Template for Instructor's Guide - Core Knowledge Foundation

|Grade-Level Domain MAP |

|Core Knowledge Content |State Standards |

|Literature – If applicable, list the content and skill guidelines for this |List those state standards that align to the subject-specific guidelines. |

|domain from the ELA Sequence. These can be found in the Teacher Handbook or | |

|selected from the Core Knowledge Sequence. | |

|History/Geography – If applicable, list content and skill guidelines from | |

|the History and Geography Sequence. | |

|Science – If applicable, list content and skill guidelines from the Science | |

|Sequence. | |

|Visual Arts – If applicable, list content and skill guidelines from the | |

|Visual Arts Sequence. | |

|Music – If applicable, list content and skill guidelines from the Music | |

|Sequence. | |

|Language Arts |

|Core Knowledge |CCSS ELA |

|List only the language arts guidelines that will be taught in tandem with |List only those Common Core State Standards for ELA that align (Samples may |

|this domain across subjects. These can be found in the Teacher Handbook or |include more than will be used in your implementation; delete those not |

|Core Knowledge Sequence. |applicable from electronic versions). |

|Prior Knowledge |What Students Will Learn In Future Grades |

|List the supporting content and skills that students have learned prior to |List content from future grades that builds from this domain. These can be |

|this domain. These can be found in the Teacher Handbooks (grades 1-5) and |found in the Teacher Handbooks. |

|supplemented with additional guidelines as necessary. | |

|Cross-Curricular Links |

|List specific sub-topics, guidelines, literary works or connections from | |

|other subject areas. These can be found in the sidebar comments in Teacher | |

|Handbooks as well as in the Sequence. | |

|Domain Vocabulary |

|List the critical domain vocabulary |This vocabulary is found in the |Limit this list to vocabulary that | |

|(Tier 3 words) for which students |Teacher Handbooks as well as within |all teachers agree to use, teach, and| |

|will be held accountable. |your selected trade books. |assess. | |

| |

|Instructional UNITS (optional) |

|Literature |History / Geography |Science |Visual Arts |Music |

|When units have been developed| | | | |

|using this Domain MAP, list | | | | |

|the title(s) of your units | | | | |

|here for reference. | | | | |


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