How your personality number matches the five elements

How your personality number matches the five elements


All of nature is made of the Five Elements, even people.

Each of the Elements has distinct qualities that reveal themselves in our personalities as patterns of tendencies to think, feel and behave in certain ways; and with inherent values, beliefs and reactions to the world.

Nine Star Ki is also based on the Five Elements, but was further refined and developed to show nine different personality types instead of the basic five.

Like in Chinese Medicine, it’s based on the I Ching, which is one of the most ancient books in the world, said to be at least 3000 years old.

Although, more commonly thought of in the West as a book of divination, it actually offers profound understanding of how life works, using eight patterns called trigrams, circling around a centre axis. This is why there are nine numbers, one for each of the eight trigrams and the ninth for the centre space.

Two things happen with the Five Elements: a) the names of the elements are expressed as numbers instead of words and b) some of the elements are split into yin or yang versions.

The qualities of yin and yang are sometimes described as being feminine and masculine energy, but there are many ways to understand their characteristics. With people’s personalities these concepts have nothing to do with being a man or a woman.

To describe them very simply, a yang personality is one that’s expressed outward or more actively, while a yin personality holds their energy inward or expresses it more tentatively.

Number One – is the equivalent of a Water Element influence – creative, intuitive, deeply emotional and with a lot going on under the surface.

Number Two – has what is referred to as a Yin Earth character. This is a purely Mother personality, whose life is all about nurturing others but who may give too much.

Number Three – is called a Yang Wood, represented by the Warrior – enthusiastic, driven, and loving to be active mentally and physically.

Number Four – is Yin Wood, someone who carries a gentler version of the Warrior nature.

Number Five – is also an Earth quality, similar to a Number Two but more powerful and grounded. Five is neither yin nor yang, but is considered to be the centre that all the others revolve around.

Number Six – is Yang Metal, expressed as the powerful Father personality who is highly sensitive and aware because he is in charge of the family and needs to be sure all details are well taken care of.

Number Seven – is Yin Metal, also highly sensitive but much more attuned to adjusting to others’ energy.

Number Eight – is Yang Earth, the third version of the Mother personality. This one is the mountain, the strong mother who is able to support a huge family.

*Note – the difference is that the classic Two Earth has a softer, more receptive energy and the Five Earth is more demanding of others’ attention, while still a giver.

Number Nine – has the equivalent of the Fire influence, it’s warm, expressive, affectionate, yet overly affected by other people’s feelings.

Even though your hidden design is made up of three numbers and not all nine, this doesn’t mean that anything is missing. There’s perfect symmetry to how the qualities of your numbers weave together to produce your unique nature.

We don’t wonder why cats don’t have wings or flowers don’t grow fur!

There’s an intentional design to each creature in the world – reasons why they were formed the way they were – that allows them to function as planned and to live and learn what they are meant to in their time. You are a part of that same system. Your form has a coherence and meaning that’s a perfect fit for who you came here to be.


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