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Current Journal Articles (March 2001-March 2016)Introduction: Fifteen years ago this month, H-Disability launched as a listserv. One of the first posts was a listing of recent journal articles on disability history topics, modeled on a similar feature at H-Education (another H-Net listserv). Every month since March 2001, H-Disability has featured a list of recent journal articles on disability history topics, almost always on the 1st of the month, compiled with contributions from the community, and a lot of content alerts in my inbox.To keep from duplications, I have kept a “master list” as a draft email, which I updated each month, alphabetical by year of publication. This master list was only for me; it was never intended for publication, and I didn’t fuss much about consistency. But over the years, I’ve sent it to a few colleagues—mainly because I wanted someone else to have it, in case my own file was ever lost. Recently, former H-Disability editor Dan Wilson suggested I post it to the H-Disability site, now at H-Net Commons. Our fifteenth anniversary as an online network seemed like a very good occasion for doing that.The usual caveats apply; inclusion does not imply a recommendation; your definitions of disability and history may exclude some of the listed items, and include others; and the bibliography is heavily skewed toward English-language publications (though non-English-language citations are included). And a few more caveats, too: what follows is what was posted to H-Disability between March 2001 and March 2016; I’m sure there are many articles left out, some misspellings and other errors. I’m sharing it anyway, with all the errors and omissions. This is what we built together, for better or worse. Thank you all for fifteen years of scholarship (so far).Finally: I don’t recommend printing this out on your home printer; it’s over 200 pages.Penny L. Richards PhDCenter for Disability Studies, University at BuffaloMarch 2016***********2016*************** Damamme, Aurélie, Emmanuelle Fillion, and Myriam Finance. “At the Crossroads of Care and Disability: Historical Variations and International Perspectives,” ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research 10(1)(January-March 2016): 1-9. Doat, David. “Disability, Compassion, and Care: The Prehistoric and Controversial Grounds of a Long-Standing Issue,” ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research 10(1)(January-March 2016): 10-23. McDonald, Kate. “The Woman’s Body as Compensation for the Disabled First World War Soldier,” Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 10(1)(2016): [no pages, sorry]. O’Connell, Noel Patrick. “A Tale of Two Schools: Educating Catholic Female Deaf Children in Ireland, 1846-1946,” History of Education 45(2) (March 2016): 188-205. Pearl, Sharrona. “Victorian Blockbuster Bodies and the Freakish Pleasure of Looking,” Nineteenth-Century Contexts 38(2)(2016): 93-106. Roper, Michael. “From the Shell-shocked Soldier to the Nervous Child: Psychoanalysis in the Aftermath of the First World War,” Psychoanalysis and History 18(1)(January 2016): 39-69. ***********2015*************** Anastasiou, Dimitris, Sophia Iliadou-Tachou, and Antonia Harisi. “The Influence of the School Hygiene and Paedagogy Movement on the Early Development of Special Education in Greece, 1900-1940: The Leading Role of Emmanuel Lambadarios,” History of Education 44(4)(2015): 437-459. Arnaud, Sabine. “Fashioning a Role for Medicine: Alexandre-Louis-Paul Blanchet and the Care of the Deaf in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France,” Social History of Medicine 28(2015): 288-307. Baár, Monika. “Disability and Civil Courage under State Socialism: The Scandal over the Hungarian Guide-Dog School,” Past and Present 227(2015): 179-203. Bair, Sarah. “Continuing to Pay the ‘Patriotic Debt’: The Establishment of the Pennsylvania Soldiers’ Orphans Industrial School, 1893-1912,” Pennsylvania History 82(Autumn 2015): 460-488. Bakker, Nelleke. “Identifying the ‘Subnormal’ Child in an Age of Expansion for Special Education and Child Science in the Netherlands (c1945- 1965),” History of Education 44(4)(2015): 460-479. Bakker, Nelleke. “Brain Disease and the Study of Learning Disabilities in the Netherlands (c1950-85),” Paedagogica Historica 51(3)(June 2015): 350-364. Birdsall, Carolyn, et al. “Listening to the Mind: Tracing the Auditory History of Mental Illness in Archives and Exhibitions,” Public Historian 37(November 2015): 47-72. Blok, Gemma. “‘Insane Emigrants’ in Transit: Psychiatric Patients’ Files as a Source for the History of Return Migration, c. 1910,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 889-901. Borsay, Anne. “Disability in British Poetry of the First World War,” Disability & Society 30(4)(May 2015): 499-512. Brunton, Warwick. “‘At Variance with the Most Elementary Principles’: The State of British Colonial Lunatic Asylums in 1863,” History of Psychiatry 26(2)(June 2015): 147-165. Burghardt, Madeline. “‘He Was a Secret’: Family Narratives and the Institutionalization of People with Intellectual Disabilities,” Disability & Society 30(7)(2015): 1071-1086. Cantor, David. “Finding Historical Records at the National Institutes of Health,” Social History of Medicine 28(2015): 617-637. Correa Gómez, María José. “Historias de Locura e Incapacidad: Santiago y Valparaíso (1857-1900),” Revista de Historia Social y de las Mentalidades 18(2)(March 2015): online, open access, here [in Spanish]: Cleall, Esme. “Deaf Connections and Global Conversations: Deafness and Education in and Beyond the British Empire, ca. 1800-1900,” Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 16(1)(Spring 2015): [no pages, sorry]. Cox, Catherine, and Hilary Marland. “‘A Burden on the County’: Madness, Institutions of Confinement, and the Irish Patient in Victorian Lancashire,” Social History of Medicine 28(2015): 263-287. Davidson, Michael. “The Rage of Caliban: Disabling Bodies in Modernist Aesthetics,” Modernism/modernity 22(4)(November 2015): 609-625. Dayton, Cornelia H. “‘The Oddest Man that I Ever Saw’: Assessing Cognitive Disability on Eighteenth-Century Cape Cod,” Journal of Social History 49(1)(Fall 2015): 77-99. De Veirman, Sofie. “Deaf and Disabled? (Un)Employment of Deaf People in Belgium: A Comparison of Eighteenth-Century and Nineteenth- Century Cohorts,” Disability & Society 30(3)(2015): 460-474. Diedrich, Lisa. “Illness as Assemblage: The Case of Hystero-epilepsy,” Body & Society 21(3)(September 2015): 66-90. Draycott, Jane. “Reconstructing the Lived Experience of Disability in Antiquity: A Case Study from Roman Egypt,” Greece & Rome 62(2) (October 2015): 189-205. Drew, Rose. “Lives of Deprivation or Lives of Industry: Possible Cerebral Palsy on the Mary Rose,” Medieval History Journal 18(2015): 25-45. Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. “‘Dear Father My Health Has Broken Down’: Writing Health in Irish Charity Letters, 1922-1940,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 849-868. Garner, Stanton B. Jr. “In Search of Merrick: Kinesthetic Empathy, Able-Bodiedness, and Disability Representation,” Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 29(2)(Spring 2015): 81-103. Gordon-Smith, George. “Albion Tourgée and the Politics of Disability and Race in Reconstruction-era Literature,” Studies in American Fiction 42(1)(Spring 2015): 102-122. Gramary, Adrián, Cláudia Lopes, and Jo?o Pedro Ribeiro, “Herculano Sá de Figueiredo (1911-74): A Sculptor in the Conde de Ferreira Hospital, Portugal,” History of Psychiatry 26(2)(June 2015): 200-213. Grey, Daniel J. R. “Murder, Mental Illness, and the Question of Nursing ‘Character’ in Early Twentieth Century England,” History Workshop Journal 80(2015): 183-200. Hamraie, Aimi. “Historical Epistemology as Disability Studies Methodology: From the Models Framework to Foucault’s Archaeology of Cure,” Foucault Studies 19(July 2015): 108-134. Hart, Bradley W, and Richard Carr. “Sterilization and the British Conservative Party: Rethinking the Failure of the Eugenics Society’s Political Strategy in the Nineteen-Thirties,” Historical Research 88(242)(November 2015): 716-739. Hash, Phillip M. “Music Education at the New York Institution for the Blind, 1832-1863,” Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 62 (January 2015): 362-388. Hennefeid, Maggie. “Miniature Women, Acrobatic Maids, and Self-Amputating Domestics: Comediennes of the Trick Film,” Early Popular Visual Culture 13(2)(2015): 134-151. Healey, Dan. “Lives in the Balance: Weak and Disabled Prisoners and the Biopolitics of the Gulag,” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 16(3)(Summer 2015): 527-556. Hewitt, Jessie. “Women Working ‘Amidst the Mad’: Domesticity as Psychiatric Treatment in Nineteenth-Century Paris,” French Historical Studies 38(2)(April 2015): 105-137. Huddleston, Samuel, and G. A. Russell. “Richard Dadd: The Patient, the Artist, and the ‘Face of Madness,’” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 24(3)(July-September 2015): 213-228. Hughes, Bill. “Disabled People as Counterfeit Citizens: The Politics of Resentment Past and Present,” Disability & Society 30(7)(2015): 991- 1004. Isaksson, Joakim, and Rafael Linqvist. “What is the Meaning of Special Education? Problem Representations in Swedish Policy Documents, late 1970s-2014,” European Journal of Special Needs Education 30(1)(February 2015): 122-137. Jarrett, Simon. “The Meaning of ‘Community’ in the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: An Historical Perspective,” International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 61(2)(April 2015): 107-112. Katsui, Hisayo, and Mina C. Mojtahedi. "Intersection of Disability and Gender: Multi-Layered Experiences of Ethiopian Women with Disabilities." Development in Practice 25(4)(June 2015): 563-73. Kelly, Brendan D. “Shell Shock in Ireland: The Richmond War Hospital, Dublin (1916-19),” History of Psychiatry 26(2015): 50-63. Klausen, Susanne M., and Julie Parle. “‘Are We Going to Stand By and Let These Children Come Into the World?’: The Impact of the ‘Thalidomide Disaster’ in South Africa, 1960-1977,” Journal of Southern African Studies 41(4)(August 2015): 735-752. Martinez-Pérez, José, and Mercedes Del Cura. “Bolstering the Greatness of the Homeland: Productivity, Disability, and Medicine in Franco’s Spain, 1938-1966,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 805-824. McCarthy, Angela. “Migration and Madness at Sea: The Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Voyage to New Zealand,” Social History of Medicine 28(4)(November 2015): 706-724. McCauley, Karen, and Duncan Matheson. “Ontario’s Institutional Cycle: Considering the Relationship Between Fictional Narratives and Policy Discourses in the Construction of Mental Disability,” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 4(1)(2015): Millward, Gareth. “Social Security Policy and the Early Disability Movement—Expertise, Disability, and the Government, 1965-77,” Twentieth Century British History 26(2015): 274-297. Neufeld, Matthew, and Blaine Wickham. “The State, the People, and the Care of Sick and Injured Sailors in Late Stuart England,” Social History of Medicine 28(1)(2015): 45-63. Oakley, Catherine. “‘Disruptive Energies’: Electrotherapy and Early Fiction Films in Europe and America, 1907-1911,” Journal of Literary & Cultural Studies 9(3)(October 2015): [no pages, sorry]. O’Dell, Emily Jane. “From Leprosy to The Willow Tree: Decoding Disability and Islamic Spirituality in Iranian Film,” Disability & Society 30(7) (2015): 1123-1126. O’Donnell, Shane. “Changing Social and Scientific Discourses on Type 2 Diabetes between 1800 and 1950: A Socio-Historical Analysis” Sociology of Health & Illness 37(7)(September 2015): 110-1121. Penrose, Walter D. Jr. “The Discourse of Disability in Ancient Greece,” Classical World 108(4)(Summer 2015): 499-523. Rajpal, Shilpi. “Quotidian Madness: Time, Management and Asylums in Colonial North India, c1850-1947,” Studies in History 31(2)(August 2015): 206-234. Ray-Barruel, Gillian. “Conflicting Models of Care for People with Mental Disabilities in Charles Dickens’s Fiction and Journalism,” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 9(1)(2015): 89-105. Roberts, Charlotte A., and Marie-Catherine Bernard. “Tuberculosis: A Biosocial Study of Admissions to a Children’s Sanatorium (1936-1954) in Stannington, Northumberland, England,” Tuberculosis 95(Supplement 1)(June 2015): S105-S108. Rosenshield, Gary. “Injury, Pain, and Change in War and Peace: The Cases of Nikolai Rostov and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky,” The Russian Review 74(4)(October 2015): 642-664. Rubery, Matthew. “From Shell Shock to Shellac: The Great War, Blindness, and Britain’s Talking Book Library,” Twentieth Century British History 26(1)(March 2015): 1-25. Seeman, Mary V. “The Jewish Psychiatric Hospital, Zofiówka, in Otwock, Poland,” History of Psychiatry 26(2015): 98-104. Sellevold, Kirsti. “Cognitive Deficits in Literary Fictions: Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury and Vesaas’ The Birds,” Comparative Critical Studies 12(1)(2015): 71-88. Shah, Sonali, Mick Wallis, Fiona Conor, and Phillip Kiszely. “Bringing Disability History Alive in Schools: Promoting a New Understanding of Disability Through Performance Methods,” Research Papers in Education 30(3)(July 2015): 267-286. Silva, Sónia. “Mobility and Immobility in the Life of an Amputee,” in Michael Jackson and Albert Piette, eds., What is Existential Anthropology? (Berghahn 2015): 125-154. S?ndenaa, Erik, Camilla Gudde, and ?yvind Thomassen. “Patients with Intellectual Disabilities in the Forensic Asylums, 1915-1982: Before Admission,” Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 17(1)(March 2015): 14-25. Tremain, Shelley. “This is What a Historicist and Relativist Feminist Philosophy of Disability Looks Like,” Foucault Studies 19(July 2015): 7-42. Tuft, Mia, Bergljot Gjelsvik, Karl O. Nakken. “Ian Curtis: Punk Rock, Epilepsy, and Suicide,” Epilepsy & Behavior 52(A)(November 2015): 218- 221. van Drenth, Annemieke. “Sensorial Experiences and Childhood: Nineteenth-Century Care for Children with Idiocy,” Paedagogica Historica 51(5)(October 2015): 560-578. van Gijn, Jan. “A Patient with Word Blindness in the Seventeenth Century,” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 24(4)(2015): 352-360. Van Lommel, Korneel. “Heroes and Outcasts: Ambiguous Attitudes Towards Impaired and Disfigured Roman Veterans,” Classical World 109(1)(2015): 91-117. Van Lommel, Korneel. "Invalide soldaten in het Romeinse leger: van verwonding tot ontslag” [Disabled Soldiers in the Roman Army: From Injury to Discharge], Kleio: tijdschrift voor oud talen en antieke cultuur 43(3)(2014): 133-143. Waltz, Mitzi, Karin van den Bosch, Hannah Ebben, Lineke van Hal, and Alice Schippers, “Autism Self-Advocacy in the Netherlands: Past, Present, and Future,” Disability & Society 30(8)(September 2015): 1174-1191. Wilson, Daniel J. “Basil O’Connor, the National Foundation for Infant Paralysis and the Reorganization of Polio Research in the United States, 1935-41,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 70(3)(July 2015): 394-424. Yoshida, Karen K. and Fady Shanouda. “A Culture of Silence: Modes of Objectification and the Silencing of Disabled Bodies,” Disability & Society 30(3)(2015): 432-444. Young, Hershini Bhana. “‘She’s Lost Control Again’: Representations of (dis)ability in Contemporary Performances of Spoek Mathambo and Die Antwoord,” African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal (2015): [no pages, sorry]. ***********2014*************** Abrams, Thomas. "Boon or Bust? Heidegger, Disability Aesthetics, and the Thalidomide Memorial," Disability & Society 29(5)(2014): 751- 762. Altschuler, Sari. "'Ain't One Limb Enough?' Historicizing Disability in the American Novel," American Literature 86(2)(2014): 245-274. Ancell, Matthew. "Credo Ergo Sum: Faith, Blindness, and Pictorial Logic in Derrida's Memoirs of the Blind," Oxford Art Journal 37(2)(2014): 193-210. Antic?, Ana. "Heroes and Hysterics: 'Partisan Hysteria' and Communist State-building in Yugoslavia after 1945," Social History of Medicine 27(2)(2014): 349-271. Arrington, Celeste L. "Leprosy, Legal Mobilization, and the Public Sphere in Japan and South Korea," Law & Society Review 48(3)(September 2014): 563-593. Barclay, Jenifer. "'The Greatest Degree of Perfection': Disability and the Construction of Race in American Slave Law," in Rhondda Thomas and Angela Naimou, eds., "Locating African American Literature," South Carolina Review 46(2)(Spring 2014): 27-43. Barclay, Jenifer L. "Mothering the ‘Useless': Black Motherhood, Disability, and Slavery,” Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2(2)(Fall 2014): 115-140. Barsch, Sebastian. "Silent Stories of Exclusion – Teaching Deaf History," Yearbook - Jahrbuch - Annales of the International Society for the Didactics of History 35(September 2014): 253-261. Bengtsson, Staffan. "On the Borderline: Representations of Disability in the Old Testament," Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 16(3)(September 2014): 280-292. Black, William R. “Helen Keller Jokes, Body and Soul,” Journal of Popular Culture 47(6)(December 2014): 1167-1179.Bourrier, Karen. "Orthopaedic Disability and the Nineteenth-Century Novel," Nineteenth-Century Contexts 36(1)(January 2014): 1-17. Boyer, Jodie. "Religion, 'Moral Insanity,' and Psychology in Nineteenth-Century America," Religion and American Culture 24(Winter 2014): 70- 99. Brumlik, Kymberly C. “Lunacy for Profit: The Economic Gains of ‘Native-Only’ Lunatic Asylums in the Bengal Presidency, 1850s-1870s,” Journal of South Asian Studies 2(1)(2014): 1-10. Open access online here: Burch, Susan. "'Dislocated Histories': The Canton Asylum for Insane Indians,” Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2(2)(Fall 2014): 141- 162. Burdett, Emmeline. "Disability History: Voices and Sources, London Metropolitan Archives," Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 8(1)(2014): [no pages, sorry]. Byron, Lindsay. "Rewriting Elizabeth: A Life Lost (and Found) in the Annals of Bryce Mental Hospital," Southern Cultures 20(Summer 2014): 5-24. Carmody, Todd. “In Spite of Handicaps: The Disability History of Racial Uplift,” American Literary History 26(4)(Winter 2014): [no pages, sorry]. Casey, John. "Marked by War: Demobilization, Disability, and the Trope of the Citizen-Soldier in Miss Ravenel's Conversion," Civil War History 60(2)(June 2014): 123-151. Charland, Louis C. "John Locke on Madness: Redressing the Intellectualist Bias," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 137-153. Charland, Louis C. "John Locke on Madness: Redressing the Intellectualist Bias," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 137-153. Chiu, Tasing. "Braille, Amma, and Integration: The Hybrid Evolution of Education for the Blind in Taiwan, 1870s-1970s," Paedagogica Historica 50(1-2)(2014): 182-194. Clark, Justin. "The Origins of Blind Autobiography in Visionary Antebellum New England," New England Quarterly 87(June 2014): 228-51. Coleborne, Catharine. “White Men and Weak Masculinity: Men in the Public Asylums in Victoria, Australia, and New Zealand, 1860s-1900s,” History of Psychiatry 25(2014): 468-476. Cooper, Rachel. "Shifting Boundaries Between the Normal and the Pathological: The Case of Mild Intellectual Disability," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 171-186. Craig, Leigh Ann. "The History of Madness and Mental Illness in the Middle Ages: Directions and Questions," History Compass 12(9) (September 2014): 729-744. Curtis, Ben, and Steven Thompson. “‘A Plentiful Crop of Cripples Made by All this Progress’: Disability, Artificial Limbs, and Working Class Mutualism in the South Wales Coalfield, 1890-1948,” Social History of Medicine 27(4)(November 2014): 708-727. Dale, Pamela. "A Halifax Case Study that Offers an Alternative History of Care Provided by Local Authorities under the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act," British Journal of Learning Disabilities 42(2)(June 2014): 133-140. De Ceglia, Francesco Paolo. "The Woman Who Gave Birth to a Dog: Monstrosity and Bestiality in Quaestiones Medico-Legales By Paolo Zacchia," Medicina Nei Secoli 26(1)(2014): 117-144. Donoho, Emily. "The Madman amongst the Ruins: The Oral History and Folklore of Traditional Insanity Cures in the Scottish Highlands," Folklore 125(1)(January 2014): 22-39. Durbach, Nadja. "'Skinless Wonders': Body Worlds and the Victorian Freak Show," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 69(1)(2014): 38-67. Ellis, Jason A. "'All Methods--and Wedded to None': The Deaf Education Methods Debate and Progressive Educational Reform in Toronto, Canada, 1922-1945," Paedagogica Historica 50(3)(May 2014): 371-389. Evans, Bonnie. "The Foundations of Autism: The Law Concerning Psychotic, Schizophrenic, and Autistic Children in 1950s and 1960s Britain," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 88(2)(Summer 2014): 253-285. Fontes, Fernando. "The Portuguese Disabled People's Movement: Development, Demands and Outcomes," Disability & Society 29(9)(2014): 1398-1411. Galer, Dustin. "'A Place to Work Like Any Other?' Sheltered Workshops in Canada, 1970-1985," Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 3(2) (2014): Galmarini, Maria Cristina. "Turning Defects into Advantages: The Discourse of Labour in the Autobiographies of Soviet Blinded Second World War Veterans," European History Quarterly 44(4)(October 2014): 651-577. Garmon, Joseph Allen. "Laws of the Past versus the Medicine of Today: Eradicating the Criminalization of HIV/Aids," Howard Law Journal 57(Winter 2014): 665-700. Gibson, Mary. “Forensic Psychiatry and the Birth of the Criminal Insane Asylum in Modern Italy,” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37(1)(2014): 117-126. Gilman, Sander. “Madness as Disability,” History of Psychiatry 25(2014): 441-449. Groce, Nora. "Disability and the League of Nations: The Crippled Child's Bill of Rights and a Call for an International Bureau of Information, 1931," Disability & Society 29(4)(May 2014): 503-515. Hardy, Lucas. "No Cure: Anne Bradstreet's Frenzied Brain," Women's Studies 43(3)(April 2014): 318-331. Heaton, Matthew M. "Contingencies of Colonial Psychiatry: Migration, Mental Illness, and the Repatriation of Nigerian 'Lunatics,'" Social History of Medicine 27(2014): 41-63. Heetderks, Angela. "'Better a Witty Fool Than a Foolish Wit': Song, Fooling, and Intellectual Disability in Shakespearean Drama," in Leslie C. Dunn and Katherine R. Larson, eds. Gender and Song in Early Modern England (Ashgate 2014): 63-75. Hiles, Timothy. “Shifting Perception: Photographing Disabled People During the Civil Rights Era,” Review of Disability Studies 10(3&4)(2014): [no pages, sorry]. Hollin, Gregory. "Constructing a Social Subject: Autism and Human Sociality in the 1980s," History of the Human Sciences 27(2014): 98-115. Hulonce, Lesley. “‘These Valuable Institutions’: Educating Blind and Deaf Children in Victorian and Edwardian Swansea,” Welsh History Review/Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru 27(2)(2014): 310-337. Jennekens, Frans G. I. "A Short History of the Notion of Neurodegenerative Disease," Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 23(1) (2014): 85-94. Jones, Edgar. “‘An Atmosphere of Cure’: Frederick Mott, Shell Shock, and the Maudsley,” History of Psychiatry 25(2014): 412-421. Kalinnikova, Liya, and Sven Trygged. "A Retrospective on Care and Denial of Children with Disabilities in Russia," Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 16(3)(September 2014): 229-248. Korhonen, Anu. "Disability Humour in English Jestbooks of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," Cultural History 3(1)(April 2014): 27- 53. Kritsotaki, Despo. “Mental Hygiene and Child Guidance in Post-War Greece: The Case of the Centre for Mental Health and Research, 1956- 1970,” Social History of Medicine 27(4)(November 2014): 751-767. Laville, Claire. "Idiocy and Aberrancy: Disability, Paul de Man, and Wordsworth's 'Idiot Boy,'" Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 47(2)(June 2014): 187-202. Lee, Lay Wah, and Hui Min Low. "The Evolution of Special Education in Malaysia," British Journal of Special Education 41(1)(March 2014): 42-58. Lepp?l?, Heli. "Duty to Entitlement: Work and Citizenship in the Finnish Post-War Disability Policy, early 1940s to 1970," Social History of Medicine 27(2014): 144-164. Magowska, Anita. "The Unwanted Heroes: War Invalids in Poland after World War I," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 69(2)(2014): 185-220. Marshall, Leni. "Ageility Studies: The Interplay of Critical Approaches in Age Studies and Disability Studies," in Ulla Kriebernegg, Roberta Maierhofer, and Barbara Ratzenb?ck, eds. Alive and Kicking at All Ages: Health, Life Expectancy, and Life Course Identity (Transcript Verlag 2014): 21-40. Mason, Jean S. "Two Women Chronicle the White Plague: A 'Herstory' of America's Magic Mountain," Journal of American Culture 37(June 2014): 149-61. McClancy, Kathleen. "The Rehabilitation of Rambo: Trauma, Victimization, and the Vietnam Veteran," Journal of Popular Culture 47(3)(June 2014): 503-519. McCoy, Bill. "Leprosy, Piety, and Identity: The Mbuluzi Leprosy Hospital as Informal Pilgrimage Site, 1948-82," Studies in World Christianity 20(1)(April 2014): 54-69. Mollow, Anna. "Criphystemologies: What Disability Theory Needs to Know about Hysteria," Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 8(2)(2014): 185-201. Murray, Heather. "'My Place Was Set At the Terrible Feast': The Meanings of the 'Anti-Psychiatry' Movement and Responses in the United States, 1970s-1990s," Journal of American Culture 37(1)(March 2014): 37-51. Nayder, Lillian. “Blindness, Prick Writing, and Canonical Waste Paper: Reimagining Dickens in Harriet and Letitia,” Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 19(2014): online open-access here: Newman, Sara. “A 16th Century Portrait of Disability? Quentin Matsys’ ‘A Grotesque Old Woman,’” Review of Disability Studies 10(3&4)(2014): [no pages, sorry]. Ogle, Susan. "Legacies of the Great War: Shell Shock to Delirium," Australasian Journal on Ageing 33(3)(September 2014): 198-200. Olsén, Jan Eric, “Models for the Blind,” Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 19(2014): online open-access here: Oosterhuis, Harry, and Arlie Loughnan. “Madness and Crime: Historical Perspectives on Forensic Psychiatry,” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37(1)(2014): 1-16. Oosterhuis, Harry. "Mental Health, Citizenship, and the Memory of World War II in the Netherlands," History of Psychiatry 25(March 2014): 20-34. Parle, Julie. "Family Commitments, Economies of Emotions, and Negotiating Mental Illness in Late-Nineteenth to Mid-Twentieth-Century Natal, South Africa," South African Historical Journal 66(1)(2014): 1-21. Petersson, Erik. "Wounded Veterans and the State: The Precursor of the Veteran's Home in Sweden (1560-1650)," Scandinavian Journal of History 39(2)(March 2014): 185-197. Pettit, Fiona. "The Legacy of 19th Century Popular Freak Show Discourse in 21st Century X-Men Films," Review of Disability Studies 10(1&2) (2014): 8-16. Phillips, Shawn M., Martin Maynard, Kelly Norton, Michael Moroz, Salome Del Rio, Ethan Ellis, and Leah Newton. “Bioarchaeology of the Vigo County Home Cemetery: Recovering Social Systems of Care for the Impoverished, Infirm, and Disabled,” Indiana Archaeology 9(1)(2014): 229-252. Richert, Lucas. “‘Therapy Means Change, not Peanut Butter’: Radical Psychiatry in the United States, 1967-1975,” Social History of Medicine 27(February 2014): 104-121. Ritch, Alistair. "English Poor Law Institutional Care for Older People: Identifying the 'Aged and Infirm' and the 'Sick' in Birmingham Workhouse, 1852-1912," Social History of Medicine 27(2014): 64-85. Rodriguez, Jacques. “A Course of Treatment: Putting People with Tuberculosis to Work in England and France in the 1920s,” ALTER: European Journal of Disability Research 8(4)(October-December 2014): 237-244 (as a “Key Texts Revisited” feature). Ross, Liz, Phil Lyon, and Craig Cathcart. "Pills, Potions and Devices: Treatments for Hearing Loss Advertised in Mid-Nineteenth Century British Newspapers," Social History of Medicine 27(August 2014): 530-556. Sanchez, Lola. “Productive Paradoxes of a Feminist Translator: Carmen de Burgos and her Translation of M?bius’ Treatise, ‘The Mental Inferiority of Women’ (Spain, 1904),” Women’s Studies International Forum 42(Jan-Feb 2014): 68-76. Savary, Luzia. "Vernacular Eugenics? Santati-S?a?stra in Popular Hindi Advisory Literature (1900-1940)," South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 37(3)(2014): 381-397. Schianchi, Matteo. "Associations of People with Disabilities in Italy: A Short History," Modern Italy 19(2)(April 2014): 121-133. Scull, Andrew. “Some Reflections on Madness and Culture in the Post-War World,” History of Psychiatry 25(2014): 395-403. Segrest, Mab. "Exalted on the Ward: 'Mary Roberts,' the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric 'Speciality' of Race," American Quarterly 66(March 2014): 69-94. Shorvon, Simon. "The Evolution of Epilepsy Theory and Practice at the National Hospital for the Relief and Cure of Epilepsy, Queen Square, between 1860 and 1910,” Epilepsy & Behavior 31(February 2014): 228-242. Sorin, Claire. “‘All is Well’: The Construction of Martyrdom in the Diary of Emily Hawley Gillespie (1838-1888),” E-rea (Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone) 12(1)(2014): Southwell-Wright, William. "Perceptions of Infant Disability in Roman Britain," In M. Carroll and E-J Graham, eds., Infant Health and Death in Roman Italy and Beyond. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 96(2014): 111-131. Stagner, Annessa C. "Healing the Soldier, Restoring the Nation: Representations of Shell Shock in the USA During and After the First World War," Journal of Contemporary History 49(2)(April 2014): 255-274. Stock, Robert, and Beate Ochsner. "Translations of Blind Perception in the Films Monika (2011) and Antoine (2008)," InVisible Culture 19(2013): online and open-access at Summers, Martin. “Diagnosing the Ailments of Black Citizenship: African-American Physicians and the Dilemma of Mental Illness, 1895-1940” in Laurie B. Green, John Mckiernan-González, and Martin Summers, eds., Precarious Prescriptions: Contested Histories of Race and Health in North America (University of Minnesota Press 2014). Tatu, Laurent, Julien Bogousslavsky, and Fran?ois Boller. “Phantoms in Artists: the Lost Limbs of Blaise Centrars, Arthur Rimbaud, and Paul Wittgenstein,” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 23(4)(2014): 355-366. Taylor, Steven J. "Insanity, Philanthropy, and Emigration: Dealing with Insane Children in Late-Nineteenth-Century North-West England," History of Psychiatry 25(2)(June 2014): 224-236. Turner, David M., and Alun Withey. "Technologies of the Body: Polite Consumption and the Correction of Deformity in Eighteenth-Century England," History 99(338)(December 2014): 775-796. Verstraete, Pieter, and Yva S?derfeldt. "Happiness Disabled: Sensory Disabilities, Happiness and the Rise of Educational Expertise in the Nineteenth Century," Paedagogica Historica 50(4)(2014): 479-493. Walmsley, Jan. "Telling the History of Self-Advocacy: A Challenge for Inclusive Research," Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 27(1)(January 2014): 34-43. Weaver, Caroline. "Eyesight and Governance in Britain: Bureaucracy and the Senses in the 1920s," Social History of Medicine 27(2)(2014): 241-259. Westerink, Herman. "Demonic Possession and the Historical Construction of Melancholy and Hysteria," History of Psychiatry 25(2014): 335- 349. Whitehead, Mark, Chris Philo, and Tim Cresswell, "Classics Revisited: Chris Philo's 'Not At Our Seaside,'" Area 46(2)(June 2014): 214-223. (A special section with four essays by the three authors, considering a 1987 article by Philo, "'Not at our seaside': community opposition to a nineteenth-century branch asylum") Wilk, Gavin. "'No Hope for Him Unless He Can Be Got Out of the Country': Disabled Irish Republicans in America, 1922-1935," New Hibernia Review 18(1)(Spring/Earrach 2014): 106-119. Yarmohammadi, Hassan, Behnam Dalfardi, Ahmad Ghanizadeh, and Milad Hosseinialhashemi. “Differentiation between Seizure and Hysteria in a Tenth-Century Akhawayni (d. 983 AD),” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 23(4)(2014): 395-402. ***********2013*************** Abrams, Jeanne E. "'Spitting is Dangerous, Indecent, and Against the Law!': Legislating Health Behavior during the American Tuberculosis Crusade," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 68(2013): 416-450. Attenborough, Wilfred. "Churchill's Black Dog at the Home Office, 1910-1911: The Evidentiary Reliability of Psychiatric Inference," History 98(331)(July 2013): 390-405. Austin, Linda T. "Escape from the Asylum: The End of Local Care of the Mentally Ill in Memphis and Shelby County," Tennessee Historical Quarterly 72(Spring 2013): 50-67. Belolan, Nicole. "Object Lessons: Desire Tripp and Her Arm's Gravestone," Common-Place 13 (3)(Spring 2013): vol-13/no-03/lessons/ Belt, Rabia. "'And Then Comes Life': The Intersection of Race, Poverty, and Disability in HBO's 'The Wire,'" Rutgers Race & the Law Review (2011; just published in spring 2013): [no pages, sorry]. Bernstein, Frances. "Prosthetic Promise and Potemkin Limbs in late-Stalinist Russia," in Disability in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, ed. Michael Rasell and Elena Iarskaia (London: Routledge, 2013): 42-66. Bluma, Lars. "The Hygienic Movement and German Mining, 1890-1914," European Review of History 20(2)(2013): 177-196. Bogousslavsky, Julien, and Laurent Tatu. "French Neuropsychiatry in the Great War: Between Moral Support and Electricity," Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 22(2)(April 2013): 144-154.Brittain, Ian, Gregory Ramshaw, and Sean Gammon. "The Marginalisation of Paralympic Heritage," International Journal of Heritage Studies 19(2)(March 2013): 171-185. Burch, Susan, and Lindsey Patterson. "Not Just Any Body: Disability, Gender, and History," Journal of Women's History 25(4)(Winter 2013): 122-137. Bussanich, Leonard. "'Will I ever be Fit for Civil Society Again?': The Challenges of Readjustment through the Prism of the New Jersey Soldier's Home at Newark," New Jersey History 127(2)(2013): open access online here: Christensen, Ivan Lind, and S?ren Rud. "Arctic Neurasthenia: The Case of Greenlandic Kayak Fear, 1864-1940," Social History of Medicine 26(3)(2013): 489-509. Cleall, Esme. "'Deaf to the Word': Gender, Deafness and Protestantism in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland," Gender & History 25(3) (November 2013): 590-603. Coleborne, Catharine and Ondine Godtschalk. "Colonial Families and Cultures of Health: Glimpses of Illness and Domestic Medicine in Private Records in New Zealand and Australia, 1850-1910," Journal of Family History 38(4)(October 2013): 403-421. Connor, David J., and Beth Ferri. "Historicizing Dis/ability: Creating Normalcy, Containing Difference," in M. Wappat and K. Arndt, eds., Foundations of Disability Studies and Emerging Perspectives on Disability Studies (Palgrave Macmillan 2013): 29-67. Domanski, Cezary W. "Mysterious 'Monsieur Leborgne': The Mystery of the Famous Patient in the History of Neuropsychology is Explained," Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 22(1)(2013): 47-52.Dowbiggin, Ian. "From Sander to Schiavo: Morality, Partisan Politics, and America's Culture War over Euthanasia, 1950-2010," Journal of Policy History 25(1)(2013): 12-41. Eling, Paul. "The Study of Epilepsy in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century," Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 22(4)(2013): 383-391. Ellis, Jason. "'Inequalities of Children in Original Endowment': How Intelligence Testing Transformed Early Special Education in a North American City School System," History of Education Quarterly 53(4)(November 2013): 335-487. Ellis, Rob. "'A Constant Irritation to the Townspeople'? Local, Regional and National Politics and London's County Asylums at Epsom," Social History of Medicine 26(4)(November 2013): 653-671. Eyring, Mary. "The Benevolent Education of Maritime Laborers at America's First Schools for the Deaf," Legacy 30(1)(2013): 18-39. Felder, Bj?rn M. "'Euthanasia,' Human Experiments, and Psychiatry in Nazi-Occupied Lithuania, 1941-1944," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 27(2)(Fall 2013): 242-275. Ferguson, Philip M. "The Present King of France is Feeble-Minded: The Logic and History of the Continuum of Placements for People with Intellectual Disabilities," in Arlene S. Kanter and Beth A. Ferri, eds., Righting Educational Wrongs: Disability Studies in Law and Education (Syracuse University Press 2013): 151-173. Ferguson, Dianne L., Philip M. Ferguson, Joanne Kim and Corrine Li. "Family Portraits: Past and Present Representations of Parents in Special Education Text Books," International Journal of Inclusive Education 17(12)(December 2013): 1326-1341. Fretwell, Erica. "Stillness is a Move: Helen Keller and the Kinaesthetics of Autobiography," American Literary History 25(3)(Fall 2013): 563-587. Furui, Yoshiaki. "'Secret Emotions': Disability in Public and Melville's The Confidence Man ," Leviathan 15(2)(June 2013): 54-68. Gambaudo, Sylvie. "Citation of Maternal Narratives: A Butlerian Reading of Janet Frame's Autobiography," Life Writing 10(3)(September 2013): 295-309. Gangloff, Amy. "Safety in Accidents: Hugh DeHaven and the Development of Crash Injury Studies," Technology and Culture 54(January 2013): 40-61. Goldberg, Daniel S. "Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, the National Football League, and the Manufacture of Doubt: An Ethical, Legal, and Historical Analysis," Journal of Legal Medicine 34(2)(April-June 2013): 157-191. Grinspoon, Reid. "The Burden of Feeble-mindedness: The History of Eugenics and Sterilization in Massachusetts," New England Journal of History 70(Fall 2013): 1-20. Gutkin, Len, and Ralph James Savarese. "Melville and Caspar Hauser: An Exchange" (includes Gutkin, "The Feral Sublime: Caspar Hauser and Melville's Pierre," Savarese, "'Jostled by Difference: Ralph James Savarese Responds to Len Gutkin," and "Len Gutkin Responds to Ralph James Savarese"), Leviathan 15(2)(June 2013): 20-42. Hampton, Jameel. "Discovering Disability: The General Classes of Disabled People and the Classic Welfare State, 1948-1964," Historian 75(1)(Spring 2013): 69-93. Hayden, Erica. "'She Keeps the Place in Continual Excitement': Female Inmates' Reactions to Incarceration in Antebellum Pennsylvania's Prisons," Pennsylvania History 80(Winter 2013): 51-84. Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane. "Self-Machinery? Steel Trusses and the Management of Ruptures in Eighteenth-Century Europe," Technology and Culture 54(3)(2013): 460-502. Hingston, Kylee-Anne. "Prostheses and Narrative Perspective in Dinah Mulock Craik's The Little Lame Prince ," Women's Writing 20(3) (August 2013): 370-386. Hirshbein, Laura. "'Our Little Patients': A Case Study of Hospitalized Children at the University of Michigan, 1890-2011," Journal of Family History 38(3)(July 2013): 321-343. Hogan, Andrew J. "Set Adrift in the Prenatal Diagnostic Marketplace: Analyzing the Role of Users and Mediators in the History of a Medical Technology," Technology and Culture 54(January 2013): 62-89. Huertas, Rafael. "Another History for Another Psychiatry: The Patient's View," Culture & History Digital Journal 2(1)(2013): open access online here: Johnston, Katherine. "The Constitution of Empire: Place and Bodily Health in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic," Atlantic Studies 10(4) (December 2013): 443-466. Jones, Chelsea. "Interview with Ray Cohen, Founder of the Canadian Abilities Foundation," Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 2(2) (2013): online here: Kelsey, Penelope. "Disability and Native North American Boarding School Narratives," Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 7(2)(2013): 195-212. Kessel, Nils. "'Doriden von Ciba': Sleeping Pills, Pharmaceutical Marketing, and Thalidomide, 1955-1963," History and Technology 29(2) (2013): 153-168. Kissiov, Djem, Taylor Dewall, and Bruce Hermann. "The Ohio Hospital for Epileptics: The First 'Epilepsy Colony' in America," Epilepsia 54(9)(September 2013): 1524-1534. Knadler, Stephen. "Dis-abled Citizenship: Narrating the Extraordinary Body in Racial Uplift," Arizona Quarterly 69(3)(Autumn 2013): 99- 128. Koppelman, Susan. "A Brief Commentary on 'Health and Happiness,' a Short Story by Virginia de Forrest from Godey's Lady's Book ," Review of Disability Studies 9(4)(2013): 71-74. Kunze, Peter C. "What We Talk about When We Talk about Helen Keller: Disabilities in Children's Biographies," Children's Literature Association Quarterly 38(3)(Fall 2013): 304-318. LeRoux, Thomas. "Hygienists, Workers' Bodies, and Machines in Nineteenth-Century France," European Review of History 20(2)(2013): 255-270. Linett, Maren. "Blindness and Intimacy in Early Twentieth-Century Literature," Mosaic Journal 46(3)(2013): [no pages, sorry]. Long, Thomas Lawrence. "Tales of Plagues and Carnivals: Samuel R. Delany, AIDS, and the Grammar of Dissent," Journal of Medical Humanities 34(2)(June 2013): 213-226. Long, Vicky. "Rethinking Post-War Mental Health Care: Industrial Therapy and the Chronic Mental Patient in Britain," Social History of Medicine 26(4)(November 2013): 738-858. Loughran, Tracey. "A Crisis in Masculinity? Re-writing the History of Shell-shock and Gender in First World War Britain," History Compass 11(9)(September 2013):727-738. Lovesey, Oliver. "'The Poor Little Monstrosity': Ellice Hopkins' Rose Turquand, Victorian Disability, and Nascent Eugenic Fiction," Nineteenth-Century Contexts 35(3)(July 2013): 275-296. Margo, Curtis E., Lynne E. Harman, and Don B. Smith. "Blindness and the Age of Enlightenment: Diderot's Letter to the Blind," JAMA Ophthalmology 131(1)(2013): 98. Mawdsley, Stephen E. "Balancing Risks: Childhood Inoculations and America's Response to the Provocation of Paralytic Polio," Social History of Medicine 26(4)(November 2013): 759-778. McDonagh, Patrick. "The Mute's Voice: The Dramatic Transformations of the Mute and Deaf-Mute in Early Nineteenth-Century France," Criticism 55(4)(Fall 2013): 655-675. McDonald, Jason. "Making the World Safe for Eugenics: The Eugenicist Harry H. Laughlin's Encounters with American Internationalism," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 12(3)(July 2013): [no pages, sorry]. Meek, Heather. "Medical Men, Women of Letters, and Treatments for Eighteenth-Century Hysteria," Journal of Medical Humanities 34(1) (March 2013): 1-14. Meyers, Stephen. "Wounded Warriors or One of the Crowd?: Civil War, Citizenship, and Disability in Nicaragua," Peace Studies Journal 6(4)(November 2013): 22-36. Nielsen, Kim E. "Memorializing FDR," OAH Magazine of History 27(1)(January 2013): 23-26.O'Brien, Gerald. "Margaret Sanger and the Nazis: How Many Degrees of Separation?" Social Work (July 2013): [no pages, sorry]. Olsén, Jan Eric. "Vicariates of the Eye: Blindness, Sense Substitution, and Writing Devices in the Nineteenth Century," Mosaic Journal 46(3)(2013): [no pages, sorry]. Parsons, Gwen A. "The Construction of Shell Shock in New Zealand, 1919-1939: A Reassessment," Social History of Medicine 26(2013): 56-73. Prior, Pauline. "Through the Lens of the Hospital Magazine: Downshire and Holywell Psychiatric Hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s," History of Psychiatry 24(4)(December 2013): 399-414. Price, Kim. "'Where is the Fault?': The Starvation of Edward Cooper at the Isle of Wight Workhouse in 1877," Social History of Medicine 26(2013): 21-37. Ramos, Marco A. "Psychiatry, Authoritarianism, and Revolution: The Politics of Mental Illness during Military Dictatorships in Argentina, 1966- 1983," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 87(2)(Summer 2013): 250-278. Reich, Rebecca. "Madness as Balancing Act in Joseph Brodsky's 'Gorbunov and Gorchakov,'" Russian Review 72(1)(January 2013): 45- 65. Richardson, Kristina. "Drug Overdose, Disability, and Male Friendship in Fifteenth-Century Mamluk Cairo," Postmedieval 3(2)(Summer 2012): 168-181. Rossiter, Kate, and Annalise Clarkson, "Opening Ontario's 'Saddest Chapter': A Social History of Huronia Regioual Centre," Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 2(3)(2013): 1-30. Online open-access here: Rousmaniere, Kate. "Those Who Can't, Teach: The Disabling History of American Educators," History of Education Quarterly 53(1) (February 2013): 90-103. Ruis, A. R. "'Children with Half-Starved Bodies' and the Assessment of Malnutrition in the United States, 1890-1950," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 87(Fall 2013): 378-406. Sánchez, Rebecca. "'Scenes in the History of the Deaf and Dumb': Angeline Fuller's Strategic Sentimentality and the Development of an American Deaf Identity," American Literary Realism 45(2)(Winter 2013): 133-145. Schirmann, Felix. "Badness, Madness and the Brain: The Late 19th-Century Controversy on Immoral Persons and their Malfunctioning Brains," History of the Human Sciences 26(2)(April 2013): 33-50. Shepherd, Jade. "'One of the Best Fathers Until He went Out of His Mind': Paternal Child-Murder, 1864-1900," Journal of Victorian Culture 18(March 2013): [no pages, sorry]. Slijkhuis, Jessica, and Harry Oosterhuis. "'Paralyzed with fears and worries': Neurasthenia as a Gender-Specific Disease of Civilization," History of Psychiatry 24(March 2013): 79-93. Smith, J. David, and Edward A. Polloway. "Intellectual Disabilities and Dystopian Visions: Ayn Rand and Edgar Rice Burroughs," Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 51(3)(June 2013): 201-205. Snelders, Stephen. "Leprosy and Slavery in Suriname: Godfried Schilling and the Framing of a Racial Pathology in the Eighteenth Century," Social History of Medicine 26(3)(2013): 432-450. Southwell-Wright, William. "Past Perspectives: What Can Archaeology Offer Disability Studies?" in Matthew Wappett and Katrina Arndt, eds. Emerging Perspectives on Disability Studies (Palgrave Macmillan 2013). Sparks, Tabitha. "Dina Mulock Craik's Olive: Deformity, Gender, and Female Destiny," Women's Writing 20(3)(August 2013): 358-369. Stuckey, Zosha. "In Pursuit of the Common Life: Rhetoric and Education at the New York State Asylum at Syracuse, 1854-1884," Rhetoric Review 32(3)(2013): 233-249. Sturdy, Steve, Richard Freeman, and Jennifer Smith-Merry. "Making Knowledge for International Policy: WHO Europe and Mental Health Policy, 1970-2008," Social History of Medicine 26(3)(2013): 532-554. Timmermann, Carsten. "The Management of Stigma: Lung Cancer and Charity, circa 1990 to 2000," chapter 7 in A History of Lung Cancer: The Recalcitrant Disease (Palgrave Macmillan 2013). Tisdall, Laura. "'That was what Life in Bridgeburn had Made Her': Reading the Autobiographies of Children in Institutional Care in England, 1918-46," Twentieth-Century British History 24(3)(September 2013): 376-397. Tremain, Shelley. "Educating Jouy," Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 28(4)(2013): [no pages]. Van Lommel, Korneel. "The Terminology of the Medical Discharge and an Identity Shift among the Roman Disabled Veterans," Ancient History Bulletin (May 2013): [no pages, sorry]. Van Lommel, Korneel. "'I would rather cut off my thumb': Refusal of Military Service in Ancient Rome," Ancient Warfare 7(2)(2013): [no pages, sorry]. Van Lommel, Korneel. "The Recognition of Roman Soldiers' Mental Impairment," Acta Classica: Journal of the Classical Association of South Africa 56(2013): 155-184. Varughese John, Heather. "Translating Leprosy: The Expert and the Public in Stanley Stein's Anti-Stigmatization Campaigns, 1931-60," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 68(4)(October 2013): 659-687. Verhoeff, Berend. "Autism in Flux: A History of the Concept from Leo Kanner to DSM-5," History of Psychiatry 24(4)(December 2013): Verhoeff, Berend. "Autism in Flux: A History of the Concept from Leo Kanner to DSM-5," History of Psychiatry 24(4)(December 2013): 442-458. Vidovíc, Ester. "A Christmas Carol: Disability Conceptualized through Empathy and the Philosophy of 'Technologically Useful Bodies,'" International Research in Children's Literature 6(2013): 176-191. Virdi, Jaipreet. "Tensions between Educators and Aurists, 1815-30," British Deaf History Society Journal 15(4)(2013). Vongsathorn, Kathleen. "Discovering the 'Leper': Shifting Attitudes towards Leprosy in Twentieth-Century Uganda," in Jonathan Reinarz and Kevin Patrick Siena, eds., A Medical History of Skin: Scratching the Surface (Pickering & Chatto 2013). Wade, Mary, and Nicholas Southey. "The Poliomyelitis Epidemic in Johannesburg in 1918: Medical and Public Responses," African Historical Review 45(2)(November 2013): 80-112. Walker, Katherine. "'Sometimes an actor himselfe': Robert Burton and Therapeutic Theatricality," Prose Studies 35(3)(December 2013): 223-238. Warshauer, Matthew, and Michael Sturges. "Difficult Hunting: Accessing Connecticut Patient Records to Learn about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder during the Civil War," Civil War History 59(4)(December 2013): 419-452. Williams, Daniel K. "No Happy Medium: The Role of Americans' Ambivalent View of Fetal Rights in Political Conflict over Abortion Legalization," Journal of Policy History 25(1)(2013): 42-61. Wolf, Peter. "The Epileptic Aura in Literature: Aesthetic and Philosophical Dimensions," Epilepsia 54(3)(March 2013): 415-424. Worboys, Michael. "The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression: The Making of a 'Gold Standard' and the Unmaking of a Chronic Illness, 1960-1980," Chronic Illness 9(3)(September 2013): 202-219. ***********2012*************** A?iks?z, Salih Can. "Sacrificial Limbs of Sovereignty: Disabled Veterans, Masculinity, and Nationalist Politics in Turkey," Medical Anthropology Quarterly 26(1)(March 2012): 4-25. Bassler, Samantha. "'That Suck'd the Honey of His Music Vows': Disability Studies in Early Modern Musicological Research," Postmedieval 3(2)(Summer 2012): 182-194. Beitiks, Emily Smith. "The Ghosts of Institutionalization at Pennhurst's Haunted Asylum," The Hastings Center Report 42(1)(Jan-Feb 2012): 22-24. Bjarnason, Daví?, Valger?ur Stefánsdóttir & Lizette Beukes. "Signs speak as loud as words: deaf empowerment in Namibia," Development in Practice 22(2)(2012): 190-201. Bloul, Rachel A. D. "Ain't I a Woman? Female Landmine Survivors' Beauty Pageants and the Ethics of Staring," Social Identities 18(1) (January 2012): 3-18. Bombaci, Nancy. "Performing Mindblindness: Gertrude Stein's Autistic Ethos of Modernism," Journal of Gender Studies 21(2)(2012): 133- 150. Bowden, Kirstie. "Glimpses Through the Gates: Gentrification and the Continuing Histories of the Devon County Pauper Lunatic Asylum," Housing, Theory and Society 29(1)(March 2012): 114-139. Brian, Kathleen M. "'Occasionally Heard to be Answering Voices': Aural Culture and the Ritual of Psychiatric Audition, 1877-1911," History of Psychiatry 23(2012): 305-317. Chamberlin, Sheena M. Eagan. "Emasculated by Trauma; A Social History of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Stigma, and Masculinity," Journal of American Culture 35(4)(December 2012): 358-365. Cheng, Sandra. "The Monstrous Portrait: Caricature, Physiognomy, and Monsters in Early Modern Italy," Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural 1(2)(2012): 197-231. Cheng, Sandra. "Parodies of Life: Baccio del Bianco's Comic Drawings of Dwarfs," in David R. Smith, ed., Parody and Festivity in Early Modern Art: Essays on Comedy as Social Vision (Ashgate Publishing 2012): 127-141. Colby, Georgina. "The Reappropriation of Mythology to Represent Pain: Falling Silent on the Work of Kathy Acker and Robert Mapplethorpe," Comparative Critical Studies 9(1)(February 2012): 7-35. Coleborne, Catharine. "Insanity, Gender, and Empire: Women Living a 'Loose Kind of Life' on the Colonial Institutional Margins, 1870-1910," Health and History 14(1)(2012): 77-99. Costa, Lucy, Becky MacFarlane, Danielle Landry, Jijian Voronka, Jenna Reid, David Reville, and Kathryn Church. "Recovering our Stories: A Small Act of Resistance," Studies in Social Justice 6(1)(2012): 85-101. Cox, Catherine, Hilary Marland, and Sarah York. "Emaciated, Exhausted, and Excited: The Bodies and Minds of the Irish in Late Nineteenth- Century Lancashire Asylums," Journal of Social History 46(2)(2012): 500-524. Cross, Simon. "Bedlam in Mind: Seeing and Reading Historical Images of Madness," European Journal of Cultural Studies 15(2012): 19- 34. Dawson, Maree. "Halting the 'Sad Degenerationist Parade': Medical Concerns about Heredity and Racial Degeneracy in New Zealand Psychiatry, 1853-99," Health and History 14(1)(2012): 38-55. DePauw, Karen P. "A Historical Perspective of the Paralympic Games," Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 83(3)(March 2012): 1-60. Dias, John, Malcolm Eardley, Elizabeth Harkness, Louise Townson, Chloe Brownlee-Chapman, and Rohhss Chapman, "Keeping Wartime Memory Alive: An Oral History Project about the Wartime Memories of People with Learning Difficulties in Cumbria," Disability & Society 27(1)(2012): 31-49. Felton, D. "Monstrosity or Disability? Ancient Accounts of Accelerated Aging," Folklore 123(3)(December 2012): 355-361. Ferlito, Susanna. "Hysteria's Upheavals: Emotional Fault Lines in Cristina di Belgiojoso's Health History," Modern Italy 17(2)(2012): 157- 170. Foster, Thomas A. "Recovering Washington's Body-Double: Disability and Manliness in the Life and Legacy of a Founding Father," Disability Studies Quarterly 32(1)(2012): open access online here: Gebrekidan, Fikru Negash. "Disability Rights Activism in Kenya, 1959-1964: History from Below," African Studies Review 55(3)(December 2012): 103-122. Goldberg, Daniel S. "The Lived Experiences of Chronic Pain," American Journal of Medicine 125(8)(2012): 736-737. Grant, Susan-Mary. "The Lost Boys: Citizen-Soldiers, Disabled Veterans, and Confederate Nationalism in the Age of the People's War," Journal of the Civil War Era (June 2012): 233-259. Green, Wendy. "Opening the Biscuit Tin: Piecing Together the Fragments in Two Cases of Hysteria," Life Writing 9(2)(2012): 173-190. Grimsley-Smith, Melinda. "Revisiting a 'Demographic Freak': Irish Asylums and Hidden Hunger," Social History of Medicine 25(2)(2012): 307-323. Held, Lisa, and Alexandra Rutherford. "Can't A Mother Sing the Blues? Postpartum Depression and the Construction of Motherhood in Late 20th-Century America," History of Psychology 15(May 2012): 107-123. Herrero Puertas, Manuel. "'Pioneers of the Mind': Embodiment, Disability, and the De-hallucination of American Empire," Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 34(1)(June 2012): 27-45. Hide, Louise. "Making Sense of Pain: Delusions, Syphilis, and Somatic Pain in London County Council Asylums, c. 1900," Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 15(2012): online, open-access, here: Hirshbein, Laura. "Scientific Research and Corporate Influence: Smoking, Mental Illness, and the Tobacco Industry," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 67(3)(July 2012): 374-397. Jobling, Ian F., Tony Naar, and Marian Hanley, "The Australian Paralympic Oral History Project: Remembering, Reflecting, Recording, and Promoting Disability in Sport," International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education 59(3)(2012): 295-303. Jones, Edgar. "War Neuroses and Arthur Hurst: A Pioneering Medical Film about the Treatment of Psychiatric Battle Casualties," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 67(3)(July 2012): 345-373. Kanyusik, Will. "The Problem of Recognition: The Disabled Male Veteran and Masculinity as Spectacle in William Wyler's The Best Years of our Lives ," Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 6(2)(2012): 159-174. Kirkpatrick, Bill. 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"The Asylum, the Poor Law, and the Growth of County Asylums in Nineteenth-Century Yorkshire," Northern History 45(2) (September 2008): 279-293. Erickson, Edward J. "Punishing the Mad Bomber: Questions of Moral Responsibility in the Trials of French Anarchist Terrorists, 1886-1897," French History 22(1)(2008): 51-73. Fearnley, Andrew M. "Primitive Madness: Re-Writing the History of Mental Illness and Race," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 63(2008): 245-257. Finnegan, Diarmid A. "'An Aid to Mental Health': Natural History, Alienists, and Therapeutics in Victorian Scotland," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C 39(3)(September 2008): 326-337. Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich, "A Mirror for Deaf Ears? A Medieval Mystery," Electronic British Library Journal (2008)article 9: 1-17. French, Sally. "Visually Impaired People with Learning Disabilities: Their Education from 1900 to 1970: Policy, Practice, and Experience," British Journal of Learning Disabilities 36(1)(March 2008): 48-53. Gabbard, D. C. "From Idiot Beast to Idiot Sublime: Mental Disability in John Cleland's Fanny Hill ," PMLA 123(2)(2008): 375-389. Gambino, Matthew. "'These Strangers Within our Gates': Race, Psychiatry, and Mental Illness among Black Americans at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington DC, 1900-40," History of Psychiatry 19(4)(2008): 387-408. Garton, Stephen. "'Fit Only for the Scrap Heap': Rebuilding Returned Soldier Manhood in Australia after 1945," Gender & History 20(1) (April 2008): 48-67. Gowland, Angus. "The Ethics of Renaissance Melancholy," Intellectual History Review 18(1)(March 2008): 103-117. Hamlin, Alexandra, and Peter Oakes, "Reflections on Deinstitutionalization in the United Kingdom," Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 5(1)(March 2008): 47-55. Harmon, A. G. "'Slender Knowledge': Sovereignty, Madness, and the Self in Shakespeare's King Lear," Law, Culture, and the Humanities 4(2008): 403-423. Heggie, Vanessa, "Lies, Damn Lies, and Manchester's Recruiting Statistics: Degeneration as an 'Urban Legend' in Victorian and Edwardian Britain," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 63(2)(April 2008): 178-216. Hilton, Claire. "The Provision of Mental Health Services in England for People over 65 Years of Age, 1970-78," History of Psychiatry 19(2008): 297-320. Hocking, Clare. "The Way We Were: Romantic Assumptions of Pioneering Occupational Therapists in the United Kingdom," British Journal of Occupational Therapy 71(4)(April 2008): 146-154. Jones, Edgar, and Shahina Rahman. "Framing Mental Illness, 1923-1939: The Maudsley Hospital and its Patients," Social History of Medicine 21(2008): 107-125. Kelly, Brendan D. "The Mental Treatment Act 1945 in Ireland: An Historical Inquiry," History of Psychiatry 19(2008): 47-67. Kelly, Brendan D. "Poverty, Crime, and Mental Illness: Female Forensic Psychiatric Committal in Ireland, 1910-1948," Social History of Medicine 21(2008): 311-328. Kennedy, Elizabeth England. "Media Representations of Attention Deficit Disorder: Portrayals of Cultural Skepticism in Popular Media," Journal of Popular Culture 41(1)(February 2008): 91-117. Kudlick, Catherine. "Modernity's Miss-Fits: Blind Girls and Marriage in France and America, 1820-1920," in R. Bell and V. Yans, Women on their Own: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Being Single (Rutgers UP 2008). Lande, R. Gregory, "Invalid Corps," Military Medicine 173(6)(June 2008): 525-528. Logue, Larry M. and Peter David Blanck, "'Benefit of the Doubt': African-American Civil War Veterans and Pensions," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 38(3)(Winter 2008): [no pages, sorry]. Loughran, Tracey. "Hysteria and Neurasthenia in pre-1914 British Medical Discourse and in Histories of Shell-Shock," History of Psychiatry 19(2008): 25-46. Marcellus, Jane. "Nervous Women and Noble Savages: The Romanticized 'Other' in Nineteenth-Century US Patent Medicine Advertising," Journal of Popular Culture 41(5)(2008): 784-808. Masala, Carmelo, and Donatella Rita Petretto, "From Disablement to Enablement: Conceptual Models of Disability in the 20th Century," Disability & Rehabilitation 30(17)(2008): 1233-1244. McCabe, Helen. "Two Decades of Serving Children with Autism in the People's Republic of China: Achievements and Challenges of a State- run Mental Health Center," Disability & Society 23(3)(2008): 271-282. McCarthy, Angela. "Ethnicity, Migration, and the Lunatic Aslum in Early Twentieth-Century Auckland, New Zealand," Social History of Medicine 21(2008): 47-65. Mediratta, Sangeeta. "Beauty and the Breast: The Poetics of Physical Absence and Narrative Presence in Frances Burney's Mastectomy Letter (1811)," Women: A Cultural Review 19(2)(2008): 188-207. M?llerh?j, Jette. "On Unsafe Ground: The Practices and Institutionalization of Danish Psychiatry, 1850-1920," History of Psychiatry 19(2008): 321-337. Moeschen, Sheila. "A Crippling Deceit: Mendicancy and the Performance of Disability in Progressive America," Text and Performance Quarterly 28(1-2)(January 2008): 81-97. Oliphant, J. "'Touching the Light': The Invention of Literacy for the Blind,” Paedagogica Historica 44(1-2)(2008): 67-82. Perlin, Michael L. "'Through the Wild Cathedral Evening': Barriers, Attitudes, Participatory Democracy, Professor tenBroek, and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities," Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Spring 2008): [no pages, sorry]. Richards, Penny L. "Online Museums, Exhibits, and Archives of American Disability History," in Susan Koppelman and Alison Franks, eds., Collecting the Internet: Essays on the Pursuit of Old Passions through New Technologies (McFarland 2008): 168-179. Rogers, Naomi. "'Silence has its own Stories': Elizabeth Kenny, Polio, and the Culture of Medicine," Social History of Medicine 21(2008): 145-161. Rosen, Russell S. "Descriptions of the American Deaf Community, 1830-2000: Epistemic Foundations," Disability & Society 23(2)(2008): 129-140. Rosen, Ulla. "The Subject's Duties and the Citizen's Demands: On Changes in Elder Care in Swedish Agrarian Society, 1815-1939," Journal of Family History 33(2008): 81-95. Schweik, Susan. "Disability Politics and American Literary History: Some Suggestions," American Literary History 20(2008): 217-237. (See also the response: Catherine Prendergast, "And Now, A Necessarily Pathetic Response: A Response to Susan Schweik," American Literary History 20(2008): 238-244.) Sen, Reena, Juliet Goldbart, and Sudha Kaul. "Growth of an NGO: The Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy from 1974 to 2006," Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 5(2)(June 2008): 105-111. Seng, Loh Kah. "'Our Lives are Bad but our Luck is Good': A Social History of Leprosy in Singapore," Social History of Medicine 21(2008): 291-309. Slevin, Tom. "The Wound and the First World War: 'Cartesian' Surgeries to Embodied Being in Psychoanalysis, Electrification, and Skin Grafting," Body & Society 14(2008): 39-61. Smith, Leonard. "A Gentleman's Mad-Doctor in Georgian England: Edward Long Fox and Brislington House," History of Psychiatry 19(2008): 163-184. Smith, Leonard. "'Your Very Thankful Inmate': Discovering the Patients of an Early County Lunatic Asylum," Social History of Medicine 21(2008): 237-252. Smith, Lisa Wynne. "'An Account of an Unaccountable Temper': The Experience of Pain in Early Eighteenth-Century England and France," Eighteenth-Century Studies 41(4)(Summer 2008): 459-480. Stainton, Tim. "Reason, Grace, and Charity: Augustine and the Impact of Church Doctrine on the Construction of Intellectual Disability," Disability & Society 23(5)(2008): 485-496. Stone, Christopher, and Bencie Woll. "Dumb O Jemmy and Others: Deaf People, Interpreters, and the London Courts in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries," Sign Language Studies 8(3)(2008): 226-240. Todman, Don. "Warts and the Kings of Parthia: An Ancient Representation of Hereditary Neurofibromatosis Depicted in Coins," Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 17(2)(2008): 141-146. Todman, Donald. "Epilepsy in the Graeco-Roman World: Hippocratic Medicine and Asklepian Temple Medicine Compared," Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 17(4)(2008): 435-441. Wheatcroft, Sue. "Children's Experiences of War: Handicapped Children in England During the Second World War," Twentieth Century British History 19(2008): 480-501. Williams, Owen. "Exorcising Madness in Late Elizabethan England: The Seduction of Arthington and the Criminal Culpability of Demoniacs," Journal of British Studies 47(1)(January 2008): 30-52. Wilson, Daniel J. "Psychological Trauma and its Treatment in the Polio Epidemics," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 82(4)(Winter 2008): 848-877. Ziegler, Mary. "Eugenic Feminism: Mental Hygiene, the Women's Movement, and the Campaign for Eugenic Legal Reform, 1900-1935," Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 31(Winter 2008): 211-235. Ziff, Katherine K., David O. Thomas, and Patricia M. Beamish, "Asylum and Community: The Athens Lunatic Asylum in Nineteenth-Century Ohio," History of Psychiatry 19(4)(2008): 409-432. ***********2007*************** Ahuja, Neel. "The Contradictions of Dependency: Jack London, Leprosy, and Hawaiian Annexation," Journal of Literary Disability 2(2007): online at: Anderson, J. "Greenhouses and Body Suits: The Challenge to Knowledge in Early Hip Replacement Surgery 1960-1982," in Carsten Timmermann and Julie Anderson, eds., Devices and Designs: Medical Technologies in Historical Perspective (Palgrave MacMillan 2006/7). Andresen, Astri. "In the Wake of the Kautokeino Event: Changing Perceptions of Insanity and the Sámi 1852-1965," Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 24(2)(2007): 130-142. Armstrong, Felicity. "Disability, Education, and Social Change in England since 1960," History of Education 36(4&5)(July 2007): 551-568. Arnold, Luzia M., Christian R. Baumann, and Adrian M. Siegel, "Gustav Flaubert's 'nervous disease': An Autobiographical and Epileptological Approach," Epilepsy & Behavior 11(2)(September 2007): 157-250. Ausecache, Mireille. "Une naissance monstreuse au Moyen Age: le 'frere de Salerne'," Gesnerus 64(1/2)(2007): 5-23. [A Monstrous Birth in the Middle Ages: the Salernitan Brother] Bakker, Nelleke. "Sunshine as Medicine: Health Colonies and the Medicalization of Childhood in the Netherlands, c. 1900-1960," History of Education 36(6)(November 2007): 659-679. Barmaki, Reza. 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"Strangers in the Family: Work, Gender, and the Origins of Old Age Homes," Journal of Family History 32(4)(2007): 371- 391. Clarke, Nic. "Research note: Opening Closed Doors and Breaching High Walls: Some Approaches For Studying Intellectual Disability in Canadian History," Histoire Sociale/Social History 39(78)(November 2006): 467-485. Clausson, Nils. "Practicing Deconstruction, Again: Blindness, Insight, and the Lovely Treachery of Words in DH Lawrence's 'The Blind Man,'" College Literature 34(1)(2007): 106-128. Czerniawski, Amanda M. "From Average to Ideal: The Evolution of the Height and Weight Table in the United States, 1836-1943," Social Science History 31(2)(Summer 2007): [no pages, sorry]. Dale, Pamela. "Special Education at Starcross before 1948," History of Education 36(1)(January 2007): 17-44. deCarlo, Keri. "Ogres and Angels in the Madhouse: Mental Health Nursing Identities in Film," International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 16(5)(October 2007): 338-348. Dekker, Jeroen J. H. "Philanthropic Networks for Children at Risk in Nineteenth-Century Europe," Paedagogica Historica 43(2)(April 2007): 235-244. DeMeester, Karen. "Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Obstacles to Postwar Recovery in Mrs. Dalloway ," in Suzettee Henke and David Eberly, eds., Virginia Woolf and Trauma: Embodied Texts (Pace University Press 2007). Dominguez-Rodriguez, Maria Victoria, and Ayoze Gonzalez-Hernandez, "Epilepsy in Thomas Phayer's The Boke of Chyldren (1546)," Epilepsia 48(9)(September 2007): 1664-1666. Doroshow, Deborah Blythe. "Performing a Cure for Schizophrenia: Insulin Coma Therapy on the Wards," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 62(2)(2007): 213-243. Ekberg, Merryn. "The Old Eugenics and the New Genetics Compared," Social History of Medicine 20(3)(December 2007): 581-593. Eraso, Yolanda. "Biotypology, Endocrinology, and Sterilization: The Practice of Eugenics in the Treatment of Argentinian Women during the 1930s," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 81(4)(Winter 2007). Feo, Katherine, "Invisibility: Memory, Masks, and Masculinities in the Great War," Journal of Design History 20(1)(2007): 17-27. Few, Martha. "'That Monster of Nature': Gender, Sexuality, and the Medicalization of a 'Hermaphrodite' in Late Colonial Guatemala," Ethnohistory 54(1)(Winter 2007): 159-176. Forestell, Nancy M. "'And I Feel Like I'm Dying from Mining for Gold': Disability, Gender, and the Mining Community, 1920-1950," Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 3(3)(2007): 77-93. Gerber, David A. "Disabled Veterans: How are they Different? What Difference Does it Make?" Disability History Association Newsletter (Spring 2007): online here: Gilleard, Chris. "Old Age in Ancient Greece: Narratives of Desire, Narratives of Disgust," Journal of Aging Studies 21(1)(January 2007): 81-92. Gius, Mark P. "The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Per-Student Public Education Expenditures at the State Level: 1987- 2000," American Journal of Economics and Sociology 66(5)(November 2007): 925-936. Godin, Benoit. "From Eugenics to Scientometrics," Social Studies of Science 37(5)(2007): 691-728. Gonsalves, J. "Reading Idiocy: Wordsworth's 'The Idiot Boy,'" Wordworth Circle 38(3)(2007): 121-129. Gronvik, Lars. "The Fuzzy Buzzword: Conceptualisations of Disability in Disability Research Classics," Sociology of Health & Illness 29(5) (July 2007): 750-766. Halliday, Sam. "Helen Keller, Henry James, and the Social Relations of Perception," Criticism 48(2)(2007): 175-201. Handley, N. "Artificial Eyes and the Artificialisation of the Human Face," in Julie Anderson, ed., Devices and Designs: Technology and Medicine in Historical Perspective (Palgrave MacMillan 2007). Happell, B. "Appreciating the Importance of History: A Brief Historical Overview of Mental Health, Mental Health Nursing and Education in Australia," International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research 12(2)(2007): 1439-1445. Harrison, Wendy Cealey. "Madness and Historicity: Foucault and Derrida, Artaud and Descartes," History of the Human Sciences 20(2007): 79-105. Hirst, David. "Lunacy and the 'Islands in the British Seas,'" History of Psychiatry 18(4)(December 2007): 411-433. Holmes, Martha Stoddard. "Interdependencies of Discourse: Disability as Community in the Novels of Charlotte Yonge," Journal of Literary Disability 2(2007): online at: Hughes, John R. "The Seizures of Peter Alexeevich (Peter the Great, Father of Modern Russia)," Epilepsy and Behavior 10(1)(February 2007): 179-182. Kirby, David A. "The Devil in our DNA: A Brief History of Eugenics in Science Fiction Films," Literature and Medicine 26(1)(Spring 2007): [no pages, sorry]. Lachapelle, Sofie. "Educating Idiots: Utopian Ideals and Practical Organization Regarding Idiocy inside Nineteenth-Century French Asylums," Science in Context 20(4)(2007): 627-648. Lanear, John, and Elise Frattura, "Getting the Stories Straight: Allowing Different Voices to Tell an 'Effective History' of Special Education Law in the United States," Education and the Law 19(2)(June 2007): 87-109. Lawrence, Susan C. "Access Anxiety: HIPAA and Historical Research," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 62(2007): 422-460. Lerner, B. H. "Crafting Medical History: Revisiting the 'Definitive' Account of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Terminal Illness," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 81(2)(2007): 386-406. Levitt, H. "A Historical Perspective on Digital Hearing Aids: How Digital Technology Has Changed Modern Hearing Aids," Trends in Amplification 11(1)(2007): 7-24. Linker, Beth. "Feet for Fighting: Locating Disability and Social Medicine in First World War America," Social History of Medicine 20(1)(April 2007): 91-110. Mayes, Rick, and Adam Rafalovich. "Suffer the Restless Children: The Evolution of ADHD and Paediatric Stimulant Use, 1900-80," History of Psychiatry 18(4)(December 2007): 435-457. Moeschen, Sheila. "Suffering Silences, Woeful Afflictions: Physical Disability, Melodrama, and the American Charity Movement," Comparative Drama 40(4)(Winter 2006/7): 433-455. M?hring, Maren, "Kriegsversehrte K?rper. Zur Bedeutung der Sichtbarkeit von Behinderung," Disability Studies, Kultursoziologie und Soziologie der Behinderung. Erkundungen in einem neuen Forschungsfeld Hrsg. v. Waldschmidt, Anne/Schneider, Werner, Bielefeld 2007, S. 175-197. [on veterans with disabilities after WWII] Mor, Sagit. "'Tell My Sister to Come and Get Me Out of Here': A Reading of Ableism and Orientalism in Israel's Immigration Project (The First Decade)," Disability Studies Quarterly 27(4)(Fall 2007): online here: articles html/2007/fall/dsq v27 04 2007 fall st 02 mor.htm Muller, Anja. "Envisioning Age Distinctions in Eighteenth-Century Prints," Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts 1(3&4)(July 2007): 231-244. Nack Ngue, Julie. "Colonial Discourses of Disability and Normalization in Contemporary Francophone Immigrant Narratives: Bessora's 53 cm and Fatou Diome's Le Ventre de l'Atlantique," Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies 4(Summer 2007): Nakamura, Miri. "Marking Bodily Differences: Mechanized Bodies in Harabayashi Hatsunosuke's 'Robot' and Early Showa Robot Literature," Japan Forum 19(2)(July 2007): 169-190. Nandrea, Lorri. "Objectless Curiosity: Frankenstein, The Station Agent, and Other Strange Narratives," Narrative 15(3)(October 2007): [no pages, sorry]. Nielsen, Kim E. "The Southern Ties of Helen Keller," Journal of Southern History 73(4)(November 2007): 783-807. Packham, Catherine. "Disability and Sympathetic Sociability in Enlightenment Scotland: the Case of Thomas Blacklock," British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 30(3)(2007): 423-438. Phillips, Laura L. "Gendered Dis/Ability: Perspectives from the Treatment of Psychiatric Casualties in Russia's Early Twentieth-Century Wars," Social History of Medicine 20(2)(2007): 333-350. Peters, Susan J. "'Education for All'? A Historical Analysis of International Inclusive Educational Policy and Individuals with Disabilities," Journal of Disability Policy Studies 18(2)(Fall 2007): 98-108. Poliquin, Rachel. "The Visual Erotics of Mini-Marriages," The Believer 49(November/December 2007): online here: poliquin Pollack, Harold. "Learning to Walk Slow: America's Partial Policy Success in the Arena of Intellectual Disability," Journal of Policy History 19(1)(2007): [no pages, sorry]. Rae, Ruth. "An Historical Account of Shell-Shock During the First World War and Reforms in Mental Health in Australia, 1914-1939," Journal of Mental Health Nursing 16(4)(August 2007): 266-273. Reid, Fiona. "Distinguishing Between Shell-Shocked Veterans and Paper Lunatics: The Ex-Services' Welfare Society and Mentally Wounded Veterans after the Great War," War in History 14(July 2007): 347-371. Ritchie, Elspeth Cameron, and Robert Andrew Cardona, "US Military Enlisted Accession Mental Health Screening: History and Current Practice," Military Medicine 172(1)(January 2007): 31-35. Rogers, Naomi. "Race and the Politics of Polio: Warm Springs, Tuskegee, and the March of Dimes," American Journal of Public Health 97(5)(May 2007): 784-795. Rudloff, Wilfried, "Rehabilitation und Hilfen für Behinderte. In: Geschichte der Sozialpolitik in Deutschland seit 1945," Bd. 4: 1957-1966 Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Sozialpolitik im Zeichen des erreichten Wohlstandes. Bandherausgeber: Ruck, Michael/Boldorf, Marcel. Hrsg. v. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung/Bundesarchiv, Baden-Baden 2007, S. 463-502. [on rehabilitation and disability policy in the FRD] Ryymin, Teemu. "Civilizing the 'Uncivilized': The Fight against Tuberculosis in Northern Norway at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century," Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 24(2)(2007): 143-161. Schweik, Susan. "Begging the Question: Disability, Mendicancy, Speech, and the Law," Narrative 15(1)(January 2007): 58-?. Sharpe, Andrew N. "Foucault's Monsters, the Abnormal Individual, and the Challenge of English Law," Journal of Historical Sociology 20(3) (September 2007): 384-403. Sharpe, Andrew N. "Structured Like a Monster: Understanding Human Difference Through a Legal Category," Law Critique 18 (2007): 207– 28 Shorter, E. "The Doctrine of the Two Depressions in Historical Perspective," Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 115(SUPP/433)(2007): 5-13. Simpson, Murray K. "From Savage to Citizen: Education, Colonialism, and Idiocy," British Journal of Sociology of Education 28(5)(2007): 561-574. Smith, Catherine. Parsimony, Power, and Prescriptive Legislation: The Politics of Pauper Lunacy in Northamptonshire, 1845-1876," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 81(2)(Summer 2007): [no pages, sorry]. Smith, Christopher A., David Wright, and Shawn Day, "Distancing the Mad: Jarvis's Law and the Spatial Distribution of Admissions to the Hamilton Lunatic Asylum in Canada, 1876-1902," Social Science and Medicine 64(11)(June 2007): 2362-2377. Stern, Alexandra Minna. "'We Cannot Make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear': Eugenics in the Hoosier Heartland," Indiana Magazine of History 103(March 2007): 412-445. Stiker, Henri-Jacques. "The Contribution of Human Sciences to the Field of Disability in France over Recent decades," Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 9(3&4)(2007): 146-159. Strong-Boag, Veronica. "'Children of Adversity': Disabilities and Child Welfare in Canada from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century," Journal of Family History 32(4)(2007): 413-432. Stubblefield, Anna. "Beyond the Pale: Tainted Whiteness, Cognitive Disability, and Eugenic Sterilization," Hypatia 22(2)(Spring 2007): [no pages, sorry]. Sufian, Sandy. "Mental Hygiene and Disability in the Zionist Project," Disability Studies Quarterly 27(4)(Fall 2007): online here: articles html/2007/fall/dsq v27 04 2007 fall st 01 sufian.htm Thalassis, Nafsika. "Soldiers in Psychiatric Therapy: The Case of Northfield Military Hospital, 1942-1946," Social History of Medicine 20(2) (2007): 351-368. Thomas, Paul B. "Smiting Goliath: Giants as Monsters in the Ancient Near East," Golem 2(1)(Spring 2007): online here: issue.htm Topp, Leslie. "Psychiatric Institutions, Their Architecture, and the Politics of Regional Autonomy in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy," Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38(4) (December 2007): 733-755. Vanobbergen, Bruno. "Soon He Will Boil Over Like a Kettle: Visualizing the Invisible: The Representation of Hyperactivity in Women's Magazines and Professional Journals for Teachers in Flanders (1965-2005)," History of Education 36(2)(2007): 173-190. [Special issue: The Body of the Schoolchild in the History of Education] Verstraete, Pieter. "Towards a Disabled Past: Some Preliminary Thoughts about the History of Disability, Governmentality, and Experience," Educational Philosophy and Theory 39(1)(2007): 57-64. Wake, Naoko. "The Military, Psychiatry, and 'Unfit' Soldiers, 1939-1942," Bulletin of the History of Medicine 62(2007): 451-494. Walters, LeRoy. "Paul Braune Confronts the National Socialists' 'Euthanasia' Program," Holocaust and Genocide Studies 21(3)(2007): 454-487. Wannell, Louise. "Patients' Relatives and Psychiatric Doctors: Letter Writing in the York Retreat, 1875-1910," Social History of Medicine 20(2)(2007): 297-313. Weiner, Barbara, and William White. "The Journal of Inebriety (1876-1914): History, Topical Analysis, and Photographic Images," Addiction 102(1)(January 2007): 15-23. Westwood, Louise. "Care in the Community of the Mentally Disordered: The Case of the Guardianship Society, 1900-1939," Social History of Medicine 20(1)(April 2007): 57-72. Winance, Myriam, Isabelle Ville, and Jean-Fran?ois Ravaud. "Disability Policies in France: Changes and Tensions between the Category- based, Universalist, and Personalized Approaches," Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 9(3&4)(2007): 160-181. Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Ina. "Raising a Nation of 'Good Animals': The New Health Society and Health Education Campaigns in Interwar Britain," Social History of Medicine 20(1)(April 2007): 73-90. ***********2006*************** Altenbaugh, Richard J. "Where are the Disabled in the History of Education? The Impact of Polio on Sites of Learning," History of Education 35(6)(November 2006): 705-730. Baynton, Douglas C. "'The Undesirability of Admitting Deaf Mutes': US Immigration Policy and Deaf Immigrants, 1882-1924," Sign Language Studies 6(4)(Summer 2006): 391-?. Beaudreau, Sherry Ann, and Stanley Finger. "Medical Electricity and Madness in the 18th Century: the Legacies of Benjamin Franklin and Jan Ingenhousz," Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 49(3)(Summer 2006): [no pages, sorry]. Bernuth, Ruth v., "?ber Zwerge, rachitische Ungeheuer und bl?dsinnige Leute lacht man nicht. Zu Karl Fl?gels 'Geschichte der Hofnarren' von 1789," Traverse 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 61-72. [on early modern constructions of “dwarfism”] Biklen, Douglas and Christopher Kliewer. "Constructing Competence: Autism, Voice, and the 'Disordered' Body," International Journal of Inclusive Education 10(2-3)(March-May 2006): 169-188. B?sl, Elsbeth: "'...damit alle Behinderten – unabh?ngig von der Ursache ihrer Behinderung – den Schutz des Gesetzes haben...' ?ber Chancenungleichheiten und Hierarchien in der westdeutschen Behindertenpolitik." Die Welt als Barriere. Deutschsprachige Beitr?ge zu den Disability Studies , Hrsg. v. Erich Otto Graf/Cornelia Renggli/Weisser, Jan, Bern 2006, S. 57-65. [on disability policy and the welfare state in the FRG] B?sl, Elsbeth, "Integration durch Arbeit? Westdeutsche Behindertenpolitik unter dem Primat der Erwerbsarbeit 1949–1974," Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte (2006), Nr. 3, S. 113-123. [on disability policy, the welfare state and rehabilitation in the workplace in the FRD] Brink, Cornelia, "'Keine Angst vor Psychiatern'. Psychiatrie, Psychiatriekritik und ?ffentlichkeit in der Bundesrepublik (1960-1980)," "Moderne" Anstaltspsychiatrie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Legitimation und Kritik , Hrsg. v. Fangerau, Heiner/Nolte, Karin, Stuttgart 2006, S. 341-360. [on psychiatry and institutions] Buckingham, Jane. "The Pacific Leprosy Foundation Archive and Oral Histories of Leprosy in the South Pacific," Journal of Pacific History 41(1)(June 2006): 81-86. Chávez-García, Miroslava. "Youth, Evidence, and Agency: Mexican and Mexican-American Youth at the Whittier State School, 1890-1920," Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies 31(2)(2006): 25-83. Chivers, Sally. "Baby Jane Grew Up: The Dramatic Intersection of Age with Disability," Canadian Review of American Studies 36(2)(2006): 211-227.[about the treatment of ageing/disability in the films Sunset Boulevard and Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?] Cross, Katherine, Allison Kabel, and Cathy Lysack. "Images of self and spinal cord injury: exploring drawing as a visual method in disability research," Visual Studies 21(2)(2006): 183-193. Chupik, Jessa, and David Wright. "Treating the 'idiot' child in early 20th-century Ontario," Disability and Society 21(1)(January 2006): 77- 90. Cohen, Gary L. and Loren A. Rolak, "Thomas Jefferson's Headaches: Were they Migraines?" Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 46(3)(March 2006): 492-497. Coleborne, Catharine. "Families, Patients, and Emotions: Asylums for the Insane in Colonial Australia and New Zealand, c1880-1910," Social History of Medicine 19(3)(December 2006): 425-442. Crossley, Nick. "The Field of Psychiatric Contention in the UK, 1960-2000," Social Science and Medicine 62(3)(February 2006): 552-563. Dorr, Gregory Michael. "Defective or Disabled? Race, Medicine, and Eugenics in Progressive Era Virginia and Alabama," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 5(4)(October 2006): [no pages, sorry]. d'Orsi, Giuseppe and Paolo Tinuper, "'I heard voices...': From semiology, a historical review, and a new hypothesis on the presumed epilepsy of Joan of Arc," Epilepsy & Behavior 9(1)(August 2006): 152-157. Duchan, Judith Felson. "Providing a Place in the New History of Disabilities for Communication Access," Disability Studies Quarterly (Spring 2006): [online]. Dwyer, Ellen. "Psychiatry and Race During World War II," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 61(2006): 117-143.Elden, Stuart. "Discipline, Health, and Madness: Foucault's Le Pouvoir Psychiatrique," History of the Human Sciences 19(1)(2006): 39-66. Ellis, Robert. "The Asylum, the Poor Law, and a Reassessment of the Four-Shilling Grant: Admissions to County Asylums of Yorkshire in the Nineteenth Century," Social History of Medicine 19(1)(2006): [no pages, sorry]. Erb, Cynthia Marie. "'Have You Seen the Inside of One of those Places?': Psycho, Foucault, and the Postwar Context of Madness," Cinema Journal 45(4)(Summer 2006): [no pages, sorry]. Frembgen, J. W. "Honour, Shame, and Bodily Mutilation: Cutting Off the Nose Among Tribal Societies in Pakistan," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 16(2006): 243-60. Froestad, Jan, and Bodil Ravneberg, "Education Policy, the Norwegian Unitary School, and the Social Construction of Disability," Scandinavian Journal of History 31(2)(June 2006): 119-143. Funabashi, Harutoshi. "Minimata Disease and Environmental Governance," International Journal of Japanese Sociology 15(1)(November 2006): 7-25. Gallego, Margaret, Grace Zamora Duran, and Elba I. Reyes, "It Depends: A Sociohistorical Account of the Definitions and Methods of Identification of Learning Disabilities," Teachers College Record 108(11)(November 2006): 2195-2219. Gerodetti, Natalia. "From Science to Social Technology: Eugenics and Politics in Twentieth-Century Switzerland," Social Politics 13(2006): 59-88. Gerodetti, Natalia. "Eugenic Family Politics and Social Democrats: 'Positive' Eugenics and Marriage Advice Bureaus," Journal of Historical Sociology 19(3)(September 2006): 217-244.[From the abstract: "The substantive focus here is on the eugenic content of premarital advice and family politics in Switzerland assessing the impact of the eugenics movement as well as the women's movement."] Ghaly, Mohammad M. I. "Writings on Disability in Islam: The 16th-Century Polemic on Ibn Fahd's Nukat al-Ziraf," Arab Studies Journal 13(2) (Fall 2005/Spring 2006): 9-38. Goodey, C. F. "Behavioural Phenotypes in Disability Research: Historical Perspectives," Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 50(6) (June 2006): 397-403. Gowland, Angus. "The Problem of Early Modern Melancholy," Past and Present 191(1)(2006): 77-120. Hamilton, Elizabeth C. "Of Miracles and Pedestals: Helen Keller in German Culture," Disability Studies Quarterly (Winter 2006): [no pages, sorry]. Hannen, Christian, "Von der Fürsorge zur Barrierefreiheit. Die Hamburger Geh?rlosenbewegung 1875-2005," Seedorf/Hamburg 2006. [on the Hamburg self-help group of people with hearing disabilities] Harkness, Deborah. "Nosce teipsum: Curiosity, the Humoural Body, and the Culture of Therapeutics in Late Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century England," in RJW Evans and Alexander Marr, eds., Curiosity and Wonder from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment (Ashgate 2006). Hirshbein, Laura D. "Science, Gender, and the Emergence of Depression in American Psychiatry, 1952-1980," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 61(2006): 187-216. Hughes, Ann. "A 'lunatick revolter from loyalty': The Death of Rowland Wilson and the English Revolution," History Workshop Journal 61(1) (Spring 2006): 192-204. Jain, Sanjeer, and P. Murthy. "Madmen and Specialists: The Clientele and the Staff of the Lunatic Asylum, Bangalore," International Review of Psychiatry 18(4)(August 2006): 345-354.[From the abstract: "Documenting the specific histories of the staff and patients of an asylum can thus help us understand the evolution of the physical and the intellectual growth of psychiatry in India. In this endeavour, we have used the records of the Lunatic Asylum, Bangalore...to explore the history of psychiatry in India."] Jurecic, Ann. "Mindblindness: Autism, Writing, and the Problem of Empathy," Literature and Medicine 25(1)(Spring 2006): 1-23. Kaba, Mariama, "Quelle place pour une perspective genre dans la 'Disability History“'? Histoire du corps des femmes et des hommes à travers le handicap," Traverse 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 47-60. [on gendering disability history] K?bsell, Swantje. "The Disability Rights Movement in Germany: History, Development, Present State," Disability Studies Quarterly (Spring 2006): [online only, no pages]. Koch, Lene. "Eugenic Sterilisation in Scandinavia," The European Legacy 11(3)(June 2006): 299-310. Kudlick, Catherine. "A History Profession for Every Body," Journal of Women's History 18(1)(2006): 163-167. Kuppers, Petra. "Community Arts Practices: Improvising Being-Together," Culture Machine 8(2006): Lewis, Bradley. "Listening to Chekhov: Narrative Approaches to Depression," Literature and Medicine 25(1)(Spring 2006): 46-71. Linthicum, Liz. "Integrative Practice: Oral History, Dress and Disability Studies," Journal of Design History 19(4)(2006): 309-318. Lombardo, Paul A. and Gregory M. 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"Psychiatry in the East African Colonies: A Background to Confinement," International Review of Psychiatry 18(4)(August 2006): 327-332.[From the abstract: "The process of lunacy certification, in particular, provides a snapshot of the medical and political tensions that existed among the medical establishment, the prison system, and the colonial courts, all of whom sought to define collective African behaviour."] Manon, Hugh S. "Seeing Through Seeing Through: The Trompe l'Oeil Effect and Bodily Difference in the Cinema of Tod Browning," Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 47(1)(Spring 2006): [no pages, sorry]. Marks, Shula. "The Silent Scourge? Silicosis, Respiratory Disease, and Gold-Mining in South Africa," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32(4)(May 2006): 569-589. Marland, H. "Languages and Landscapes of Emotion: Motherhood and Puerperal Insanity in the Nineteenth Century," in Fay Bound Alberti, ed., Medicine, Emotion, and Disease, 1700-1950 (Palgrave MacMillan 2006). Martin, Holly E. "Mental illness as metaphor in Hua-ling Nieh and Li-hua Yu's Chinese-language American novels," Comparative American Studies 4(3)(2006): 347-367. McCrone, William P. "Tracking the Disability Pendulum: The First Decade of the Americans With Disabilities Act," Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 11(1)(2006): 134. McCulloch, Jock. "The Mine at Wittenoom: Blue Asbestos, Labour, and Occupational Disease," Labour History 47(1)(February 2006): 1- 20. Millet, Ann. "Disarming Venus: Disability and Re-Vision of Art History," FEMTAP: A Journal of Feminist Theory and Practice (Summer 2006): 21-41; online here:[] Mor, Sagit. "Between Charity, Welfare, and Warfare: A Disability Legal Studies Analysis of Privilege and Neglect in Israeli Disability Policy," Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 18(1)(2006): 63-137. Muramoto, Osamu, and Walter G. Englert. "Socrates and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Pathographic Diagnosis 2400 Years Later," Epilepsia 47(3)(March 2006): 652-654. Murray, Stuart. "Autism and the Contemporary Sentimental: Fiction and the Narrative Fascination of the Present," Literature and Medicine 25(1)(Spring 2006): 24-45. Naito, Jonathan Tadashi. "Cruel and Unusual Light: Electricity and Effacement in Stephen Crane's The Monster" Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 62.1 (2006) 35-63. Ni Dhuill, Caitriona. "'Ein Neues, Machtiges Volkstum': Eugenic Discourse and its Impact on the Work of Gerhart Hauptmann," German Life and Letters 59(3)(July 2006): 405-422. Oliphant, John. "Empowerment and Debilitation in the Educational Experience of the Blind in Nineteenth-century England and Scotland," History of Education 35(1)(January 2006): 47-68. Paterson, B. "Newspaper Representations of Mental Illness and the Impact of the Reporting of 'Events' on Social Policy: The 'Framing' of Isabel Schwarz and Jonathan Zito," Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 13(3)(June 2006): 294-300. Percy, Carol. "Writing from the Asylum: Martha Shakespear Lloyd at the Linguistic Limits of Eighteenth Century Femininity," Women's Writing 13(1)(March 2006): 83-102. Potter, Robert B., and Joan Phillips. "'Mad Dogs and Transnational Migrants?': Bajan-Brit Second-Generation Migrants and Accusations of Madness," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96(3)(September 2006): 586-?. Rabeharisoa, Vololona, "From representation to mediation: The shaping of collective mobilization on muscular dystrophy in France," Social Science and Medicine 62(3)(February 2006): 564-576. Reber, Vera Blinn. "The Sanatorium Age: Pennsylvania and Argentina, 1900-1945," Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 73(4)(2006): 412-445. Rice, Nancy. "'Reining In' Special Education: Constructions of Special Education' in New York Times Editorials, 1975-2004," Disability Studies Quarterly (Spring 2006): [online only, no pages]. Ritzmann, Iris, "'Die der Welt und sich selbst zur Last sind': Behinderte Kinder und Jugendliche in der Frühen Neuzeit," Traverse 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 73-86. [on children with disability in early modern Germany] Rockhold, Pia. "Technology, Health, Impairment and Disability: An Historical Overview," Development 49(4)(December 2006): 107-113. Scharf, Lothar, "Taubstumme in der Hitlerjugend?" Fridolin W. erz?hlt. Biografie und Dokumentation zu Geh?rlosen im 3. Reich, Heuenstamm 2006. [a biografical account of a boy with hearing and speech impairments in the Hitler Youth] Scott, Catherine. "Time Out of Joint: The Narcotic Effect of Prolepsis in Christopher Reeve's Still Me ," Biography 29(Spring 2006): [no pages, sorry]. Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim. "The Humble Sage and the Wandering Madman: Madness and Madmen in an Exemplum from Sefer Hasidim," Jewish Quarterly Review 96(1)(Winter 2006): 38-49. Thomson, Gerald. "'Through No Fault of their Own': Josephine Dauphinee and the 'Subnormal' Pupils of the Vancouver School System, 1911-1941," Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'Histoire de l'Education 18(1)(Spring 2006): 51-74. Tomlinson, Susan. "'Curiously without Body': The Hidden Language of Zona Gale's Faint Perfume ," MFS Modern Fiction Studies 52(3) (Fall 2006): [no pages, sorry]. Vislie, Lise. "Special Education Under the Modernity: From Restricted Liberty, through Organized Modernity, to Extended Liberty and a Plurality of Practices," European Journal of Special Needs Education 21(4)(November 2006): 395-414. vonBernuth, Ruth. "Fools: From Marvels of Nature to Asylum Inmates. Imaginations of Natural Folly," Disability Studies Quarterly (Spring 2006): [online only, no pages]. Waldschmidt, Anne, "Soziales Problem oder kulturelle Differenz? Zur Geschichte von 'Behinderung' aus der Sicht der 'Disability Studies,'" Traverse 13 (2006), H. 3, S. 31-46. 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"Good, Common, Regular, and Orderly: Early Modern Classifications of Monstrous Births," Social History of Medicine 18(2) (August 2005): 141-158. Baynton, Douglas C. "Defectives in the Land: Disability and American Immigration Policy, 1882-1924," Journal of American Ethnic History (Spring 2005): 31-44. Comments by Amy Fairchild, David Gerber, Alan M. Kraut, Catherine Kudlick, pp 45-62. Baynton, "Response," pp 63- 69. Beard, Renee. "Advocating Voice: Organizational, Historical, and Social Milieux of the Alzheimer's Disease Movement," in Social Movements in Health ed. Phil Brown and Steven Zavestoski (Blackwell 2005). Boschma, Geertje, Olive Yonge, and Lorraine Mychajlunow. "Gender and Professional Identity in Psychaitric Nursing Practice in Alberta, Canada, 1930-75," Nursing Inquiry 12(4)(2005): 243-?. Brimblecombe, N. "Asylum Nursing in the UK at the End of the Victorian Era: Hill End Asylum," Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 12(1)(February 2005): 57-63. Brown, Anna. 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"Representing Disability in 90s Spain: The Case of Once," Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 6(3)(2005): 305-318. Gelber, Scott. "A 'Hard-Boiled Order': The Reeducation of Disabled WWI Veterans in New York City," Journal of Social History 39(1)(Fall 2005): 161-183. Giaever, Oyvind. "Abortion and Eugenics: The Role of Eugenic Arguments in Norwegian Abortion Debates and Legislation, 1920-1978," Scandinavian Journal of History 30(1)(March 2005): 21-44. Gilbert, Robert E. "Calvin Coolidge's Tragic Presidency: The Political Effects of Bereavement and Depression," Journal of American Studies 39(1)(April 2005): 87-110. Grandbois, D. "Stigma of Mental Illness among American Indian and Alaska Native Nations: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives," Issues in Mental Health Nursing 26(10)(2005): 1001-1024. Grob, Gerald N. "Public Policy and Mental Illnesses: Jimmy Carter's Presidential Commission on Mental Health," The Milbank Quarterly 83(3)(September 2005): 425-456. 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"Review Essay: Eugenics in Australia: Striving for National Fitness," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 60(2005): 239-241. Kapila, Shruti. "Masculinity and Madness: Princely Personhood and Colonial Sciences of the Mind in Western India 1871-1940," Past and Present 187(2005): 121-156. Kavcic, A., and D. B. Vodusek. "A Historical Perspective on Cerebral Palsy as a Concept and as a Diagnosis," European Journal of Neurology 12(8)(August 2005): 582-587. Keller, Richard. "Pinel in the Maghreb: Liberation, Confinement, and Psychiatric Reform in French North Africa," Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Fall 2005): [no pages, sorry]. Kroker, Kenton. "Washouts: Electroencephalography, Epilepsy and Emotions in the Selection of American Aviators during the Second World War," in Steven Walton, ed., Instrumental in War: Science, Research, and Instruments: Between Knowledge and the World (Brill, 2005): 301-338. Kruger, P. 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"The Psychologization of the Socialist Self: East German Forensic Psychology and its Deviants, 1945-1975," German History 22(2)(May 2004): 181-205. Ernst, W. "Colonial Psychiatry, Magic, and Religion: The Case of Mesmerism in British India," History of Psychiatry 15(1)(March 2004): 57- 71. Fox, Stephen. "Barbara Kingsolver and Keri Hulme: Disability, Family, and Culture," Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 45(Summer 2004): 405-420. Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie. "The Cultural Logic of Euthanasia: 'Sad Fancyings' in Herman Melville's 'Bartleby.'" American Literature 76(4)(December 2004): 777-806. Goler, Robert I. "Loss and the Persistence of Memory: 'The Case of George Dedlow' and Disabled Civil War Veterans," Literature and Medicine 23(1)(Spring 2004): 160-183. Goodey, C. F. "'Foolishness' in Early Modern Medicine and the Concept of Intellectual Disability," Medical History 48(3)(2004): 289-310. Goodheart, Lawrence B. "Rethinking Mental Retardation: Education and Eugenics in Connecticut, 1818-1917," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 59(1)(January 2004): 90-111. Hourcade, Jack, Tami Everhart Pilotte, Elizabeth West, and Phil Parette. "A History of Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals with Severe and Profound Disabilities," Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Studies 19(4)(Winter 2004): 235-244. Houston, Robert Allan. "Class Gender and Madness in Eighteenth-Century Scotland," Clio Medica 73(1)(January 2004): 45-68. Houston, R. A. "Clergy and the Care of the Insane in Eighteenth-Century Britain," Church History 73(1)(March 2004): 114-138. Hughes, John R. "Alexander of Macedon, the Greatest Warrior of All Times: Did He Have Seizures?" and "Dictator Perpetuus: Julius Caesar- -Did He Have Seizures? If So, What was the Etiology," Epilepsy and Behavior 5(5)(2004): 756-767. Huneault, K. "Impressions of difference: the painted canvases of Helen McNicoll," Art History 27(2)(April 2004): 349-350. [Helen McNicoll (1879–1915) was a deaf Canadian impressionist painter] Ingram, Richard A. "Beyond the Body Beautiful: The Uses and Dangers of Nietzsche's Rethinking of Health and Illness," in Peter Twohig and Vera Kalitzkus, eds., Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Health, Illness, and Disease (Rodopi 2004): 21-34. Jackson, M. "'A Menace to the Good of Society': Class, Fertility, and the Feeble-Minded in Edwardian England," Clio Medica/The Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine 73(1)(January 2004): 271-294. Keely, Karen A. "Teaching Eugenics to Children: Heredity and Reform in Jean Webster's Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy," The Lion and the Unicorn 28(3)(September 2004): 363-389. Kivirauma, Joel. "Scientific Revolutions in Special Education in Finland," European Journal of Special Needs Education 19(2)(June 2004): 123-143. Krokstad, Steinar and Steinar Westin. "Disability in society--medical and non-medical determinants for disability pension in a Norwegian total county population study," Social Science and Medicine 58(10)(May 2004): 1837-1848. [here only 3/04] Kromm, Jane. "Olivia Furiosa: Maniacal Women from Richardson to Wollstonecraft," Eighteenth-Century Fiction 16(3)(April 2004): 343- 372. Lees, Colin and Sue Ralph. "Charitable Provision for Blind People and Deaf People in Late Nineteenth Century London," Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 4(3)(November 2004): 148-160. Leon, Sharon M. "'Hopelessly Entangled in Nordic Pre-Suppositions': Catholic Participation in the American Eugenics Society in the 1920s," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 59(1)(January 2004): 3-49. Logue, L. M. and Peter Blanck. "'There is Nothing that Promotes Longevity Like a Pension': Disability Policy and Mortality of Civil War Union Army Veterans," Wake Forest Law Review 39(1)(2004): 49-68. Lyons, Michael. "Powerful Practices: The Legacy of Margaret Mort," Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 51(1)(March 2004): 43-48. Malcolm, Elizabeth. "' A Most Miserable Looking Object': the Irish in English Asylums, 1851-1901: Migration, Poverty and Prejudice," in Irish and Polish Migration in Comparative Perspective , eds John Belchem and Klaus Tenfold (Essen 2004): 115-26. Matsumura, Janice. "State Propaganda and Mental Disorders: The Issue of Psychiatric Casualties among Japanese Soldiers During the Asia- Pacific War," Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Winter 2004): [no pages, sorry]. McCrae, Niall. "The Beer Ration in Victorian Asylums," History of Psychiatry 15(2)(June 2004): 155-175. Melling, Joseph. "Sex and Sensibility in Cultural History: The English Governess in the Lunatic Asylum, 1845-1914," Clio Medica 73(1) (January 2004): 177-221. Meyer, Jessica. "'Not Septimus Now': Wives of Disabled Veterans and Cultural Memory of the First World War in Britain," Women's History Review 13(1)(2004): 117-138. Miles, M. "Locating Deaf People, Gesture, and Sign in African Histories, 1450s-1950s," Disability & Society 19(5)(2004): 531-545. Morrison, L. "Ceausescu’s Legacy: Family Struggles and Institutionalization of Children in Romania," Journal of Family History 29(2)(April 2004): 168-182. O'Brien, Gerald. "Rosemary Kennedy: The Importance of a Historical Footnote." Journal of Family History 29 (July, 2004): 225-236. Ohry, Avi. "People with disabilities before the days of modern rehabilitation medicine: Did they pave the way?," Disability and Rehabilitation 26(9)(May 2004): 546-548. Otsuka, K., et al. "Haizmann’s Madness: the Concept of Bizarreness and the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia," History of Psychiatry 15(1) (March 2004): 73-82. Padden, Carol. "Translating Veditz," Sign Language Studies 4(3)(Spring 2004): 244-260. Paluzzi, J. E. "A Social Disease/A Social Response: Lessons in Tuberculosis from Early 20th Century Chile," Social Science and Medicine 59(4)(August 2004): 763-773. Pandya, S. "Nineteenth Century Indian Leper Censuses and the Doctors," International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 72(3)(2004): 306-316. Piddock, Susan. "Possibilities and Realities: South Australia's Asylums in the 19th Century," Australasian Psychiatry 12(2)(June 2004): 172-175. Prior, Pauline M. "Prisoner or Patient? The Official Debate on the Criminal Lunatic in Nineteenth-Century Ireland," History of Psychiatry 15(2)(June 2004): 177-192. Rachman, Stephen. "Memento Morbi: Lam Qua's Paintings, Peter Parker's Patients," Letters (newsletter of the Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities at Vanderbilt University) 12(2)(Spring 2004): online at center/ls04a.htm Radden, J. "Melancholia in the Writing of a Sixteenth-Century Spanish Nun," Harvard Review of Psychiatry 12(5)(September/October 2004): 293-297. Read, Jane. "Fit for what? Special education in London, 1890-1914," History of Education 33(3)(May 2004): 283-298. Read, Janet, and Luke Clements. "Demonstrably Awful: The Right to Life and the Selective Non-Treatment of Disabled Babies and Young Children," Journal of Law and Society 31(4)(December 2004): 482-509. Reedy, E. A. "The Discovery of Retrolental Fibroplasia and the Role of Oxygen: A Historical Review, 1942-1956," Neonatal Network 23(2) (2004): 31-38. Reiss, Benjamin. "Letters from Asylumia: The Opal and the Cultural Work of the Lunatic Asylum, 1851-1860," American Literary History 16(1)(Spring 2004): 1-28. Rembis, Michael A. "'I Ain't Been Reading While On Parole': Experts, Mental Tests, and Eugenic Commitment Law in Illinois, 1890-1940," History of Psychology 7(3)(2004): 225-247. Richards, M. "Perfecting people: selective breeding at the Oneida Community (1869-1879) and the Eugenics Movement," New Genetics & Society 23(1)(April 2004): 47-71. Richards, Penny L. "Points of Entry: Disability and the Historical Geography of Immigration," Disability Studies Quarterly 24(3)(Summer 2004): available online at articles html/2004/summer/dsq sum04 richards.html Richardson, Sandy. "Aoteaoroa/New Zealand nursing: from eugenics to cultural safety," Nursing Inquiry 11(1)(2004): [no pages, sorry]. Rimmerman, A. and S. S. Herr. "The Power of Powerlessness: A Study on the Israeli Disability Strike of 1999," Journal of Disability Policy Studies 15(1)(June 2004): 12-18. Rodas, Julia M. "Tiny Tim, Blind Bertha, and the Resistance of Miss Mowcher: Charles Dickens and the Uses of Disability," Dickens Studies Annual 34(2004): 51-98. Sakamoto, Hiroko. "The Cult of 'Love and Eugenics' in May Fourth Movement Discourse," Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 12(2)(Fall 2004): 329-376. Scull, Andrew. "The Insanity of Place," History of Psychiatry 15(4)(December 2004): 417-436. Silbey, David. "Bodies and Cultures Collide: Enlistment, the Medical Exam, and the British Working Class, 1914-1916," Social History of Medicine 17(1)(April 2004): 61-76. Slavishak, Edward. "'Working-Class Muscle: Homestead and Bodily Disorder in the Gilded Age," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (October 2004): [no pages, sorry]. Smith, H., D. A. Sawyer, and B. B. Way. "Correctional Mental Health Services in New York: Then and Now," Psychiatric Quarterly 75(1) (2004): 21-39. Smith, Peter Scharff. "Isolation and mental illness in Vridsl?selille 1859-1873," Scandinavian Journal of History 29(1)(March 2004): 1-25. Stainton, Tim. "Reason's Other: The Emergence of the Disabled Subject in the Northern Renaissance," Disability & Society 19(3)(May 2004): 225-243. Stepan, Nancy Leys. "Eugenia no Brasil 1917-1940," in Cuidar, Controlar, Curar: ensaios históricos sobre saúde e doen?a na América Latina e Caribe , Gilberto Hochman & Diego Armus (editors). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Editora Fiocruz, 2004. [in Portuguese] Toscano, E. "Historical views on celiac disease: the contribution of Adolf Baginsky (1843-1918)," Acta Paediatrica 93(3)(2004): 417-418. van der Weiden, R.M.F. "The First Successful Separation of Conjoined Twins (1689)," Twin Research 7(2)(April 2004): 125-127. vanEickels, Klaus. "Gendered Violence: Castration and Blinding as Punishment for Treason in Normandy and Anglo-Norman England," Gender and History 16(3)(November 2004): 588-602. von Koppenfels, W. "'These Irritant Bodies': Blinding and Blindness in Dystopia," The Cambridge Quarterly 33(2)(2004): 155-172. Waltz, M., and P. Shattock. "Autistic Disorder in Nineteenth-century London: Three Case Reports," Autism 8(1)(March 2004): 7-20. White, Terri-Ann. "Theodore and Brina: An Exploration of the Myths and Secrets of Family Life, 1851-1998," Journal of Historical Geography 30(2004): 520-550.[The title doesn't say, but the article is about a couple from Krakow who emigrated to Australia, and the institutionalization of the husband, Theodore, in a lunatic asylum in the 1870s.--Ed.] Woods, Brian and Nick Watson. "A Glimpse at the Social/Technological History of Wheelchairs," International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 11(9)(2004): 407-410. Woods, Brian and Nick Watson. "In Pursuit of Standardization: The British Ministry of Health's Model 8F Wheelchair 1948-1962," Technology and Culture 46(3)(2004): 540-568. Young, L., and A. F. Ashman. "Deinstitutionalisation in Australia Part I: Historical Perspective," British Journal of Developmental Disabilities 50(1)(2004): 21-28. ************2003**************Aguirre, Robert. "Exhibiting Degeneracy: The Aztec Children and the Ruins of Race,” Victorian Review 29(2)(2003): no pages, sorry. Arton, M. "The rise and fall of the Asylum Worker's Association: the history of a `Company Union,'" International History of Nursing Journal 7(3)(2003): 41-49. Baruch, Franklin R. "Milton's Blindness: The Conscious and Unconscious Patterns of Autobiography," in John Milton: Twentieth-Century Perspectives vol. 1: The Man and the Author , Martin J. Evans, ed. (Routledge 2003): 26-37. Bashford, Alison. "Cultivating the Consumptive Citizen: voluntary isolation in the early 20th century sanatorium," in Isolation: Places and Practices of Exclusion , Carolyn Strange and Alison Bashford, eds. (Routledge, 2003). Bate, Jonathan. "John Clare: Prologue to a New Life," in Romantic Biography , Arthur Bradley and Alan Rawes, eds. (Ashgate 2003): 18- 32. Belkin, Gary S. "Brain Death and the Historical Understanding of Bioethics," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 58(3) (July 2003): 325-361. Blanck, Peter and Chen Song, "'Never Forget What They Did Here': Civil War Pensions for Gettysburg Union Army Veterans and Disability in Nineteenth-Century America." William and Mary Law Review 44(February 2003): 907-1520. Blanton, Carlos Kevin. "From Intellectual Deficiency to Cultural Deficiency: Mexican Americans, Testing, and Public School Policy in the American Southwest, 1920-1940," Pacific Historical Review 72(1)(2003): [sorry, no pages]. Bohrer, S. F. "Harriet Martineau: Gender, Disability and Liability," Nineteenth Century Contexts 25(1)(June 2003): 21-37. Bourque, Monique. "Populating the Poorhouse: A Reassessment of Poor Relief in the Antebellum Delaware Valley," Pennsylvania History 70(4)(Autumn 2003): 397-432. Burns, Susan L. "From 'Leper Villages' to Leprosariums: Public Health, Nationalism and the Culture of Exclusion in Modern Japan," in Isolation: Places and Practices of Exclusion , Carolyn Strange and Alison Bashford, eds. (Routledge, 2003). Butler, M. A. and T. L. Bennett. "In Search of a Conceptualization of Multiple Sclerosis: A Historical Perspective," Neuropsychology Review 13(2)(June 2003): 93-112. Carey, Allison C. "Beyond the Medical Model: A Reconsideration of 'Feeblemindedness,' Citizenship, and Eugenic Restrictions," Disability and Society 18(4)(June 2003): 411-430. Carter, Thatcher. "Body Count: Autobiographies by Women Living with Breast Cancer," Journal of Popular Culture 36(4)(May 2003): 653- 668. Cockayne, Emily. "Experiences of the Deaf in Early Modern England," The Historical Journal 46(3)(September 2003): 493-510. Coleborne, C. "Remembering Psychiatry's Past: The Psychiatric Collection and its Display at Porirua Hospital Museum, New Zealand," Journal of Material Culture 8(1)(March 2003): 97-118. Couser, G. Thomas. "Identity, identicality, and life writing: Telling (the silent) twins apart," Biography: an interdisciplinary quarterly 26(2) (Spring 2003): 243-???. Croll, Paul, and Diana Moses. "Special Educational Needs Across Two Decades: Survey Evidence from English Primary Schools," British Educational Research Journal 29(5)(October 2003): 731-747. Cutcliffe, J. "A historical overview of psychiatric/mental health nursing education in the United Kingdom: going around in circles or on the straight and narrow?," Nurse Education Today 23(5)(2003): 338-346. Dale, Pamela. "Implementing the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act: Competing Priorities and Resource Constraint Evident in the South West of England before 1948," Social History of Medicine 16(3)(December 2003): [no pages, sorry]. Darjee, R., and J. Crichton. "Personality disorder and the law in Scotland: a historical perspective," Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 14(2)(2003): 394-425. DeToledo, J. C., and M. R. Lowe. "Epilepsy, Demonic Possessions, and Fasting: Another Look at Translations of Mark 9:16," Epilepsy and Behavior 4(3)(June 2003): 338-339. Dickie, Simon. "Hilarity and Pitilessness in the Mid-Eighteenth Century: English Jestbook Humor," Eighteenth-Century Studies 37(1)(Fall 2003): 1-22.[From the abstract: Jestbooks were an enormously profitable part of the mid-century print market. They offer not just the usual jokes about scolds and cuckolds, but pitiless jokes about cripples and hunchbacks; nasty stories about leading blind women into walls; and oddly cheerful jests about rape and wife-beating.] Dolgin, Janet. "The ideological context of the disability rights critique: where modernity and tradition meet," Florida State University Law Review (30)(2003): 343-361. Dwyer, June. "Disease, deformity, and defiance: Writing the language of immigration law and the eugenics movement on the immigrant body," MELUS 28(1)(Spring 2003): 105-121. Edgar, A. "Velazquez and the Representation of Dignity," Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6(2)(2003): 111-121. Edginton, B. "The Design of Moral Architecture at the York Retreat," Journal of Design History 16(2)(2003): 103-118. Etter, William: "'Tawdry physical affrightments': The performance of normalizing visions of the body in Edgar Allan Poe's 'Loss of Breath,'" American Transcendental Quarterly: 19th century American literature and culture 17(1)(March 2003): 5-22. Evans, K., J. McGrath, and R. Milns. "Searching for Schizophrenia in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature: A Systematic Review," Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 107(5)(May 2003): 323-330. Fahy, Thomas. "Worn, Damaged Bodies in Literature and Photography of the Great Depression," Journal of American Culture 26(1&4) (2003): [no pages, sorry]. Finnane, Mark. "The Ruly and the Unruly: The Uses of Isolation in the Management of the Insane," in Isolation: Places and Practices of Exclusion , Carolyn Strange and Alison Bashford, eds. (Routledge, 2003). Fishman, G. A. "When your eyes have a wet nose: the evolution of the use of guide dogs and establishing the seeing eye," Survey of Ophthalmology 48(4)(July 2003): 452-458. Flitner, M. "Genetic geographies: A historical comparison of agrarian modernization and eugenic thought in Germany, the Soviet Union, and the United States," Geoforum 34(2)(May 2003): 175-185. Freeberg, Ernest. "The Meanings of Blindness in Nineteenth-Century America," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 110(1) (April 2000): 119-152. [This issue, while dated 2000, was released only recently.--Ed.] Gannett, Lisa. "The Normal Genome in Twentieth-Century Evolutionary Thought," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34(1)(March 2003): 143-185. Gerber, David A. "Disabled Veterans, the State, and the Experience of Disability in Western Societies, 1800-1945," Journal of Social History 36(4)(Summer 2003): 899-916. Goldberg, A. "A Reinvented Public: 'Lunatics' Rights' and Bourgeois Populism in the Kaiserreich," German History 21(2)(May 2003): 159- 182. Goldstein, J. L., and M. M. L. Godemont. "The Legend and Lessons of Geel, Belgium: A 1500-Year-Old Legend, a 21st-Century Model," Community Mental Health Journal 39(5)(October 2003): 441-458. Gonder, Patrick. "Like a Monstrous Jigsaw Puzzle: Genetics and Race in Horror Films of the 1950s," The Velvet Light Trap 52(Fall 2003): 33-44. Goodman, Joyce. "Reflections on Researching an Archive of Disability: Sandlebridge, 1902-1935," Educational Review 55(1)(2003): 47- ??. Goto, T. and J. P. Wilson. "A Review of the History of Traumatic Stress Studies in Japan: From Traumatic Neurosis to PTSD," Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 4(3)(July 2003): 195-209. Hakim, Zeina. ?De la fureur à l'hystérie: les représentations de la monstruosité féminine à la fin du XVIIIe siècle?, article électronique, Equinoxes, A Graduate Journal of French & Francophone Studies, 1 (printemps-été 2003). URL: hakim.htm Hall, Lesley A. "'It Was Affecting the Medical Profession': The History of Masturbatory Insanity Revisited," Paedagogica Historica 39(6) (2003): 685-699. Hardy, A. "Commentary: Bread and Alum, Syphilis and Sunlight: Rickets in the Nineteenth Century," International Journal of Epidemiology 32(3)(June 2003): 337-340. Hardy, Anne. "Reframing Disease: Changing Perceptions of Tuberculosis in England and Wales, 1938-70," Historical Research 76(194) (2003): 535-???. Harrington, Ralph. "On the Tracks of Trauma: Railway Spine Reconsidered," Social History of Medicine 16(2)(August 2003): 209-223. Heller, Dana. "Holy Fools, Secular Saints, and Illiterate Saviors in American Literature and Popular Culture," Comparative Cultural Studies and Popular Culture 5(3)(September 2003): available online at Hirst, David and Pamela Michael. "Family, Community, and the 'Idiot' in Mid-Nineteenth Century North Wales," Disability & Society 18(2) (March 2003): 145-163. Houston, Robert Allan. "Courts, doctors, and insanity defences in 18th and early 19th century Scotland," International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 26(4)(July/August 2003): 339-354. Houston, Robert Allan. "The Face of Madness in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Scotland," Eighteenth-Century Life 27(2)(June 2003): 49-66. Hughes, John R. "Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: Did He Have Seizures? Psychogenic or Epileptic or Both?" Epilepsy and Behavior 4(6) (December 2003): 793-796. Hutchison, Iain. "Disability in Nineteenth-Century Scotland: The Case of Marion Brown," University of Sussex Journal of Contemporary History 5(January 2003): available online at http: //sussex.ac.uk/Units/HUMCENTR/usjch/contents.html Ion, Robin M., and M. Dominic Beer. "Valuing the past: The importance of an understanding of the history of psychiatry for healthcare professionals, service users and carers," International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 12(4)(2003): 237-??. Jefferson, Robert F. "'Enabled Courage': Race, Disability, and Black World War II Veterans in Postwar America," The Historian 65(5)(2003): 1102-1124. Jones, E., K. C. Hyams, and S. Wessely. "Screening for vulnerability to psychological disorders in the military: an historical survey," Journal of Medical Screening 10(1)(March 2003): 40-46. Kanaya, Tomoe, Stephen J. Ceci, and Matthew H. Scullin. "The rise and fall of IQ in special ed: Historical trends and their implications," Journal of School Psychology 41(6)(November 2003): 453-465. Killen, A. "From Shock to Schreck: Psychiatrists, Telephone Operators, and Traumatic Neurosis in Germany, 1900-26," Journal of Contemporary History 38(2)(April 2003): 201-220. Kiyaga, Nassozi B., and Donald F. Moores. "Deafness in Sub-Saharan Africa," American Annals of the Deaf 148(1)(Spring 2003): 18-24. Kontos, P. C. "'The Painterly Hand': Embodied Consciousness and Alzheimer's Disease," Journal of Aging Studies 17(2)(May 2003): 151- 170. [About the art and late-life disability of Willem deKooning] Krainz, Thomas A. "Transforming the Progressive Era Welfare State: Activists for the Blind and Blind Benefits," Journal of Policy History 15(2)(2003): 223-264. Kudlick, Catherine J. "Disability History: Why We Need Another 'Other'," American Historical Review 108(June 2003): 763-793. Lakin, Charlie K., Robert Prouty, Barbara Polister, Kathie Coucouvanis. "Changes in Residential Placements for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the USA in the Past Two Decades," Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 28(2)(2003): 205-210. Lombardo, Paul A. "Taking Eugenics Seriously: Three Generations of ??? Are Enough?," Florida State University Law Review 30(191) (Winter 2003): Available online at Lorch, M. P. and I. Barriere. "The History of Written Language Disorders: Reexamining Pitres' Case (1884) of Pure Agraphia," Brain and Language 85(2)(May 2003): 271-279. Language 85(2)(May 2003): 271-279. Lourie, I. S. and M. Hernandez. "A Historical Perspective on National Child Mental Health Policy," Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 11(1)(February 2003): 4-8. Marshall, Christopher. "Letter to the Editor: A Reconsideration of Moses' Speech Disorder," Journal of Fluency Disorders 28(1)(Spring 2003): 71-73. Martin, A. L. "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Europe, 1300-1700: A Review of Data on Alcohol Consumption and a Hypothesis," Food and Foodways 11(1)(2003): 1-26. McCarthy, H. "The Disability Rights Movement: Experiences and Perspectives of Selected Leaders in the Disability Community," Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 46(4)(June 2003): 209-223. McCarthy, H. "A Belated Appreciation of Justin Dart (1930-2002)," Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 46(4)(June 2003): 242-244. McCleary, Leland. "Technologies of Language and the Embodied History of the Deaf," Sign Language Studies 3(2)(Winter 2003): 104-124. McCulloch, Jack. "Asbestos Mining and Occupational Disease in Southern Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, 1915-98," History Workshop Journal 56(1) (Autumn 2003): 131-152. Meyer, Basil. "Till Death Do Us Part: The Consumptive Victorian Heroine in Popular Romantic Fiction," Journal of Popular Culture 37(2) (2003): [no pages, sorry]. Miles, M. "Disability in Asian Cultures & Beliefs: history and service development." Journal of Religion, Disability & Health 6 (2/3)(2002): 1-129 & 149-204. [Printed March 2003] Papers published for the first time: 'Some historical texts on disability in the classical Muslim world', pp. 77-88; and 'Disability and religion in Middle Eastern, South Asian and East Asian histories: annotated bibliography of selected material in English and French", pp. 149-204. Mitchell, D., and P. Smith. "Learning from the Past: Emotional Labour and Learning Disability Nursing," Journal of Learning Disabilities 7(2) (June 2003): 109-117. Mortimer, D. P. "The New Eugenics and the Newborn: The Historical "Cousinage" of Eugenics and Infanticide," Ethics and Medicine 19(3) (2003): 155-170. Murphy, Elaine. "The New Poor Law Guardians and the Administration of Insanity in East London, 1834-1844," Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Spring 2003): [no pages, sorry]. Nehring, W. M. "History of the Roles of Nurses Caring for Persons with Mental Retardation," Nursing Clinics of North America 38(2)(2003): 351-372. O'Brien, Gerald. "People with Cognitive Disabilities: The Argumentfrom Marginal Cases and Social Work Ethics," Social Work 48(July 2003): 331-337. O'Brien, R. "From a Doctor's to a Judge's Gaze: Epistemic Communities and the History of a Disability Rights Policy in the Workplace," Polity 35(3)(2003): 325-346. Oxley, Deborah. "'The Seat of Death and Terror': Urbanization, Stunting, and Smallpox," The Economic History Review 56(4)(November 2003): 623-656. Parle, J. "Witchcraft or Madness? The Amandiki of Zululand, 1894-1914," Journal of Southern African Studies 29(1)(March 2003): 105- 132. Persson, Bengt. "Exclusive and Inclusive Discourses in Special Education Research and Policy in Sweden," International Journal of Inclusive Education 7(3)(July-September 2003): 271-280. Priestley, Mark. "The Development of Disability Studies in England: Lessons from Leeds," Handicap--Revue de sciences humaines et sociales 96(2003): 89-101. Pugh, Judy F. "Concepts of Arthritis in India's Medical Traditions: Ayurvedic and Unani Perspectives," Social Science and Medicine 56(2) (January 2003): 415-424. Raeside, James. "This death in life: leprosy in Mishima Yukio's Rail no terasu and beyond," Japan Forum: The International Journal of Japanese Studies 15(1)(March 2003): 99 - 123. Reedy, Elizabeth Ann. "From Weakling to Fighter: Changing the Image of Premature Infants," Nursing History Review 11(2003): [no pages, sorry]. Rietveld-van Wingerden, Marjoke. "Educating the deaf in The Netherlands: a methodological controversy in historical perspective," History of Education 32(4)(July 2003): 401-416. Robinson, David. "An Historical Overview of Sheltered Employment in New Zealand," The New Zealand Journal of Disability Studies 10(2003): [no pages, sorry]. Rolph, S., D. Atkinson, and J. Walmsley. "'A Pair of Stout Shoes and an Umbrella': The Role of the Mental Welfare Officer in Delivering Community Care in East Anglia: 1946–1970," The British Journal of Social Work 33(3)(April 2003): 339-359. Sato, Hajime and Minoru Narita. "Politics of Leprosy Segregation in Japan: The Emergence, Transformation, and Abolition of the Patient Segregation Policy," Social Science and Medicine 56(12)(June 2003): 2529-2539. Schafer, D. "Gulliver Meets Descartes: Early Modern Concepts of Age-Related Memory Loss." Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 12(1) (March 2003) : 1-11. Schoberlein, Robert. "'Maryland's Shame': Photojournalism and Mental Health Reform, 1935-1949," Maryland Historical Magazine 98(1) (Spring 2003): [no pages]. Schwarze, T. T. "Female Complaints: "Mad" Women, Malady, and Resistance in Joyce's Dublin," European Joyce Studies 15(1)(October 2003): 91-115. Seitler, D. "Unnatural Selection: Mothers, Eugenic Feminism, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Regeneration Narratives," American Quarterly 55(1)(2003): 61-88. Senghas, Ann. "Intergenerational Influence and Ontogenetic Development in the Emergence of Spatial Grammar in Nicaraguan Sign Language," Cognitive Development 18(4)(October-December 2003): 511-531. Serlin, David. "Crippling Masculinity: Queerness and Disability in U.S. Military Culture, 1800-1945," GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 9(1/2)(2003): [no pages, sorry]. *[part of special issue, 'queer theory meets disability studies'] Shoshan, Boaz. "The State and Madness in Medieval Islam," International Journal of Middle East Studies 35(2)(May 2003): 329-340. Slavishak, Edward. "Artificial Limbs and Industrial Workers' Bodies in Turn-of-the-Century Pittsburgh," Journal of Social History 37(2) (Winter 2003): 365-388. Smith, H., D. A. Sawyer, and B. B. Way. "Correctional Mental Health Services in New York: Then and Now," Psychiatric Quarterly 75(1) (2004): 21-39. Snyder, Sharon, and David Mitchell, "The Visual Foucauldian: Institutional Coercion and Surveillance in Frederick Wiseman's Multi- handicapped Documentary Series," Journal of Medical Humanities 24(3/4)(Winter 2003): 291-308. Stoyle, Mark. "'Memories of the Maimed': The Testimony of Charles I's Former Soldiers, 1660-1730," History 88(290)(April 2003): 204- 226. Soule, Bradley and Jennifer Soule. "Death at the Hiawatha Asylum for Insane Indians [1908-1933]," South Dakota Journal of Medicine 56(1)(January 2003): 15-18. van Drenth, Annemieke. "'Tender Sympathy and Scrupulous Fidelity': gender and professionalism in the history of deaf education in the United States," International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education 50(4)(December 2003): 367-384. vanKraayenoord, Christa. 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