Ms. Bunnell

Name:______________________________________________________ Period:______________________Directions: Use the clues in each box below and label each clue box with a title from the list below, that represents an aspect of Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions they seem to have in common. Ancestor worshipBelieved in pleasing the godsMany gods based on naturePolitical leaders and religion linked/kings were considered gods or representatives of godsBelieved in an afterlifeDivination/seeking knowledge about future/magic, etc.Followed a moral code/impact of religion on behaviorsPolytheistic Religions/Believe in more than one godClue Box 1:Clue Box 2:“Before I enter battle I pray to Horus for victory.” (E)“I believe the world and everything in it was created by Ptah.” (E)“I hope that Adad will stop this storm and grant us good weather.” (M)“Every year we depend upon Tammuz for a good Harvest and for enough food to survive.” (M)“I believe that Anu is the father of all gods.” (M)“I hope I am judged well in the afterlife so I am not consumed by Ammit.” (E)“I will call on Kulla, the god of bricks, to help me lay the foundation of my house.” (M)“Demons are like gods, but less powerful, but can still affect our daily life. (M, E)“Our most important gods are the sky god, An (or Anu); the god of storm and the earth, Enlil; and the water god, Ea (or Enki).” (M)“The Nile (god) has brought us our grain!” (E)“Enki is the god of fresh water.” (M)“Nanna is the god of the moon while Utu is the god of the sun.” (M)Ra is the god of the sun, while Nut is is goddess of the sky.” (E)“Earthquakes are the laugher of Geb, our Earth god.” (E)Clue Box 3:Clue Box 4:“Make sure I am mummified with linen.” (E)“Make sure I am buried on the western side of the Nile.” (E)“The Netherworld is neither miserable or joyous, but a dulled version of life here on earth.” (M)“My spirit will continue long after my corpse.” (M)“Make sure all of my riches go with me.” (E)“My brain will be taken out through my nose and placed in a canopic jar.” (E)“Upon my death Anubis, Protector of the Dead, will escort me to the hall of judgement where my heart will be weighed against his feather to determine if I have lived a good life or not.” (E)“We must follow ma’at, the order and balance of the cosmos, the world of structure, meaning, truth, justice, virtue, health prosperity and harmony or we shall fall to isfet, or chaos which will show itself in sickness, death, injustice, scarcity, falsehood, theft, violence or war. (E)“Our world began when our gods were victorious over the forces of chaos. To prevent chaos from coming again we conduct daily rituals, attend to our gods, properly bury our dead and do our civic duties. We also honor our elders, treat others with respect and and honor gods by doing our daily jobs.” (M)Clue Box 5:Clue Box 6:“Each day I place daily sacrifices of food and drink to my departed grandmother, who is buried under our home, to be sure her spirit is treated properly and make sure that all goes well for me and my family.” (M)“My father left me with all his possessions and in his death protects me against evil influences. In return I protect his resting place and feed his ka (soul) to keep him on my side.” (E)“I hope the gods will be happy with my food sacrifices”.(E & M)“Inside the ziggurat I will place idols to worship its patron god all day long.” (M)“The Euphrates has flooded! The gods must be angry!” (M)“The priests will look after the gods with special rituals.” (E, M) “It is the job of Pharaoh and his priests to perform ceremonies to prevent major disasters like the destruction of the sun, while us common folk keep away disasters by praying and presenting offerings to lesser demons. (E)Clue Box 7:Clue Box 8:“In our history our leaders were once priest-rulers who received messages and laws from gods. Kings like Hammurabi are now representatives of our gods, strong and powerful enough to speak for them using their own voice and ideas, while still making sure our gods are honored and worshipped properly.” (M)“Our kings have always been political and religious leaders of Egypt. After Egypt was unified by King Narmer, kings became known as Pharaoh and were thought to be chosen by the gods and themselves considered gods on earth.” (E)“If a man has a flushed face and his right eye sticks out, it is believed he will be devoured by dogs far from his house.” (M)“Looking at this animal liver I see two finger-shaped outgrowths. There will be a period of Anarchy as there will be two rivals competing for the throne.” (M)“I must run to the priest to tell him about my dream last night to see what the gods are trying to tell me about my future.” (E)“All houses in Egypt have cats, as they have magical powers to protect our homes and children. We also wear amulets, or charms to bring us good fortune and protect and heal us.”(E)Summary Statements: Using the clue box titles you identified, along with the clue information, create 8 summary statements about religion in Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Suggested Answer Key”Box 1: Polytheistic Religions/Believe in more than one godBox 2: Many gods based on natureBox 3: Believed in an afterlifeBox 4: Followed a moral code/impact of religion on behaviorsBox 5: Ancestor worshipBox 6: Believed in pleasing the godsBox 7: Political leaders and religion linked/kings were considered gods or representatives of godsBox 8: Divination/seeking knowledge about future/magic, etc. ................

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