Ejercicios de Verbos Modales en Inglés 1. Completar

[Pages:6]Ejercicios de Verbos Modales en Ingl?s

?Ha llegado la hora de practicar! As? que te proponemos unos ejercicios de verbos modales en ingl?s para practicar. Solo tienes que seguir las instrucciones propuestas para cada uno de ellos. La soluci?n est? al final, pero recuerda: ?no vale hacer trampas!

1. Completar

Completa las siguientes oraciones con el verbo entre par?ntesis y los modales 'should' o 'must' en afirmativo o negativo, seg?n corresponda. En estos ejercicios de verbos modales en ingl?s vamos a tratar de trabajar con los modales m?s usados.

1 She (go)

to university if she wants to be a doctor.

2 We (take)

an umbrella. It's going to rain.

3 The exam is going to start. You (be)


4 You (read)

the instructions before using it.

5 It's too hot. You (wear)

a T-shirt.

6 He's drunk. He (drink)


7 Tommy (finish)

his homework before playing the guitar.

8 (I / wear)

a tie?

9 You (not watch)

TV so close. It can hurt your eyes.


1. She must go to university if she wants to be a doctor. 2. We should take an umbrella. It's going to rain. 3. The exam is going to start. You must be quiet. 4. You must read the instructions before using it. 5. It's too hot. You should wear a T-shirt. 6. He's drunk. He shouldn't (should not) drink anymore. 7. Tommy must finish his homework before playing the guitar. 8. Should I wear a tie? 9. You shouldn't/should not watch TV so close. It can hurt your eyes.

2. Elige la respuesta correcta.

En el segundo de los eercicios de verbos modales en ingl?s te ofrecemos un enunciado con una lista de palabras, selecciona la correcta para el espacio en blanco.

Q1 of 8 ____ you help me? Can May Should Must

Q2 of 8 They ____ practice more if they want to win the championship. may might should would

Q3 of 8 You ____ not drink and drive. may might would must

Q4 of 8 ____ you always be late? May Might Would Must

Q5 of 8 I ____ like to go to New York someday. may will should would

Q6 of 8 They ____ to work less. may ought should must

Q7 of 8 It ____ be dangerous to drive if you are tired. can shall ought should

Q8 of 8 ____ you help me move? Might Will

Ought to Should


1. Can you help me? 2. They should practice more if they want to win the championship. 3. You must not drink and drive. 4. Must you always be late? 5. I would like to go to New York someday. 6. They ought to work less. 7. It can be dangerous to drive if you are tired. 8. Will you help me move?

3. Completa con el Modal dado

Lee cuidadosamente las oraciones de los ejercicios de verbos modales en ingl?s, pues el contexto es el que te dar? la soluci?n.

1) ____ you help me with my English exam?

a) Might

b) Will

c) Ought

d) Should

2) You ____ read the washing machine instructions carefully or you will ruin your clothes.

a) could

b) must

c) will

d) ought

3) We ____ take an umbrella. It looks like it's raining cats and dogs.

a) may

b) should

c) might

d) could 4) ____ you always be late? a) May b) Might c) Would d) Must 5) I ____ love to go to the beach this August. a) will b) may c) should d) would 6) She ____ train harder if she wants to break the record. a) may b) might c) should d) would 7) Rock climbing ____ be dangerous. a) can b) shall c) ought d) should 8) ____ I wear a fancy dress for the party? a) Must

b) Should c) Will d) May 9) They ____ to work harder. a) may b) should c) ought d) must 10) You ____ play videogames when you should be studying. a) musn't b) couldn't c) shouldn't d) won't Soluciones 1) Will you help me with my English exam? 2) You must read the washing machine instructions carefully or you will ruin your clothes. 3) We should take an umbrella. It looks like it's raining cats and dogs. 4) Must you always be late? 5) I would love to go to the beach this August. 6) She should train harder if she wants to break the record. 7) Rock climbing can be dangerous. 8) Should I wear a fancy dress for the party? 9) They ought to work harder.

10) You shouldn't play videogames when you should be studying.


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