Gradle Essentials

 Gradle Essentials

Table of Contents

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1. Running Your First Gradle Task Installing Gradle Installing manually Installing on Mac OS X and Linux Installing on Windows Alternate methods of installing Gradle Installing via OS-specific package managers Mac OS X Linux (Ubuntu)

Windows Installing via SDKMAN Verifying the installation Setting JVM options The Gradle command-line interface The first Gradle build script Task name abbreviation Gradle Daemon Gradle Wrapper Generating wrapper files Running a build via wrapper Summary 2. Building Java Projects Building a simple Java project Creating a build file Adding source files Building the project A brief introduction to plugins Unit testing Adding a unit test source Adding the JUnit to the classpath Running the test Viewing test reports Fitting tests in the workflow Bundling an application distributable Running the application with Gradle Building the distribution archive Generating IDE project files Summary 3. Building a Web Application Building a simple Java web project


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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