"According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD...world`s leading immunogeneticist...if an individual has had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980.CHANCES OF GETTING ALZHEIMER`S DISEASE IS TEN TIMES HIGHER than if they had one, two or no shots....due to the mercury and aluminum....buildup in the brain"

(Fudenberg, in press, J. of Clinical Investigation)









"Avoiding flu shots is a no-brainer. Who would want ethylene glycol, phenol, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury. Many physicians believe. flu vaccines are largely responsible for the increase in Alzheimer`s"

Joseph Mercola, D.O. 2003/jul/5/spray_vaccine.htm

Even Fluzone, the new flu vaccine for babies, reportedly contains chicken embryos, formaldehyde, Polyethylene Glycol (used to make antifreeze), and p-Isooctylphenyl Ether.

"Some Doctors Now Warning AGAINST Dangerous Flu Shots" "More physicians are...advising.against the routine use of...`flu shots`....one such physician...`I have friends who are at the top of  the vaccine field; they report that these are called `sloppy vaccines`.made from outdated viruses which are ground up into purely random proteins and then injected..cross-react with the body`s own tissues; flu shots have a low chance of preventing the flu [but may cause] chronic auto-immune disease`"


"Viral vaccines contain traces of leukemia virus, cancer producing viruses in the chicken from which these eggs are taken"

Dr. Eva Snead; whale.to/vaccines/snead1.html

Diseases associated w/the flu vaccine: paa0014.htm

Guillain-Barre; paralysis; polyneuritis; polyradiculitis; polyradiculomyelitis; polyganglioradiculitis; paresthesia; neuralgia; sensory brachial plexus neuropathy (Parsonage-Turner syndrome); meningitis; encephalitis; MS; encephalomyelitic syndrome; shingles; ataxia; disorientation; trembling; aphasia; bronchitis; bronchopneumonia; incontinence; dysuria or paralysis of the bladder; impotence; ORL; vertigo; noises in the ears; impeded hearing; prooptosis edema of retina; diminished/blurred vision; diplopia; nystagmus; circulatory problems; allergic thrombocytopenia; collapse; chronic fatigue; anaphylactic reactions; hallucinations and death.

"Particularly important is the frequency of patients with serious side effects after the vaccine had been given for several years without any problem." paa0014.htm

"Those with a weakened immune system (the young, ill, and the elderly) SHOULDN`T be getting the shots, because they’re most likely to have serious adverse reactions" David G. Williams D.C.

For a list of journal articles on adverse reactions: whale.to/vaccines/flu2.html

"Contra-Indications [to the flu vaccine] include.any impairment of the immune system...Allergies.hay fever...infections....auto-immune diseases...." Intl Vaccination Newsletter whale.to/vaccine/flu3.html; paa0014.htm

"Nerves in the nose are a direct pathway to the brain, and bypass the blood-brain barrier....`....an important mode of spread after aerosol exposure....Intranasal inoculation of flaviviruses [not the same as influenza] may result in lethal encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of olfactory neurons and spread through the olfactory tract to the brain, whereas peripheral inoculation of the same virus strains does not"

(Knipe, David M. [2001] ed. _Fields Virology_. Lippincott. p. 1057)  

"The virus is cultured on...eggs...the chicken genome itself may contain hidden retroviruses; and.animal DNA.is left in vaccines...not to mention other contamination possibilities"

Chris Gupta, chris/2003/08/27/flumist_vaccine.htm

"The package insert states `FluMist® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for 21 days.`..(Will this make stores that administer the vaccines-like Walmart risky places to shop? The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu this season were negligibly different from the strains used in last year’s flu vaccine..[so] why is this year’s vaccine even necessary?) may contain contaminant avian retroviruses.. [may] enter the brain" "FluMist has the potential for causing the worst, most severe flu epidemic seen in years"

Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O. email/flumist.htm


flumistvaccine.htm ;

"posters in the hospital requesting anyone who had FluMist within the past 21 days to leave the premises immediately…employees who take the shot are subject to 21 days mandatory suspension insurance companies are refusing to reimburse..The main reason is the common `side-effects`, brain swelling" health.groups.group/cancercure/message/23122


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