Stefan Craciun - University of Florida

Stefan Craciun

Permanent address: 1348 NW 100th Terrace

Gainesville FL 32606

Cell phone #: 352 870 0526



Currently pursuing a BS degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Florida

Expected graduation date: Fall 2007 with Summa cum laude

Current Grade-Point Average: Cumulative GPA: 3.73


● Dean’s List: ● President’s Honor Roll: ● 2004 Anderson Scholar Award

Fall 2003 Fall 2003

Fall 2004 Fall 2004

● Completed the designed of two autonomous robots that played a game of tag with each other (Intelligent Machines Design Lab). The project was mentioned in local newspaper The Gainesville Sun and the campus paper The Alligator.

● Completed the design of an autonomous Pong machine which tracks the movement of a ball with the use of a camcorder and processes every frame with the use of an Altera Cyclone FPGA and an Atmel microprocessor. The project won the first prize in the Senior Design class.

● Currently working on a device that functions as a four point probe measuring the current flow through thin films during the deposition stages

● Currently working on a inverted pendulum robot which maintains a pendulum in a horizontal position with the use of an observer bases state feedback controller

● Received a teaching assistantship position at the University of Florida for EEL4930L Junior Design (Spring 2007).

Devices used

Motorola M68HC12 and M68HC11 microprocessors → programmed using assembly language

Altera Cyclone FPGA → programmed using VHDL

Atmel ATmega 128 → programmed using C language with the CodeVision AVR C compiller

Altera CPLD → programmed using the Quartus software

Verious PIC microprocessors → programmed using BASIC


● Vice President of the Romanian Student Association 2004-2005

● Treasurer of the Romanian Student Association 2005-2006

● Treasurer of International Folk Dancing Club 2004-2005

Additional Information

● Member of the Golden Key Club honor society

● Member of the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society

● Fluent speaker of English, French and Romanian


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