Objective: Students will develop a sense of the range of opinion and released information on an important topicEssential question: What is an effective methodology to sift through the multitude of news sources to stay informed about important world events? Class Activity The purpose of this class is to prepare you to write a newsbriefing. This will depend on your knowledge of online sources. You will need at eight to ten perspectives on the issue you choose and these should reflect the range of opinion that is needed to view the matter from different sides. The goal is for you to begin to understand how those in power frame this issue, and how known opponents of those in power view this issue, in addition to how news sources present this issue and how more scholarly think tanks view this issue. You’ll work in three groups. Each group should choose one topic, investigate these news sources, and decide which to include and which NOT to include. (You may have to do a bit of research to figure that out. Is the Guardian pro Labour or pro-Conservative, left wing or right wing? Is the South China Post typically going to support or be critical of the CCP?? In your group evaluate each website and indicate how it might be useful in a newsbriefing and what might be its limitations. If you think of a source for news or opinion that is not used here please include it along with your justification. Your group should choose 6-8 that you would use to write up your briefing and be ready to justify your choice at the end of class. It’s ok to decide not to use some perfectly good sources on the grounds that you have others that duplicate the point of view. Group #1: Your group will examine imposition of tariffs on China or Hong Kong Protests. Council on Foreign Relations #2: Explore a topic involving the US and Russia, you could examine these sites instead. The topic could be: Current summer protests in Russia, recent missile tests, or Russia’s relationship to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Helsinki TimesThe Council of Foreign Relations #3 will explore the “BREXIT” Decision. Students could examine the reason for the outcome of the referendum, or you could look at the prognosis going forward—economically, culturally, in terms of immigration, tourism, Scottish secession, effect on Ireland…etc. Financial Times Monde Diplomatique Pais (newspaper from Spain in English) if students conduct extensive searches they may need the Spanish. (Turkish newspaper in English) (Nigeria) (Russia Today) NEWSBRIEFING CLASS ActivityYour group: __________________________________________________________Topic: _______________________________________________________________List eight news sources that you have chosen to include in your potential newsbriefing: and for each, explain briefly why that source should be part of your final work:1) 2)3)4)5) 6) 7)8) List three sources that you rejected, and explain why:1)2)3) ................

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