The Key principle for healing diseases From Mrs. Ellen G White

[Pages:8]The Key principle for healing diseases

From Mrs. Ellen G White .

Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, Cataracts, Chronic Fatigue, 98 percent of Diseases.

In order to have good health, we must have good blood; for the blood is the current of life. It repairs waste, and nourishes the body. When supplied with the proper food elements and when cleansed and vitalized by contact with pure air, it carries life and vigor to every part of the system. The more perfect the circulation, the better will this work be accomplished. CD 271

The impurities of the body, if not allowed to escape, are taken back into the blood and forced upon the internal organs. Nature, to relieve herself of poisonous impurities, makes an effort to free the system. This effort produces fevers and what is termed disease. But .., if those who are afflicted would assist nature in her efforts by the use of pure, soft water, much suffering would be prevented. {CH 61.2}

Maximum Healing depends on two factors. The first factor is cleanup and the second is immune boosting. Clean up means reducing as much as possible the poisons that are polluting your internal biochemistry. These toxins cause all the big, life-threatening illnesses: heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and adult? onset diabetes. P. 31 Maximum Healing, H. Robert Silverstein, MD

Those who are not in health have impurities of the blood.--T., V. III, p. 70. {HL 180.2}

Pure water to drink and fresh air to breathe invigorate the vital organs, purify the blood, and help nature in her task of overcoming the bad conditions of the system.--H. to L., Chap. 4, p. 55. {HL 187.1}

In the book "Real Cause Real Cure" on page 142 Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD. Agrees that purify the body of the toxins is the 8 real cure to a lot of our health issues. The liver helps to purify the blood, about two quarts every minute. If the liver quite doing its work we would die in one day. On page 91 Dr Jacob also states that Natural remedies such as nutrients, and herbs work with bodily systems to help the body heal.

The Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial; and if every family were educated in how to use these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be prevented and no doctor need be called. These old-fashioned, simple herbs, used intelligently, would have recovered many sick who have died under drug medication. {2SM 294.1}

In order to make a good quality of blood, we must have the right kind of food, prepared in a right manner.--T., V. I, p. 682. {HL 181.1}

Sickness and degenerative disease are natures' way to tell us that our body is toxic and needs to be detox, cleansed, or for us to purify the blood. Disease is like the red engine light coming on in a car telling us that we need to cleanse our body of toxins in the system. P.44 Toxic Relief Don Colbert M.D. This booklet is furnish by and


The liver is burdened in its effort to cleanse the blood of impurities, and illness is the result. {MH 240.3}

There are herbs that are harmless, the use of which will tide over many apparently serious difficulties...., sickness would be rare instead of common. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.. {2SM 290.2)

Christ came to restore? Christ's remedies cleanse the system...There are many simple herbs which, if our nurses would learn the value of, they could use in the place of drugs, and find very effective. 2sm 298

The impurities of the body, if not allowed to escape, are taken back into the blood, and forced upon the internal organs. Nature, to relieve herself of poisonous impurities, makes an effort to free the system, which effort produces fevers, and what is termed disease. But even then, if those who are afflicted would assist nature in her efforts, by the use of pure, soft water, much suffering would be prevented. But many, instead of doing this, and seeking to remove the poisonous matter from the system, take a more deadly poison into the system, to remove a poison already there. {2SM 460.2}

Our Saviour is the restorer of the moral image of God in man. He has supplied in the natural world remedies for the ills of man, that His followers may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. We can with safety discard the concoctions which man has used in the past. {2SM 289.1}

The Lord has provided antidotes for diseases in simple plants, and these can be used by faith, with no denial of faith; for by using the blessings provided by God for our benefit we are cooperating with Him. He can use water and sunshine and the herbs which He has caused to grow, in healing maladies brought on by indiscretion or accident. We do not manifest a lack of faith when we ask God to bless His remedies. 2SM 289

A legendary cancer doctor Mitchell Gaynor a former chief resident at Sloan ?Kettering Gaynor saved lives that others had given up on. He is the type of doctor that cancer doctors go to when they have cancer. Doctor Mitchell Gaynor added a herbal remedy that he used on people that had been sent home to die and he was helping them survive. P. 292 The Secret History of the Cancer War. Devra Davis Ph.D., MPH

Genesis 1:39 I have given you every herb for your meat, (food). Genesis 3:18 You should eat the herb of the field. "Two weeks after I talked to Jeff and started using his suggestions, I have more energy. My pain in my side from liver cancer is gone and my skin looks good. Four weeks into using his ideas, I have gained 10 pounds." Bonnie Freeman She used the Double Barrel shotgun approach on her cancer.

Call Jeff today to talk about a cleansing of the toxins and the parasites to help your body heal itself. 615-799-0994 or 615-319-4139 cell

This booklet it furnish by and . To find out more about the detoxing and purifying the blood visit

these websites. This is not intended for medical advice. Use the detox and the natu-

ral along with your doctor for healing or for a healthy lifestyle. The best way to fight cancer or other diseases is to live to reduce your risk.


God's 13 Principles for Healing and a Healthy Lifestyle.

1. "Do your breast self exam on a regular basis, and don't miss your regular doctors' check-ups." Men and women alike can use this to help find lumps. Men need to check their bodies in other areas as well for cancer. Make sure you are familiar with your body and the areas where cancer may grow.

2. "Cleanse the body on the inside." Fifty-seven of the top physicians in Great Britain have found that 98% of aliments are caused by toxins in the body.

3. "Eliminate the foreign organisms in the body that sap your energy and help weaken your immune system." Many diseases and illnesses, like chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, and cancer, can be traced to foreign organisms. Just about all of us have them, yet we don't realize it.

4. "Give your body the nutrients it needs to rebuild itself." Your body rebuilds itself on a regular basis, and it needs the proper, adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.

5. "Be sure to include the vitamins and minerals that can be used to help with fighting and preventing diseases, and cancer."

6. "Spend as much time in the fresh air as possible." The fresh air helps to keep the free radicals on hold, assuming, of course that it really is fresh air and not smog.

7. "Stay away from chemical smells as much as possible." Yes; this also means household cleaner smells. Make sure you have the windows open when cleaning. Sleep with the windows open when you can.

8. "Stop putting chemicals into/onto your body." We put all kinds of chemical into and on our bodies every day. Pay attention to ingredient labels. You cannot stop putting the chemicals into or on your body altogether, so the best policy is to reduce them and to use the cleansing UL De Tea often. Use the herbal tea to purify your blood.

9. "Exercise is a vital part of the agenda of having good health." Guess what? It is ok to sweat!

10. "Work on strengthening your immune system and not weakening it." Many Doctors tell us that the immune system may kill cancer cells up to 10,000 times a day . . . if it hasn't been weakened.

11. "Drink plenty of good water" not some chemical acidic soda. 12. "Ask your pharmacist about reactions between foods, herbs, supple-

ments, and your medicines." Many herbs do not mix well with medicines, and some may have dangerous reactions with others. Your pharmacist is trained to know the medicines and what reactions may occur. 13. "Eat foods known to have cancer-fighting properties." There are foods that help reduce the risk of cancer, including broccoli, cabbage, almonds, onions, and many more. Eat foods that help purify the blood and cleanse the body on the inside. Use this information along with your doctors treatments to help you win your battle over disease or to be healthy. According to FDA we don't make any claim that this will cure any diseases it is just health information.


I am a Seventh Day Adventist Christian if I had to go through the brain

cancer war on my own without the peace and power from God I'd be lost.

S.D.A. Have stuck with our Baptist and Methodist Heritage. We Stand on

our Belief in Christ like most Christians: Like the song from Newsboy's

You have heard lot's of times on the radio or maybe like I did, you went

to the Newsboy's concert at Cornerstone Church in Madison.

We Adventist have much of the same beliefs as most Christians.

We believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Christ death and resurrection and the blessed hope of his return.

And 1 Cor 3:16 Christ and the Holy spirit abiding in us.

The Bible as the rule of faith and Christian union and supreme.

The baptism by immersion,

The communion service with bread and grape juice and also the foot

washing like Christ did in the upper room.

We work with other Christians for religious and Christian Liberty.

Yes Seventh Day Adventist believes that Saturday is the day God wants them to keep

holy because it was the day God Set aside after he created the world. Sunday Chris-

tians believe god wants them to keep Sunday because of his Resurrection. We are

both still following Christ and teaching about his abiding in our lives. Let's work

together to be in heaven. Mark 9:38-40 Adventist believe that this text teaches that

Christians from all churches that have the abiding of the Holy Spirit and they are abid-

ing in Christ will be saved. We as Christian's need to stand together for Religious

liberty and to gain the Blessed hope of being with Christ in Heaven.

Mark 9:

38 ? 40 "John answered him saying Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy

name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him because he followeth not us. 39 But

Jesus Said, Forbid him not for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name,

that can lightly speak evil of me. 40. For he that is not against us is on our part. (side)

KJ. "Anyone who is not against us is for us." New Living Translation.

SDA's have been one of the longest living people groups ever studied. It has been

noted that the men live an average of 7 years longer than other men. The World

Health Organization, US National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute, Na-

tional Institute of Aging, American Cancer Society, Harvard Medical School, Govern-

ments of Norway and the Netherlands and many other countries and many academic

institutions have admirations and studied the Seventh Day Adventist because of the

long life and health that they have. Much of which can be attributed to the healthy

lifestyle they live. However Here is a idea that They have all missed which E G

White talks about in some of her writings, " about purifying the blood and removing

the impurities to help fight diseases". She shares a lot about removing the toxins in

the body. When the Adventist start using this, their long life will be even longer. You

are getting it before some of them. She was just a Christian writer that had a very

close relationship with the abiding presence of God and the Holy Spirit in her life.

Giving the body the nutrition it needs to rebuild itself and purifying the blood or de-

toxing the system is just two of the principle to use in God's health plan. There is an

herb powder multi vitamin along with a detoxing herbal tea that can be used to help

fight all types of health issues that do not have any disclaimers about bad side affects.

For more information on detoxing visit detox.htm



UL De herbal tea has these therapeutic benefits: 1. Deters the build-up of fatty deposits in the heart, the kidneys, the liver, and the artery walls. 2. Controls cholesterol levels by transforming sugar and fat into energy. 3. Destroys parasites in the body and the digestive system. 4. Counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead, and mercury poisoning. 5. Strengthens and tightens muscles, organs, and tissues. 6. Makes joints, bones, lungs, ligaments, and membranes strong and flexible and less vulnerable to stress and stress injuries. 7. Nourishes and stimulates the brain and nervous system. 8. Promotes the absorption of fluids in the tissues. 9. Removes toxic accumulations in fat, lymph, bone marrow, the bladder, and the alimentary canal. 10. Neutralizes acids, absorbs toxins in the bowel, and eliminates both. 11. Dissolves and expels mucus, helping to clear respiratory channels. 12. Relieves the liver of its burden of detoxification by converting fatty toxins into water-soluble substances that can then be easily eliminated through the kidneys. 13. Assists the liver in the production of lecithin, which forms part of the myelin sheath, a white fatty material that encloses nerve fibers. 14. Reduces, perhaps eliminates, heavy metal deposits in tissues (especially those surrounding the joints) to reduce inflammation and stiffness. 15. Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen. 16. Purifies the blood. 17. Increases red cell production, and keeps red cells from rupturing. 18. Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen. 19. Protects the cells against free radicals. 20. Protects against toxins entering the brain. 21. Protects the body against radiation and X-rays. 22. Relieves pain, increases the appetite, and provides more energy along with a sense of well being. 23. Speeds up wounds healing by regenerating the damaged area. 24. Increases the production of antibodies like lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, which is the defender of our immune system. 25. Inhibits and possibly destroys benign growths and tumors. 26. Maintains balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated: in this way, cells are nourished with nutrients and are also cleansed. 27. Converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. 28. Increases the circulation throughout the body, helps with circulation in the legs of diabetic's. helps with circulation to the genital area of men, (helps with an erection) a possible help with infertility.



Jeff Scott Beck

Author, Speaker, Health Educator

Jeff Scott Beck devoted countless hours to independent research in order to help a family member dealing with brain cancer after chemotherapy and radiation did not work. His wife was sent home to die, she did the detoxing along with feeding her body the right foods and she is still alive after 19 years now.

Jeff Scott Beck has authored the following books:

Natural Ways to help Prevent & Fight Cancer Discover The 13 Vital Practical Principles to help Fight and Reduce Your

Risk For Cancer

Jeff continues to educate people on the importance of reducing, and preventing the risk of cancer in an effort to win the war on cancer and

other health issues.

He has done some speaking engagements for churches, civic clubs, and appeared on radio programs.

He has appeared on NBC Nashville TN Channel 4 noon news for a interview with Sharon Puckett.

Held a health seminar for Maranatha SDA Church in Detroit. He has held a health seminars for Cambridge Tower Senior Citizen Buildings. Article in WESTVIEW News from interview with Sharon Satterfield. New Life Nutrition And Fitness, Inc. Howard Young PhD has had Jeff do a variety of lectures. Baptist Hospital approved Jeff's lecture for Middle Tenn. Electric Membership Corp. Wellness Program. Better Living Clinic Yoshinobu Namihira, M.D., F.A.C.G. Shares Jeff's information with his patients and has them call Jeff so both Jeff and Dr. Namihira can work with the patients as a team to be healthy. Received a Certificate of Nutrition and Fitness from Penn Foster University.

To talk to Jeff or book a lecture, seminar or interview, for your organization, business or church.

For a CD for no charge or information on the book.

Call 615-799-0994 (OFFICE) 615-319-4139 (cell).


Peoples testimony of how the detoxing has helped them. Valerie: used it for brain cancer and the brain cancer has been gone for 19 years now. She was sent home to die with hospice the Chemotherapy and radiation did not work the cancer started growing somewhere else. She started using the tea to help purify her blood and detox her body along with the 13 principles for healing and healthy lifestyle and she survived the cancer her doctor could not believe she was still alive. He told people she was a miracle. She is still alive. Thomas S: I was dealing with Liver cancer and a heart complication they gave me three years or less, I started using the tea and other vitamins and some of the principles and I saw a positive effect on my body in three days, When I went to the doctor he told me: "Your liver cancer is gone your heart problem is gone your body is the best I have ever seen it. I don't know what you are doing but keep doing it." Josephine: I heard about your tea and decided to use it. I had a mass in my breast and the lump is gone. I was dealing with a buildup of fluid on my legs and all over my body. The fluid is gone and the mass is clear. Bonnie: I had liver cancer and it was gone in two weeks and by the end of 4 weeks she had gained weight when she went to her doctor that had sent her home to die. Ella: I was crippled for six years and having to push a walker chair. I used the tea and have been able to walk where I couldn't before. My back and hip don't hurt and I am able to turn over in bed without hurting. My fiball tumor or bubble with blood is cleared up. Earsley; my prostate cancer is gone and my psa count is down. Roscoe: my prostate and non-Hoskins Lymphoma cancer is gone, I recommend the UL De Tea to everyone. Merilyn: breast cancer metastasized to lung cancer took the tea and now both cancers are gone. Barbara: Barbara got my information and started using it with her husband for his diabetes. His legs were in pain and his skin peeled a lot every time she took off his socks. She tried using the cleansing tea on him to see whether it would help his condition, and it has helped dramatically. His pain is gone and the peeling of his skin when she takes off his socks is a lot better. Dr. Bignall: I found out about the UL DE Tea and used it in my regiment for stomach cancer and my cancer has been gone for over 6 years now. DR. E Bruce Hendrick, MD Chief of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto Hospital for sick children. I am support of the scientific clinical trial of the cancer treatment with the compound know as UL DE Tea. We have 10 patients that we used the tea with and we have seen them escape the normal radiation and the chemotherapy treatments....I am most impressed with the effectiveness of the treatment and the lack of side effects. Frederick Banting MD. "....I will not say that you have a cure for cancer, but you have more evidence of a beneficial treatment for cancer than anyone in the world. Julian Wihitaker MD. Says that if he had cancer he would use the tea as a part of his regiment for fighting cancer. J. F. Kennedy's doctor used this for his own cancer.

The better you treat your body today the better your body will treat you tomorrow.

For a list of diseases that are often directly linked to a build up of toxins go to detox.htm


People's testimonies of how the detox and the healthy lifestyles has help them.

A lot of people use the tea just to stay healthy and to detox the body to reduce the risk of illnesses. Paul CA HE like the tea it is good and easy to make. He was dealing with cancer an now he is feeling better. He will recommend it to everyone. TN He used it because his wife got it for herself however he just used it because he couldn't get a erection any more and it worked so well he is now able to make love again. This tea helps to improve the circulation and has help many men be able to do better with the making love. Sheryl She was dealing with throat cancer and not able to talk. She started taking the tea an after about a week she could talk again. She is still using the tea and is sharing the information with a lot of people. Ethel Eldridge I really enjoy it I am still using it and it has help me with my breast cancer in that it help one lump to be able to be removed easily. I didn't even have to stay in the hospital after the surgery I was able to leave right away because the tea helped the lump be disconnected from the breast it was just floating around in the breast. Ella Smith The tea help me be able to plant a small garden for the first time in a long time. My pain is not as bad. I will share the information. Marlyne I was dealing with breast cancer and decided to use the tea and after 2 weeks using the tea I went back to see my doctor and they decided not to administer the chemotherapy as planned. Merlyen It is very obvious that the tea helped me no signs of cancer breast and lung cancer no colds and no congestion. MS Some people are using this for their MS and they are getting better. IT is not a quick cure it is improving the quality of their life over time. Patricia I took the tea for a detox and it has boosted my energy level. Herman I took the pills and I felt more vibrant in a week with more energy. I was only using it to stay healthy. Mary I took the tea for detox now I feel better and my varicose veins are clearing up a little. My Diverticulitis started coming back and I took the tea and now am feeling better. I am given the tea to a family member with a feeding tube. I believe in it so much I am sharing it with everyone. Johnny I had lymphoma cancer with big places on my skin that were about 2 inch across and 1 half in high and some smaller places. I was dealing with chronic pain 24/7 365 days a year could hardly get around. Agent Orange was the cause of my health problems. I took the tea for a little while and my pain was gone after the first day of taking the UL DE Tea. Now the smaller cancer spots are gone and the bigger ones are getting smaller and the doctor decided to not operate and do treatments. The doctor told me to keep taking the tea and ask for some so they could give it to more critical patients to see how or if it would work for them. My tendinitis is better too. Johnny gave some to a friend with diabetes. The person is a lead musician and was told he less than a year to live. He was taking 12 insulin shots a day and got it down to 5 shots. His sugar level has been around 350 to 400 sometimes higher now it is down to 140 an the doctor say he will live longer. Opehia: had breast cancer six time she saw me on channel 4 news at noon an decided to use my information for her breast cancer that came back and her cancer left and she shared the information with a friend that used it for his diabetes and his sugar came down.

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