ESL conversation lesson on time


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘time’? |

|2) |How often do you think about time? |

|3) |Do you ever waste your time? |

|4) |Do you have enough time to do the things you want to do? |

|5) |Does time fly when you’re having fun? |

|6) |Do you ever think life is a race against time? |

|7) |What stage(s) in our life do we have all the time in the world? |

|8) |Do you agree that time will tell? |

|9) |Douglas Adams said: "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." Do you agree? |

|10) |Einstein said: "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." What do you think of this quote? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |How do you like to spend time? |

|2) |Does it annoy you when people take their time doing things? |

|3) |How much spare time do you have every day? |

|4) |What is the most time-consuming thing you do in your life? |

|5) |What do you do to kill time? |

|6) |Is time on your side? |

|7) |Have you ever been in the right place at the right time? |

|8) |Do you agree that there’s no time like the present? |

|9) |Alice Bloch said: "We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves." Do you agree? |

|10) |Seneca said: "Time discovers truth." Do you agree? |


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