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Freedom Transit is a new green technology providing sustainable transportation systems. Solar Transportation Technologies is developing an electric based transportation mode for both passengers and freight. It is the mission of Solar Transportation Technologies to end the dependence on fossil fuels for transportation and the damage they cause to ecosystems. Freedom Transit solar powered transportation system makes it possible to replace all fossil fuel based cars and trucks with all electric and hybrid models. Using solar power for transportation solves many serious environmental and economic problems as listed below:

Climate change is a serious problem that must be addressed.

Climate change legislation will not pass now, as it makes electric power and fossil fuels more expensive. See: Carbon Tax, Cap and Trade.

Solar power is an abundant alternative that does not harm the environment but cost 3 times more than utility power.

Making Solar power competitive requires:

Carbon tax OR

Massive subsidies

Either option is a drain on the economy

At 3 times utility rates, solar power can never be a significant part of the energy equation

A key advantage of Freedom Transit is that it enables major reductions in green house gases without having to charge a premium for the energy. In fact, in this application, solar power cost substantially less then the fossil fuels it replaces and is therefore a stimulus to the economy. As an example: According to the DOE the average car/truck MPG is 20.4 if gas cost $3.00 per gallon the cost for fuel is $0.15 per mile. Energy for electric cars cost $0.03 per mile. A savings of $0.12 per mile. Americans drove 2.922 trillion miles in 2008 spending $430 billion per year for fuel. Electric cars would save $343 billion per year which could be used to build Freedom Transit.

The Freedom Transit project creates a $3-4 trillion stimulus package spanning 10 to 15 years. It will pay for itself with usage fees, ultimately creating more than $1 trillion per year in revenue. By making all land based transportation electric powered it will reduce total US emissions of CO2 by least 32% and possibly end the need to import oil. Freedom Transit consists of both a passenger mass transit and a freight system.

Freedom Transit uses electric vehicles (cars, vans, SUVs, trucks) enabled for normal manual driving and automated travel on electrically powered, elevated, roadways: that are accessed via stations. There are three types of automated roadways, a high-speed(140mph) nationwide system connecting metropolitan areas, a low-speed(50mph) area grid covering a metropolitan area, and a separate heavy freight system following railroad tracks and accessed via freight terminals.

The effect of which is to:

Provide low cost, faster, safer private travel

Provide faster, lower cost freight shipments

Eliminate short haul air travel (500 miles or less)

Reduce total US CO2 emissions by at least 32%

Put the US. in a transportation, environmental, and green energy world leadership role

Improve the economic environment with secure fast freight eco-friendly delivery nationwide

Strengthen the economy with millions of new jobs

Provide a major reduction in the trade deficit through the reduction of oil imports

Redirect hundreds of billions of dollars from importing oil into the US economy

This project is capable of creating a new green sustainable energy use infrastructure. Freedom Transit can reduce fossil fuel use, lower energy costs, and stimulated the economy.

Contact: Jim Beregi CEO, Solar Transportation Technologies, 520-954-7223



Freedom Transit – The Time is NOW.

© Solar Transportation Technologies 2011


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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