Major Assessment Profile (MAP) Definitions/Data Sources

Major Assessment Profile (MAP) Definitions/Data Sources

Major Name: Career and Technical Education

|Part One: Quantitative Information |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006 |

|1. Enrollment in the Major | | | | | |

|2. Degrees by Major | | | | | |

|3. Student Major Statistics | | | | | |

|4. Faculty Statistics | | | | | |

|Total faculty headcount |6 | | | | |

|Total FTE faculty |2.32 | | | | |

| a. Full-time faculty |2 | | | | |

| b. Part-time faculty |.32 | | | | |

| c. # faculty on leave |0 | | | | |

|Total tenured/tenure track faculty |2 | | | | |

|Faculty break down by rank: | | | | | |

| 1. Professor |1 | | | | |

| 2. Associate |1 | | | | |

| 3. Assistant |0 | | | | |

| 4. Instructor |0 | | | | |

|b. # w/Terminal degrees |2 | | | | |

|Total annually-contracted faculty |0 | | | | |

|Non-negotiated part-time faculty |2 | | | | |

|Gender |2 male, 2 female| | | | |

|Diversity |4 white | | | | |

|5. Credit Hour Production | | | | | |

|6. Discipline cost per credit hour by level | | | | | |

|7. Direct Cost Per Credit Hour | | | | | |

|8. Freshman-Sophomore Retention Rate | | | | | |

|9. Required Hours to Degree |Family and Consumer Sciences Education |120-133 | | | | |

| |Technology Education |120-126 | | | | |

| |Business Education |120-128 | | | | |

|10. Average Hours to Degree | | | | | |

|11. Time to degree | | | | | |

|Part Two Qualitative Information: | |

|1. Assessment | |

|Departmental Assessment Plan | |

|IBHE Program Review outcome | |

|IBHE Alumni Survey results | |

|Graduating Student Survey Results | |

|Accreditation reports/results |Accreditation by National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education |

|2. Active student learning opportunities | |

| 1) faculty-student collaborations |Student Organizations: |

| |Pi Omega Pi (honorary undergraduate business education society) 10 members, |

| |Technology education students belong to student organizations – 12 students belong to National Association of |

| |Industrial Technology, Construction Club, or Technical Association Graphic Arts (TAGA) |

| |Student Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (SAFCS).- 10 teacher certification students |

| |Students attended professional development conferences for teachers where EIU teacher educators were in attendance – |

| |35 students attended such conferences as the Illinois State Board of Education sponsored Connections Conference, |

| |Eastern Illinois Business Education Association, Illinois Business Education Association, and the Illinois Industrial|

| |Technology Education Association. |

| 2) internships |Student Teaching – 41 student teachers, all who successfully completed |

| 3) practica |N/A |

| 4) other |0 |

|3. Strategies to improve P-16 teaching and learning |Professional development for practicing educators, including workshops, courses, conferences, and degree programs. |

| |Students enrolled in Masters Degree in the School of Technology Program who are currently practicing educators—5 |

| |students |

| |Community College Teachers Conference held on EIU campus during June—31 teachers in attendance |

| |In November a Roundtable for secondary school teachers was held, CTE faculty and students preparing for secondary |

| |school teaching—45 people were in attendance |

| |College readiness programming (camps, conferences, bridge programs, etc.) |

| |Technology Exhibit Day in April during which students participated in contests—10 students |

|4. Collaborative activities with business/industry | |

| 1) formal training programs |Dr. Louis Butler – "Train the Trainer" at KalKan in Mattoon IL on August 8-10, 2002 (11 attendees) |

| |Dr. Tom Boldrey, Dr. Joyce Felstehausen, and Ms. Cathy Kirby – "Team Training" at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center on|

| |November 2, 2001 (150 attendees) |

| |Dr. Tom Boldrey and Dr. Joyce Felstehausen - "Leadership Academy" at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center on April 1-June|

| |30, 2002 (20 attendees) |

| 2) professional education programs | |

| 3) work study | |

| 4) external advisory councils | |

| 5) research partnerships | |

| 6) economic development partnerships |Dr. Peter Ping Liu – Product Testing at Proex on November 2001 |

|5. Pass rates |Illinois Content Test: State CTE passage rate: 88%, EIU CTE passage rate: 90% |

6. Faculty Achievements

Honors and Achievements-School of Technology

Phillip D. Age

Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction grant award, EIU; Technology Enhanced and Delivered Education grant award, EIU; Academic Technology Advisory Committee grant award, EIU

Tom Boldrey

Paul Overton Award, EIU School of Continuing Education

Louis Butler

Professional Advancement Increase, EIU; Sabbatical leave Fall 2001; Illinois State Board of Education grant award, with Greathouse, L.

Joyce Felstehausen

Professional Advancement Increase, EIU; 25 Years of Service recognition, EIU

Lillian R. Greathouse

15 Years of Service recognition, EIU

Samuel A. Guccione

Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction grant award, EIU; Faculty Mini-Grant, EIU

Larry D. Helsel

Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction grant award, EIU

Sonna Lawrence

5 Years of Service recognition, EIU

Peter Ping Liu

Professional Advancement Increase, EIU; 10 Years of Service recognition, EIU

Roger Luft

Illinois Phi Beta Lambda 2002 Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award

Betsy Miller

Performance Based Increase, EIU

Mori Toosi

Professional Advancement Increase, EIU; 15 Years of Service recognition, EIU

Wafeek Wahby

Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction grant award, EIU

Deborah Woodley

Summer 2001 Research Award, EIU Council on Faculty Research

Faculty Research and Service Activities-School of Technology

Philip Age

Assistant Professor, Graphic Communication Laboratory Coordinator, EdD, 1999, Illinois State University


National Certified PrintED Evaluator

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

National Council for Skill Standards in Graphic Communications, Board Member

Editorial Activities:

School of Technology Newsletter, Co-editor with Woodley, D.


Digital Photography in the Graphic Arts, Illinois Technology Education Conference, November 2, 2001

Developing an e-Personal Career Portfolio, Tech Prep Teachers Workshops, Parkland College, March 9, 2002

Developing an e-Personal Career Portfolio, Connections 2002 Conferences, April 9-10, 2002

Developing an e-Personal Career Portfolio, Connections 2002 Conferences, June 11-12, 2002


Faculty Development and Advisory Committee (EIU)

Occupational Technical Education Committee (EIU)

PrintED Committee, National Council for Skill Standards in Graphic Communications

Service Activities:

Student Chapter of Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, Faculty Advisor (EIU)

Habitat for Humanity

PrintED Evaluator and accreditation Team Leader, Mattoon High School’s Printing Technology Program

EIU Illinois Alternative Certification Program

Judge, State Illinois Technology Student Association’s State Contest, Carlinville, IL, March 21-22, 2002

National Trainer, National Association of Printers and Lithographers

Career and Technical Education Roundtable Meeting with regional CTE instructors, November 8, 2001

Tom Boldrey

Professor, EdD, 1981, University of Northern Colorado

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

Central Illinois Chapter of American Society for Training and Development, Vice President of Communications


Dancing to the Rhythm of Change Without Getting Blisters, Capital Region Tech Prep Staff Development Workshop, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 7, 2001

Whole Brain Approaches to Teaching and Learning, Shelby Eastern School District, Shelbyville, Indiana, August 7, 2001

Negotiating Successful Agreements, ELDS Seminar, Illinois Department of Transportation, Urbana, Illinois, September 19-20, 2001

Teaching Styles That Work: The ABC's of Whole Brain Learning, 2001 Tech Prep Network Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 12, 2001

Learning From Experience: How to use the five step experiential learning cycle, ASTD University, CIC-ASTD Chapter meeting, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, October 16, 2001

Meditech Liftoff: Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System's Meditech System, Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System, Mattoon, Illinois, November 1, 2001, with Felstehausen, J. and Kirby, C.

Using Your Whole Brain for Effectively Working Together, Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Decatur, Illinois, November 8, 2001

Value Relating Styles: Applying Relationship Awareness Theory, Illinois Municipal Treasurers Institute and Advanced Seminar, Urbana, Illinois, November 12, 2001

Using Your Whole Brain, Illinois Municipal Treasurers Institute and Advanced Seminar, Champaign, Illinois, November 12, 2001

Published Instructional Material:

The design IT kit, Lake Lure, North Carolina, Herrmann International, 2001, with Felstehausen, J.L. and Herrmann-Nedhi, A.

Louis Butler

Professor, PhD, 1990, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale

Editorial Activities:

ITEA/CTTE Program Review, Portfolio Reader


Collaborative Decision Making, Charleston/Mattoon Chambers of Commerce and the participants of the Leadership Coles County, Spring 2002

Developing an E-personal Career Portfolio, Connections ’02, St. Charles, IL, Spring 2002

Developing an E-personal Career Portfolio, Connections ’02, Springfield, IL, Spring 2002


Alternative Certification Program Committee (EIU)

Epsilon Pi Tau Iota Chapter, Advisor (EIU)

Occupational Teacher Education Coordinator (EIU)

Illinois State Board of Education University Council, Chair

NAIT Research Committee

Service Activities:

Coordinator, Technology Exhibit

Consultant, Clinton Power Station

Consultant, KalKan Foods

James A. Ejiwale

Assistant Professor, PhD, 1997, Ohio State University


Foundation Board, Manufacturing Systems Division Executive Committee, NAIT

Joyce Felstehausen

Professor, EdD, 1982, University of Illinois--Urbana


Hermann Brain Dominance International

Girl Scout Association

Franklin Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Facilitator

Lillian R. Greathouse

Associate Professor, Career & Technical Education Coordinator, PhD, 1981, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

Charleston Business and Profession Women, Membership Chair

Policies Commission for Business and Economic Education, Statement Chair, Secretary, and Chair Elect

Eastern Illinois Business Education Association, Sponsor

Illinois University Council for Career and Technical Education, Co-Chair

Editorial Activities:

Journal of Business and Training Education, Reviewer


Work-based learning, IBEA, November 2001

VTECS Connect Workshop for the Eastern Illinois Education for Employment System

Service Activities:

Workforce Opportunities Resource Consortium

Samuel A. Guccione

Assistant Professor, Robotics Laboratory Coordinator, Honors Coordinator, EdD, 1992, Temple University-Philadelphia

Current Professional Certifications:

Certified Senior Industrial Technologist

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

Satellite Educators Association, Secretary

Refereed Journal:

Web-Based Remote Experimentation, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Journal on Education, March, 2002


Using Dreamweaver to Manage Course Websites, EIU Brown Bag, February 15, 2002

Where is That Darn Satellite Anyway?, Satellites & Education Conference XV, California State University, Los Angeles, CA, March 25-27, 2002

Aging and Assistive Technology, 9th Annual Mullti-Disciplinary Certificate Program in Geriatrics for Non-Physicians, Mount Vernon, IL, March 29, 2002

Scholarly Books/Chapters:

Power Electronics Handbook, Tim Skarvenia, Editor, CRC Press, 2002, Chapter 4.1


Occupational Teacher Education Committee (EIU)

Delaware Aerospace Foundation, Advisory Board Member

Service Activities:

Panelist, EIU School of Business Society of Information Management, February 28, 2002

Larry Helsel

Professor, Materials Testing/Metrology/Polymers Laboratory Coordinator, EdD, 1979, Pennsylvania State University

Scholarly Books/Chapters:

Instructor’s Manual Industrial Materials, Goodheart Willcox Publishing Co., 2001


Council on Academic Affairs (EIU)

Public Service:

Coles County Habitat for Humanity, Building Committee

Mahyar Izadi

Chair & Professor, PhD, 1990, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale


Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE)

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

National Association of Industrial Technology, Research Division, Past President

Editorial Activities:

Journal of Industrial Technology, Editorial Review Board

Eastern Education Journal, Editorial Review Board

Selected Papers for the 34th Annual NAIT Convention, Editorial Review Board


Classroom-to-Classroom Diplomacy, The Importance of International Education, International Education Week, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL., November 2001

Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed):

State of the Total Quality Management in School Districts, Eastern Education Journal, 2001, 30 (1), 21-25.

ERP: The primary solution provider for industrial companies, Journal of Industrial Technology, 2001, 17 (3), 1-6, with Kashef, A.E. and Al-Sehali, S.H.


Board of Trustees Degree Program Advisory Board (EIU)

Search Committee for Director of Off-Campus and Contact Credit Programs (EIU)

Technology Enhanced and Delivered Education Grants Committee (EIU)

International Programs Advisory Board (EIU)

Council of Chairs (EIU)

Search Committee for Dean of Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences (EIU)

National Association of Industrial Technology, Executive Board

National Association of Industrial Technology, Foundation Board

Service Activities:

NAIT Accreditation Team to University of Louisiana, Chair

Peter Ping Liu

Professor, Graduate Coordinator, PhD, 1991, Iowa State University

Roger L. Luft

Professor, EdD, 1977, Oregon State University

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

National Association of Teacher Educators for Business Education, President Elect

Policy Committee of the Business Education Division of ACTE, Secretary

Editorial Activities:

Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Editor

Business Education Digest, Editorial Board

Journal of Education for Business, Consulting Editor


Employment Skills and Employer Expectations, Delabar Vocational System and Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, IL, October 12, 2001

FrontPage 2000 for Beginners, Illinois Business Education Association 39th Annual Fall Conference, Springfield, IL, November 1, 2001

Adobe Photoshop for Beginners, Illinois Business Education Association 39th Annual Fall Conference, Springfield, IL, November 2, 2001

Creating and Enhancing Digital Images, Western Illinois Area Business Education Association, Macomb, IL, April 20, 2002


Occupational Teacher Education Committee (EIU)

Student Organization Awards Committee, Business Education Division of the Association for Career and Technical Education, Chair

Illinois Business Teacher Educators Council

North Central Business Education Association Board of Directors.

Awards Committee, Delta Pi Epsilon National Awards, Little Rock, AR

National Association of Teacher Educators for Business Education, Executive Board

National Joint Committee on Economic Education, Chair, Delta Pi Epsilon appointment.

John Messer

Professor, Automation and Control Laboratory Coordinator, EdD, 1977, University of Northern Colorado


Certified Senior Industrial Technologist


Textbook Rental Advisory Committee (EIU)

Ronald I. Sutliff

Professor, Engineering Graphics Laboratory Coordinator, PhD, 1984, Purdue University

Refereed Journal:

Learning styles: Teaching technology subjects can be more effective, The Journal of Technology Studies [on-line], 27(1).. Available: 2001/Sutliff.html Sutliff, R.I., Baldwin, V., 2001


University Sanctions and Terminations Committee (EIU)

Mori Toosi

Professor, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory Coordinator, Internship Coordinator, PhD, 1990, Southern Illinois University--Carbondale


Certified Manufacturing Engineer

Offices Held in Professional Organization(s):

Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Decatur, IL Chapter 58, Faculty Advisor

Editorial Activities:

Journal of Industrial Technology, Review Board


Faculty Senate (EIU)

Service Activities:

Liaison for Student Chapter 151 Society of Manufacturing Engineers and The SME professional chapter

Wafeek S. Wahby

Associate Professor, Construction Laboratory Coordinator, Industrial Technology Coordinator, PhD, 1988, University of Alexandria, Egypt

Editorial Activities:

NAIT Journal of Industrial Technology, Review Board


Precast and Prestressed Concrete: A Construction Technology for the 21st Century, The 34th Annual Convention of the National Association of Industrial Technology, Dearborn, Michigan, October 31-November 3, 2001

Technologies Applied in the Toshka Project of Egypt, The 34th Annual Convention of the National Association of Industrial Technology, Dearborn, Michigan, October 31-November 3, 2001


Using PowerPoint to Visualize Engineering Graphic, EIU Faculty Brown Bag, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, October 25, 2001

Egypt Builds the Toshka Project, The Rotary International Club meeting, Charleston, IL, November 6, 2001

Precast/Prestressed Concrete: A Technology for the New Millennium, The 59th Four State Regional Technology Conference, Pittsburg, KS, November 15-16, 2001

The Effects of Egypt’s Toshka Project on Local and Global Technology Career Opportunities in the 3rd Millennium, The 59th Four State Regional Technology Conference, Pittsburg, KS, November 15-16, 2001

China's Three Gorges Dam, The 51st Annual Concrete Conference, University of Minnesota, College of Continuing Education St. Paul, MN, December 6, 2001

Concrete Work in Egypt’s Toshka Project, The American Concrete Institute International Spring Convention, Detroit, MI, April 21-25, 2002

Transportation Aspects in China’s Three Gorges Dam, The 62nd Annual Conference of the New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, The Image of Transportation, Section 4, Rochester, NY, May 7-10, 2002

Enhancing Engineering Graphics Courses through Animated, Sophisticated, Multimedia, Graphical Presentations, The 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 16-19, 2002

The Toshka Project of Egypt: A Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Case Study, The 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 16-19, 2002


Construction Club, Faculty Advisor (EIU)

Observatory Committee (EIU)

Faculty Senate Task Force on Online Courses (EIU)

Council Academic Affairs Task Force, Technology Enhanced and Delivered Education (EIU)

Council of University Planning and Budget (EIU)

Booth Library Advisory Board (EIU)

University Foundations Advisory Committee (EIU)

Enrollment Management Advisory Committee (EIU)

ACI Committee 548 on Polymer Concrete

ACI Subcommittee 548 A – Polymer Modified Concrete

ACI Subcommittee 548 B – Polymer Concrete Overlays

ACI Subcommittee 548 D – Sulfur Concrete

ACI Subcommittee 548 E – Structural Design & Analysis of Polymer Concrete, Chair

ACI Committee 522 - Enhanced Porosity Concrete

NAIT Board of Certification

NAIT Construction Focus Group, Chair

Service Activities:

Habitat for Humanity

Tom Waskom

Professor, Production Laboratory Coordinator, PhD, 1981, Texas A&M University


Certified Senior Industrial Technologist


University Recycling Committee (EIU)

ROTC Advisory Council (EIU)

Service Activities:

Manufacturing Consultant/Training – Agri-Fab, Inc.

Press Brake Operation Consultant - Haz Stor

Deborah A. Woodley

Professor, Career & Organizational Studies Coordinator, PhD, 1994, University of Illinois--Urbana

Editorial Activities:

School of Technology Newsletter, Editor

Experimental Learning Portfolio Handbook, Editor

SOT Promotional CD, Editor

Premier Boys State, Editor

ASTD Newsletter, Editor


Environmental Health & Safety Committee (EIU)

7. Student Achievements

Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences Dean's List Spring 2002 - School of Technology

Adkins, Kenneth

Bartel, Rebecca

Black, Rebekah

Burgess, Richard

Boose, Georga

Browning, Kristen

Cooper, Andrew

Davis, Zelma

Dennis, Michael

Fedro, Christopher

Gannaway, Nathaniel

Gerth, Charles

Harston, Brian

Heuerman, Lindsey

Higgins, Tim

Kennedy, Brianne

Kuhring, Stacy

Kusterman, Ryan

Mills, Nathan

Moberley Jr, Donald

Mueller, Scott

Noble, Matthew

Sarsany, Michon

Schroeder, Curtis

Shirley, Marti

Tackett, Craig

Worden, Terry

Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences Dean's List

Fall 2001 – School of Technology

Barrins, Joseph

Bartel, Rebecca

Black, Rebekah

Bridges, Beulah

Brummer, Dean

Burgess, Richard

Burritt, Kyle

Chambers, James

Digiulio, Nicholas

Gerth, Charles

Harris, Brandy

Hassanzadeh, Mark

Hastings, Travis

Hawkins, Kyle

Hoover, Cary

Jacobs, Todd

Jones, Daryl

Kleinschmidt, Jamie

Kusterman, Ryan

Kuykendall, Jared

Lydle, Brittany

Mackey, Daniel

Moan, Amy

Renner, Lara

Rice, Joy

Runyon, Lucas

Setzer, Benjamin

Staskiewicz, Steven

Tilleman, William

Waymack, Randy

Weber, Kyle

Scholarship and Award Recipients-School of Technology

Charles A. Elliot Technology Education Award, Nathan J. Mills

Lois E. Elliott Industrial Technology Scholarship, Rebekah J. Black

Lucille M. Klehm Technology Education Award, Donald R. Moberley Jr

Walter A. Klehm Industrial Technology Award, William A. Brown and

Nicholas D. Upton

Roy E. Ehrsam Scholarship, Charles H. Gerth and Ryan E. Kusterman

School of Technology Alumni Scholarship, John P. Lentz

Kenneth & Keith Kohanzo Industrial Technology Scholarship, Christopher G. Schug

Harold D. Fildes Scholarship, Charles H. Gerth

Robert N. & Barbara V. Sullivan Scholarship, Daniel T. Mackey

William Craig Simmons Memorial Scholarship, Marti L. Shirley

David L. & Audrey Jorns Business Education Scholarship, Bradley J. Pullen

Residential Construction Employer Council Scholarship, Ryan E. Kusterman

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship, John P. Lentz

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Leader Service Award, Paul Strader

John Henry ASQ Award, John P. Lentz

National Business Education Association Award of Merit, Dena K. Brummer

International Student Award, Teng-Yun Chiang

Distinguished Graduate Student Award, Kathy Rhodes and Paul Strader

Career and Organizational Studies Student Excellence Award, Zelma Davis

|8. Other | NAIT, LCBAS Annual Report, NCATE |

|Part Three: Departmental Links | |

|Program Requirements | |

|Course Descriptions | |

|Strategic Plan |

| |


|The School of Technology is, and will continue to be, recognized as a premier provider of quality programs and services that enhance the capacity of professionals and organizations to integrate people |

|and technology for optimum work performance and learning. Applied research, exemplary teaching and partnerships are the hallmarks of mutually enriching activities that foster scholarship for students |

|and faculty and economic development for the region. The School of Technology is characterized by the following features: |

|Faculty who create motivating learning environments, and use instructional methods and teaching strategies that facilitate optimum learning; |

|Graduates who are professionally competent and highly employable; |

|Dynamic interaction between the faculty and students that foster a synergy for continuous improvement of programs, services and partnerships; |

|Exemplary regional model for applied research, technological innovation, consultation, and public service in the areas of training and development, industrial technology, career and technical education, |

|quality management, workforce safety, teaching, and the technologies of productivity; |

|Collegial relationships and support for faculty research, innovation and professional development in the respective academic disciplines. |

|Web Page |

|Other |


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