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Directory Alumni Council

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| Published June 2007 |

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|Inside this Issue |

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Membership Survey Results

By Claire M. Palmer, Chairman

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The DAC has an opening on the Board.

We are very fortunate to add three new members, Bob Odachowski, George Anderson, and Cele Kirkman, to our Board of Directors.

There is still an opening on the Board!

This is your opportunity to get involved in planning social activities to continue the camaraderie enjoyed by directory employees during their days with the Directory department; assist in the publishing of a membership directory, newsletter and web site allowing members to keep in touch with friends made over the years.

The lifeblood of the Directory Alumni Council is its membership and its heart is the volunteer Board of Directors. If you are the type of person who seeks out and acts on solution, works well both independently and within a team, and isn't afraid of a little hard work, this may be a great opportunity for you. It is the membership that votes to put people on the Board, for a three year term, and voting takes place at the Annual Meeting in April.

Some positions on the board have set responsibilities, such as Treasurer, Secretary, Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and these positions are decided each term by the Board of Directors. For most new Directors, their responsibilities include running 1 event per year, assisting one of the other Directors with large projects from time to time, and familiarizing themselves with the working of the Board with an eye to taking on more responsibilities in the next term.

The DAC Board of Directors meets one day a month from January to June and September to November. Meetings generally run from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Are you able to accept this commitment?

Check out our web site for details regarding Officer and Board Member position responsibilities. bylaws

Officers are elected through an official election process at a board meeting. Board Members nominate candidates for election to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting in April.

If you are interested in running for the Directory Alumni Council Board of Directors, please contact our Chairman, Claire Palmer, at priesing@ or ypalumni@.

Tell us your area of expertise or areas of interest, such as: Organizational, Sales, Financial, Nonprofit Management or Nonprofit Board Experience, Computer Expertise, Event Coordination, Other area (please specify).



The DAC Board of Directors is pleased to announce the re-appointment of Beverly Lentine, Pauline Vass, and the induction of three new Board members, George Anderson, Bob Odachowski, and Cele (Mescall) Kirkman.

Congratulations to all!

2007 - The 20th Anniversary of the Directory Alumni Council

The Telephone Company, like other major corporations consists of many divisions. Our division, the Directory Department, also known as Yellow Pages and SuperPages, services the business community by selling Yellow and White Pages advertising. There are various groups within Directory: sales representatives, artists, clerical personal, public affairs, legal, finance, marketing, information systems, customer relations, network, and real estate. Through teamwork these groups expand the company into new domestic and global markets.

So it was that on November 23, 1987 a group of 8 Yellow Page sales people who truly loved their profession, decided they would always enjoy being a part of this exciting business, even after they retired, by keeping in touch with their past.

This desire to stay connected lead to the formation of the Directory Alumni Council!


Executive Board

Claire M. Palmer – Chairman

Sandy Noe – Vice Chairman

Marie Nardone – Treasurer

Pauline Vass – Secretary

Members of the Board – George Anderson, Susan Burke, Tony Foglia, Bobbie Gifford, Cele Kirkman, Beverly Lentine, Robert Odachowski

Bobbie’s Chat Room

By Bobbie Gifford

Hello Everyone!

Do hope this newsletter finds you all well and enjoying life. Spring is finally here and isn’t it wonderful!! The tulips are blooming and the lounge chairs are being dusted off at last. Many of you, who don’t migrate south, are finally out hitting those golf balls and planting your gardens. There is nothing as rewarding as springtime in New England.

Thank you all for your generous donations to the annual “Phone-a-Thon” held back in March. It was really enjoyable to speak with so many of you. We all wished we could speak longer with you when we called. We have a lot of calls to make, and only a small number of volunteers to make the calls. I wish we could do these calls more often. It’s a real joy!! We are still receiving your late donations and Thank You to all. I want to thank all of our special volunteers who came to help us reach this year’s goal. Our telephone callers were the following:

Ann Jaroncyk, Beverly Lentine, Cathy Tarr, Carol MacKendrick, Kathy Sullivan, Bobbie Gifford, Susan Burke.

On the following evening we gathered again to follow up with all the paper work from the previous night, and to do the mail outs to those of you we were unable to reach by phone.

I want to thank some great volunteers who helped with the mailing for the Phone-a-Thon.

They were: Dave and Joan Barry, Joanne Piselli, Claire Brennan, Chris Viscay, Estelle Coan, Inez Taatjes, Jan McGann, Gail Roberts, Beverly Lentine, Marie Nardone, Joe Marshall, Bobbie Gifford.

Thanks So Much!

I received a note from Harry and Mary Lou Wiley telling us how much they both enjoy our newsletters. Thank you for your encouraging note.

Joe Conley, another fine gent from the State of Maine along with Clem Cormier, another oldie but goodie Salesman from our Yellow Pages, told us they get together at least twice a week and enjoy a coffee and reminisce about those good old days on the road. Many wonderful friendships were made due to working at the Telephone Co. For this reason we believe we have a ”Special Alumni Council” that really promotes and preserves old and new relationships. Thanks guys for showing us that our work is really appreciated! Enjoy your friendships and have fun. We hope to see you both soon.

I just heard the sad news of Andrea Ritchie’s passing. At one time I had the privilege of working for Andrea. She was a terrific leader!! Always watching over her Sales crews, and lending a helping hand whenever she could. We shared many happy moments together, and I know she will be greatly missed by her many friends and relatives.

On the move again is another group of our Alumni girls. Gail Roberts (continued on next page)

planned a trip with NSLMC. The girls are going to Charleston, Savannah and Myrtle Beach. Those on this trip are the following gals:

Sandy Strainge, Alice Mardigian, Jean Garrett, Jane Callahan, Dottie Little, Caroline Cook, Kay Robinson and of course our old friend Gail Roberts. Do hope you had a great time!

Vickie Droker, who retired from Telephone Sales 20 years ago and was a great Sales Rep, has settled in California. Vickie is a high energy gal and now describes herself as feisty as well. She has joined a group called “Grandparents for Peace and Justice” a small but determined group of Rossmoor, CA residents, who protest for peace in Iraq. Every Friday afternoon like clockwork the members of the group stand vigilant with their hand –lettered protest signs near the entrance of Rossmoor. We are so happy that you are still a leading lady, Vickie.

Vickie used to work in my Sales crew, and we shared many laughs and had lots of fun. Vickie wants to brag about her three children. Bob, her son, is a Federal Judge, Chief Justice in Jacksonville, FL. Marge, her middle one, is a French translator, in Framingham High School. Nancy, her youngest, is a Marketing Director for John Muir Hospital, in Walnut Creek, CA. Vickie insisted Nancy “budget” for a full page ad in the “Yellow Pages”.

Good advice Vickie!!

Wishing you and your family continued success. See the news photo of Vickie Droker protesting in CA on Page 23.

Wishing you all a great summer!

‘Till Next Time

Bobbie Gifford §

Jim’s Jems

By Jim Mullaney

Now for the big story! Ben and Audrey Riley have been friends of mine for almost a half century since the two of us came into the Company (NE Telephone). “Benjy” was originally assigned to the Springfield sales office and I started out in New Bedford where the late Ed McKnight was the Supervisor, as the managers were then called. Ben reported to the late Phil Callan who also handled sales in the Vermont area. Eventually, that sales area got its own crew with Bill Peck as the Sales Manager and the late Aggie Berkhan as the Directory clerk. That was a great combo. But then again there were great combos in all the New England areas in those days. In 1958, Ben was reassigned to the Providence Sales Office. It was a homecoming assignment for him and his wife. They both were born and raised in Rhode Island, Audrey in Warwick and Ben in Cranston. Together, they have been married 64 years and raised seven children. They have four girls, Sharon, Robin, Stephanie and Patricia. The three boys are, Ben IV, Jim and Doug. All the kids are alive and well and doing as well as any of our kids. Ben attended Brown University and was in the National Guard at that time. When the Guard was federalized, Ben was assigned to the 43rd Artillery in WWII, where he served with distinction. He rose through the ranks from enlisted personnel to the rank of Captain. During his tour of duty, he was awarded the Silver Star, The Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart while serving in Germany. He also had two battlefield promotions while leading his tank battalion, once on a horse. On one occasion, a bomb exploded close to his tank and blew him out of the tank, blinding him temporarily and hospitalizing him. After an honorable discharge from the US Army in 1943, Ben married Audrey and started their family.

And so, 90 years have passed and I attended a birthday party for him in his new home at The Gardens of North Port in North Port, FL. I was both surprised and thrilled to receive a telephone call from “Benjy” personally inviting me to the celebration. I stayed the weekend with Ben and Audrey as their guest and spent a great deal of time reminiscing. Ben was active as an Area Rep of Local 1301 of the CWA. He was involved as a negotiator in contract talks with the company and helped forge the contracts for the Union that were especially helpful to our sales force. At that time, Jim Edgeworth was the president of the Union. Ben retired in 1980 after working 27 years as a salesman with Yellow Pages. A good job well done, Ben.

Spoke to Bob Theriault, another old timer, who is handling the aging process very well. Bob is 85, a survivor of prostate cancer and is still weighing in around the 150 lb mark. He plays golf three or four times a week and was a starter for some time at Wuaukewan Golf Club in Meredith, NH. He recently moved to the position of greeter for the Club. That, of course, is a natural for him. If you’ve ever spent any time with Bob you know how friendly and gregarious he is. He wanted me to make sure to send his best regards to all the people he was in contact with as a salesman. Bob plays a great piano and can still carry a tune. Keep up the good times Bob.

Good news for Zola Tarrance. Her daughter, Patricia, finished four years at Harvard and graduated with a degree in Social Science. Next year she’ll be teaching school in Hyde Park. I can’t believe the years that have flown by since I last spoke with Zola. Back then, a Boston Globe columnist wrote a full column about Zola and Patricia. Now Patricia is a Harvard graduate. Can you imaging how proud Zola is.

One by one they are leaving the Sunshine State (Florida) and returning north to their summer homes. Tony and Barbara Foglia are back in Salem, NH where they live. Ironically, I called in mid-April and apologized for not contacting them sooner because they had been here in the Juno Beach area since January. I called them on Tony’s cell phone and reached the two of them in their new Cadillac on the way to a flea market in Boynton Beach. Happily for me they stayed in their car and drove back to Jupiter and popped up in Duffy’s Sports Grill – I was sitting at the bar, naturally, so they joined me and we all had dinner. They left early because their son Paul, who owns and runs a very successful Subway restaurant in Alaska came down to Orlando for a family get together. Paul is also involved in “white water” photography and does very well with that business. Their other son, David, with his wife Cory, were in Orlando to visit his parents and his in-laws who were down to see their daughter, Shannon, who is 12 years old perform. Shannon is in a dance group that was invited to Disney World to perform. Pretty neat I’d say.

Another great couple who returned to their home in Orleans on Cape Cod is Dana and Susan Gould. Dana had major surgery last year and spent his time in Jupiter recuperating. Unfortunately, he fell twice which didn’t help him at all. So their reason for returning back to the Boston area was to keep a delayed appointment with his doctor for a post surgical observation. Actually, he’s feeling much better now except for his left shoulder which he fell on. His problem was exasperated by the fact that he couldn’t swing his golf clubs. That was a rotten development. On the other hand, his son’s wife delivered a baby girl in January, so Dana and Susan were ready to go back and see their new granddaughter. (Dana got a clean bill of health from his doctors.)

I had a wonderful conversation with Vicki Droker who lives in a retirement community in Walnut Creek, CA, just outside San Francisco. In her days as Telephone Canvasser, Vicki was one of the best. She loved her job and seriously pursued it. She’s been retired for twenty years. I commented to her that her voice was as strong as ever. Vicki moved to CA not long after her husband Lou passed away. Her daughter pointed out the advantages of the CA weather as compared to Winthrop, MA. Vicki has a daughter who still lives in MA. Her son is a judge down here in Jacksonville, FL. She mentioned she was sorry to hear that Tom Schofield had passed away. Tom was quite a force in those days, particularly when the Telephone Canvassers were located at 500 Atlantic Ave in Boston. Naturally, Vicki said she would like to say Hello to all of her friends in Directory. I said I would include that in my column and as I hung up I had a smile on my face. She’s still a dynamite person.

And yes, Harry and Mary Lou Wiley are doing just great. He returned my call recently and was full of vim and vigor. This past year hasn’t been one of his better ones, but he hangs tough. Years ago I was sitting in the late Frank Kavanagh’s office and his telephone rang. When he answered he said, “Yes, he’s sitting with me right now.” Frank told me I was wanted in the late Bob Carr’s office. When I arrived at State St. in Boston, Harry was there with Bob and they wanted to know if I’d be interested in becoming the Special Accounts Manager. Naturally, I accepted before they could change their minds. It turned out to be a dynamite job and I loved it. So, you see, Harry and I go back a long way and our relationship has always been good. The same can be said about Mary Lou whom I met when she was a salesperson in Telephone Sales.

When I came to Yellow Pages in December 1953, Roger Peterson was in the first crew I was involved with in New Bedford. Today, we’re the only two left of that group that also included the late Leroy Hunt. Roger was hired in 1939, had his Army time bridged after he was discharged and is still on the payroll to this day which equates to 68 years. He retired in 1978 and has been married to his wife Edith for twelve years. He’s 91 years old now so I told him to make sure Edith sends me an invitation to his 100th birthday party.

One of the nicer people I was acquainted with in the Company is Lili Prunier. After many years Lili remarried and her marriage name has changed to Mayer. She told me her daughter’s daughter just earned a four year all expenses paid academic scholarship to the University of Iowa. Boy, those things don’t come around very often. Lili married Jeff in Hawaii. Most people think of going there on their honeymoon. Lili is into her lifelong ambition, painting. She said she always wanted to do it but never had the time. She loves what she is doing particularly outdoor scenes. Lili also does indoor still life, but really prefers outdoor scenes. The closest I ever got to painting was doing the house once. And, once was enough.

It’s funny how things and people change with the passing of time. For instance, I called Gladys Page because I thought she had worked with me in Special Accounts. Not so, I had mistaken her name for Germaine Sherman. Of course, the names aren’t even close but I had a nice conversation with Gladys. She quit the Company to take care of her invalid mother who eventually passed away at 91. While I was at it I called Germaine Sherman and had a great conversation with her. One of the things we had in common was we each had seven children. I think her daughters Claire and Mary Anne both worked for the Company and both of them were beautiful women. Of course that wouldn’t have been hard to do because their mother was a beautiful woman with a great personality and a million dollar smile. Her husband passed away not that long ago. Germaine still lives in the same house in Melrose.

Joe and Carolyn Giuffreda are back in Winthrop in their New England Summer location after being in Fort Lauderdale, FL for the winter months. They took a cruise on the Princess line to the St. Thomas, St. Johns area. They’re already lined up for a busy social season of dinners, weddings and parties. Go for it, J and C.

I spoke to Sherb and Shirley Carter. Sherb was working at his office, so I called him there. I asked him what he was doing and he said, “right now I’m building a bureau for my granddaughter”. I completely forgot that he’s into woodworking. I had heard he had been in the hospital, so I was curious as to how he was. Seems he slipped on some ice last year and hurt his back. The net result was he had to have back surgery. The operation was successful, but he doesn’t have much feeling in his back anymore.

More good news, Don Caswell and his wife Joanne are in good shape. He tells me there are still Caswells working in the Yellow Pages, so that’s nice to carry on the tradition. His brother, Bob Caswell and I were close personal friends for a number of years until his death. One of the funniest stories I’ve known over the years was of Don driving home from Bangor. He reached over the seat to throw out an empty six-pack but inadvertently threw out a full six-pack. The thing that made the story so unforgettable was the fact he was as big a beer drinker as was I. Talk about being crushed. However, somewhere between Bangor and South Portland, I’m sure there was a package store that sold a six-pack to a new customer.

What a pleasant conversation I had with Betsy Fantone. Number one, at least she remembered my name and who I was. That, in itself, is something for me to be pleased about. She mentioned that it was more than a few years ago that she interviewed with and was hired by Jack Lavelle. Great hire, Jack! Both of her sons were/are MIT students. Usually, one is lucky if one child makes that university, let alone two. She is doing great personally, and is feeling great. We swapped jokes and Betsy told me a great one about a doctor, lawyer, minister and an engineer. Next time you run into Betsy ask her to tell you that joke. And her delivery of the story was excellent.

I also talked to another long time friend from Maine, Larry Wescott. He and Bob Levine are good buddies and frequently go on camping trips together with their wives. Larry is still doing radio and TV commercials and periodically interviews for movie roles. All in all he seems to have it made.

So, I called Bob Levine to see how he was doing and he said fine. He and his wife returned from St. Cloud FL in February because his wife’s mother passed away. Bob and I worked in the same Providence sales crew for awhile. He was my manager. At one time he was very involved with horses and his farm. That’s all gone by the wayside and he’s settled into the every day routine most of us follow. At least it keeps him out of trouble.

I had a great talk with Bill Braunlich recently. One of the things he mentioned was dining fairly regularly with George Anderson. His schedule makes me presume he is still a workaholic, except he still makes time for golf so it can’t be all work. Another one of Bill’s good traits is he and his wife, June have been married for 40 years and still are going strong. Currently Bill is involved in the Epilepsy Therapy Development Project (ETDP). That’s a program I can relate to if for no other reason than I had a daughter who was 28 years old and died as a result of epilepsy. Bill worked for the company for 30 years at NY Tel, AT&T, NYNEX, NE Tel where he retired. After that tour of duty was finished he joined VOLT Telecommunications Group for 16 years. If I read him right, one of his fondest accomplishments was he and June’s move from Rockport to a waterfront property in Gloucester. Bill, It’s about time for you to stop and smell the roses.

Now from time to time I’ve mentioned how much I enjoy talking to the people that made this column possible. One of those guys is Jack Lavelle. He recently had eye surgery and can now see much better and can read the newspaper. A giant step! This summer Jack’s daughter Annie and her family will be coming back home to visit. They live in Mexico City, Mexico. His other daughter Kate has over 31 years as an airline stewardess for Northwest. The one surprise I got was Jack and Jeanne have a 55 year old son Christopher. That’s what happens when you’ve been married for 57 years.

Jim and Del Mohler are back home in Rehoboth, MA from Weeki Wachee, FL. Every time I see that address I think it should be in Hawaii. They came home for their daughter Donna’s graduation from Bridgewater State College. And they also attended the Confirmation of their granddaughter, Kaitlyn. Jim had by-pass surgery last year and is recovering nicely. His only problem is a hip condition which he swears he is going to take care of. Del had double knee surgery and now plays golf three times a week. She’s a very good player who has played in our Lake Morey Golf Tournament.

Isn’t it funny how we remember some of our friends and acquaintances. For instance, when Janet Burns worked with us she always seemed to have toy frogs on her desk, so I called her and asked if she still was attached to them and she told me the whole thing started as a joke by some of the girls she worked with. And, no, she isn’t attached to them but, yes she still has them. They are up in her attic. When I spoke to her she was just getting over a bout of bronchitis but was feeling fine. Her daughter, A BU graduate works at Ebsco where Mark Herrick works. Several other of our retirees have worked there also. It’s a publishing corporation in Ipswich. Her son is finishing his freshman year at the University of Miami where is majoring in international business. She herself is working as a hostess at the Park Lunch somewhere on the North Shore. Janet still sounds a vivacious and strong as ever. She was always a strong personality who looked great and was well dressed.

Many of you are going to have to reach way back to remember Doris (Buckley) L’Hommedieu. I first came in contact with her when she was a sales person in Telephone Sales on Atlantic Ave in Boston and lived in Arlington near Peg Rawlings. As a matter of fact, Peg used to drive Doris to and from work when their schedules didn’t conflict. At any rate, she’s still going strong. Doris lives at home and her son lives with her. I remember when she and Margi Ori went on a boat cruise for singles and Doris met her husband to be, I think his first name was Don. They were married but unfortunately, he died at a relatively young age. Many of us from the Tel Sales group used to go to Herbie’s for lunch. At that time, Doris, Margi and Pat Massey would walk together. Needless to say, the three of them together would virtually stop traffic. If all goes well, I plan to have lunch with Doris this summer. And perhaps, if Margi comes north from Naples, she and Pat will be included. You know, as I like to say, there’s no sense in being Irish if you can’t be lucky.

Evelyn Turner is still hanging in there in spite of the fact she hasn’t been feeling all that well for the last couple of years. Her son and grand- son are living with her to keep her company. I said to her, it was a good thing she has her Greek background to keep her going. She agreed.

In the event some of you aren’t sure who Don MacKenzie is, he formerly headed up our Yellow Pages. He left us to oversee the Telephone Pioneers nationally. Dana Gould was his number two in command. Don, like the rest of us, is more laid back now and devotes much of his time to his family and grandchildren. He comes to FL annually but usually goes to the west coast in the Sarasota area and Siesta Key specifically. However, he touches base here in Jupiter to visit friends. He said he was recently traumatized by reaching the big ‘seven oh’. On the other hand, he still plays golf with a handicap of about 15 and tennis which help keep him svelte.

If you’ve read this far, Thank You. Jim’s Jems is really a labor of love which takes the better part of a month to call people and to transform their conversions into the written word.

Good health to all of you and enjoy your summer.


[pic] Bits & Pieces

By Kathy Sullivan

I hope that everyone is enjoying the weather now that spring is finally here.  Tricia Savage, formerly of Customer Service, and I are volunteering at the Anthony Spinazzola Foundation Celebrity Golf Classic tomorrow, May 17, at the International in Bolton and are hoping for good weather.  Last year this event raised $75,000 for The Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center and their Children’s Sentinel Nutritional Assessment Program.  Some of the celebrities last year included Red Sox alumnus Luis Tiant, New England Patriots alumnus Russ Francis, WCVB Channel 5's Susan Wornick, and Margie Claprood.   The honorary chairman is Ray Bourque of the Boston Bruins.


I had a nice chat with Norma O'Donnell, formerly of CADIS, a few weeks ago.  Norma recently sold her home in Saugus and moved to Chelmsford Crossing in Chelmsford to be closer to her children and grandchildren.  I hope Chelmsford has a good library system.  Norma and I are both devoted library patrons, and since the Saugus override did not pass, we may be losing our library in Saugus.


I enjoyed working on the annual Phone-a-Thon this past March and speaking with some of our retirees.  I had a nice time talking to Honey Amirault, formerly of Customer Service.  Honey is working as an apprentice optician at Lenscrafters in Peabody.  She told me they have a great assortment of designer frames, so if you are in the market for some new glasses, stop in and see Honey.


I also had a nice chat with Cathy Barbaro, formerly of Credit and Collections.  Cathy and I worked together in the Danvers Business Service Center when we were both working for the Commercial department in the 1980's.  Cathy is living in Sebago, Maine and working for Bank of America.  She works out of her home office, but does have an office in Boston also.  She comes down to Boston about once a month.


Carol MacKendrick, formerly of Production Support, volunteered on our annual phone-a-thon.  Carol's husband Bob is a second term selectman in Lynnfield, since retiring from the fire departmsent.  Carol has been keeping busy taking art and tap dancing lessons.  She also teaches art and is a member of the Lynnfield Cultural Council.


I spoke to Peggy (Gordon) Hickey, formerly of Production Support.   Carol worked with Peggy and we were remembering what an elegant dresser she was, even for an ordinary day at the office.


I had a long chat with Lanny Grim.  I talked with Lanny often when I worked in Presidential Appeals.  Lanny was at Church Street in New York City and he worked with developing and organ-izing Yellow Page headings.   We received many suggestions and complaints regarding our Yellow Page headings in the Presidential Appeals Office.  Lanny is currently living the good life in the country, in Claysville, PA.  Claysville is in southwestern Pennsylvania, near the West Virginia border.   It was still cold when I spoke to him, but Lanny was hoping for some nice motorcycle weather. 


I hoped to talk to Sally (Tirabassi) Donovan, formerly worked in Customer Service, this month, but I will save that for next time.

More in the next! Kathy Sullivan§

Ninth Annual Phone A-Thon March 6-7, 2007

By Bobbie Gifford

The Annual Phone-A-Thon fundraiser held on Tuesday March 7th was very successful. Thanks to our many generous Alumni Members!! Donations are still coming in as this note is being written.

I want to Thank the following volunteers who donated two hours of their time for this important event. The telephone callers were:

Susan Burke, Bobbie Gifford, Ann Jaroncyk, Beverly Lentine, Carole MacKendrick, Kathy Sullivan, Cathy Tarr.

Everyone had a good time speaking with many of our members. It was really a fun evening.

Wednesday, March 9th another group of volunteers helped with the pledges made on Tuesday evening. We had a great crew doing a lot of work. This group included the following Alumni Members.

Joan Barry, Dave Barry, Claire Brennan, Susan Burke, Estelle Coan, Bobbie Gifford, Beverly Lentine, Joe Marshall, Jan McGann, Marie Nardone, Gail Roberts, Inez Taatjes, Chris Viscay.

Thank you all so much for doing such a great job for a great cause!

[pic] The

Phone A-Thon is moving to August.

Next year is a transition year for the Phone-A-Thon. We are moving the Phone-A-Thon to August 2008 from March 2008. This change will give us all an opportunity to be back from our winter vacations and be available to volunteer to call our members for the 2008 Phone-a-Thon.

Thanks, Bobbie Gifford, Chair §


The arrival of Easter and Passover is an annual sign that spring is here with summer soon to follow. Hopefully, you've got plans that involve lots of great food, and that you'll find some time to get outside and enjoy the warming weather. Here are some suggestions for your to-do list.

• Begin a Garden

• Attend a DAC event

• Plan a Summer Vacation- pack up the car, hit the road, and, whatever you do, don’t forget the SPF.


Annual Meeting April 25, 2007[pic]

By Pauline Vass

The 20th Annual Meeting of the Directory Alumni Council was held at Calitri’s Restaurant, Route 1 South, Danvers, MA on April 25, 2007.

The year 2006 was a year of changes on the Board. We continue to attract great people who want to keep our organization going forward.

Before we elected our new Board Members Claire Palmer gave a preview of what is in store for 2007.

❖ We had a very successful Phone-A-Thon in March. So far we’ve raised $4,780.

We are most thankful to Bobbie Gifford and her Crew.

❖ Claire Palmer organized the Boston Pops event on May 12th. There are 28 folks looking forward to the performance

❖ Tony Foglia and Dick Jones are organizing the Lake Morey Golf on June 19-21.

❖ Susan Burke is working on the Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise on July 19.

❖ Sandy Noe is organizing the August 8th Annual Cookout at the Ipswich Masonic Temple, a new location this year. The menu sounds great and the price is $20.

❖ Dave Barry and Paul Carney of the Red Sox Committee were unable to purchase tickets for a Red Sox game but will try again next year.

❖ Sandy Noe is organizing the Holiday Greens to be sold at the Middleton building on November 15. The delivery of the Holiday Greens is scheduled for November 29. They are looking forward to us coming back.

❖ Marie Nardone is hoping you have the Holiday Luncheon on your December 4th calendar. We want this to be the best ever to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. We ask all of you to urge your friends to come to the luncheon for what is always a fun time.

Going forward we must continue to focus on our priorities of:

❖ Getting New Members Claire asked all attending to reach out to their friends and if they are not already a member, invite them to join. We will forward an introductory package to all new members. Claire stated that we have 5 new members in 2007.

❖ Continue Developing the DAC Newsletter. The reformatted newsletter has been well received. We are always looking for “Newsy Notes” to add to each issue. Members tell us that they like to read about what is happening. If you have news items of interest send them to our mailing address or email address.

❖ Our new Membership Dues offer was a hit. Great response! So far, more than 65% of our membership have paid their dues.

❖ The Website continues to draw a great number of viewers, or as Sandy Noe, our Webmaster would say lots of “hits”

❖ We are working on publishing an Updated Members Directory – we have 17 pages of changes and are due for an updated directory.

❖ We are a Social Organization – we not only do fun things but also give support to a charity. Over the past l5 years we have donated over $178,000 to the Foundation for Neurologic Diseases. Thank you for your continued support to this worthwhile cause.

Re-election of Board of Directors Members

At this point in the meeting Claire Palmer announced the adoption of the motion to re-elect Beverly Lentine, Pauline Vass, and new nomination for members of Board of Directors, George Anderson, Bob Odachowski and Cele Kirkman. Sandy Noe seconded the Motion to elect the slate of candidates. Motion carried.

Congratulations to all!

Claire thanked the Board Members for all their help and expressed how much it is appreciated.

We then held the Phone-A-Thon Raffle Drawing of 3 - $50 prizes. The following three winners were drawn:

Margaret Laughlin

Elizabeth (Betty) McManus

Cathy Tarr

Congratulations to all!

In conclusion, Claire thanked the Members of the Board, who work so hard every day to support and make real our vision. They have responded to challenges with energy and enthusiasm and she couldn’t be more proud of them.

Claire also thanked Karen Gagne, who retired as the DAC chairman in 2006. Karen’s contributions to the DAC’s success are immeasurable, and all of us thank her and wish her well.

Following the business portion of our Annual Meeting everyone enjoyed a pizza feast! §

Boston Pops May 12, 2007


By Claire Palmer

During the spring season at Symphony Hall, the Boston Pops thrills audiences of all ages with its unique brand of entertainment.

On May 12th, 28 of your fellow Alumni and friends enjoyed a great time at the Pops. The theme of the performance was “Boomer”.

Under the direction of Pops Conductor Keith Lockhart, “America's favorite Orchestra” performed music loved by all generations. Guest artist, Broadway star Liz Callaway was terrific!

Dave Barry, Paul Carney, Tony Foglia, Jeannine Francis, Ann Jaroncyk, Mary Kelleher, Debbie Miller, Sally Millice, Bob Odachowski, Claire Palmer, Carol Prata, Pauline Vass and their family and friends enjoyed hit songs from the Beatles to the Village People, classic themes from television and film, and an unforgettable audience sing-along.

Many of us took the “T” to the Pops and enjoyed the opportunity to ride the rails. “Charlie on the MTA’ had nothing on us this day. For those of you who have not traveled by “T” recently there is a new pass card,

instead of tokens.


We relived our good old days, with the Boston Pops!

See Page 31 for the lyrics to “Charlie on the MTA” §

| | |

Ken Premo Golf Tournament, Lake Morey June 19-20-21, 2007

[pic] [pic]

By Tony Foglia, Dick Jones

On the walk from the putting green to the first tee, people were saying, “Good luck, and play good today”. We wish all of the attendees a good score and a successful tournament. Details on who won tournament prizes for best scores, and closest to the pin, will appear in the October newsletter.

As any golfer knows, this could certainly happen....

“At a Golf Course, the foursome approached the sixteenth tee. The straight fairway runs along a road and bike path fenced off on the left. The first golfer teed off and hooked the ball in that direction. The ball went over the fence and bounced off the bike path onto the road, where it hit the tire of a moving bus and was knocked back on to the fairway.

As they all stood in amazement, one man asked him, "How on earth did you do that?"

Without hesitation, he said, "You have to know the bus schedule."

If you haven’t been to Lake Morey Resort you owe it to yourself to try this relaxing get away.

Join in on the fun next year. Sign up early for the Ken Premo Golf Tournament at Lake Morey. §

Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise— July 18, 2007


By Susan Burke

Our Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise is one event that many look forward to attending each year. We hope you will join us for a fun filled time.


If you are planning to join us for a fun filled day at sea, please go to Page 27 and fill out the form.

We hope you can join us! §

The Road Is Never Long Between Friends

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;

Someone who changes your life

just by being part of it.

Someone who makes you laugh

until you can't stop;

Someone who makes you believe

that there really is good in the world.

Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.

This is Forever Friendship.

18th Annual Cookout August 7, 2007 [pic]

By Sandy Noe

The DAC 18th Annual Cookout is moving to a new location, the Masonic Temple in Ipswich.

There is an air conditioned indoor banquet room and outdoor eating area located on 10 acres with horseshoe pits and room for volleyball.

Join your friends and share a taste of Summer on Tuesday August 7. Bring your family and friends to the

DAC’s famous “Annual Cookout”.

Menu and more...

Hot Dogs at 11:00 am, Lunch at 1:00 p.m.

Eat In or Eat Out with plenty of room to enjoy your time in air conditioned comfort or outdoors under a canopy of trees.

$20 per person

Your choice of either ½ Rotisserie Chicken or 4 Marinated Sirloin Tips.

Corn on the cob, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Strawberry Shortcake

Lemonade or Iced Tea with meal. Tonic and Drinks at cash bar.

Games of skill and chance, volleyball, horseshoes and plenty of “schmoozing” for all. in Ample free parking! y

AUCTION: We invite you to bring two small items of interest (no junk please) to auction off for the benefit of the Foundation for Neurologic Diseases.

If you are planning to join us for our annual cookout, please go to Page 29 and fill out the form. §


Tuesday August 21, 2007

Arrive at 9:45 am Cruise 10:00 - 11:20 am

$29.75 pp - Includes Harbor & Locks Cruise and lunch at 11:30 am at the Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria Mall.

Choose from over 50 entrees on a special luncheon menu, soft drink, coffee/tea, and your choice of cheesecake for dessert.

If you need more information contact Bev Lentine at 978 774-4821. Space is limited, send your form and check as soon as possible. Deadline is July 16th.

We’ve included a Boston Harbor & Locks Cruise flyer on Page 32 in this newsletter. Fill out the form and mail it back to us.

Red Sox Game [pic]

”Wait ‘Til Next Year”

By Paul Carney and Dave Barry

It is with regret that we are not able to procure any tickets for our Boston team.  We’ll try again next year.

The Red Sox Committee is conscious of the need to acquire the necessary group account number.  We shall pursue this objective for 2008. 

A sincere THANK YOU to the Chairman of our Directory Alumni Council, Claire Palmer, for her tabulation of interested members.  Her participation and team work is exceptional!  §

[pic]Holiday Greens Orders November 15, 2007 Holiday Greens Delivery November 29, 2007

By Sandy Noe

I know it is way too early, but we are already planning for our next Holiday Greens Sale to be held on November 15, 2007 at the Middleton Building. Mark your calendar for this great sale!

More details in our October newsletter. §


Holiday Luncheon

December 4, 2007

By Marie Nardone

Check our web site for great 2006 Holiday Luncheon photos.

This year is our 20th Annual Holiday Luncheon to be held on DECEMBER 4th, 2007  at Angelica's.

Please Keep This Date Open. 

Let’s try to break all records for attendance at this wonderful get together. Ask people you used to work with, even if they are not Alumni members, to join us. From past experience they will surely have a good time!

More details in our October newsletter. §

In Memory of our members or their family members who died in 2007.

Norma MacDonald, mother-in-law of Carole MacDonald – DAC

Mary Slowey Anderson, mother of George Anderson – DAC

Deborah Gately, daughter of Alice Mardigian – DAC

Teresa (Terry) McNulty – DAC

Mary Walsh, mother-in-law of Charles Mackie – DAC

Ann DiGregorio, mother and mother-in-law of Linda and Robert Lay

Paul King, husband of Paula King – DAC

Nancy Wolfson

Ray Barile, brother of Cathy Barile – DAC

Lorraine Kohler, NY Downstate – DAC

Elizabeth J. “Betty” Wade, wife of the late Bob Wade – DAC

Barbara Nash, wife of Gene Nash – DAC

M. Eileen Burns, sister of Terry MacPherson – DAC

Marilyn Mulcahy, wife of Bob Mulcahy – DAC

Mary McGough, sister of Rose Mathews – DAC

Philomena Spina, mother of Cheryl Marcorelle – DAC

Andrea Ritchie



We’ve Got Mail![pic]

By Our Members

One thing all of those who contribute to the DAC Newsletter have in common is that their stories are unique and worth telling. Drop us a line… say hello… and you may read a story worth repeating.

Hi folks,

I just received my new newsletter and I must say it made my day!! 

As most of you know, I left NYNEX some 18 years ago and, to be honest, I have missed it every day since.  It is so nice to read and reminisce about many of my old friends and acquaintances and to see that so many of you are doing so well and enjoying life.  My life has taken many turns over the last 18 years including several relocations to other parts of the country and the world, a six-month recall to military service with the US Navy that turned into 44 months and an addition to my family as a result.  I now have a 9 year old son who has made my whole life worth living.

In any case, please keep up the good work.  I’m sure many others who are reading the newsletter today are feeling the same things that I am right now.  I look forward to participating with you in future events.

Best of luck.

Steve Castinetti                             


Sharon Kent, Ben Riley’s daughter writes to tell us that Ben is celebrating his 90th birthday.

I’m sure Ben would love to hear from his Alumni friends.

His address is:

Ben Riley

4900 South Sumter Blvd. Apt 517

North Port, FL 34287


Email: rilsar@


Hi, I just wanted to share some news.  This is Paula Wilson.  My husband and I recently had our second child.  Ashley Jeanne Wilson was born on Feb. 5th and was 8 lbs. 4 oz.  We are all doing well and adjusting to life at home with her older brother Tyler, who turned 2 in December.  I am enjoying staying home with the family and plan to start teaching yoga a few nights a week and eventually getting back to work part time.


We received this nice note from Lisa Romano and family.

Dear Bobbie and Alumni Council,

We wanted to take this opportunity to Thank You and all those that are working on your upcoming Spring Fundraiser for the Foundation for Neurological Diseases. As many of you know my mom, Mary Fox (Foxy Lady), a former phone company employee and a member of the Directory Alumni Council, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s back in 2001. Due to the progression of the disease, she has since moved in with me, my husband Terry and my two daughters, Lauren and Jenna, here in Danvers. Needless to say, this foundation is near and dear to our hearts. We along with thousands of other families are well aware of the time and money that goes into the funding, research and finding a cure for some of these debilitating diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. So Thank You , for your time and your donations, they really do make a difference.

As for those of you who know Mom, she still has her quick wit, lovable personality and a smile that can still light up a room!. We are keeping her very busy here and she is embracing every minute with family and especially with her grandchildren. I’m sure you’ll see Mom at the next Alumni event, Pauline Vass usually makes sure of that! Thanks Pauline – you’re a true friend!

On behalf of Mary and her family, We Thank You!

Gratefully Yours, Lisa Romano and family.


Here’s a note from Peggy Hickey.

“Hi Everyone – Happy Spring!”


We received a nice note from Sally Millice. “Thank you for your good work!


Telephone Pioneers 2006 Hall of Fame Awarded to Caroline Cook


November 4, 2006  - Nashville, Tennessee

 The V/F/T Telecom Pioneer Conference

(excerpts from )

Caroline Cook held many leadership roles on the chapter, council and club levels as member-at-large, treasurer, and office assistant. She also served on the calendar and luncheon committees and currently works as the chapter office assistant. Caroline was the North Shore Map coordinator and volunteered her time on the computer recycling program and also delivered dictionaries to various schools.

Caroline chairs The New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans since 2001 and The Special Needs Event since 2002.

Caroline is involved with the Adopt A Child Christmas Project since 1998. She makes her home available to store, wrap and distribute presents for the annual Adopt a Child Christmas Project. Caroline always shops around for the best items needed for chapter, council and club projects.

Each year the Hall of Fame Award goes to an outstanding Pioneer who has achieved the highest level of commitment in the world of pioneering. When a person gets the Pioneering spirit it opens up a whole new world that includes sharing your life with others, bringing joy to those that may have little and comforting those that need it.

The Thomas Sherwin Chapter #14 presents Caroline Cook, as the Hall of Fame Inductee for the year 2006.

The DAC membership is pleased to recognize this outstanding honor given to one of our DAC

members, Caroline Cook.


Mary Donnelly (Mary D.) was released from the hospital on April 2nd and is now at home recuperating from surgery.


We wish that each day brings Mary renewed strength. Get Well Soon!


If you would like to send Mary your well wishes her address is below.

 Mary Donnelly

42 Catalina Road

Lynn, MA 01905

Update on Mary D.

Mary D. is doing very well!!!     She was at the Pioneer luncheon on May 17th and looked good.  She is back driving and is getting back to her regular schedule of things.  We think she is one remarkable woman!!


We just received a note from Phyllis Marston’s sister.

“Phyllis Marston has been diagnosed with dementia and can only manage self care. I brought her back to Maine for care in June 2005. Is there any way to delete the invitations to social functions? So much mail ends up in the waste basket - it’s a shame.

(Phyllis’s) Sister,

Laura Marston”

Editor note:

We shall remove Phyllis’s name from our mailing list, but perhaps if you know her you may want to send a card.

Phyllis Marston’s address is:

19 Eight St. Portland, ME 04103


Paul Palumbo of Central Art, Lynn, MA writes:

Paul and his wife Irene have been busy pursuing their artistic interests; and the payoff has been worthwhile. Paul, a lifetime painter has received two more blue ribbons for his famed watercolors, and wife Irene, a talented photographer has received two awards for her work as well. When the talented team isn’t showing their artwork, they can be found tending to their garden in Wakefield, MA or spending days at the beach. Also, enjoy happy times with their children and grandchildren. They are very proud of son-in-law Paul returning safely from Iraq with earned Bronze Star. We enjoy the DAC Newsletter – keep up the good work.


While reading The Boston Globe’s April 4th Food Section you can imagine my surprise to discover an article on a custom cookie business, Starlight Creatives, located at 82 Sanderson Ave in Lynn.

We were unable to purchase tickets this year for the Red Sox but you can buy Starlight Creatives’ cookies with a baseball theme at retail stores such as Whole Foods, in the Boston area, Shubies in Marblehead, Lincoln Street Cafe in Newton.


The mention of 82 Sanderson Ave brings back a lot of fond memories.

When Directory moved from 245 State St. in Boston to Lynn some of our group went to 82 Sanderson Ave. The weekend before our move I drove down to see if I could find the building. After circling the block a couple of times I almost gave up. Finally, I figured out why I had a hard time finding Sanderson Ave. About half-way down the street the name changed to Superior St. I was approaching the building from Eastern Ave where the name of the street was Superior!

Max Sontz Roofing and Air Conditioning occupied the first floor. Max Sontz also owned the building. We were located on the second floor along with a cafeteria and a photo shop. Bins of discarded photos gave us some afternoon entertainment. Then there was the time when one of Sontz’ workers came into our office with a shotgun to shoot the birds that had mysteriously appeared. No shots were fired as I recall!

Jack Bell was District Manager, Judy (Forbes) Grato, secretary and Bob Wade and Jim McDermott, the YP Production Managers. The supervisors (I hope I included all!) were Fran Adamson, Pam Baldwin, Linda Benson, Agnes Berkhan, Mary Federico, Peggy (Gordon) Hickey, Nancy Matthews, Myrna Maxwell, Karen McCormack, Terry McNulty, Terry O’Brien, Claire Palmer, Ginny Valentino, Annette Webb, Beverly (Gassiraro) White. There was also a tall blonde supervisor named Ginny. Ginny didn’t last long in Directory which is probably why I don’t remember her last name. Linda (Meserve) Teal, was secretary to Harry Wiley.  This was the NYPS District at the time. Ed Groome, Barbara Morrissey, Jack Palmer, Peg Rawlings, Wyatte Stier, Elliott Wood, were NYPS Account Reps. and Fred Jewett, Jim Mullaney, and Bob Ouilette were Special Accounts Reps, which at that time was a part of NYPS.

There was never a dull moment at Sanderson Ave. One day some of the workers came running into the cafeteria to tell us that the ‘bruning machine was on fire’. In those days we had a yellow, tan and tissue copy of each contract. The tissue copy was fed into the bruning machine to reproduce a pink copy for billing and a green copy for EDP. We had to make sure the tissue copies didn’t jam the machine or the inevitable fire would result.

I asked Myrna Maxwell if she had any memorable Sanderson Ave moments. There were many, here is just a sampling......Our friend Terry McNulty didn’t drive and traveled by bus and taxicab to work. One day Terry came into the office with her knees scraped and her nylons in shreds. The story goes that the cab driver drove too fast and came to a quick stop. He looked in the rear view mirror and didn’t see Terry in the back seat. Terry said the cab driver was asking “Where are you?” until he realized she was on the floor in the back

seat (four on the floor).

Lots of activity happened in the rear parking lot and this is one that Myrna will never forget. “I remember finding Gail Meiggs on the ground out in the parking lot as we were leaving work.  She had fallen off her platform shoes.  Once I knew she was ok, I couldn't stop laughing.”

I have many fond memories of my PC-Unit S.

Diane (Gutowski) Bennett, Tony Costa, Toni Erps, Kathy Kehoe,  Terry Matthews, Eleanor Patten, Marilyn (Maya) Peterson, Frank Rourke, Carol Tocci, Doreen Weinberg, Marilyn Weisman, Jane (Natoli) York, Debbie Zarrella, Carol (?)

As I think back to those days, I remember all the good times we had. All in all, there was seldom a quiet day at 82 Sanderson Ave.!

“Thank You” to Linda Benson, Myrna Maxwell, Eleanor Patten and Linda Teal for helping me remember the people mentioned in this note.

Claire Palmer


On a sad note... Lorraine Kohler, a member of the NY Downstate Board of Directors passed away on March 25, 2007.

When New England Tel merged with NY Tel (NYNEX), the Marketing group was one of the first areas to report to a single Director. Lorraine was warm and welcoming to our NE group. We had so much fun and worked well together. After retirement, I enjoyed getting her emails and sharing family pictures. Lorraine was very proud of her family and what they had achieved. I'm so happy that her daughter-in-law Teresa included me in Lorraine's birthday celebration, if only from afar. I sent a booklet of my memories of our time together in Marketing. I know that Lorraine is looking down on her family and will take care of them. We will miss Lorraine greatly. Rest in peace Lorraine.

Claire Palmer


We recently learned of the death of Elizabeth “Betty” Wade. Betty was the wife of the late Bob Wade who was a YP Manager at 245 State St., Boston and at 82 Sanderson Ave, Lynn. Bob died in 1992 at the age of 69, not long after his retirement from Directory. Betty continued her membership in the Directory Alumni Council after Bob’s death. It is fitting that I attend Betty’s wake to pay my respects. In September 1974 Bob Wade and Jack Bell came to my Dad’s wake and funeral. I shall never forget how kind they were to my Mom and our family at that difficult time.

I asked Bob’s daughter, if she had any pictures of her Dad for us to include on our YP web site.

Rest in peace Betty.

Claire Palmer


Jack Cameron called to ask about our one-time-only dues offer of 1 year, 2 year, and 3 year membership. Jack can spot a good deal when he sees it and is opting for the 3 year plan. At one time in his Directory career Jack worked in Sales Training. The Sales training rooms were on the 5th floor at 195 Market St. Lynn along side CADIS Production training. After some years in Training Jack decided that he was a salesperson at heart and went “back to the bag”. He never looked back! When Jack Lavelle was contemplating leaving his Marketing Manager role and going back to selling YP advertising, Jack Cameron was there to give him the reassurance he needed to take the job in Sales. According to the two Jacks, that was the best decision they both made in their careers in Directory.


Another recent death was Barbara Nash, wife of Gene Nash. Barbara joined Gene on our Lake Morey golf outing. Rest in peace Barbara.



On April 16th, we learned that Frank Perkins could use some cheering up. Frank is back in the Shaughnessy-Kapland Rehab Hospital and would love to hear from his many friends.


Frank's address at the Shaughnessy is:




ROOM #405


SALEM, MA 01970


On April 18th we heard that Charlie Sullivan is recuperating from an illness.

I’m sure Charlie would enjoy hearing from his former colleagues and friends.

Charlie’s home address is:

Charlie Sullivan

5103 Avalon Drive

Peabody, MA 01960


A note from Cathy Barile.

“Hi Everyone – Happy Spring!”



Roger C. Peterson sent us this note. “I just celebrated my 91st birthday. Retired in 1978 and living a good life in Harwich, on Cape Cod, with my wife Edie. I look forward to receiving the newsletter. Thank You.”

The DAC sends Roger a “Happy Birthday Wish”.


Here’s a note from Sally Millice.

I took a lovely tour of Southern Spain in November, my first to Spain.  In March, I went to Callaway Gardens in Georgia for golf and gardening program with Elderhostel.  Weather was perfect and golf was great. I plan to go to France in the fall.  I continue to teach yoga to children and adults in Danvers, Beverly and Salem.  Sang the Brahms Requiem with the Boston Civic Symphony and the Paul Madore Chorale in April.   Recently attended the Boston Pops with the Alumni group and enjoyed it very much.

Best wishes,

Sally Millice



Irene Strazzullo wrote to tell us that “I Love the Newsletter – you guys do a great job!”


Ann Hernon and her husband Bill celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary on April 18th with a trip to Ogunquit, ME. Congratulations to Ann and Bill!


A Thank You Note from Peg Laughlin:

To Officers of the Directory Alumni Council,

Thank you so much for the $50.00 check I received in my mail today! I am always happy to contribute to the Foundation for Neurologic Diseases. It is such a worthy cause. The check arrived just in time for my birthday and is the second time I’ve won a prize this year from the Directory group.

The 1st was at the Holiday Luncheon when I took home a beautiful hand painted table designed by Jeanette Lerner. I apparently purchased one of the winning numbers!

Thank you again.

Sincerely, Peg Laughlin

Editor Note: Peg bought raffle tickets during the March Phone-A-Thon and won one of the three $50 prizes.



Residents of the Cherry Hill condominium complex could do nothing but watch on Thursday night May 3rd as firefighters battled a three-alarm, fast-moving fire for more than 3 ½ hours. More than 30 residents will have to find somewhere else to live after the three-alarm fire destroyed a good portion of the three-story building of 35 units at 2 Duck Pond Road. Fire officials reported no injuries to residents or firefighters.

One of our DAC members, Louise Hanlon, has lived in this complex for the last 18 years and lost everything in the condo fire.


Well, this is a first for me. I recently heard from Jim Mullaney and of course my good friend Larry Wescott. My name is Bob Levine and guess what, I am still here. Living in Windham, Maine and St. Cloud FL in the cold winter months. I have remarried Jeannie and we are both very happy. We met in church and went back a year and a half later to be married there. We have a travel trailer and enjoy many trips with Larry and Ellen Wescott. We both are enjoying good health. I have a debate with diabetes and so far I am winning! It takes a lot of exercise and watching my diet. I have managed to lose a little weight and watch what I eat. I gave up owning horses, but still enjoy going to some of the shows. It will always be in my blood I guess. We both enjoy traveling and have taken cruises. We spent a week on the Island of St. Lucia and enjoyed a cruise to Bermuda. We enjoy dining out and being with friends and family. Hope to hear from some of you people and it was so good to talk with Jim.

Take Care and Best Wishes

Bob Levine


I would like to update you on the life of Carol Prata and family.  I retired from my Customer Support position at Axcelis Technologies, Beverly May 31, 2006.  Prior to leaving Axcelis, I decided that I wanted to do something working with plants, but I did not want to work full time and I did not want to work weekends or holidays, so I called companies who take care of plants in various corporations in my area to find out what I needed to do to make myself marketable in that field.  They advised me to go to North Shore Community College and take courses, which I did.  I did take last summer off because I wanted to work in my own yard and do the beach thing.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  In September of 2006, Axcelis Technologies called me and asked me if I would be interested in working part time doing special projects for them, so I did.  That was great.  No charging during the Christmas/New Year Holiday.  Had a ball shopping and spending all of the money I earned.  I worked at Axcelis through November ’06.  In February, Axcelis called me back for more projects and in addition to that, I did get a job at New England Foliage out of Littleton, MA.  I am working for them 2 days a week servicing corporations and private customers in the North Shore area.  My new title is Carol Prata, The Plant Manager.  I get to see Kathy Sullivan and Nancy Salvanelli.  Both of these ladies work at Christian Book Distributors which is one of my accounts.  I work 2 days a week as the plant manager and as many hours/days a week at Axcelis Technologies, that I choose too.  It’s been great!

Tony and I went to Florida last October.  We flew to Maryland and then rented a car so we could visit friends and relatives in West Virginia, Virginia and Florida.  After visiting everyone, we went to the Orlando area for 5 days and drove back to Manassas, Virginia, before we flew home.  It was a long trip, but lots of fun.

My son, Craig and his family are all fine.  They live in Groveland.  He and his wife Valerie have 3 beautiful children, Ashley Elizabeth 9, Chloe Anne 6 and Andrew Charles 5.  They are all great kids and are such a joy.

We did, however, have some very upsetting news when my daughter, Katherine, was diagnosed with breast cancer in April.  What a shocker!  She was losing her job because the First National Bank of Ipswich decided to close their New Hampshire branches.  Katherine was the Manager of the Londonderry, NH branch.  Because she was losing her job, she and her husband were getting all of their medical issues taken care of before they went on Cobra.  Thank God!  When she went for her mammogram, they saw something which did not look good.  The ultra sound, biopsy and CT scan showed that she had two spots of cancer.  Needless to say, it threw her and the entire family for a loop.  All of the fear, doubts and insecurity set in.  Kathy did opt to have a complete mastectomy and reconstruction which took place at Catholic Medical in Manchester, NH on May 10th, (7 hour surgery).  The cancer had not gone to the lymph nodes, thankfully.  May 10th was yesterday, I went to see her again today and she is doing so great, that the doctors are sending her home tonight.  The medical staff thought she is a very amazing woman.  Her husband, Nikos and her daughter, Gina (now 18 years old), are very excited that all went well and she is home for rehab.

Tony and I live in Beverly, but owned a condo on Hanover Street in the North End of Boston.  After having the condo on the market for almost a year, we did sell it for our asking price in April.  More good news for the Prata family!  Hopefully, we will be planning a trip soon.  Well, I will update in the future news letters.

| Hope all are doing well. Carol Prata |


Louise Murphy was sorry she missed the Phone-A-Thon call and wanted us to know that she sends her love to all. All is well with Louise!


Jeannine Francis, Irena Paprocki, Dot Schofield sent the following notes.....

“Good luck!” “Keep up the good work!!” “I love the DAC Newsletter.”


Arthur Kennedy tells us that he is opting for the 3 year membership at $35. He is pacing himself to reach 100 years young in 15 years. Arthur and Marilyn send their regards to all.


Greetings from Nancy Pantazopoulos!


Thank You to Nancy Matthews for her generous contribution to help defray our postage expense.


A note from Peg MacCormack....

Dear Alumni,  How does one say this...  I will be undergoing a lumpectomy on next Monday May 21st of the left breast where a malignant tumor has been found.  The prognosis at this time is good and I am expecting to do 6 weeks of radiation 5 days a week after healing.  However, till the pathology report comes back I won't truly know.  Keep me in your prayers and I will send you an update once I truly know what's happening.  As I have told many friends, neighbors and family these past couple of weeks I am a believer and know God is with me and watching over me. Also I have never been happier or healthier in my life as I am at this time.  Thru Weight Watchers I have lost several pounds these past several months and will continue till I get to my goal of which I am about 12 pounds shy.  My doctor is most pleased. Also, it is fun to get into some mediums instead of wearing large and XL all the time.  

Hope to be able to see some of you later this summer or fall, hope everyone will enjoy their summer to the fullest and hope some of you might visit me in Maine in 2007.  Peace and Friendship to all Alumni.   Peg Mac Cormack 


Surgery Update from Peg Mac Cormack May 22,’07

Dear Family, Friends, Crafters and Neighbors,

Thank You, Thank You, for all your prayers, cards, well wishes.  My surgery for breast cancer took place yesterday and I was discharged this morning.  The lumpectomy plus lymph nodes were removed.  It was a little more than anticipated but I feel good they went the extra mile and hopeful they got it all.  It was wonderful to wake up this morning to a beautiful sunrise and to be so thankful to God and all of you for your outstanding support and prayers.

I am planning to take it easy the rest of this week and will see the doctor sometime next week to get the results of the pathology report and find out the next steps in my recuperation. Please keep me in prayer along with all others who need our prayers and caring thoughts.  You are all so precious to me and I am most blessed to have you a part of my life.  Will send another update next week after my visit with the doctor.  Thank You again for all the goodness you have shown to me and each other.  Peace and Love to all with Prayer, Peg


Joanne Jacobsen tells us:

“Chalk another one up for the Bell Tel Retirees - they got another proxy vote passed with just over 50% and 2 others very close behind. This successful proxy proposal says that the Verizon Board of Directors must include, as a voting item at future annual meetings, an advisory resolution allowing shareholders to approve or disapprove the executive compensation package of the company's senior executive officers. Association of Bell Tel Retirees' Executive Director, Bill Jones reports that on page 65 of the 2006 Verizon Annual Report, it shows the pension plan is fully funded and shows an excess fund balance of $167 million at the end of 2006. Though they have not had a chance to look at the numbers closely, it appears that on the surface that the pension fund is in good shape."


Check out the Bell Tel Retirees web site.


We send our Thanks to Constance Twohig for giving us a good idea for a future event. Constance suggested a trip to the North Shore Music Theater in Beverly for a performance, followed by dinner at Angelica’s in Middleton. If this type of event is something you would like us to organize, let us know. Send us a note to our mailing address or to our email address.


We just learned that Janet Smith, who worked in Production Training, was recently diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemo therapy and radiation. Please remember Janet in your prayers.

For those of you who worked with Janet, we’re sure she would enjoy hearing from you.

Send your well wishes to

Janet Smith

67 Beach Road

Clifton Park, NY 12065


Seacoast Gallery Ribbon Cutting

Sheila Ghamami, Anni Sweetwater, and local contributing artists welcome the community to the Seacoast Gallery located at 371 A Islington Street in Portsmouth, NH.  The group officially cut the ribbon to the new gallery Sept. 30, 2005.  The vision of the gallery owner Sheila Ghamami is to help create a local artists’ district on one of the main corridors leading to Downtown Portsmouth. She said, “The mission of the Seacoast gallery is two-fold: to further the awareness and appreciation of art in our local community and to help support and promote our region’s artists.” The gallery was designed to create a casual and eclectic atmosphere where patrons may enjoy wandering through a collection of décor items, handmade rugs, hand blown and leaded glass, blacksmithing, sculptures, photography, furnishings, collages, and fine art to name a few. Below, Ghamami cuts the ribbon to her new gallery.



We received a nice note from Bob Mulcahy.

“It was extremely kind of the Council to send a sympathy card in remembrance of my late wife Marilyn.” Thank you, Bob Mulcahy


Here is a picture from our DAC Archives.

Not sure what this was all about....but they made quite a fashion statement with their mortarboards and tassels!!



We have very happy news. We have another Great Niece she was born on March 13th @1:05 AM, 6lbs 13oz. and 19" long. Her name is Jaelyn Rose Gallant. My nephew Cerrone & his wife Melissa have two other daughters Julianna who is 6 and Jelesa who is 12. Everyone is doing fine and the baby is absolutely beautiful.

Please say prayers for my brother-in-law Jerry who lives in Texas. We just got very sad news that he has colon cancer and his liver is in bad shape. He only has two to six months to live.

We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the nice weather and hope that everyone has a nice and safe summer.

Warm regards, Debbie & Jim Greathead :-)




Send us your Newsy Notes any time. We will be sure to publish your news in the next DAC Newsletter.

 Many have told us how they enjoy reading everyone's news. Others tell us that the DAC Newsletter keeps them connected, no matter the distance. You can help keep this conversation

going. Just write to tell us what inspires you, keeps you reading, and what you’d like to see in future newsletters.


Tell us what you are doing.  We would love to hear from you.

Send your "Newsy Notes" by email to YPAlumni@

Or mail to  


PO Box 2098

Danvers, MA 01923

Something New!

We thought we’d add something new to our DAC Newsletter.

Thank You! to our advertisers.

[pic]DAC Members are reading this newsletter. Do they know what YOU are up to?

Place your ad today for the next newsletter.

We publish a newsletter in February, June and October.

Since many of you have gone into your own business, this advertising opportunity will help you reach your former colleagues and their friends. 

Advertising your business is still one of the most efficient ways to let lots of people know about your products and services.

An ad using your business card will cost $50.00 to appear in a single issue of the DAC Newsletter. You must provide a copy of your business card sent either via US mail or scanned in an email, along with your check.

If you've heard about the advertising offer from your friends and would like to publish your business card in the next newsletter contact us at

DAC PO Box 2098, Danvers, MA 01923, or at our email address YPAlumni@

Contact us for the advertising deadline date of our next newsletter.



See puzzle solution on page 33 .........

The Garden Club


Syringa chinensis 'Lilac Sunday'

Imagine a Lilac with as many blooms as you would find on a heavy blooming Crape Myrtle, and with the sweet fragrance that is unique to lilacs. That is what you get in mid-May with the new hybrid Chinese lilac - 'Lilac Sunday.' This new selection was originally grown at the famed Arnold Arboretum in Massachusetts from seed supplied by the Beijing Botanical Garden. 'Lilac Sunday' was selected primarily for its heavy blooming, but also for its fragrance, attractive plant habit and blossom color. The flowers are produced not only at the branch tips, but also from the lateral buds all along the stems to several feet below the branch tips. The flower production of this lilac is truly amazing - even in small containers in our nursery. 'Lilac Sunday' was named in honor of the Arboretum's annual lilac festival. In my experience, plants selected for introduction by the Arnold Arboretum have proved to be truly outstanding.

Syringa chinensis matures at about 10 feet high and as wide with slender branches in a slightly arching, fountain-like habit. It does not sucker. This fine textured shrub has small deep green leaves with excellent mildew resistance. The overall appearance of the Syringa chinensis is that of a delicate and graceful old fashioned shrub—not nearly as stiff as common lilacs. An individual specimen is an attractive addition to any sunny, well-drained spot where a large, dramatic shrub is required. 'Lilac Sunday' particularly lends itself to mass planting and hedges.

Planting and Care

• Plant in Zones 4-8.

• For best results, plant in early spring.

• Requires at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.

• Prefers soil that is alkaline to neutral.

• Plant in compost-enriched, well-drained soil .

• Water regularly until established.

• Fertilize with Bulb-Tone and Kelp Meal at planting. Repeat in late autumn and again in early spring every year.

• Can be pruned in June to a smaller size with much greater success than common lilacs.



If you are planning to join us please fill out the form below, include your check and

mail by June 28th to Directory Alumni Council PO Box 2098 – Danvers, MA 01923

Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise - Lynn, MA - Wednesday July 18, 2007



City/Town _________________________________________

State _______________Zip____________________________

Tel. No. ____________________E-Mail:________________

Cost: $15.00 pp inclusive

|Beat that Stress – Quotations [pic] | |

|  |

|Here’s a two step formula for handling stress. |

|Step number one: Don’t sweat the small stuff. |

|Step number two: Remember, it’s all small stuff.—Anthony Robbins |

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|Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.—Barbara Enberg |

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|Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a |

|positive one.—Hans Selye |

| |

|Stress: The confusion created when one’s mind overrides the body’s basic|

|desire to choke the living daylights out of some jerk who desperately |

|deserves it.—Anonymous |

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|In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to|

|plow your anger and your energy into something positive.—Lee Iacocca |

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|There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t|

|know many of them.—Sylvia Plath |

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|The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.—Jim Goodwin |

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|Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch |

|you.— |

|John De Paola |

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|Relaxation means releasing all concern and tension and letting the |

|natural order of life flow through one’s being.—Donald Curtis |

| |

|Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an |

|emergency. Nothing is that important.—Natalie Goldberg |

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|Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner |

|peace.—Robert J. Sawyer |

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Menu and more


Menu and more...

Hot Dogs at 11:00 am - Lunch at 1:00 pm

Eat In or Eat Out with plenty of room to enjoy your time

in air conditioned comfort or outdoors under a canopy of trees.

Your choice of either ½ Rotisserie Chicken or 4 Marinated Sirloin Tips.

Corn on the cob, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Strawberry Shortcake

Lemonade or Iced Tea with meal. Tonic and Drinks at cash bar.

Games of skill and chance, volleyball, horseshoes and plenty of “schmoozing” for all. in Ample free parking! to bring two small is of interest (no

Fill out the form below, include your check and mail by July 1, 2007.

Directory Alumni Council PO Box 2098, Danvers, MA 01923

18th Annual Cookout Ipswich Masonic Hall

Tuesday August 7, 2007 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.



City/Town _____________________ State_________________ Zip________________

Tel. No. _________________________E-Mail: ________________________________

Circle one: ½ Rotisserie Chicken 4 Marinated Sirloin Tips

Cost: $20.00 pp Please make your check payable to Directory Alumni Council.

July - December 2007


Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise July 18

Annual Cookout — Ipswich Masonic Hall August 7

(Indoor and outdoor area)

Boston Harbor & Locks Cruise August 21

Red Sox Game at Fenway Park “Wait ‘Til Next Year!”

Holiday Greens Sale (orders) November 15

Holiday Greens (delivery) November 29

Holiday Luncheon—Angelica’s December 4


Copyright Info: These words, as far as I know, are copyright Jacqueline Steiner, and Bess Lomax-Hawes. The Kingston Trio version is copyright Capitol Records

The version recorded by The Kingston Trio includes the chorus after each verse.

Let me tell you the story

Of a man named Charlie

On a tragic and fateful day

He put ten cents in his pocket,

Kissed his wife and family

Went to ride on the MTA

Charlie handed in his dime

At the Kendall Square Station

And he changed for Jamaica Plain

When he got there the conductor told him,

"One more nickel."

Charlie could not get off that train.


                        Did he ever return,

                        No he never returned

                        And his fate is still unlearn'd

                        He may ride forever

                        'neath the streets of Boston

                        He's the man who never returned.

Now all night long

Charlie rides through the tunnels

Saying, "What will become of me?

How can I afford to see

My sister in Chelsea

Or my cousin in Roxbury?"

Charlie's wife goes down

To the Scollay Square station

Every day at quarter past two

And through the open window

She hands Charlie a sandwich

As the train comes rumblin' through.

As his train rolled on

underneath Greater Boston

Charlie looked around and sighed:

"Well, I'm sore and disgusted

And I'm absolutely busted;

I guess this is my last long ride."

Now you citizens of Boston,

Don't you think it's a scandal

That the people have to pay and pay

Vote for Walter A. O'Brien

And fight the fare increase

Get poor Charlie off the MTA.


Or else he'll never return,

No he'll never return

And his fate will be unlearned

He may ride forever

'neath the streets of Boston

He's the man (Who's the man)

He's the man (Oh, the man)

He's the man who never returned.


Enjoy a cruise through the locks and into historic Boston Harbor for a narrated 75 minute tour before returning for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and time for shopping.

Cruise departs from the CambridgeSide Galleria Mall at 10:00 am. Park at the Galleria Mall.

If you and your friends would like to attend fill out the form below, include your check and mail by July26.

Directory Alumni Council

PO Box 2098, Danvers, MA 01923

Boston Harbor & Locks Cruise Tuesday, August 21, 2007



City/Town ________________________________________________________

State ___________________________Zip_______________________________

Tel. No. __________________E-Mail:_________________________________

Cost: $29.75 pp all-inclusive





|Directory Alumni Council | |Place |

|PO Box 2098 | |Stamp |

|Danvers, MA 01923 | |Here |


| | | |


Hello to All

From your DAC Board of Directors.


With the coming of Memorial Day weekend, the traditional summer holiday season gets underway. The advent of summer also reminds us that we have to constantly review our goals and keep current our service to the DAC membership.

We are committed to developing events that will be of interest to our membership and will continue to put forth our best efforts to keep improving this newsletter.

As you read through this edition of the DAC Newsletter, we are sure you will agree that this is the perfect time to enjoy all that the DAC has to offer. We know the DAC Newsletter is an important way our members keep in touch and sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read this issue and sharing it with your friends. We look forward to “Helping Members Keep in Touch” for many years to come.

As a board, we are tremendously excited about the prospects of 2007. As an organization, the DAC continues to thrive thanks to your continued support and appreciation.

We look forward to seeing you at our summer events!

Claire M. Palmer, Chairman


I-95 S toward BOSTON

Take EXIT 54 onto Rte 133

Left off the ramp towards ROWLEY

Right onto US-1 S / NEWBURYPORT TURNPIKE, Agawam Diner will be on the right

Left at set of lights onto IPSWICH RD, (4.7 miles from here), drive for 1.8 miles

IPSWICH RD turns into TOPSFIELD RD, drive for 2.9 miles

Continue to 70 TOPSFIELD RD/MASONIC TEMPLE on the right

See more photos of the Ken Premo Golf Tournament, held on June 20-22 at Lake Morey, on our web site at


What’s up?

CambridgeSide Galleria 100 Cambridgeside Place, East Cambridge

CambridgeSide Galleria is located across the Charles River from Boston in East Cambridge.




Holiday Luncheon

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


49 South Main Street

Middleton (Route 114)

Cost: $20.00 pp

I/We would prefer

Baked stuffed chicken____

Baked fish _____

Sliced roast sirloin _____



Tel. No.___________________

If you need a ride, or more information contact:

Marie Nardone 781 646-0883

Claire Palmer 617 332-4913

Sandy Noe 978 356-0209

Kindly reply by November 20, 2006.

Kindly reply by

November 20, 2005.

ID required for everyone (Must be over 21yrs)

Includes gourmet buffet, casino activity with 190 slot machines, live entertainment and dancing.

Holiday Luncheon

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


49 South Main Street

Middleton (Route 114)

Cost: $20.00 pp

I/We would prefer

Baked stuffed chicken____

Baked fish _____

Sliced roast sirloin _____



Tel. No.___________________

If you need a ride, or more information contact:

Marie Nardone 781 646-0883

Claire Palmer 617 332-4913

Sandy Noe 978 356-0209

Kindly reply by November 20, 2006.

Kindly reply by

November 20, 2005.




RT-128 N toward GLOUCESTER

Merge onto I-95 N toward PEABODY

Take EXIT 50 onto US-1 N / NEWBURYPORT TURNPIKE toward TOPSFIELD, drive for 4.3 miles

Right at set of lights onto IPSWICH RD, (4.7 miles from here) drive for 1.8 miles

IPSWICH RD turns into TOPSFIELD RD, drive for 2.9 miles

Continue to 70 TOPSFIELD RD/MASONIC TEMPLE on the right

Welcome to New DAC Members!

Virginia (Ginger) Garrett

Cele (Mescall) Kirkman

Kevin Jones

Mary Ann Stasinos

Don Reed

Matthew J. Stover

Invitations to join the Directory Alumni Council in 2007 were sent to:

Donna Carr

If you know of others who worked in Directory, at any time, send us their name and address. We welcome their membership in the Directory Alumni Council.


Tuesday August 21, 2007

Arrive at 9:45 am Cruise 10:00 - 11:20 am

$29.75 pp - Includes Harbor & Locks Cruise and lunch at 11:30 am at the Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria Mall.

Choose from over 50 entrees on a special luncheon menu, soft drink, coffee/tea, and your choice of cheesecake for dessert.

What can I do to increase membership?

Our Directory Alumni Council was founded on November 23, 1987 by a wonderful group of people like you, who thought it might be nice to stay in touch with some of their friends after they have left the company. You don’t have to be of retirement age to join. If you ever worked in Directory, at any time, we welcome your membership in the Directory Alumni Council.

While the duties of the officers are spelled out clearly, it is incumbent upon everyone to recruit and help grow the DAC. The DAC helps meet the social and communications needs of retirees. Every member can help by spreading the word about the DAC, and by personally signing up former Directory employees who have not yet heard of the Directory Alumni Council, and therefore have not had the opportunity to join.

Many people transferred to other companies as NYNEX/Bell Atlantic/Verizon/Idearc altered its business model, and lost contact with their membership opportunities. The company will not help us toward this end by supplying former employee names or addresses (as a matter of confidentiality), nor will they advise active employees that we exist. Therefore, membership growth is a real priority as we face the issues that the future is certain to present.

If you know of others who worked in Directory, at any time, we welcome their membership in the Directory Alumni Council. Go to our web site and click on “Application Form”. Just remember....."We were the best of Directory!" [pic]

From the Tobin bridge take Rte. 1 north to Rte. 16 north, to Rte. 1A north (watch signs for Lynn) to the Lynnway. Proceed 1 mile over the General Edwards Bridge, and see Horizon's Edge entrance on right onto (Marine Blvd.).

|1 |*2007 Alumni Events |

|2 |*Opening on Board |

|3 |*New Members |

| |*Membership Dues Update |

|4-5 | |

| |*Bobbie’s Chat Room |

|5-8 | |

| |*Jim’s Jems |

|9 | |

| |*Bits & Pieces |

|9-13 |*2007 Phone-a-Thon |

| |*Annual Meeting |

| |*Boston Pops |

| |*Ken Premo Golf |

| |*Horizon Edge (Pg 27) |

| |*Cookout (Pg 29) |

| |*Boston Harbor /Locks(Pg 32) |

| |*Holiday Greens |

| |*Holiday Luncheon |

|13-14 |*In Memory of |

|15-23 |*We’ve Got Mail! |

|24 |*Something New |

|25 |*Crossword Puzzle |

|26 |*The Garden Club |

|27 |* Horizon Edge form* |

|28 |* Quotations |

|29 |* Annual Cookout form* |

|30 |*July-December 2007 Events |

|31 |*Lyrics |

|32 |*Boston Harbor form* |

|33 |*Photos and Puzzle Solution |

|34 |*Support our Advertisers |

| |“Place an ad by contacting us at the |

| |address or email listed above.” |

| | |

| | |

Directory Alumni Council 18th Annual Cookout

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 – IPSWICH MASONIC HALL

from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. $20.00 PP

3 DAC Membership Dues Update

Your membership dues help the Directory Alumni Council to:

Provide opportunities for group and social activities and to continue the camaraderie enjoyed by directory employees during their days with the Directory department; publish a membership directory, newsletter and web site allowing members to keep in touch with friends made over the years.

Membership dues for 2007-2008 is $15. The dues increase is needed because of increased postal and printing costs.

This year we presented a one time offer of a multi-year renewal. The response was tremendous. This was the offer:

|One Time offer of a Multi-Year Renewal Offer |

|Expires April 30, 2007 |

|During this year’s membership renewal period, give yourself a gift of sustained membership |

|at a saving! Take advantage of this One Time offer of a Multi-Year membership renewal, now!|

|You can renew your membership for one, two or three years - but only until April 30, 2007. |

|After that date, we will offer only one-year memberships as before. |


|1 year - $15 (new rate) 2 years - $25 3 years - $35 |

|Renewals must be received by April 30, 2007. |

The Board of Directors Thank You for renewing your DAC membership. We appreciate your confidence and support of this great organization.

DAC Membership Cards

If you attended the Annual Meeting or joined us for the Boston Pops’s concert you may have already received your DAC Membership card. If we missed you at these events or you were unable to attend, your DAC Membership card is included in this mailing.

Thanks to All for paying your DAC Alumni dues.

A Gift for you....

| |

|[pic] | | |

Bottom of Form


On behalf of the Directory Alumni Council and its executive board, it is our pleasure to present you with the enclosed bookmark in celebration of the DAC’s 20th anniversary.

We thank you for your membership in the DAC and your interest in “Helping Members Keep In Touch”. We hope you will continue to be an active member by attending our events, by offering ideas and suggestions on types of events that would interest the membership.

From Rte. 1 and I-95 north continue approximately 5 miles south to Rte. 129 east (Lynn).

From 128 south take Rte. 129 east, exit 44B (Lynn).

From 128 north take Rte. 1 south to Rte. 129 east (Lynn).

Follow 129 east for approximately 6 miles to the ocean, turn right on Lynnshore Drive and follow to rotary. At the rotary follow the Lynnway approximately 1 mile to Rte. 1A toward Boston. Follow Rte. 1A for approximately .75 miles and see Horizon's Edge entrance on left (Marine Blvd.).

Check out our current advertisers on Page 34.

[pic]To maintain membership ranks, we depend greatly on present members to recommend the Directory Alumni Council to others. We ask your continued support to increase membership in the DAC. Our Directory Alumni Council’s motto is "Helping Members Keep in Touch".  In talking to our membership, most agree that getting our members involved and engaged with the DAC is a number one priority.  We need your help to accomplish this goal!  

Directory Alumni Council

PO Box 2098 Danvers, MA 01923

Visit our Web site at

E-mail: YPAlumni@

See more photos of the Performance at the Boston Pops

on our web site

See more photos of the DAC Annual Meeting

on our web site

In the 1940s, the MTA fare-schedule was very complicated - at one time, the booklet that explained it was 9 pages long.  Fare increases were implemented by means of an "exit fare".  Rather than modify all the turnstiles for the new rate, they just collected the extra money when leaving the train.  One of the key points of the platform of Walter A. O'Brien, a Progressive Party candidate for mayor of Boston, was to fight fare increases and make the fare schedule more uniform.  Charlie was born.

The text of the song was written in 1948 by Jacqueline Steiner and Bess Lomax Hawes.  It was one of seven songs written for O'Brien's campaign, each one emphasized a key point of his platform.  One recording was made of each song, and they were broadcast from a sound truck that drove around the streets of Boston. This earned O'Brien a $10 fine for disturbing the peace.

Coming soon: Updated DAC Membership Directory

Over the past 20 years we (Directory Alumni Council) have been fortunate to work with  NYNEX/BellAtlantic/Verizon to compile all of the NE and NY Upstate and Downstate membership listings in our Directory Alumni Membership Directory.  Unfortunately, our past connection in Middleton was no longer able to provide this service and we were looking at other avenues to help us prepare the listing pages for printing. This past winter the DAC Board of Directors contacted Verizon (now Idearc) in Dallas, TX, to see what they could do to help us publish an updated Alumni Membership Directory.


We are pleased to announce that the Directory Alumni Council is partnering with Idearc to produce our upcoming 2007 DAC Alumni Membership Directory.  Our contact at Idearc is working with her in-house resources to compile and print our new directory. 


“Thank You” Idearc for coming forward to help us with this worthy project!

What was the name of the company when you retired?

AUCTION: We invite you to bring two small items of interest (no junk please) to auction off

for the benefit of the Foundation for Neurologic Diseases

2007- DAC

20th Anniversary

“Helping Members Keep In Touch”

2007 Alumni Events

2007 Phone-A-Thon March 6-7

Annual Meeting April 25

Boston Pops May 12

Ken Premo Golf Tournament June 19,20,21

Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise July 18

Cookout — Ipswich Masonic Hall August 7 (Indoor and outdoor area)

Boston Harbor & Locks Cruise August 21

Red Sox Game at Fenway Park Wait ‘Til Next Year!

Holiday Greens Sale (orders) November 15

Holiday Greens (delivery) November 29

Holiday Luncheon—Angelica’s December 4


Horizon’s Edge Casino Cruise

76 Marine Blvd. Lynn, MA. just off the Lynnway Free parking on the dock next to the ship.

Wednesday July 18, 2007

$15 pp all inclusive

Boarding at 10:00 am, Sail at 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

From the Callahan or Ted Williams tunnel take Rte. 1A north (watch signs for Lynn) to the Lynnway. Proceed 1 mile over the General Edwards Bridge, and see Horizon's Edge entrance on right onto (Marine Blvd.).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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