
Archaeology, The Bible and a Young Earth DVD WORKSHEET

1) In what year was the Exodus? ________________________________________________________________________________

2) How many dynasties of Egypt were there? _______________________________

3) What is the problem with the 18th dynasty being the one in which the Exodus took place? ________________________________________________________________________________________

4) Who was Mantetho? _______________________________________________________________

5) List three of the four problems with us believing what Manetho said. A)______________________________________________________________________________________B)______________________________________________________________________________________C)______________________________________________________________________________________

6) What dynasties were in the TIP? ___________________________________________________

7) With the corrected timeline which dynasty would the Exodus have taken place? _________________________________________________________________________________

8) What year was Abraham born? ____________________________________________________

9) What significant fact has been uncovered by archaeology about the city of Ur? ____________________________________________________________________________________

10) What city did the Edomites live in? _____________________________________________________

11) What may have been the Egyptian name of Joseph? ______________________________

12) With the corrected timeline who would have been Pharaoh when Joseph was brought out of prison in Egypt? ____________________________________________________

13) What Pharaoh may have enslaved the Israelites? ________________________________

14) What Pharaoh may have been buried in the Red Sea. ___________________________

15) What evidence may suggest the above Pharaoh is the one of the Exodus? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16) What uncultured people come to power after Amenhotep? _________________________________________________________________________________________

17) In what period would Jericho have fallen? (Middle Bronze, Late Bronze, Early Iron Age etc). ______________________________________________________________________

18) How was the city of Hazor destroyed? _________________________________________

19) What was found at Shiloh that is Biblically significant. _______________________________________________________________________________________

20) In 2004 what was found at Gath? _______________________________________________________________________________________

21) What is one of the most prosperous periods? __________________________________

22) In what period does the secular world place David ruling? ___________________ With the corrected Timeline when did David rule? _____________________________

23) What Pharaoh had 1000 wives? __________________________________________________

24) Who may have been the Queen of Sheba? _______________________________________

25) Why do secular scholars believe Hatshepsut visited Africa? ________________________________________________________________________________________

26) What did Pharaoh take away from Rehoboam? __________________________________

27) What did Thutmosis III record as loot from the city of Kadesh? ________________________________________________________________________________________

28) What does archaeology show confirming the Bible when it comes to Baal Worship? ____________________________________________________________________________

29) What Israelite king is mentioned by name in the Babylonian records as getting food from the kings table? _________________________________________________

Archaeology, The Bible and a Young Earth DVD WORKSHEET


1) 1445 BC.

2) 31

3) Ramses body has been found, Most recorded of all dynasties yet no evidence of Exodus or Israel being there. Capital was Luxor when the Bible would indicate Memphis.

4) An Egyptian priest that Alexander the Great had record the dynasties of Egypt.

5) Writings lost, copyist contradict one another, many of those sources are unreliable, many dynasties were said to rule at the same time.

6) Dynasties 21-25

7) The end of the 12th dynasty.

8) 1850 BC

9) It was advanced in math.

10) Petra

11) Mentuhotep

12) Sesostris I

13) Sesostris III

14) Neferhotep I

15) His body was never found. His oldest son never ruled. Timing is correct. Was last king there before people left Kahun.

16) Hyksos

17) MBI

18) It was burned.

19) There was evidence of the Tabernacle there. Exact dimensions.

20) Pottery with Goliaths name on it.

21) The MBII period.

22) Iron Age II, MBII

23) Amenhotep III

24) Hatshepsut

25) African plants were carved on the wall as things she brought back from here trip.

26) 300 gold shields.

27) 300 gold shields, two golden doors.

28) Cut themselves.

29) Yakinu or Jehoiakin.


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“Since the Creation of the World, God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from that which has been made so that men are without excuse “ (Romans 1:18-10)


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