July 26, 2017Ms. Nina RuizPlanner IIDevelopment ServicesEl Paso County2880 International CircleSuite 110Colorado Springs, CO 80910RE: Letter of Intent – Administrative Plot Plan/Site Plan - Branch Communications/T-Mobile Proposed Stealth Telecommunications Bell Tower, 5605 Marksheffel Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80923Dear Ms. Ruiz:Please accept this Letter of Intent as partial fulfillment of the requirements of an application for an Administrative Plot Plan/Site Plan Review submittal package, as associated with an application for a SUP. Branch Communications (Branch), as applicant, is requesting approval to build an 80 foot stealth telecommunications bell tower, inside of which T-Mobile would attach antennas, cabling and other equipment. The bell tower would be available for co-location by other providers. A secure fenced compound will provide ground space for T-Mobile equipment cabinets as well as other provider equipment, when additional providers wish to co-locate. This letter will address El Paso County code sections 5.3.2 Special Use and 5.2.19 Commercial Mobile Radio Service facility (CMRS) Facilities.Branch is located at 1516 S Boston, Suite 215, Tulsa, OK 74119 Ave., 74119 (918.851.9102). Branch representative: Stephan Kelly, 1660 S Albion St, Suite 309, Denver, CO 80222, (303.478.2835)The structure will be located on an approximate 4.3 acre parcel, zoned RR-5, El Paso County. The subject parcel is developed as Gateway Community Church, a parking lot, storage garage, and playground, in unincorporated El Paso County. The parcel is owned by Gateway Church, 5605 Marksheffel Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80923, (719.339.2478)Branch is known as a tower company, which builds telecommunication infrastructure for mobile and fixed wireless providers. The proposed facility is designed for T-Mobile and other providers needing a location in this part of El Paso County.Chapter 5 –Section 5.3.2 Special UsePurpose – The purpose of this application is to request approval to construct an unmanned 80 foot stealth telecommunications bell tower, within a secure fenced lease area. At the base of the structure, is an area where equipment cabinets are to be located. T-Mobile has committed to attaching and seeks to provide new coverage and improve existing service and quality in the residential areas north and south of Stetson Hills Blvd., along Marksheffel Rd., including housing communities to the west and continuous coverage between existing sites. The structure will be available to other providers for co-location. Applicability – the subject property is zoned RR-5 (Rural Residential) which allows for the proposed use up to 120 feet, with a Special Use Permit. Applicant is requesting permission for a stealth telecommunication structure at 80 feet, with a Special Use Permit. Criteria – please consider the following:The proposed use is generally consistent with the applicable Master Plan. Applicant has reviewed the El Paso County Master Plan, Chapter 1, Sec. 7.1 and 7.2 for General and Institutional Uses, and Sec. 12.5 regarding Changing Communication Technology, and believes this application and proposed land use are consistent with the goals and Policies of each section. Regarding 7.1 with the goal of Reasonably accommodating unique and special uses which provide value to the greater community and which can be made consistent with surrounding uses. Applicant has offered a concealed bell tower which incorporates the church building and benefits the community at large. For 7.2 Applicant believes this proposed use complies with the stated policy goals for Institutional Uses. With regard to Section 12.5.1 wherein the Plan states and Applicant agrees that with the concealed design the communications infrastructure will be developed in a manner that reasonably minimizes any adverse impacts to individual property owners; and 12.5.4 which encourages transmission and receiving facilities where economically feasible, this location satisfies this policy; 12.5.5 Applicant agrees to remove the facility when no longer needed. The proposed use is generally in harmony with the character of the neighborhood and based on the Code and Master Plan is generally compatible with the existing allowable land uses in the area. As noted CMRS structures are an allowable use, with an SUP, in RR-5 zone districts. Specifically there is a stealth CMRS tower in the vicinity, standing approximately 45 feet tall. Applicant and T-Mobile have determined AT&T is attached inside the stealth structure at the Trojan Storage location approximately .4 miles south. The Trojan site has been eliminated by T-Mobile RF as a viable candidate. See attached site analysis and propagation map.the proposed use is unmanned and does not require nor are any water or sanitation facilities present; nor will the use overburden or exceed the capacity of public services.the proposed use is unmanned and will not create traffic congestion or traffic hazards. An access easement has been granted by the landowner.the proposed use will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding air, water, light or noise pollution. the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of El Paso County and will conform to all other applicable County rules, regulations and ordinances.Limits of Approval - Branch understands and agreesPerformance Guarantees and Financial Assistance - Branch understands and agreesPublic facilities and Services - Branch understands and agreesLimited to Approved Special Uses - Branch understands and agrees Administrative Approval Authorized - Branch understands and agrees Post Approval Requirements - Branch understands and agreesPeriodic Review of Special Use Permit - Branch understands and agreesAbandonment - Branch understands and agreesSuspension or Revocation - Branch understands and agreesPermit Transferability – Branch understands and agreesChapter 5 - Section 5.2.19 Commercial Mobile Radio Service facility (CMRS) FacilitiesThe subject land is platted improved land zoned RR-5, and is known in the El Paso County public records as lot 6, Block 1 Toy Ranches Estates, except the westerly 30 feet, with the Schedule Number 5316002025, and street address 5605 Marksheffel Rd. The project is known to applicant as Gateway Church. Improvements are the church, garage/storage, parking lot, and playground.The request is for approval to construct an 80 foot stealth telecommunications bell tower, on which T-Mobile will attach antennas and other equipment. The proposed use is allowed in an RR-5 zone district with a Special Use permit. An 8 foot tall solid fence resembling faux stone will be built around the perimeter of the lease area. The fence will be painted to match the church. The proposed use is an unmanned wireless communication facility that will fully comply with all FCC regulations. Photo sims are attached.The purpose of the installation is for T-Mobile to provide new coverage and improve existing service and quality in the residential areas north and south of Stetson Hills Blvd., along Marksheffel Rd., including housing communities to the west, future growth to the east and continuous coverage between existing sites. The structure will be available to other providers for co-location. Coverage maps are attached. Adjacent property owners were notified of the proposed project by certified letter, return receipt requested. Adjacent ownership was confirmed by the El Paso County Assessor. The postage receipts and a spreadsheet with those notified is attached to this package.Branch has leased a parcel of ground, within the subject property, measuring 40 ft. x 40 ft., plus access and utility easements. The leased parcel will be enclosed with an 8 foot tall solid fence resembling stone, painted to match the church and a security gate installed.The proposed bell tower would accommodate and allow for co-location by a minimum of two (2) other providers.At 80 ft. Branch does not anticipate a need to add additional height for future use.The Bell Tower location satisfies the minimum setback requirements for CMRS facilities.Parking - The Gateway Church parking plan is not affected by the proposed tower. Branch intends to start construction as soon as possible after issuance of a building permit.Site Justification – components of the Administrative Plot Plan/Site Plan request are Justification for the Height of structure, Site Analysis for location for the structure and Stealth Analysis explaining the design. Justification for Height – See attached propagation plot maps. T-Mobile has determined there is a significant coverage gap causing poor and low coverage service areas in northeast Colorado Springs. T-Mobile engineers have prepared and submitted signal propagation maps, as part of this application. Those maps and explanations are attached hereto. RF engineering ran these tests at 10 foot height increments, from 50 to 80 feet. At 80 feet - Based on the prediction plots and propagation coverages it was concluded that 80 feet provides the best continuous quality coverage between existing sites to the north and south and fills in the residential gap and covers major roads while also improving existing site capacity offload. This is a dense residential community and the number of homes receiving quality coverage is reduced significantly with each 10 foot reduction in height. At 70 feet 25% of the homes located in Indigo Ranch, Eastview Estates, Willow Wind and Antelope Ridge lose indoor coverage.At 60 feet 50% of the homes in those subdivisions lose coverage.At 50 feet 75% of the homes in those subdivisions lose coverage. Therefore, the requested height of 80 feet is the optimal height for T-Mobile to close the coverage gap including the fully developed residential neighborhoods and major streets.Site Analysis – Branch made a good faith effort to identify and evaluate alternate sites, and designs. Specifically the following four sites were considered:Fire Station 21, 7320 Dublin – land owned by City of Colorado Springs; a stealth flagpole was proposed to the district. City Facilities Manager (Kenneth Rankin) reviewed and informed applicant, FD21station was brand new and the city review process would take a year and be expensive. Practical effect was denial.Ridgeview Elementary, 6573 Shimmering Creek Dr. –land owned by SD 49. District rep Melissa Andrews said district was receptive. Branch proposed replacing existing 80 foot telecom pole used for inter district communications. T-Mobile and Branch RF ran propagation tests and determined school site ground elevation was too low to transmit service to the areas with weak service and would not resolve the coverage gap.Skyview Middle School, 6350 Windom Peak Blvd. Another SD 49 school property, offered slightly higher ground elevation and would also have been a replacement pole for the existing SD communication pole but RF analysis showed this site was too far west which would interfere with an existing T-Mobile site and would not resolve the coverage gaps. Trojan Storage (aka Stetson Hills Storage), 5045 Marksheffel Rd. Located approximately .4 miles south of Gateway Church, has an existing 50 foot stealth structure, in which AT&T is located. RF determined maximum available height to co-locate was 33 feet AGL. RF rejected as significantly too low. Signal propagation map shows nearly all indoor coverage lost west of Marksheffel and north of Huber Rd.Gateway Church – subject site at 5605 Marksheffel. Site selected as best option for T-Mobile to close coverage gap and serve weak coverage areas. Stealth Analysis – few stealth designs are applicable to a site like Gateway Church. A tree would be out of place as there are no mature trees on the property. A flagpole was a possibility but was not seen as a fit as the church wanted something with more religious meaning. A stealth cross was considered but although it’s a design with religious motif, it was not acceptable to the church board. Crosses are more expensive to build and more difficult for maintenance and to co-locate once provider antennas are installed. The bell tower design was selected as most compatible with the surrounding area, it was suggested by the church pastor and favored by the board of directors. In addition the church name and a small cross can be mounted on the outside of the structure. Photo sims and drawings are attached as part of the application. Additional items included with the submittal, and attached here, are as required on the Submittal Requirements sheet:Application form and feeDrawings – including vicinity map, elevations, plot plan, etc. Title reportNotification letter and certified mail receipts to adjacent property ownersMineral rights certificationCopy of leasePhoto simulationsRF coverage map This submittal is believed to be complete. Please contact me if there are questions or comments.Sincerely,Stephan Kelly, for Kellin Communications ................

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