A Character Autopsy

ELA III Level Summer Reading and Assignment

A Character Autopsy


On a sheet of poster board, draw the outline of a human body.

Find quotations/passages or use your own words to illustrate at least eight of the following “body parts” for a post-reading autopsy of one of the major characters from your summer reading novel. You will be reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Although written in 1937, this story of friendship and the pursuit of the American Dream withstands the passage of time, and the themes are just as relevant today.

Place these strategically on the body outline. Write the page number(s) in parentheses after each quotation or passage. At least half of your body parts should be illustrated with quotations from the text. Neatness, color, artistic effort, as well as the most appropriate quotations/passages will earn you the highest points. You must turn in your novel with your poster to receive full credit.

Body Parts:

o Head-Intellectual side: What are your character’s dreams? Visions? Philosophies?

o Eyes- See the world through your character’s eyes. What fears affect him or her?

o Ears- What do others say about the character?

o Mouth-Communication- What philosophy does he or she share/espouse? What arguments/debates?

o Arms- Did the author embrace a stereotype or break away from one? Is your character a stereotypical (stock) character, or does he or she go against preconceptions?

o Wrists- In what ways is your character bound by historical restraints? How does the time period affect his or her behavior?

o Hands- What are the character’s actions? What does he or she do, and what are the effects on others?

o Heart- What is your character’s motivation? Love? Pride? Faith? Justice? Does the character struggle with a moral dilemma?

o Right Leg- Strengths and virtues: What is one of your character’s virtues?

o Left Leg- Weakness: What is one of your character’s flaws?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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