Chapter 1 - Solutions

CHAPTER 9 Problems: 4, 7, 10, 16, 20, 22, 28, 30, 36, 40, 52, 56, 66, 81, 84, 92, 104, 107

4) Discuss the basic features of the VSEPR model. Explain why the magnitude of the repulsion decreases in the following order: lone pair - lone pair > lone pair - bonding > bonding - bonding.

The VSEPR (Valence Shell-Electron Pair Repulsion) model is based on the idea that electron containing regions in the valence shell of an atom will repel one another. Therefore, they will arrange themselves so that the regions are as far apart from one another as possible.

Because bonding electrons are localized between the two atoms bonded together, while lone pair electrons are in a more diffuse cloud of charge, lone pair electrons tend to repel other electron containing regions more strongly than bonding electrons. This leads to deviations from the “pure” geometries predicted using VSEPR. The effect of these small differences in repulsion is to decrease the bond angles in the molecular structures of species. The effect, however, is usually small.

7) Predict the geometries of the following species using the VSEPR model:

a) PCl3 c) SiH4

b) CHCl3 d) TeCl4

The Lewis structures for each molecule are given below, which will be of use in finding the geometries.


molecule electron cloud molecular

geometry geometry

PCl3 tetrahedral trigonal planar

CHCl3 tetrahedral tetrahedral

SiH4 tetrahedral tetrahedral

TeCl4 trigonal bipyramid see-saw

10) Predict the geometry of the following molecules or ions using the VSEPR model.

a) CH3I c) H2S e) SO42-

b) ClF3 d) SO3

The Lewis structures for each molecule or ion are given below, which will be of use in finding the geometries.


molecule electron cloud molecular

geometry geometry

CH3I tetrahedral tetrahedral

ClF3 trigonal bipyramid T-shaped

H2S tetrahedral nonlinear

SO3 trigonal planar trigonal planar

SO42- tetrahedral tetrahedral

16) The bonds in beryllium hydride (BeH2) are polar, but the permanent dipole moment of the molecule is zero. Explain.

The molecular geometry for BeH2 is linear. Each polar bond is shown below.


While each Be - H bond is polar, the contributions to the overall polarity of the molecule cancel (as the vectors are the same magnitude by in opposite directions) and so the molecule is overall nonpolar.

20) Which of the molecules below is polar? You may assume bonds between different colors of atoms are polar bonds.

All of the molecules are polar except SF4Br2, where the dipole moments for the individual S - F and S - Br bonds all cancel.

In CH2F2 the contributions to the overall polarity from the two C - F bonds do not cancel. The same is true of the two Xe - N bonds (likely triple bonds) in XeN2. In OCS the central carbon is bonded to two different atoms, and so exact cancellation of the polar bonds will not occur even though the bonds point in opposite directions.

22) Use valence bond theory to explain the bonding in Cl2 and HCl. Show how the atomic orbitals overlap when a bond is formed.

In Cl2 the bonding is from the overlap of two 3p orbitals, one from each of the chlorine atoms, each of which contains one electron. In HCl the bonding is from the overlap of the 1s orbital of hydrogen with a 3p orbital from chlorine, with one electron initially in each orbital.

28) Describe the bonding scheme of the AsH3 molecule in terms of hybridization.

The Lewis structure for AsH3 is given below.


There are four electron containing regions around the central atom, and so we would expect sp3 hybridization for the central As atom. Note that because of the lone pair electrons, we would expect the H - As - H bond angle to be smaller than 109.5 (, the value for pure tetrahedral geometry. In fact, the experimental value for the H - As - H bond angle in AsH3 is 91.8 (, indicating quite a lot of distortion from pure tetrahedral geometry.

30) Describe the changes in hybridization (if any) of the Al atom in the following reaction

AlCl3 + Cl- ( AlCl4-

The appropriate Lewis structures are given below.


The hybridization for Al goes from sp2 (in AlCl3) to sp3 (in AlCl4-) due to the presence of an additional electron containing region in AlCl4-.

36) What are the hybrid orbitals on the carbon atoms in the following molecules

a) H3C-CH3 c) CH3-C=C-CH2OH e) CH3COOH

b) H3C-CH=CH2 d) CH3CH=O

The Lewis structures for each molecule are given below. Note that the number of electron containing regions determines the hybridization (two regions = sp; three regions = sp2; and four regions = sp3).


For a, both carbons are sp3 hybridization. For b, the left carbon is sp3 hybridization, and the two other carbons are sp2 hybridization. In c carbons 1 and 4 are sp3 hybridization, and carbons 2 and 3 are sp hybridization. In d the left carbon is sp3 hybridization and the right carbon is sp2 hybridization. Finally, in e the left carbon is sp3 hybridization and the right carbon is sp2 hybridization.

40) How many sigma and pi bonds are there in each of the following molecules?

The Lewis structures are given below. Note that in counting sigma and pi bonds, all single bonds are sigma bonds. For double bonds there is one sigma bond and one pi bond, and for triple bonds there is one sigma bond and two pi bonds.

So a 4 sigma bonds and 0 pi bonds

b 5 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond

c 7 sigma bonds and 3 pi bonds

52) Use molecular orbital theory to explain why the Be2 molecule does not exist.

The MO diagram for Be2 is given below.


This diagram corresponds to the electron configuration ((2s)2 ((*2s)2, and so a bond order of 0. Since the bond order is zero, there is no decrease in energy in forming Be2 out of two beryllium atoms, and so it does not exist. Note that the Be2+ cation (bond order = 1/2) could form from a Be atom and Be+ ion.

56) Explain why the bond order in N2 is greater than in N2+, but the bond order in O2 is less than in O2+.

If we use the MO chart in the book (Fig. 9.18, page 398) we can write electron configurations for each species above

N2 ((2s)2 ((*2s)2 ((2p)4 ((2p)2 Bond order = (8-2)/2 = 3

N2+ ((2s)2 ((*2s)2 ((2p)4 ((2p)1 Bond order = (7-2)/2 = 2 1/2

So N2 has a higher bond order (and so a stronger bond) than N2+.

O2 ((2s)2 ((*2s)2 ((2p)2 ((2p)4 ((*2p)2 Bond order = (8-2)/2 = 2

O2+ ((2s)2 ((*2s)2 ((2p)1 ((2p)4 ((*2p)1 Bond order = (8-3)/2 = 2 1/2

So O2 has a lower bond order (and so a weaker bond) than O2+.

66) Describe the bonding in the nitrate ion (NO3-) in terms of delocalized molecular orbitals.

The nitrate ion can be represented in terms of three equivalent resonance structures, as indicated below


The presence of these resonance structures suggests that the bonding in the NO3- ion is best represented as a central nitrogen atom making single bonds with three oxygen atoms, using sp2 hybridization on all of the atoms. An additional multicentered pi bond forms making use of the pz orbitals of the nitrogen and three oxygen atoms perpendicular to the plane of the ion.

81) Which of the following molecules or ions is linear?

a) ICl2- c) OF2 e) CdBr2

b) IF2+ d) SnI2

The Lewis structures for these molecules or ions are given below.


Based on these Lewis structures we can construct the following table.

molecule electron cloud molecular

geometry geometry

ICl2- trigonal bipyramid linear

IF2+ tetrahedral nonlinear

OF2 tetrahedral nonlinear

SnI2 trigonal planar nonlinear

CdBr2 linear linear

So only ICl2- and CdBr2 have linear molecular geometries.

84) Cyclopropane (C3H6) has the shape of an equilateral triangle in which each carbon atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms and two other carbon atoms. Cubane (C8H8) has the shape of a cube in which each carbon atom is bonded to one hydrogen atom and three other carbon atoms at each corner of the cube.

a) Draw Lewis structures for these molecules.


b) Compare the C-C-C angles in these molecules to the values predicted from sp3 hybridization of a carbon atom.

The bond angle for pure sp3 hybridization is 109.5 (. The C - C - C bond angle in cyclopropane is 60. (, and the C - C - C bond angle in cubane is 90. (.

c) Based on your answer in b, would you expect the above molecules to be easy to make? Why or why not?

I would expect them to be difficult to make (and highly reactive) because they require the formation of bonding between carbon atoms with C - C - C bond angles much different than those preferred based on the hybridization, placing a lot of strain on the molecule.

92) Write the ground state electron configuration for B2. Is the molecule diamagnetic or paramagnetic? Why?

The MO diagram for B2 is given below.


There are two unpaired electron spins in the (2p molecular orbitals, and so B2 is paramagnetic.

104) Which of the following molecules or ions possesses a permanent dipole moment?

a) ClF2+ c) IF4+

b) ClF2- d) IF4-

Drawings for each of these ions, indicating their geometry, are given below.


Based on these diagrams ions a and c have a permanent dipole moment, and ionsb and d do not.

107) The compound TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin) is highly toxic.

The molecule gained considerable notoriety in 2004 when it was implicated in the attempted murder of a Ukranian politician.

a) Describe the geometry of the molecule. Does it have a permanent dipole moment? Explain.

The molecule is planar due to the presence of the two benzene rings. There are four polar C - Cl bonds, and four polar C - O bonds, but in both cases the contributions from the set of four bonds to the overall polarity of the molecule cancel. Therefore the molecule is nonpolar

b) How many pi bonds and how many sigma bonds are there in TCDD?

There are 20 sigma bonds and 6 pi bonds (though a better description of the bonding would be in terms of multicentered pi bonds.






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