Dear Parents/Guardians,

Inside this packet, you will find all the information you need to help your child have a successful year. Included is a list of school supplies that your child will need for 5th grade. I also explain my discipline policy in detail so you will know what behavior is expected of your child. Finally, you will find information about your child’s homework and about weekly folders. Please read this packet and keep it as a reference throughout the school year. I look forward to working with both you and your child.


Some of the supplies in our classroom will be community supplies. This means that your child will use a combination of materials I have provided and supplies that your child and other students have brought in. This ensures that everyone has the necessary items and no one is left out.

The following items will be part of the community supplies and SHOULD NOT be labeled with your child’s name:

1. Pencils: Please supply many packs of plain, #2 pencils. One pack will be for your child to start off with and the other packs will go in our community supply of pencils. You may supply extra pencils for our community supply if you wish, as these run out quickly.

2. Notebook Paper: You should have a pack at home to use when needed and several packs at school to go in our community supply.


Other supplies will not be communal, but will be used individually by each student. Please label the following supplies with your child’s name.

1. TWO 2-pocket folders: This is the basic folder with a pocket on each side. One folder will be your Homework Folder, so you can label it this way if you wish. The second folder will be to hold extra paper, unfinished work, etc. You may want to buy a thicker, sturdier folder for your homework folder since it will go home with you daily and will need to last all year. Decorative folders are fine!

2. FIVE one-subject spiral notebooks: These notebooks MUST BE ONE-SUBJECT NOTEBOOKS. Any other size will be too large to fit inside the desk. Please label each notebook with a different subject: Math, ELA (English/Language Arts), Science, Social Studies, and Wildcat Academy. Please note that these notebooks may become full during the year and may need to be replaced, so you may want to stock up with a few extra notebooks while they are on sale! Decorative notebooks are fine! (If your child would rather have a 3 ring binder with subjects divided by tabs, this is acceptable as well.)

3. One pack of colored pencils: Any brand is fine. We will use these as we draw pictures in Science, Social Studies, Math, etc.

5. Glue and scissors: I will have a class supply of glue and scissors, but your

child may want his/her own.

6. Hand held pencil sharpener: Please buy the pencil sharpener that has a case to

hold the shavings. This will prevent many trips to the electric pencil sharpener while

instruction is going on.

7. A bookbag: No rolling bookbags with wheels are allowed.

8. An agenda: These can be purchased through the school. It is crucial that your child

have an agenda to write down homework assignments.

The following supplies are NOT required but would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!

1. Kleenex (GREATLY needed! We run out of these every year!)

2. Any size Ziploc baggies

3. Paper towels

4. A bag of individually wrapped candy

5. Hand sanitizer

6. Band-Aids

7. Expo brand dry erase markers

8. Baby wipes for clean up


1. Large school boxes (There is not enough room in the student’s desk for these. Your child may bring his/her own pencil pouch to store supplies.)

2. Mechanical Pencils (These pencils typically do not work well, as the lead breaks often. If brought to school, they will be sent home.)


My rules are very simple, yet I expect them to be followed. Your child is now a 5th grader and is an example to all of the younger students in the school. Therefore, misbehavior will not be tolerated.

1. Be respectful: Say or do NOTHING that will hurt or offend another person. Use appropriate language at all times. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

2. Be responsible: Have all books, materials, and assignments here at school, completed on time. Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there.

3. Listen and follow directions the FIRST time they are given.

4. Be curious: Ask questions when you don’t understand something!

5. Participation is not an option, it is an expectation!


I expect students to behave in 5th grade. You are setting the example for the entire school! For each negative behavior, the student will be given a citation, or a “step.” Steps can be given for not being prepared, being off task, excessive talking, etc. This behavior system is used in middle school, so I will use it in my classroom to prepare students for what is expected in 6th grade. Listed below are the consequences that will occur after each step is issued:

1st step: Warning

2nd step: Silent lunch or missed recess (to be determined by the teacher)

3rd step: Student will be moved to another classroom to work for a period of time.

4th step: Parent will be called

At the end of each day, the student’s slate is wiped clean. No steps will carry over to the next day. I expect my students NOT to climb too many “steps” in one day! A warning is all students should need to change their behavior.


Now, about homework. Your pocket folder will be a homework folder. This folder will contain all of your homework for each night. This folder is your responsibility. You are responsible for putting and keeping your homework materials in this folder. You can also purchase an agenda to write down and keep track of your assignments. Students will be EXPECTED to have their agenda and write down their homework daily.

Nightly homework assignments may include a math page, reading and math calendars, a writing assignment, or any other work not finished in class. Completion of homework is essential to help review skills taught in class. Please work with your child to become responsible in completing homework throughout the school year.


All graded assignments will be sent home through the weekly folder sent home each Tuesday. Please SIGN AND RETURN all papers in the folder. It is crucial that parents look at their child’s work and sign all papers. By doing so, parents can keep up with their child’s progress in school. Look for this folder each Tuesday and send the folder and the signed papers back the next school day.

Daily communication to parents/guardians will be done through the student’s agenda. If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in the agenda. I check agendas daily for notes. I will correspond back to parents by writing in the agenda.


Parents/guardians are welcome to help out in the class during field trips and special school events (parties, etc.). Please make an appointment with me for any additional visits.


I will schedule conferences throughout the year. If I call you for a conference, please do not expect the worst. It may be that your child is doing well and I just want to tell you so. I want your child to know that we are in this process of educating him/her together. So it is important for us to communicate so we can work together toward this goal. Together, let’s make this a great year for your child!


Mrs. Janet Tolbert


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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