Orange Line 2 / ISBN-10: 3-12-547524-4 / ISBN-13 ... - Klett

Wahlpflichtbereich „Die Welt erkunden“


von Ramona Seyfferth und Ines Zeuner

Liebe Lehrerinnen und Lehrer,

mit dem vorliegenden Material wollen wir Ihnen eine Möglichkeit anbieten, den Wahlpflichtbereich „Die Welt erkunden“ in den Klassenstufen 7/8 einmal in einer anderen Form durchzuführen.

Die beliebig veränder- und erweiterbare Unterrichtsvorbereitung kann sowohl für den Hauptschulbildungsgang als auch für die Realschulklassen verwendet werden.

Planen Sie den Lernbereich mit der vollen innerhalb des Lehrplans vorgesehenen Zeit. Die Reihenfolge der Stationen ist beliebig und somit müssen Sie auch nicht alle verwenden. Die einzelnen Bausteine sind als Anregungen gedacht, ebenso der Vorschlag zur abschließenden Lernerfolgskontrolle. Selbstverständlich können Sie auch einzelne Stationen zur individuellen Leistungsermittlung nutzen (z.B. reading, writing)

Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren!


1 Write down the names of six vegetables.

2 Put all the words into two groups. There are two generic terms among them. Which words don’t go with these two groups?

grape, spice, tomato, oranges, pepper, milk, blackberry, salt, fruit, chocolate, basil, pears, chilli, garlic, toast, cherry, bay leaf, lemonade, peach, banana, iron, mustard, apricot, rosemary, pineapple, flour, thyme, vinegar

3 Put the recipe for a pancake into the right order.

Cook until the top is dry, and then either toss or turn the pancake and cook the other side until brown.

Sieve the flour and salt.

Heat the frying pan with a little cooking oil and pour enough batter to cover the area needed.

Break the eggs one at a time into the middle of the flour.

Turn out, sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice and roll up before serving.

Beat the eggs and flour together, adding the milk little by little until creamy.

Beat the batter for a few minutes and leave to stand for an hour.

4 Write down your own recipe including at least three different steps.

5 What can you make with milk?

6 Find the wrong words in every line.

a) knife- spoon- dishes- fork

b) mix- stir- fridge- put- peel- slice up

c) meal- freezer- dishwasher- tin-opener- microwave oven

7 It’s a famous Italian dish. __________________________________

8 It tells you how to cook a meal. __________________________________

|German |English |

| |spice |

|Salz | |

|Pfeffer | |

|Zucker | |

| |flour |

| |ginger |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Gemüse | |

| |cauliflower |

| |cucumber |

|Tomate | |

|Kartoffel | |

| |beans |

|Erbsen | |

|Möhren / Karotten | |

| |lettuce |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Obst | |

|Ananas | |

|Banane | |

| |apple |

| |peach |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Pilze | |

| |yellow boletus |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Station 1

A list of food vocabulary.

Write this list into your folder. Work with a dictionary when necessary.

Can you find more words?

Station 2

In the kitchen.

Write this word list into your folder. Work with a dictionary when necessary. Can you find more words?

|German |English |

|Topf | |

|Pfanne | |

| |electric kettle |

| |stove |

| |mixing spoon |

|Tasse | |

|Teller | |

|Glas | |

| |cutlery |

|Gabel | |

|Messer | |

| |teaspoon |

|Löffel | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Station 3

A wordsnake

Can you find all the words? Be careful. There are extra letters in between.


Station 4

A crossword puzzle

|1 | | | 2 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Lebens- | | | | |

|food |mittel |cup |Tasse |bowl |Schüssel |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|vegetable |Gemüse |saucer |Untertasse |meat |Fleisch |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|fruit |Obst |sausage |Wurst |sugar |Zucker |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|plate |Teller |slice |Scheibe |salt |Salz |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|fork |Gabel |starter |Vorspeise |spice |Gewürz |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|spoon |Löffel |dessert |Nachspeise |pan |Pfanne |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|knife |Messer |drink |Getränk |pot |Topf |

Station 7


You need 3 or 4 friends to play Bingo here.

1 Make sure that you know all the following kitchen words in English and German. Work together and use a dictionary.

2 One of you then will become the Bingo master. He/she must read out all the words on the list. ( If you want, read the words in German. Then it is a little more difficult for your players.)

3 The players must choose one of the word cards. (Don’t show them the Bingo master!)

4 Who wins? It’s the player who first has all the words in one line on his word card - across or down or diagonal.

Here is the word list:

tin opener

bread knife

kitchen scales

frying pan


microwave oven




electric cooker



butter dish

sink unit

water tap


tea towel

washing-up liquid



Here are the word cards:

Word card 1

| | | |

| | | |

|ovenglove |fridge |sink unit |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|towel |frying pan |freezer |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|breadknife |towel |electric cooker |

| | | |

| | | |

Word card 2

| | | |

| | | |

|sink unit |sponge |butter dish |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|bowl |water tap |freezer |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|breadknife |mixer |tin opener |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|kitchen scales |toaster |bowl |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|tea towel |washing-up |freezer |

| |liquid | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|mixer |breadknife |electric cooker |

| | | |

| | | |

Word card 3

Station 8

What is your favourite meal?

Answer the following questions. If you need help, use a dictionary or ask your teacher.

1 What is it?

2 What is it made of?

3 Who cooks it best?

4 How often do you eat it?

Station 9

A questionnaire

Draw a table in your folder and then ask your friends or your family about their favourite meals and drinks.

When you have finished, write a short summary.

|name |favourite meal |favourite drink |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

You can start like this:

I asked 5 friends about their favourite meal. Tom and Tim have got the same favourite meal - it’s … . Jenny likes … best. … Three friends love coke as a drink and 2 of them like lemonade. …

Station 10

Reading and writing recipes is easy - when you know the words.

Copy and complete the table!

|English |German |

| |Obst klein schneiden |

| |Wasser kochen |

| |Gemüse säubern und schälen |

|to stir the soup | |

|mix the ingredients | |

| |Käse zugeben |

|put in the fridge for one hour | |

| |backen |

|to slice up the sausage | |

| |braten |

Station 11

A recipe

Put this recipe in the right order.

Cook the onion and garlic in the oil until soft. Add the mushrooms and cook for a few minutes, then add the tomatoes. Boil for ten minutes or until the tomato is thick. Meanwhile chop cheese into small pieces.

Cut the French loaf in half and butter each half. Cut each half in the middle so that you have four pieces of bread.

Brown under the grill for 5-10 minutes, or until the cheese has melted.

1 small French loaf, 50g butter, 1 clove garlic – crushed, 1 tablespoon oil, 100g mushrooms, 1 can tomatoes, 100g mozzarella cheese, ¼ teaspoon oregano

Spread the French sticks with the tomato mixture. Add the salt, oregano and pepper. Put the cheese on top.

Station 12

Living World - Plants and Food

Read the text: “Living World - Plants and Food” (extra copy)

Right or wrong? Can you correct the wrong statements?

1 A tomato is a vegetable.

2 Fruits have seeds inside.

3 Plants take a gas called carbon monoxide from the soil.

4 They use water to turn the sunlight and gas into sugary food.

5 A combine harvester collects the wheat stalks.

6 Potatoes and carrots grow above ground.

Station 13

Living World - Plants and Food

Read the text “Living World - Plants and Food” (extra copy).

Fill in the gaps.

1 Plants can make their own ......................... .

2 They take water from the ……………….. and a gas called …………… dioxide from the ……………… .

3 A tomato is a fruit because it grows around the …………….. .

4 Rice plants need plenty of ………………… to grow.

5 One part of the harvester separates the ………….. from the ..................

6 ………………. are tubers and ……………….. are roots.

Station 14

Living World - Plants and Food

Look at the text “Living World - Plants and Food” (extra copy).

Answer the following question. Make a list. You can use a dictionary.

You eat and use plants every day -

how many English words for them do you know?

|plants I can eat |German (only difficult words) |

|banana | |

|asparagus |Spargel |

|… | |

Station 15

Living World - Plants and Food

Look at the text “Living World - Plants and Food” (extra copy).

Talk to your teacher about one plant you can eat.

How much information can you collect (where and how do they grow, what happens in spring, summer, autumn and winter)?

You can write down keywords.

Perhaps you must look for more information at home.

Station 16

Living World - Plants and Food

Look at the text “Living World - Plants and Food” (extra copy). There is a picture and an article about farmers planting rice.

Can you write a little article about another plant you can eat? Think about plants in your garden or on your balcony.

You can start like this:

In spring we buy little tomato plants and we plant them in our garden. Tomato plants need …


Farmers sow (säen) wheat in autumn or spring. When it looks golden they start the harvest. Wheat is used ...

Station 17


Here are a lot of words from the different station worksheets. Can you order them into groups?

ginger, cauliflower, cucumber, beans, lettuce, apple, peach, stove, teaspoon, cheese, ham, asparagus, salad, chicken, parsley, toast, biscuit, orange, sausage, chocolate, chips,

garlic, pepper, potato, lemonade, knife, plate, frying pan, mixer, microwave oven, toaster, saucer, milk, coffee, beef, lamb, electric cooker, dishwasher, table water, pork, juice,

white cheese, turkey, rice, onion, carrot, fridge, bowl, fork, cup, salt, chili

Station 18

Fast Food Nation

Read the German text "Fast Food Nation" (extra copy). Can you guess the right answers?

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 | |

|4 | |

|5 | |

|6 | |

|7 | |

|8 | |

Station 19

At the restaurant

Sage, dass

- ihr einen Tisch für vier Personen benötigt.

- ihr einen Tisch im Nichtraucherbereich bevorzugt.

- ihr die Speisekarte haben möchtet.

- die Spaghetti deiner kleinen Schwester kalt sind.

- euch das Essen geschmeckt hat.

- ihr gerne die Rechnung hättet.

Erkundige dich,

- welche alkoholfreien Getränke es gibt.

- ob ein spezielles Tagesgericht im Angebot ist.

- ob ihr Eis zum Dessert haben könnt.

- wo sich die Toilette befindet.

- ob es möglich ist, mit Kreditkarte zu bezahlen.

- wie lange das Restaurant abends geöffnet hat.

Station 20


Write your family’s shopping list for next weekend in English. Look up words which you don’t know in a dictionary.

Station 21


Collect words for food. Add as many adjectives (green, soft...) and verbs

(to plant, to eat...) as you can think of.


|food |adjectives |verbs |

|peach |hairy, sweet, juicy, round |to eat, to smell |

|… |… |… |

Station 22


Here are some alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Who can be the first to put all the words in alphabetical order? After this, mark all non-alcoholic drinks with a different colour.

hot chocolate








mineral water





Station 23

What is it?

1 What do these products have in common?

cheese, milk, butter, soft curd cheese, yoghurt, buttermilk, pudding

2 Where does it come from?

3 What do you know about it?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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