Ms Matson World History

Notes Chapter 5 Lesson 2- Part 2Pyramid Tombs Pg 113 How were the Pyramids built?Pyramids- great tombs- built for pharaohs- protected the bodies of the dead- placed belonging with the pharaohs to make them happyThousands of workers spent many years building them- much of the work was done during the summerPg 114Imhotep- first engineer who built the pyramidsStone came from all over the Nile River Valley- copper tools cut the stoneRopes and sleds were used to move blocks up rampsChallenges led to discoveries- north square foundations- studied the skies- invented a 12 month calendar/365 day calendarPg 115Advancement in math- stone needed- angles to construct the pyramids- base number of ten- used fractionsGreat Pyramid- built mid 2000BC- 10 miles from Cairo- built for king Khufu- one of three pyramids still in Giza.48 stories high- 500 ft tall- its size is 9 football fields- more than 2 million blocks- each weighs 2.5 tonPg 116Egypt’s Social GroupsDaily LifeHad 5 million peopleMost lived in the Nile River Valley or delta at the mouth of the riverDense population- even todayRoles reflected social statusHighest social status- kingUpper class- priest and noblesMiddle class- traders, artisans, shopkeepers and scribesLowest class- largest class- herders, farmers and unskilled workersPg 117How people livedLower class was able to improve their social positionUpper class- big homes along the river- wore white- dark eye makeup- had servantsMiddle class- owned businesses or had skilled jobs- included traders, scribes and artisans- lived in small homes- dressed simpler then upper class.Pg 118Egyptian FamiliesLargest class- farmers, unskilled workers and slaves- worked for the wealthy- lived in one room houses- ate a simple diet.Unskilled workers did manual labor- some fished- lived in crowded cities- cooked on house rooftopsFamily was the most important groupFather- head of the householdWomen- had more rights than other civilizations- could own property, buy/sell goods and obtain divorces- wealthy women served as priestsPg 119Only few children attended school- expected to respect parentsTeenagers were expected to get married and start families- live in nuclear families- some lower class lived in extended familiesOldest children were responsible for takin care of parents- including burial arrangements. ................

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