Spain Settles Texas

|Lesson Synopsis: |

|This lesson explores when, where, and why the Spanish settled Texas. Students gather information about mission life in Texas and illustrate it by creating a mural.|

| |

|TEKS: | | |

| |4.2 |History. The student understands the causes and effects of European exploration and colonization of Texas and North America. The |

| | |student is expected to: |

| |4.2C |Explain when, where, and why the Spanish established settlements and Catholic missions in Texas as well as important individuals such |

| | |as José de Escandón |

| |4.12 |Economics. The student understands patterns of work and economic activities in Texas. The student is expected to: |

| |4.12C |Analyze the effects of exploration, immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of Texas |

| |

|Social Studies Skills TEKS: |

| |4.21 |Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid |

| | |sources, including electronic technology. The student is expected to: |

| |4.21B |Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main |

| | |idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions. |

| |4.21C |Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps. |

| |4.21D |Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, historical event, or current event. |

|Getting Ready for Instruction |

|Performance Indicator(s): |

• Create a mural illustrating life in Texas missions. Write a summary of the impact of mission life on the settlement of Texas including both positive and negative effects they had on the growth of Texas. (4.2C; 4.12C; 4.21B, 4.21C) [pic] 5F

|Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |

• La gente coloniza y se establece en territorios nuevos por distintas razones y causa varios efectos.

— ¿Por qué los europeos colonizan y se establecen en Texas?

— ¿Cuándo, dónde y por qué los españoles establecieron poblaciones y misiones católicas en Texas?

— ¿Cómo efecto tuvo la colonización europea en la historia de Texas?

— ¿Cómo era la vida en una misión española?

|Vocabulary of Instruction: |

• colonización

• poblaciones

• misión

• misionero

|Materials: |

• Refer to the Notes for Teacher section for materials.


• Handout: Spanish Settlement Notecard

• Handout: Spanish Missions in Texas Timeline

• Handout: Missions of San Antonio

• Handout: José de Escandón

• Handout: Mission Mural Planning Guide

• Teacher Resource: Performance Indicator Key

|Resources and References: |

• Texas Almanac – Spanish Missions:

• San Antonio Missions:

• Texas Beyond History – El Paso Missions:

• Texas Beyond History – History of the El Paso Valley:

• El Paso Mission Trail:

• The Handbook of Texas Online TSHA -

|Advance Preparation: |

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson, including life in Spanish missions.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview available resources and websites according to district guidelines.

5. Prepare materials and handouts as needed.

|Background Information: |

Between 1689 –1830, Spain built missions across Texas. With France to the east, Spain built missions to lay claim to Texas. The Roman Catholic Church wanted to lay claim to Texas and the new world also. They helped to fund the expeditions to Texas and the missions built. The Catholic Franciscan priests wanted to Christianize American Indians. This is an important unit for students to understand due to the influence the Spanish culture has had on the Texas culture.

|Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document |

Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.

|Instructional Procedures |

|Instructional Procedures |Notes for Teacher |

|ENGAGE – Spanish settlement in Texas |NOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutes |

| |Suggested Day 1 – 15 minutes |

|Display “The Plaza and Church of El Paso” by Vauducourt (can be displayed using a |Materials: |

|PowerPoint slide, a placard, or from the Texas Beyond History website), but do not share |index cards |

|with students the caption or title for this painting until after they have examined the |picture of “The Plaza and Church of El Paso” by Vauducourt to |

|painting. |display |

| | |

|Organize students into groups of three or four and distribute index cards to each student. |Instructional Note |

| |Visual analysis strategies that could be utilized include: 4 |

|Lead a visual analysis of the picture. |Quarters; Graphic Notes Organizer; People, Objects, Activities; |

| |Who, What, When, Where; and others. |

|On an index card students note clues from the painting that will help them understand the | |

|painting and answer the following questions, including: | |

|In which region of Texas do you think this mission is located? Why do you think that? | |

|When do you think this painting is taking place? Why do you think that? | |

|If you turned on the sound of this painting, what would you hear? | |

|What would be the title of this painting? | |

| | |

|Groups share their answers with the class. | |

| | |

|Share with students background information about the painting: (The Plaza and Church of El | |

|Paso, painted by artist A. de Vauducourt during the 1850s, depicts the mission of Nuestra | |

|Señora de Guadalupe de los Mansos. Founded for the Mansos in 1659, the mission was the | |

|first to be established in the El Paso area. Today, the church stands in downtown Ciudad | |

|Juárez. | |

|EXPLORE – The Spanish establish settlements and Catholic missions |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 20 minutes |

|Distribute the Handout: Spanish Missions in Texas Timeline and the Handout: Spanish |Materials: |

|Settlement in Texas Notecard. |Map of Spanish colonies in North America |

| |Map of French, English, and Spanish colonies in North America |

|Display a map of the Spanish missions in Texas. Help students recall what they know about |Map of Spanish missions in Texas |

|the geography of Texas and why people may have chosen to settle where they did (i.e., | |

|water). Students also recall what they learned about Columbus’s journeys from Grade 3), |Attachments: |

|about Juan de Onate (from Grade 3), and about the reasons the Spanish came to Texas (from |Handout: Spanish Missions in Texas Timeline (1 per student) |

|lesson 1). |Handout: Spanish Settlement in Texas Notecard (1 per student) |

| | |

|Display maps of Spanish claims in North America and French claims in North America. Note | |

|that in east Texas there is an overlap in claimed territory. Remind students that one | |

|motivation for settlement was competition. | |

| | |

|Another reason the Spanish built missions was to convert American Indians to Christianity, | |

|and so the Roman Catholic Church funded and founded settlements in the new world to | |

|accomplish this. Display a map of Spanish missions in Texas. (There were Spanish missions | |

|being founded in California at this time as well.) | |

| | |

|While still in their original groups (3-4 students), students build deeper knowledge about | |

|Spanish settlement in Texas. They use the Handout: Spanish Missions in Texas Timeline, | |

|maps, their textbook, and other materials to gather information and work together to | |

|complete the Handout: Spanish Settlement in Texas Notecard. | |

| | |

|After students have completed task, they move (individually) around the room sharing their | |

|Notecard responses with classmates from other groups, checking their work, and adjusting | |

|the information on their Notecards. | |

| | |

|Students return to their original groups and share and record any new or more accurate | |

|information they have discovered. | |

|EXPLAIN – When, where, and why |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|On a piece of paper, students outline one of their hands. |Materials: |

| |paper/notebook |

|In each finger, students write the answer to one of the following questions. (Students may |completed Handout: Spanish Settlement Notecard |

|use their completed Spanish Settlement Notecard to help answer the questions.) | |

|Finger 1 – Who settled Texas with missions? Spain |Instructional Note: |

|Finger 2 – What is a mission? A church that was founded to spread Christianity |[pic] |

|Finger 3 – When were missions founded to settle Texas? 17th and 18th centuries; 1682 – 1793| |

|Finger 4 – Where were missions settled in Texas? (including El Paso, South Texas, San | |

|Antonio, and East Texas) | |

|Thumb – Why were missions settled in Texas? To convert American Indians to the Roman | |

|Catholic faith and claim land for Spain | |

|EXPLORE – Life in a mission |Suggested Day 2 – 20 minutes |

|Provide primary and secondary source documents with descriptions of life in Spanish |Materials: |

|missions for students to investigate. |Students’ completed Handout: Spanish Settlement Notecard from Day 1|

| |Pictures of mission life |

|Distribute the Handout: The Missions of San Antonio for students to read and investigate. |Descriptions of mission life |

| |primary source descriptions of Spanish mission life from the UC |

|Students read and analyze the Handout: Missions of San Antonio and use their Handout: |Davis Project |

|Spanish Settlement Notecard to build an understanding of life in Spanish missions. |sticky notes |

| | |

|As students read and study the pictures and descriptions, they underline or otherwise |Attachments: |

|indicate (perhaps with sticky notes) interesting information about life in Spanish |Handout: The Missions of San Antonio (1 per student) |

|missions. | |

| |Instructional Note: |

|After a first look at the documents, pictures, and descriptions, students answer the |Primary source documents are often above grade 4 reading levels, |

|questions on the right side of their Handout: Missions of San Antonio, summarizing and |but they are the best sources for information. Students do not have|

|discussing information they found. |to read the whole document to gain usable information, and this |

| |could present an opportunity to develop skills in skimming or |

| |scanning, slowing down to read information of interest related to |

| |the topic. |

|EXPLAIN – Life in a mission |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Distribute drawing paper to each student. |Materials: |

| |Drawing paper |

|Students draw pictures of items, activities, and places related to life in Spanish | |

|missions. Students then choose two or three of the sketches to write a descriptive | |

|sentence. | |

| | |

|Students share their drawings and descriptive sentences with a partner. | |

|EXPLORE – José de Escandón |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Distribute the Handout: José de Escandón. |Attachment: |

| |Handout: José de Escandón (1 per student) |

|Students, in pairs or small groups, read the biography on the handout and underline two | |

|things they think are most important to know about José de Escandón regarding the Spanish | |

|settling Texas. | |

| | |

|Facilitate a discussion where students make connections between José de Escandón and other | |

|information they have learned, including: | |

|when, where, and why the Spanish established settlements and Catholic missions | |

|motivations for settlement of Texas, including economic opportunity, competition, and the | |

|desire for expansion | |

|impact of significant explorers on the settlement of Texas | |

|EXPLAIN – José de Escandón |Suggested Day 3 – 10 minutes |

|Students pair up and turn and talk sharing about important facts about José de Escandón | |

|regarding the Spanish settling Texas, especially causes and effects of European | |

|colonization of Texas. | |

|ELABORATE – |Suggested Day 3 (continued) – 20 minutes |

|Facilitate a discussion where students answer the guiding questions and use what they have | |

|learned to support the Key Understanding with evidence. | |

|People colonize and settle new lands for a variety of reasons, with a variety of effects. | |

|Why did Europeans colonize and settle Texas? | |

|When, where, and why did the Spanish establish settlements and Catholic missions in Texas? | |

|How did European colonization impact Texas History? | |

|What was life like in a Spanish mission? | |

|EVALUATE –Mission life in Texas |Suggested Day 3 and 4 – 70 minutes |

|Create a mural illustrating life in Texas missions. Write a summary of the impact of |Materials: |

|mission life on the settlement of Texas, including both positive and negative effects they |Completed Handout: Spanish Settlement Notecard |

|had on the growth of Texas. (4.2C; 4.12C; 4.21B, 4.21C) [pic] 5F |Completed Handout: The Missions of San Antonio |

| |Drawing paper |

|Distribute the Handout: Mission Mural Planning Guide and drawing paper. | |

| |Attachments: |

|Students use the information they have learned in the lesson and their completed Handout: |Handout: Mission Mural Planning Guide |

|Spanish Settlement Notecard and completed Handout: The Missions of San Antonio to plan | |

|their mural to include all required elements. |Instructional Note |

| |A class planning session could be helpful in helping students plan |

|On the drawing paper, students create a miniature mural illustrating life in Texas |their murals. |

|missions. |Extension: post the miniature individual murals together to form a |

| |large mural about Spanish mission life. |

|Below the mural, students write a summary of the impact of mission life on the settlement | |

|of Texas including both positive and negative effects. | |

| | |

|Use a rubric to evaluate student work. | |



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