Accelerated Eighth Grade Curriculum Manual Henle II Key ...





Accelerated Eighth Grade Curriculum Manual

Henle II Henle II Key Henle II Lesson Plans Henle II Quizzes & Tests Latin Grammar for the Grammar Stage

Prentice-Hall Algebra I Algebra I Quizzes & Tests Algebra I Tests Key

Beowulf retold by Ian Serraillier Beowulf Student Guide Beowulf Teacher Guide Sir Gawain and the Green Knight translated by Brian Stone Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Student Guide Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Teacher Guide Selections from Canterbury Tales edited by Michael Murphy Canterbury Tales Student Guide Canterbury Teacher Guide The Middle Ages by Dorothy Mills Henry V by William Shakespeare Henry V Student Guide Henry V Teacher Guide Poetry, Prose, & Drama ? Book I: The Old English & Medieval Periods Classical Composition: Common Topic Student Guide Classical Composition: Common Topic Teacher Guide Classical Composition: Common Topic DVDs

The Book of the Ancient Romans by Dorothy Mills The Book of the Ancient Romans Student Study Guide The Book of the Ancient Romans Teacher Guide The Aeneid, translation by David West The Aeneid Student Study Guide The Aeneid Teacher Guide The Aeneid DVDs

The Story of Christianity Story of Christianity Student Guide Story of Christianity Teacher Guide

Exploring the World of Chemistry (text, student, and teacher) Exploring the World of Physics (text, student, and teacher) Exploring the World of Astronomy (text, student, and teacher)

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8th Grade Curriculum Guide






Read "How to Mark a Book"

(Appendix of this Curriculum Manual)

Book of the Middle Ages Read Ch. 1 "The Foundations of the Middle Ages" (marking book) Read Ch. 2 "The Early Christian Church" (marking book)

Book of the Middle Ages Read Ch. 6 "The Norsemen" (marking



Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 1-1: Symbols

and Expressions

Try This: a-q

Exercises: 1's, 7's

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 1-2: The

Commutative and Identity Properties Try This: a-o Exercises: 1's, 7's

Exploring the World of Chemistry: Read Ch. 1: "Ancient Metals" Complete textbook and supplemental questions


Book of the Ancient Romans Read Introduction - Chapter 2

Ancient Romans Student Guide Introduction Chapters 1 & 2


Henle II Lesson Plans Week 1: Day 1

Classical Composition: Narrative Lesson 14 (or a lesson you haven't

completed before in the Narrative guide.)

The Narrative The Nine Components

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 1 Things to Know

The Story of Christianity The Abiding Glory

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 1 Questions From Your Reading Ideas for Further Thought

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 1: Day 2

Classical Composition: Narrative Lesson 14 Variations: Part 1 Outline


Memoria Press




Poetry, Prose, and Drama Read "Warrior and Priest"

Poetry, Prose, and Drama Student Guide Complete Introduction Questions as you read

**To the Teacher: Read "How to Teach a Poem" and "How to Memorize a Poem" in the Appendix of this Curriculum Guide in preparation for teaching poetry.

Poetry, Prose, and Drama Student Guide, "The Seafarer" Pre-Grammar Grammar: Reading Notes Grammar: Words to Be Defined

Poetry, Prose, and Drama Read "The Seafarer"

Poetry, Prose, and Drama Student Guide, "The Seafarer" Grammar: Comprehension Questions

Poetry, Prose, and Drama Student Guide, "The Seafarer" Logic


Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 1-3:

Exponential Notation

Try This: a-q

Exercises: 1's, 7's

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 1-4:

The Associative Properties

Try This: a-q

Exercises: 1's, 7's (omit #57)

Classics Algebra 1 Quiz 1a

Book of the Ancient Romans Read Chapter 3

Book of the Ancient Romans Student Guide Chapter 3

Exploring the World of Chemistry:

Read Ch. 2: "The Money Metals" & Ch. 3: "The Search for Gold"

Complete textbook & supp. questions for both chapters

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 2

Things to Know

Book of the Ancient Romans Review Introduction - Chapter 3

The Story of Christianity Jesus Christ, Born of the Jews

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 2 Questions From Your Reading

Ideas for Further Thought

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 1: Day 3

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 1: Day 4

Classical Composition: Narrative Lesson 14 Narration

Paraphrase 1

Classical Composition: Narrative Lesson 14 Paraphrase 2

Variations: Part 2

Classical Composition: Narrative Lesson 14

Final Draft

8th Grade Curriculum Guide






Sir Gawain Student Guide (Fit III)

Rhetoric: Central One Idea

**You have the option of completing an essay or the quiz or both. Students should complete at least two essays on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Sir Gawain Student Guide (Fit III) Complete essay or take quiz (or both)


Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 5-7: Addition of


Try This: a-h

Exercises: 1, 5, 7, 15, 17, 21, 27, 37, 41

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 5-8:

Subtraction of Polynomials

Try This: a-g

Exercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 21, 27, 31, 37, 41, 47, 51


Exploring the World of Physics: Read Ch. 3: "Gravity"

Complete textbook and supplemental questions

Book of the Ancient Romans Read Chapter 22


Book of the Ancient Romans Student Guide

Chapter 22

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 20 Things to Know

The Story of Christianity The Last Epoch of the United Christian Empire

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 20 Questions From Your Reading Ideas for Further Thought


Henle II Lesson Plans Week 13: Day 1

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 13: Day 2


Classical Composition: Common Topic Lesson 3

Read entire lesson

Review Figures (Appendix) used in this lesson (Hyperbole, Chorographia,

Sermocinatio, Ecphrasis, Chronographia,

Ethopoeia, Mimesis, Topographia)

Classical Composition: Common Topic Lesson 3 Brainstorming Questions



Memoria Press




Sir Gawain Student Guide (Fit IV) Pre-Grammar Grammar: Reading Notes Grammar: Words to be Defined

(Complete as many as possible without a dictionary)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Read Fit IV marking text in key places

Sir Gawain Student Guide (Fit IV) Grammar: Words to be Defined

(Complete definitions, using a dictionary, your text, etc.)

Grammar: Comprehension Questions

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 5-9:

Multiplication of Monomials and Binomials

Try This: a-s

Exercises: 1's, 7's (omit #67)

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 5-10:

Multiplying Binomials: Special Products

Try This: a-j

Exercises: 1's, 7's

Classics Algebra 1 Quiz 5c

Exploring the World of Physics: Ch. 1-3 Review Questions

Book of the Ancient Romans Read Chapter 23

Book of the Ancient Romans Student Guide Chapter 23

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 13: Day 3

Classical Composition: Common Topic Lesson 3 Contrary

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 21 Things to Know

The Story of Christianity The `Church of the East': The Nestorian Missions

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 21 Questions From Your Reading Ideas for Further Thought

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 13: Day 4

Classical Composition: Common Topic Lesson 3 Exposition

Classical Composition: Common Topic Lesson 3 Comparison


8th Grade Curriculum Guide






Henry V Student Guide (Act IV) Rhetoric: Central One Idea


Henry V Student Guide (Act IV) Complete essay or take quiz (or both)

**You have the option of completing an essay or the quiz/test or both. Students should

complete at least two essays on Henry V.

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 13-6:

Solving Radical Equations

Try This: a-g

Exercises: 1's, 7's

Classics Algebra 1, Lesson 13-7:

Using Quadratic Equations* Try This: a-c Exercises: 1, 3, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 27 **Challenging lesson. Extra help may be


Exploring the World of Astronomy: Ch. 9-12 Test

The Aeneid Review Books 9 & 10



Henle II Lesson Plans Week 31: Day 1

Classical Composition: Common Topic Choose topic of your choice Review Figures (Appendix)

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 49 Things to Know

The Story of Christianity The Most Violent Century in History

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 49 Questions From Your Reading Ideas for Further Thought

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 31: Day 2

Classical Composition: Common Topic Topic of Choice Brainstorming Questions Prologue


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Henry V Student Guide (Act V) Pre-Grammar Grammar: Reading Notes Grammar: Words to be Defined

(Complete as many as possible without a dictionary)

Henry V

Read Act V marking text in key places

Henry V Student Guide (Act V) Grammar: Words to be Defined

(Complete definitions, using a dictionary, your text, etc.)

Grammar: Comprehension Questions

Classics Algebra 1, Chapter 13 Wrap Up Classics Algebra 1, Chapter 13 Test #1-37 (odds)

Classics Algebra 1 Flex Day

The Aeneid Quiz on Books 9 & 10

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 31: Day 3

Classical Composition: Common Topic Topic of Choice Contrary

Exploring the World of Astronomy: Read Ch. 13: "Starlighted Nights" Complete textbook and supplemental questions Choose one or more Explore More projects to complete

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 50 Things to Know

The Story of Christianity The 20th to the 21st Century: The Rise of a New Christendom

The Story of Christianity Guide, Lesson 50 Questions From Your Reading Ideas for Further Thought

Henle II Lesson Plans Week 31: Day 4

Classical Composition: Common Topic Topic of Choice Exposition

Classical Composition: Common Topic Topic of Choice Comparison


8th Grade Curriculum Guide



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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