Autumn 2013 - Autumn 2015 - VOS instrumenten

Autumn 2013 - Autumn 2015



SSyynntthheettiicc BBlloooodd // AAnnttiisseerraa && KKiittss......................................2.2 HHoorrssee BBlloooodd && BBlloooodd TTyyppiningg...........................33


BBaaccteteriraiaCCuultlutureres............................................4.4 FFuunnggi iCCuultlutureres................................................5.5 PPhhyyssaarurumm//UYVeaYseta/stB/aBctaecritoeprihoapgheag..e.../..........6 AMTPicrKoibtsio.l.o..g..i.c..a.l..M...e..d..i.a...& MSicursocbeipotliobgiliictyalDMisecdsia.........................................................................8.7 Ready Made Agar / Microbiological Accessori9es -...2..8....L..I..V..I..N...G....O....R..G....A..N...I..S...M...S.....8 Susceptibility Discs ........................................9 Protozoa ....................................................10 Algae / 1H0yd-ra2/7PLlaIVtyIhNeGlmiOntRheGsA..N...I.S...M...S......11 PArontnoezloidas /..N...e..m...a.t.o..d..e..s.../..M...u..s..h..r.o..o..m....K..i.t................1.120 AMlgoalelus/ cHsy/drSalu/gPsla.t.y..h..e..lm...i.n..t.h..e.s.../...N..e..m...a..t.o..d..e.s.1131 LLooccuusststs .....................................................................................................1..2.1-143 AInsneclidtss fo.r..F..e..e..d..i.n..g.......................................1.153 MDorlolussocpshi/ InFsliesct/s Oanwdl PWelolertms s...f.o..r..F..e..e..d..i.n..g.....................1.185 FClieosckr.o..a..c..h..e..s................................................2.108 SLtaicnkdInInsveecrttseb/rOatwesl P..e..ll.e..t.s.............................2.119 CBouctkterorfaliecshe&s LBanedetlIensve..r.t.e..b..r.a..t.e.s.../...B..e..e..t.l.e.s...................................................2231 BEucttoetrofxliiecsol& PPoonnddLLifiefe ..............................................................................................2.253-2-264 LLivivininggMMaarirninee .................................................................................2.275-2-286 ERceoptotixleicso&logAym/pRheibpiatinless..&...A...m..p..h..i.b..i.a.n..s..................2.297

Tel: (01342) 850 242


HHeeaattiinngg,, AAcccceessssoorriieess && TTaannkkss..............................3..02-83-129 AAqquuaarriiuumm // PPoonndd DDiippppiinngg NNeettss/...N..e..t..C...a..g..e.s...3..230 DDiieettss ....................................................................................................................3..331


Rapid - Cycling Brassica Kit..............................................3..432 Genetic Corn Ears .........................................................................3..533 Seeds &...A...c..c.e..s..s..o..r.i.e.s....................................................................3..634 Plants .................................................................................................................3..735


Plastomounts ./..S..k..e..l.e..t.o..n.s..............................................3..8..-.3..937 Microscope SlidesS.e.t.s.......................................................4..03-84-339 INnedwividPuraoldSuclidtse.s................................................................................4..04-442 Forensic Science ...................................................................4..5..-.4..643 NTaeswtePProadpuecrsts/ D...V..D.............................................4..744 Taste Pap4e7rs-/ 5D5VDP/ROEbSseErRvaVtiEonDG&el ........45

FROZEN 46 - 56 PRESERVED & Frozen SpecimensF.R..O...Z...E..N...........................48 FProezseenrvSedpeScpimeceinmse.n..s...................................................................4..946 Preserved SAprtehcroimpoends .......................................................5..0..-.5..147 Preserved ACrhthorodpaotads........................................................5..24-85-349 Preserved Chlaosrsdifaictaati.o..n...S...e..t.s.......................................5..05-452 NPreewsePrvresdeLrvifeedHItiestmosries...&...P..r..e.s..e..r.v..e..d..............53 POrdeosuerlveesds LPifresHeirsvtaotrivieess && Preserved BDoistsaencictianlg..A..c..c..e..s.s..o..r.i.e..s................................................................5..655 Odourless Preservatives & Dissecting Accessories ................................56

Fax: (01342) 850 924

Welcome to the latest Blades Biological Ltd Catalogue

Blades Biological is committed to providing a professional and personal service. With over 27 years collecting and sourcing a variety of biological specimens and equipment we feel we have a unique understanding into the world of biology. No job is too big or small and it can be easily tailored for you.


Your order can be placed by post, telephone, fax or email us at: Visit us at our updated website: where you can now pay online securely. Some items may require notice. It is important that your order clearly states a full address, including a post code and a telephone number. Please ensure that any relevant order number is quoted as well. We always try to dispatch undated orders promptly and so it is helpful if approaching holiday dates can be clearly stated on orders.


Catalogue items marked

must be sent by carrier. Orders are sent by the most appropriate and economical

method and it is for this reason that we are unable to quote exact post and packing costs in this catalogue. We are

happy to quote carriage costs on any specific order. 1st class post is not guaranteed next day delivery. If you require

next day delivery, either courier or special delivery will be the best method of sending the order. We also cannot send

living/perishable specimens to arrive on a Monday.


If an order is placed by telephone and you wish to confirm this with a follow-up official order please mark it confirmation of phone order. We cannot accept responsibility for duplicated orders if this is not done.


An invoice will be sent to you with the goods unless you specify a separate addess. Please note that all prices shown do not include post and packing or VAT charged at the current rate. Payment can be made by Credit / Debit Card, BACS or cheque or paid for online by PayPal.

Cowden, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7DX




Synthetic Blood, Antisera and Kits

These products provide realistic blood typing results without the drawing of blood. The simulated agglutination reactions are extremely authentic.

Safe for classroom use Realistic results Stored at room temperature Easily discarded as there are no health hazards

Synthetic Blood and Antisera

CBB 001 CBB 002 CBB 003 CBB 004 CBB 005 CBB 006 CBB 007 CBB 008

Blood type 0Blood type 0+ Blood type ABBlood type AB+ Blood type BBlood type B+ Blood type ABlood type A+

100ml 100ml 100ml 100ml 100ml 100ml 100ml 100ml

?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05

CBB 009 Synthetic A Antisera 100ml CBB 010 Synthetic B Antisera 100ml CBB 011 Synthetic D Antisera 100ml

?24.05 ?24.05 ?24.05

Synthetic Blood Kits

ABO-Rh Blood Typing Kit

The ability to type blood is imperative in medicine and

criminology. In this kit students

test four synthetic blood

samples to identify their ABO

and Rh blood types.

For 30 students.

CBK 005


ABO-Rh Blood Typing

Refill Kit

This kit contains synthetic blood and antisera.

CBK 010


2 Tel: (01342) 850 242

Fax: (01342) 850 924

Pictures from Carolina Biological supply company, used by permission.

Actual Blood Products

Horse Blood

Horse blood has a limited shelf life and must be stored in a fridge. Please allow 1 weeks notice, and advise date to be used.

Horse Blood

Horse Blood

Defibrinated LZO 015 25ml

Defibrinated ?10.63 LZO 010 100ml


Horse Blood Oxalated LZO 005 100ml


Human Blood

ABO/Rh Eldoncard Kit 25 and Instructional DVD

Includes all the materials for a class of 25 to type their own blood and have a permanent record.

Each Eldoncard is sealed in a foil envelope. Full instructions and instructional DVD included.

Kit contains:

25 Eldoncards for ABO/Rh

100 Eldon sticks

25 Alcohol preps

4 Dropping vials

25 Lancets


CBK 012 per kit ?115.20

ABO/Rh Eldoncard Student Kit

All materials necessary for one student to type their own blood.

Kit contains:

Eldoncard for ABO/Rh


Alcohol prep

4 Eldon sticks


CBK 013 each


ABO/Rh Eldoncards Each card is individually wrapped and contains the reagents for typing blood within the ABO and Rh(D) systems, with full instructions and mixing sticks.

CBA 039 pack of 25 ?94.67

Blood Test Cards Quality cards for blood typing with printed guide for reagent placement and mixing.

CBK 016 Pack of 100 ?17.62

One Step Safety Lancet For single use only Provides a perfect sample for blood typing.

CBA 038 box of 100 ?29.88

Monoclonal Antisera

ABO/Rh Antisera Set - For human blood typing

The kit includes one dropper vial of Anti-A, B and D(Rh) sera. Each vial contains 4ml which is sufficient for 30 tests. Complete with full instructions.

CBK 014 per kit


Cowden, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7DX



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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