marks appear, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Place the eggplants side-by-side on a serving platter. Sprinkle with the pine nuts, goat cheese, basil, and basil. Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and pepper.Vegetable BakeIngredients:1 cup sliced carrots1 ? cups sliced green beans1 14-ounce block firm tofu, drained1 can whole tomatoes, drained1 cup corn2 garlic cloves, minced? cup slivered almondsInstructions:Cut tofu into ? inch cubes and quarter the canned tomatoes. Combine all ingredients except almonds in a large bowl and mix. Transfer into a greased 2- quart casserole. Top with almonds. Bake uncovered at 375 degrees until veggies are cooked (40 minutes).Grilled Vegetable VinaigretteIngredients:2 small eggplants2 medium zucchinis1 red onion1 red bell pepper1 yellow bell pepper? cup vinaigrette dressingInstructions:Slice all vegetables and grill over medium heat. After grilled, brush the dressing on the vegetables.Parmesan Broccoli with Cherry TomatoesIngredients:6 cups broccoli florets16 cherry tomatoes halved3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese2 tsp chopped thymeInstructions:Steam broccoli, transfer to a bowl, and add remaining ingredients; toss and serve.Vegetables & SalsasBroccoli and Cauliflower Salad (4-6 servings)Ingredients:2 1/2 cups broccoli florets2 1/2 cups cauliflower florets3 egg whites1/2 cup low-sodium Parmesan1/2 teaspoon Mrs. Dash seasoning4 cups lightly packed fresh spinach leaves1 lemon, juicedInstructions:Place the broccoli and cauliflower in a large bowl. Toss with the beaten eggs to coat evenly. Place the Parmesan in a large tray or baking dish and dredge the vegetables in the cheese, pressing to coat evenly. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes.Balsamic Glazed Roasted Root Vegetable (12 servings)Ingredients:? lb. shallots, peeled? lb. baby carrots1 lb. Red potatoes cut in 1 inch pieces1 lb. Sweet potato cut in 1 inch cubes3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar1 tsp. dried thymeInstructions:Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and toss thoroughly, taking care to distribute the seasonings on all the vegetables. Divide the mixture eventually between two baking sheets or roasting pans. Roast for approximately 45 minutes, tossing the vegetables every 10 minutes and rotating the pans between the two racks and front to back to ensure the vegetables cook evenly.Zesty Vegetable Skewers (4 servings)Ingredients:1 garlic clove3 tbsp lemon juice1 tsp Italian seasoning? tsp pepper8 medium fresh mushrooms2 small zucchini, sliced ? inch thick2 small onions8 cherry tomatoesInstructions:In a bowl, mash garlic; and add lemon, seasoning, and pepper. Thread the vegetables alternately on skewers. Pour garlic mixture over kebabs; let stand 15 minutes. Grill for 10 to 15 minutes, turning until vegetables are just tenderArtichoke and Spinach Casserole (4 servings)Ingredients:10 oz spinach, chopped14 oz can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped4 scoops unflavored protein powder3 oz fat-free cottage cheese? cup fat-free sour cream2 tsp green onion, minced2 tsp horseradish? tsp salt? tsp pepper? cup fat-free cheese, your favoriteInstructions:Combine all ingredients in a bowl; spread mixture into a 9-inch pie plate sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.Vegetables & SalsasQuick Grilled Vegetables (4-6 servings)Ingredients:2 red bell peppers, seeded and sliced lengthwise2 onions, peeled and sliced? to 1 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced2 yellow squashes, sliced into ?-inch thick rounds1 tsp garlic powder? tsp salt? tsp pepperOlive oilInstructions:Toss the vegetables and all remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Drizzle grill with stock until coated. Preheat the grilling machine. Grill the vegetables in batches if necessary for five to seven minutes. Keep the cooked vegetables warm by placing them on an uncovered plate in a 200-degree oven. Keep them in a single layer.Baby Spinach with Pomegranates and Pine NutsIngredients:? cup pine nuts12 cups baby spinach1 cup thinly sliced red onion1/8 tsp. black pepper2 tbsp. orange juice2 tbsp. lemon juice2 tsp. honey1 tsp. Dijon mustard2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oilInstructionsToast the pine nuts: Place the nuts in a single layer in a dry skillet over medium-high heat to toast. Immediately transfer the nuts to a plate to cool. Combine the spinach and red onion in a large bowl and set aside. Whisk together the pepper, orange juice, lemon juice, honey, mustard and olive oil. Toss the dressing with the salad just before serving.Ginger Broccoli with Toasted Sesame Seeds (4 servings)Ingredients:2 tsp sesame seeds4 cups broccoli florets1 small sweet red pepper, cut into strips1 tbsp gingerroot, peeled and minced1 garlic clove, minced? tsp sesame oilInstructions:Place seeds in a skillet and cook until golden. Cook broccoli in water for two to four minutes, then add the red pepper and cook for 30 seconds. Drain and reserve 1/3 cup of the liquid. In a large skillet cook the ginger root and garlic for 30 seconds. Add the reserved liquid and bring to a boil. Add the broccoli mixture, sesame oil, and toss gently. Transfer to a platter and sprinkle the sesame seeds.Broccoli PureeIngredients:1 large russet potato, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks1 pound broccoli florets1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth4 ounces low-fat cottage cheese1/4 cup freshly grated reduced-sodium ParmesanSalt and freshly ground black pepperInstructions:Boil the potatoes until tender. Transfer the potatoes to a medium bowl and mash until smooth. Place broccoli into steamer rack and steam over medium heat until the broccoli is very tender. Transfer the broccoli to the bowl of a food processor. Add the broth, cottage cheese, and Parmesan. Process until the broccoli is pureed and almost smooth. Blend in the mashed potato until smooth and incorporated.Vegetables & SalsasBroccoli in LemonInstructions:3 heads broccoli (about 3 pounds)Mrs. Dash Italian seasoning1 cup freshly grated reduced-sodium Parmesan1 lemon, juicedPreheat the oven to 400 degrees F.Instructions:Trim about 1 inch off the ends of the broccoli stalks and cut the broccoli lengthwise into spears. Arrange the broccoli on a nonstick cookie sheet, and season with a little bit of salt and a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper. Toss to coat evenly. Transfer to the oven and roast for 10 minutes. Remove the broccoli from the oven and sprinkle the cheese evenly over the top and bake until the cheese melt and forms a crisp shell over the broccoli, about 10 minutes. Lift the broccoli out onto a platter with a spatula and drizzle with fresh lemon.Broccoli and Green BeansIngredients:8 cups broccoli florets (about 1 1/2 pounds)1/2 pound green beansLow sodium chicken stock for cooking2 cloves garlic, sliced thinMrs. Dash seasoningInstructions:In a large pot, parboil the broccoli since you will sauté it later on. Using a strainer, remove broccoli from pot and shock it in a bowl of ice water. When broccoli is completely cool, place it in a colander and allow it to drain. Refresh the bowl of ice water. Bring the water back to a boil. Add green beans and cook for 4minutes. Like the broccoli, you just want to parboil the green beans. Remove green beans from pot with strainer and add to ice water. When green beans are completely cool, add them to the colander and allow it to drain. In a large sauté pan, heat stock. When almost smoking, add the garlic and sauté for about 45 seconds. When the garlic starts to brown, remove immediately and discard. Overcooking the garlic will impart a very bitter taste to the dish. Add the broccoli and green beans to the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.Citrus Steamed GreensIngredients:4 ounces baby spinach4 ounces pea shoots4 ounces arugulaZest from 2 lemonsZest from 1 limeInstructions:Remove stems from spinach, pea shoots, and arugula. Mix vegetables together and steam for two to three minutes. Toss with pepper, citrus zest, and juice from lemon and lime.Vegetables & SalsasYummy SquashIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking3 tomatoes, chopped? large onion, chopped4 squash, diced3 tsp minced garlicLow sodium chicken stockInstructions:In a pan with stock, add the chopped onions, and garlic. Sautee for a couple of minutes, add the chopped tomatoes and cook for a couple of minutes. When the veggies are cooked, add the diced squash and cook until tender. Drench the veggies with the chicken stock so that they are barely covered with it. Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes.Zucchini and Squash Parmesan (6 servings)Ingredients:1 lb cubed (1/2 inch cubes) yellow squash1 lb cubed (1/2 inch cubes) zucchini1/8 tsp black pepper? tsp garlic powder? cup nonfat Parmesan cheeseInstructions:Place all ingredients except the Parmesan cheese in a glass microwave dish approximately 9 x 9 x 2 inches. Stir to incorporate all ingredients, add two tablespoons water, cover with a paper towel, and place in microwave. Cook about 20 minutes, stirring every few minutes until tender. Drain any water and spread the veggies evenly in dish. Evenly sprinkle the Parmesan cheese across the top. Position the top oven rack four inches from the top and turn on the broiler. Place baking dish on rack and watch until the top is lightly golden. This should only take three to four minutes.Zucchini BoatsIngredients:Low sodium chicken stock for cooking4 zucchini, halved lengthwise? red onion, chopped3 plum tomatoes, chopped1/3 cup sliced almonds? tsp dried oregano6 ounces shredded low fat mozzarella? cup low sodium parmesan cheeseInstructions:Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Using a melon baller, scoop out the zucchini flesh. Place the zucchini shells cut side down on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a skillet heat stock and add the zucchini flesh, and onion cook for about 5 minutes. Now add the tomatoes and cook another couple of minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the nuts and oregano. Flip the zucchini shells and line the bottoms with the mozzarella cheese. Pack in the veggie filling and sprinkle with a little parmesan. Bake until the zucchini is tender about 20-25 minutes.Sweet and Sour PeppersIngredients:? cup lemon juice2 tbsp honey1 tsp hot sauce1 tbsp minced garlic1 tbsp minced ginger1 jalapeno pepper, diced3 scallions, sliced2 red bell peppers, quartered2 green bell peppers, quartered2 yellow bell peppers, quartered1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds3 tbsp light soy sauceInstructions:Combine lemon juice, honey and hot sauce in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Heat a pan with garlic, ginger, scallions (whites only); stir-fry for a couple seconds. Add peppers and stir, add half the green onions, half the sesame seeds and the soy sauce; bring to boil. Transfer to plate and garnish with scallions and sesame seeds.Vegetables & SalsasGreen Bean and Shitake Mushroom Sauté (6 servings)Ingredients:? lb shitake mushrooms, stem removed1 garlic clove2/3 cup sliced red onion wedges1 lb green beans, trimmed1 tsp minced thyme? cup reduced sodium chicken broth2 tsp sherry vinegarBrown sugar and salt to tasteInstructions:Fill pot with drop of salt and water and bring to boil. In a skillet cook mushrooms and onions. Add beans to boiling water until tender, drain. Add garlic and thyme to mushrooms. Stir in broth, vinegar, salt, sugar, and pepper. Pour over green beans and toss.Stuffed PeppersIngredients:2 large bell peppers (red, green, or yellow)4-ounce chicken breast, minced3 each (1/3 cup) green onions, chopped2 large garlic cloves, minced1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated1 ? ounce mozzarella cheese, low-fat, gratedInstructions:Cut the peppers lengthwise in half. Remove seeds and cut away ribs. Cut each half, lengthwise into strips, then crossways into 3 pieces. Set aside. Heat stock in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Sauté the chicken, onions, and garlic together for several minutes until the chicken is cooked. Remove from heat and set aside. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, mix remaining ingredients together. Add the chicken mixture and stir to combine. Fill each pepper piece with 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mixture and place on a foil lined baking sheet. Broil for three to five minutes until filling is bubbling and browned.Spinach Pear Salad (4 servings)Salad Ingredients:2 pears4 cups baby spinach4 tsp toasted chopped pecans1 ounce feta cheese, crumbledRosemary Vinaigrette Ingredients:? cup red wine vinegar? cup champagne vinegar? cup low sodium vegetable stock1 tbsp shallots, minced1 tbsp oregano, chopped1 tbsp rosemary, choppedInstructions:In a blender, combine all ingredients except oregano and rosemary. Blend until smooth. Add herbs and mix. Slice pears and place in a steamer basket over boiling water for three minutes. In a large bowl combine spinach, pecan and dressing. Add the crumbled cheese on top.Vegetables & SalsasFresh Cucumber Salad (4 to 6 servings)Ingredients:3 cucumbers, peeled and thinly sliced1 small onion, thinly sliced? cup balsamic vinegar1 tsp dillSalt and pepperInstructions:Lightly salt the cucumbers and place in a colander, let drain for about one hour. Rinse salt off the cucumbers and drain on paper towels. In a bowl place onion, dill, and vinegar. Add cucumbers. Toss. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Toss again. Let stand together in refrigerator for 20 minutes.Tuscan Salad (2 servings)Ingredients:10 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped, not in oil4 cups romaine lettuce4 cups spinach1 cup arugula1 cup asparagus2 oz fat-free mozzarella cheese1 roasted red pepper2 tbsp your favorite oil and vinegar based dressingInstructions:Chop all ingredients and mix in a bowl. Add the dressing on top.Butternut Squash Soup (4 servings)Ingredients:1 large butternut squash1 ? tsp rough-cut gingerWater1 pinch saltPepper to taste4 tbsp black or white sesame seedsInstructions:Peel, de-seed, and cube squash. Peel and cut ginger. Put the squash and ginger into a large pot. Add water to cover squash by one inch. Cover and simmer until squash is soft. Let cool in liquid. Add squash to blender and puree. Add salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle 1 tbsp sesame seeds.Black Bean SalsaIngredients:1 medium can black beans, drained1 medium can corn, drainedJuice of 2-3 limes1 avocado, mashed1 tomato, diced4-5 green onions, diced1 small can sliced black olives, drained? cup cilantro leaves, choppedInstructions:Mix all ingredients, and let sit for about one hour to marinate.Vegetables & SalsasSpinach Soup (4 servings)Ingredients:1 onion, diced4 garlic cloves, minced2 celery stalks, chopped1 ? tbsp olive oil16 oz can low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth1 medium potato, chopped3 cups spinach leavesHandful of parsley leavesLemon juice to tasteInstructions:In a large saucepan, sauté onion, garlic and celery over medium heat until tender. Add broth and potato, and bring to a boil. Add spinach and parsley. Cover and simmer until potato is tender. Remove from heat; pour into a blender and puree. Return to saucepan and reheat over medium heat. Add lemon juice to taste.SnacksOatmeal Pancake (1 pancake)Ingredients:Oatmeal 1 packet if instant or 1/3 cup (original or weight control- banana bread or maple and brown sugar)3-4 egg whites? cup low-fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt*if regular oatmeal, add cinnamon to blend, and add sugar-free jelly on top*Instructions:Blend all ingredients and cook on stove like a normal pancake.Banana Protein BreadIngredients:2 tbsp ow-fat cottage cheese4 egg whites1-cup Greek yogurt1 tbsp vanilla extract6 very ripe bananas, mashed? cup sugar-free maple syrup3 cups ground oats2 tsp baking powder2 tsp baking sodaSweetener to taste3 oz whey protein powder? cup chopped pecansInstructions:Preheat oven to 375 degrees and lightly spray loaf pans with cooking spray. Combine sour cream, egg whites, cream cheese, vanilla, bananas and syrup in a bowl. Mix with electric mixer on medium until smooth and creamy. In another bowl mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, Splenda, and protein powder with a spoon until combined. Add flour mixture to the banana mixture and stir until combined. Fold in pecans and mix with electric mixer. Divide mixture evenly between the 2 loaf pans and bake for 45 minutes, until golden brown.No Bake Oatmeal BarsIngredients:3 cups dry oatmeal1 ? cup powdered non-dairy milk1 cup vanilla protein powderSweetener? package fruit flavor-Jell-O3 tbsp water3 tbsp agaveInstructions:Mix oatmeal, Splenda, protein powder, and dry milk. In a small pot, combine water and honey and bring to a boil, add sure Jell-O. Combine both mixtures together and roll into a ball, add more water if needed. Pack in a square dish and refrigerate. Cut into squares to serve.Protein Muffins (4 servings)Ingredients:5 egg whites? cup unsweetened applesauce? cup oatmeal? scoop vanilla protein powderCinnamonSweetener to tasteInstructions:Mix all ingredients in a bowl, and place in a muffin pan and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.SnacksOatmeal Cookies (24 cookies)Ingredients:1 cup uncooked oatmeal1 cup freeze-dried fruit1 scoop vanilla protein powder1 cup almond meal or flax meal2 egg whites1 tsp vanilla extract1 ripe banana1 tbsp honey (optional)Instructions:Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients separate from moist, and then stir all ingredients together. Lightly coat a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray and scoop rounded spoonfuls of dough. Bake for 20 minutes.Oatmeal Blue Muffins (12 servings)Ingredients:1 cup almond meal or coconut flour1-cup oatmeal, uncooked? cup brown sugar? cup ground flaxseeds1 tsp baking powder1 tsp baking soda1 tsp cinnamon8 ounces fat-free cottage cheese or Greek togurt2 egg whites, beaten1 tbsp coconut oil1 tsp vanilla extract1 up fresh blue berriesStevia or sweetener to taste1 tbsp chopped walnutsInstructions:Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray muffin pan with non-stick cooking spray. Combine flour, oats, brown sugar, flaxseeds, baking powder, baking soda, and half the cinnamon in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine yogurt, eggs, oil, and vanilla. Slowly stir in flour and oat mixture, until well blended. Fold in blue berries and then spoon the entire mixture evenly into muffin pan. Lastly, mix Splenda, the rest of the cinnamon, and chopped walnuts, and sprinkle over the muffin mixture. Bake for 20 minutes.Strawberry BreadIngredients:1 1/2 cup ground oatsSweetener to taste? tsp baking soda? tsp salt? tsp cinnamon8 ounces egg whites? cup unsweetened applesauce1/8-cup coconut oil10 ounces strawberries, choppedInstructions:In a bowl, sift the flour, Splenda, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Make a well in the center. In another bowl, combine the egg whites, applesauce, oil, and strawberries. Now add it into the well of the sifted ingredients, and stir untileverything is thoroughly combined. Spoon the batter into a greased floured 9 by 5 inch loaf pan, and bake at 350 degrees for one hour.SnacksMocha-Almond Protein Pudding (2 servings)Ingredients:? cup boiling hot strong coffee1 tbsp unflavored gelatin1-cup strong coffee2 tbsp roasted almond butter2 oz egg white or whey protein2 tsp vanilla extract? tsp sweetener? tsp cinnamon? cup waterInstructions:Pour the hot coffee into a blender and blend on low. Sprinkle gelatin through the top feeder and whip until frothy. Add the rest of the ingredients except for the water, and blend. Pour in the water as needed to create a smooth texture and enough pudding to yield about three cups. Place in a container and chill until firm.Peach QuicheIngredients:3 fresh peaches, sliced3 packets Sweetener2 tsp cinnamon7 slices whole wheat or gluten-freebread, cut into 1-inch cubes4 low fat turkey patties (Morning star)1-? cups shredded low-fat cheddar cheese1-cup fat-free cottage cheese6 egg whites3 cups non-dairy milk1 tsp vanilla extract? tsp almond extract? tsp nutmeg1 tbsp slivered almonds1-cup fresh raspberriesInstructions:Coat a 9-inch baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. In a bowl, toss peaches with 2 packets of Sweetener and 1 tsp cinnamon; set aside. Place half the bread cubes in the baking dish. Top with half the sausage, half of the peaches, half of the cheddar cheese and all of the cottage cheese. Repeat layers (except cottage cheese). In a separate bowl, combine egg whites, milk, 1 packet of Sweetener and 1 tsp of cinnamon, extracts and nutmeg; beat until well blended. Pour egg mixture over quiche in baking dish and sprinkle with almonds. Cover; refrigerate one hour or overnight. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F for one hour. Sprinkle with raspberries.Protein PuddingIngredients:2 cups dairy free milk2 scoops whey protein1 packet sugar-free Jell-O pudding mixInstructions:Mix all ingredients in a blender, pour into a bowl and chill for approximately 1 hour.Strawberries with Almond Cottage Cheese (1 serving)Ingredients:1 portion fresh berries1 portion low-fat cottage cheese? to ? teaspoon almond extract (to taste)1 packet sweetenerInstructions:Combine everything but berries in blender and puree.SnacksCreamsicle Frozen DessertIngredients:1 serving Myoplex, any flavor12 oz water, non-dairy milk, or fruit-flavored Crystal Light8 ice cubesInstructions:Place all ingredients in a blender and mix on high speed for one to two minutes. Pour the mixture into paper cups; place a Popsicle stick in the middle of each one. Freeze. To loosen the Popsicles from the cups once frozen, run a knife along the inside edge of each one. Peel off the paper cups and serve.Bodybuilder Blintzes (2 servings)Ingredients:1-cup fat-free cottage cheese? cup non-dairy milk? cup ground oats or coconut flour2 egg whites? tsp lemon juice1-cup whole fresh blueberriesNonstick cooking sprayInstructions:Combine cottage cheese, milk, and flour. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until frothy, then add to cottage-cheese mixture. Stir in lemon juice; then fold in blueberries. Pour batter as pancakes onto a heated frying pan coated with nonstick cooking spray. Cook until top begins to bubble and bottom is lightly browned, then turn, Cook through, then serve.Banana Protein Muffins (12 servings)Mash two very ripe bananas and pour a small amount of honey on top and stir; let stand.Take one-cup oatmeal and grind to a fine powder in blender. Place in mixing bowl and add:? cup bran? cup whole-wheat flour? cup oatmeal2 scoops protein powder1 tsp baking powder? tsp skim milk2 egg whites? cup unsweetened applesauceThen add banana mixture to all other ingredients. Mix together well and spoon into a 12-cup muffin tin, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake400 degrees for 15-18 minutes. Do not over bake, or muffins will be heavyFrozen Pistachio DessertIngredients:Protein powder (to desired texture)12 oz water1 package fat-free, sugar-free pistachio pudding mixInstructions:Mix a package of vanilla Myoplex as directed (with nonfat milk or water), then add pudding mix and blend thoroughly. Place in a serving dish and chill in the freezer for several hours. Enjoy!SnacksChoco-Peanut Power ShakeIngredients:1 scoop chocolate protein powder12 oz water or non-dairy milk1 tbsp all-almond butter3 ice cubesInstructions:Place all ingredients in a blender and mix on high speed for 45 seconds. Serve.Mocha Protein Shake (1 serving)Ingredients:1/3 cup Greek yogurt? cup oatmeal1 scoop chocolate protein powder? tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder1 ? tsp instant coffeeWater & iceInstructions:Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix on high speed until frothy.Egg White muffinIngredients:8 egg whites1 ? cup of shredded potatoes1 cup of your favorite veggies chopped ? cup low-fat shredded mozzarella and cheddarInstructions:Blend all ingredients and place in a muffin. Bake at 450 degrees for ~ 15-20 minutesSun Dried Tomato Hummus (16 servings)Ingredients:1 clove garlic, peeled4 tablespoons sun dried tomatoes in oil, drained, chopped8-ounce (1 cup) silken style tofu, drained2 cans (4 cups) garbanzo beans (chick peas), drained1 tsp red pepper sauce? teaspoon salt1 large lemon, juicedInstructions:Puree the garlic with the tomato in a food processor until minced, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Add remaining ingredients and process until mixture is almost smooth and completely blended. You may want to serve with toasted pita bread wedges. Try toasting them in a 400-degree oven after brushing with a little olive oil and seasoning with garlic salt.Hummus & PitasIngredients:2 15-ounce cans of chickpeas, drained? cup tahini (sesame paste)? cup lemon juice2 garlic clovesWheat pitasInstructions:Place chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic into food processor. Blend until smooth. Add small amounts of water while blending if mixture is too thick. Season with salt and pepper to taste.SnacksSmoked Salmon Deviled Eggs (16 servings)Ingredients:8 large eggs, hard cooked and peeled? cup fat-free cottage cheese? cup fat-free sour cream2 tbsp green onion, chopped fine2 tbsp chives, minced2 tbsp fresh dill weed, chopped8-oz smoked salmon, chopped? tsp black pepperInstructions:Cut hard boiled eggs in half lengthwise, remove yolk. In a medium-sized bowl, blend the cottage cheese with the sour cream until smooth. Fold in remaining ingredients. Do not over blend. Fill egg halves with one to two tbsp of mixture. Cover and refrigerate until serving time. Arrange on medium plate and serve with small lemon wedges.Garden Bruschetta (24 servings)Ingredients:2 medium (1/2 cup) asparagus spears, trimmed4 medium tomatoes, diced2 cloves garlic, minced? medium (1/3 cup) red onion, minced? block (1 ? cups) tofu, baked style; drained well, diced into ? inch pieces? cup basil, fresh, chopped2 tsp balsamic vinegarInstructions:Slice the asparagus crossways into ? inch pieces. Cook in boiling salted water for three minutes. Drain. Meanwhile, place the diced tomatoes in a strainer over an empty bowl and drain for at least 10 minutes. Discard liquid. Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Cover and chill for two hours before serving. Allow to come to room temperature before serving. ................

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