Electricity Inquiry Activities

Chapter 20 - Electricity

Electric charge: causes ________ and _______ to ______ or ______ each other

• caused by an excess or shortage of ________

• SI unit is the ________ (C) = 6.24 x 1018 electrons

Electric forces: force of _________ or repulsion b/w _________ charged objects

• directly ___________ to net charge of objects

• _________ proportional to distance b/w objects (________)

Electric fields: effect an ________ charge has on other charges in space around it

• depends on amount of charge that produces the ________ and _________ from the charge

Static Electricity

• study of __________ of ________ charges

• charge transferred by ________, contact and _________

o law of ____________ of charge – total _________ is constant

o __________: transfer of ________ without contact between materials

Static discharge

• ___________ through which charges can move _______ suddenly

• ex: _______________________________

Electric current

• continuous flow of _______ charge

• SI unit is an ________ (A) or amp = 1C/sec

• _______: charge only flows in _____ direction (_____)

o ex: ________________________________

• ___________ (AC): flow that _________ its direction regularly

o ex: ___________________


• material through which ________ can flow ________

• ex: _________ (copper and silver) with ________ electrons


• material through charge _________ flow easily

• coating around _________ ( controls _______ and keeps it in place

• ex: ______________________________


• _____________ to flow of ________ in a material

• SI unit is the ______

• affected by material’s __________, __________, and ___________

• _______________: has almost _______ resistance when cooled to ______ temperatures

Electric Circuits

• complete ________ through which charge can flow

• switches show __________ where circuit can be __________

o circuit not a complete _______ ( stops (______ circuit)

• ________ switch ( charge can ______ (_______ circuit)

Series circuits

• charge has only ____ path it can flow through

• if one ________ stops functioning none of the elements can ________

• Draw diagram:

Parallel circuits

• ____ or more paths that charges can flow

• if one _______ stops functioning the rest can still _________

• Draw diagram:


• charges flow ______________ from high to low _________ energy

o potential energy of charge depends on its position in _______ field

• _________________: difference in _________ potential energy b/w 2 places in a field

o measured in ________ (J/C)

• 3 common sources

o __________: converts chemical energy to electrical energy

o _______ cells

o ____________

Ohm’s Law

• resistance _________ voltage

• V = I x R or I = V/R

• _______________________________________

• increasing ________ increases ____________

Power (watt – W)

• ________ power: rate at which ________ energy is converted to another form of __________

• _____________________________________

• electrical energy used by ______________

• E = P x t = ____________________

Electrical Safety

• ___________: prevents circuit ___________ in a circuit

• _________ breaker: switch that __________ when current is too ____

Electronic signals

• info sent as _________ in controlled flow of electrons through circuit

• ________ signals: smoothly varying signal produced by continuously changing the _________ or _________

• _________ signals: encodes info as a string of ______ and ______

Vacuum tubes

• can change ____________ current into ________ current

• can increase strength of a ___________

• can turn __________ on or off


• conducts current only under certain _______________

Solid-State Components

• __________: combine n-type & p-type semiconductors

-can change ____________ ___________ (AC) to direct current (DC)

• __________: 3 layers of semiconductors

-can be used as a ____________ or ______________

• Integrated circuit (chips or microchips)

-made of layers built on a thin slice of ___________


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