EE481, 481L Senior Design Project


Electrical and Engineering Department

New Mexico Tech

First Class January 18, 2005

Workman 113


Hector Erives

Workman 209

Phone: 505-835-5932

Reference Textbooks:

Checkered Flag Projects, Prentice Hall by Randolf and Posner

Class Schedule

Regular class: Wed 12:00 – 12:50 hrs., Workman 113

Other hours: Tuesday /Thursday 4:00 - 7:00 hrs., Workman 113/183/101

Course Credit: 3 cr, 2 Class +1 hr Lab

Prerequisites: Successful completion of EE481.

Course Overview:

This course is a continuation of EE 481. The teams continue with an academic year long capstone design project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The students will have the opportunity of refining their management and technical skills, determining design requirements, performing detailed planning, and identifying project needs leading toward the successful completion of the project. Each team will make formal presentations and give periodic status reports.

Current projects were proposed by Baker Adaptive Optics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NewTech – White Sands Missile Range, NMT Electrical Engineering, USDA-Water Conservation Laboratory, NMT Earth and Environmental Science.

Course Objectives:

A thesis is required for successful completion of the course. Previous reports can be found at

Tentative Class Schedule

|Item |Description |Due date(s) |Worth points |

| |Teams will defend their design to the | | |

|Critical Design Review (CDR) |class and reviewers |January 31 |30 |

| |-Teams are “on call” to give a 5 | | |

|Pop presentations |minutes update presentation. Little or|Starts on February 8 |20 |

| |not notice will be given | | |

| |-Attendance to Seminars | | |

| |Teams will submit bi-weekly status | | |

|Status reports |reports and one final formal report |Starts on February 8 |20 |

| |Teams will presents their project and | | |

|Thesis and final presentation |results at the annual Industrial |April (TBD) |30 |

| |Advisory Board (IAB) meeting | | |


Senior Design Lab is available to students in this class. There are a limited number of PCs, and a printer. Please contact Mrs. Carrol Teel at the EE Office to get access to the room. You may also contact Mr. Chris Pauli and Mr. Andrew Tubesing if you need to access to this or other labs.

To graduate you need to take and get a non-zero score on the FE Exam on April ().


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