Green Park School

Year 5/6 Home Learning Activity SheetPharaohs – Week OneDear parents/carers and children,Hello from all us in the year 5/6 team! We miss you and hope you are all keeping safe and well! Just like everybody else, we are not sure how long these unprecedented circumstances will continue. With this in mind, moving forward we would like to offer more structured learning opportunities for the children, similar to what they would have been given in school. Children will be given a weekly learning opportunity for grammar, reading, maths, topic and science. This is not a list of tasks that HAVE to be completed by a specific time, we don’t want you or the children to have any additional stress at the moment. Use the resources in a way that best fits your child and wherever possible, allow them to learn in a fun way Literacy: Grammar focus: A grammar task has been set for your child to complete on Literacy Planet. Please let us know if you have any issues with accessing the site or passwords. Reading focus: A reading comprehension task has been set for your child to complete on Literacy Planet. Maths:Follow White Rose daily lessons – see Mrs Higgs’ video guide on Green Park’s Facebook page. Use Times Tables Rock stars – tasks have been set. Aim for 15 minutes a ic focus: Look at the unit quiz for the Pharaohs topic. Answer the questions before you start your weekly learning. Read a range of information sources including the web and the Pharaohs knowledge planner. Create your own timeline for the Ancient Egyptian period. Your timeline should include: when Ancient Egyptians settled in the Nile Valley, the rise and fall of each kingdom, the rule of well-known Pharaohs, the construction of the pyramids at Giza, and the invasion by Alexander the Great.You could also include other events such as the introduction of hieroglyphics,the use of sail boats on the Nile, the introduction of the mummification process and the creation of tombs in the Valley of the Kings.Please add any other key events that you discover.These websites have example timelines that you can look at for ideas: Science activity:Building the pyramids. This clip shows how the heavy stone used to build the pyramids was transported by dragging it in a large sledge. Planks of wood were placed in front of the sledge and water was poured in the path of the sledge. This reduced the friction.You could recreate this as an investigation, dragging a small wooden object over different surfaces in your home to find out how to reduce the friction. You could also find out whether pouring water in front of the object reduces the friction. Creative activity:Write Your Name in Hieroglyphs.Use the attached translation of the alphabet in hieroglyphs and practice writing your name. Or try your hand at simple sentences summarizing facts about ancient Egypt. Use the colours traditionally used in ancient Egyptian art: green, red, blue, yellow, white, and black.General learning activities:Read every day – stories, poems, newspapers, magazines – whatever you enjoy!Practise your spelling lists and create sentences using the words.Practise times tables on TT plete activities on Literacy Planet.Get plenty of physical activity e.g. on-line yoga or HIIT workouts.Become an engineer! There are some great STEM ideas at: (see the daily challenge cards)Visit the following websites and enjoy some of the activities: – offering free short term subscriptions – Go to resources area where there are plans and resources. – free downloadable home learning – A multisensory, practical learning approach to online learning. 2 free weeks of parent support is available. ................

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