Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Committee on Graduate Medical Education




The ACGME Common Program Requirements stipulate that programs must perform annual self-evaluation in a systematic manner. This annual review guide contains the information to be included in the review as specified by the ACGME.


Program: ________________________________ Date of Review:

Program Director: ________________________ Chairman: ______________________

Participants (should include faculty, trainees (name and PGY level), program administrator:

➢ Attach sign-in sheet

➢ Attach Minutes of this meeting

Date of last RRC review:______________ Accreditation Status: __________Cycle Length____


Numbers of approved positions:

PGY1___ PGY2___ PGY3___ PGY4___PGY5___ PGY6___ PGY7___ PGY8+___


Other Learners

(including, but not limited to, residents from other specialties, subspecialty fellows, PhD students, nurse practitioners and PA’s)

| |

|Number of non-specialty learners, if any: _________________________________________ |

Residents on Hospital & Departmental Committees

| |

|Name of Committee/s: ______________________________________________________ |

| |

|Name of Resident/s: ________________________________________________________ |

Graduating residents

How many will complete the program this year? ______________________

Post-program plans:

Fellowship __ Research __ Faculty Practice ___ Private Practice _ Other____

Do you have post-program contact information?

|List RRC citations, describe corrective actions and current status: |

| |

| |

1. Are there sufficient administrative resources to manage the program? Yes__ No___

|List needed administrative resources (space, staff, time): |

| |

2. The most recent internal review report conducted by COGME was reviewed. (

3. Written comments from faculty were reviewed. (

4. Confidential evaluations of the program submitted by the residents were reviewed. (

5. Resident competency assessments/evaluations were reviewed. (

6. A specific action plan to address any deficiencies was approved. (

|List proposed actions: |

| |


|List sites and provide date of current program agreement letter: (identify any new sites) |

| |

| |

Goals and Objectives

Are G&O in competency language? Yes __ No___

Are G&O specific by year and by rotation/site? Yes___ No___

Are G&O distributed to all trainees and faculty at beginning of the academic year? Yes__ No__

Are G&O reviewed with trainees at beginning of each rotation? Yes__ No___


Are G&O linked to outcome evaluations? Yes__ No___


Are residents evaluated for all required ACGME competencies on each rotation? Yes___ No___


How does the program document educational effectiveness?

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Boards Pass Rates

|Academic Year ending: |# of Residents |# of 1st time takers of|# of 1st time passers |# of 1st time takers of|# of 1st time |

| |completing the program | |of | |passers of Part 2 |

| | |Part 1 |Part 1 |Part 2 | |

|June 30, 20… | | | | | |

|June 30, 20… | | | | | |

|June 30, 20… | | | | | |


Who reviews the logs?

How frequently are the logs reviewed?

What adjustments are made for inadequate experience?

Clinical Skills

How do you observe Clinical Skills:

|Describe: |

| |

Is remediation provided if residents perform inadequately?

|Describe: |

| |

Program Outcomes

What program outcome measures were used and what results have been accomplished to either improve/change the educational quality of the program in the past year?

|Describe: |

| |

Describe proposed changes anticipated in the coming Academic Year?

|Describe: |

| |


Please indicate scholarly activities during the last academic year (July to June): (insert # and %)

|Scholarship activity |All residents |Graduates |Faculty |

|Submitted project for IRB review | | | |

|Received IRB approval | | | |

|Involved in active research | | | |

|Abstract or Poster submitted | | | |

|Abstract or Poster presented | | | |

|Manuscript submitted | | | |

|Manuscript accepted/published | | | |

|Grant proposal submitted | | | |

|Grant proposal funded | | | |

Quality Assurance

Do residents participate in Quality Assurance activities? __________

Frequency of QA Activities: _______________________________________

List QA Activities

Resident Work Hours/supervision

How does the department monitor work hours?

How does the department monitor supervision?

Resident Adverse Action

Have any of your residents/fellows been affected by the following in the past year due to:

□ Academic Remediation; if so, how many ____

□ Probation; if so, how many ____

□ Dismissal; if so, how many ____

□ Transfer to another program; if so, how many ____

□ Withdrew from program; if so, how many  ____

Briefly Explain to Include Due Process:

| |

| |

Please attach a copy of your final letter of evaluation for graduating residents.


Have you and your faculty reviewed the ACGME Resident Survey Yes _____ No ____

Have you discussed the findings with your residents Yes _____ No ____

List areas of non-compliance and correction action plan?

| |


Did you participate in a match? Yes__ No__

Did you recruit outside of the match? Yes___ (How many ___) No___

Description of match results? Excellent__ Good__ Fair__ Poor__

Strengths of Teaching Program:

| |

| |

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| |

| |

Weaknesses of Teaching Program:

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Completed by: Program Director Signature Date _______

Return to Office of GME, Belfer 301


Revised 2/19/10; 6/26/12;7/30/12;4/12/13

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Committee on Graduate Medical Education

|Milestone Report |

|The ACGME defines a Milestone as “A behavior, attitude or outcome related to general competencies that describe a significant accomplishment |

|expected of a resident by a particular point of time.” |


Program Director: __________________________________________________

Clinical Competency Committee: _______ Last Meeting Date ______________

Chief/Senior Resident/s:___________________________________

Describe Milestones for each year of Training:

|PGY 1 |

|PGY 2 |

|PGY 3 |

|PGY 4 |

|PGY 5 |

|PGY 6 |

|PGY 7 |

Describe the mechanism for evaluation the goals/milestones

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Description of milestone achievement

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Summation of milestone outcomes related to residents/fellows performance.

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Remediation Plans:

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| |


originated 6/30/12


Describe one example of how the program used the aggregated results of residents’ competency evaluation to improve the program. (400 words or less)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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