Ms. Francois' Chemistry Class "Chemistry doesn't just ...

Etymology (Name Origins) of ElementsElementSymbolOriginActiniumAcGreek aktinos, meaning rayAluminiumAlLatin alumen, meaning bitter saltAmericiumAmNamed for America, where it was first madeAntimonySbGreek anti - monos, meaning not - alone; Latin stibium, the name of antimony sulfide in ancient timesArgonArGreek argos, meaning idleArsenicAsGreek arsenikon, meaning yellow orpiment, a mineralAstatineAtGreek astatos, meaning unstableBariumBaGreek barys, meaning heavyBerkeliumBkNamed for the city of Berkeley, CA, where it was first madeBerylliumBeGreek beryllo, meaning beryl; originally glaucinium, Greek glykos meaning sweetBismuthBiGerman Bisemuten, from Wismuth, from Weisse Masse, meaning white massBohriumBhNamed for Niels Bohr, Danish atomic physicistBoronBoArabic buraq, meaning borax; a combination of borax and carbonBromineBrGreek bromos, meaning stenchCadmiumCdLatin cadmia, meaning mineral calamineCaesiumCsLatin caesius; meaning sky blueCalciumCaLatin calx, meaning limeCaliforniumCfNamed for the University and State of California, where it was first madeCarbonCLatin carbo, meaning charcoalCeriumCeNamed after the asteroid Ceres, which had been named after the Roman goddess of agricultureChlorineClGreek chloros, meaning greenish-yellowChromiumCrGreek chroma, meaning colourCobaltCoGerman kobald, meaning goblinCopperCuOld English coper, from Latin Cypreum aesCuriumCmNamed in honour of Pierre and Marie CurieDarmstadtiumDsNamed for Darmstadt, Germany, where it was first madeDubniumDbNamed for the Russian town Dubna, where the JINR is locatedDysprosiumDyGreek dysprositos, meaning hard to getEinsteiniumEsNamed for Albert Einstein, meaningErbiumErNamed for Ytterby, SwedenEuropiumEuNamed after EuropeFermiumFmNamed for nuclear physicist Enrico FermiFluorineFLatin fluere, meaning to flowFranciumFrNamed after FranceGadoliniumGdNamed in honour of John Gadolin, who investigated gadoliniteGalliumGaLatin Gallia, the name for FranceGermaniumGeLatin Germania, the name for GermanyGoldAuAnglo-Saxon gold, from Latin geolo, meaning yellow; Au from Latin aureum, meaning glow of sunriseHafniumHfLatin Hafnia, the name for CopenhagenHassiumHsNamed for the German State of Hesse, where it was first madeHeliumHeGreek helios, meaning the SunHolmiumHoLatin Holmia , the name for StockholmHydrogenHGreek hydro and genes, meaning water-formingIndiumInLatin indicum, meaning violet or indigoIodineIGreek iodes, meaning violetIridiumIrNamed for Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbowIronFeAnglo-Saxon iren; Fe, Latin ferrum, word for ironKryptonKrGreek kryptos, meaning hiddenLanthanumLaGreek lanthanein, meaning lie hiddenLawrenciumLrNamed for Ernest O. Lawrence, the inventor of thecyclotronLeadPbAnglo-Saxon lead; Pb, Latin plumbum, name for leadLithiumLiGreek lithos, meaning stoneLutetiumLuLatin Lutetia, Roman name for ParisMagnesiumMgNamed for Magnesia, a district of GreeceManganeseMnLatin magnes, meaning magnetMeitneriumMtNamed for Austrian physicist Lise MeitnerMendeleviumMdNamed for Dimitri Mendeleyev, who produced one of the first periodic tablesMercuryHgNamed for the planet Mercury; Hg Latin hydrargyrum, meaning liquid silverMolybdenumMoGreek molybdos, meaning leadNeodymiumNdGreek neo didymos, meaning new twinNeonNeGreek neos, meaning newNeptuniumNpNamed for the planet NeptuneNickelNiGerman kupfernickel, meaning devil's copper or St. Nicholas' copperNiobiumNbFor Niobe in Greek mythologyNitrogenNGreek nitron and genes, meaning nitre-formingNobeliumNoNamed for Swedish chemist Alfred NobelOsmiumOsGreek osme, meaning smellOxygenOGreek oxy and genes, meaning acid-formingPalladiumPdFor the asteroid Pallas; for the Greek goddess of wisdomPhosphorusPGreek phosphoros, meaning bringer of lightPlatinumPtSpanish platina, meaning little silverPlutoniumPuNamed for the planet PlutoPoloniumPoNamed for PolandPotassiumKFrom English potash; K from kalium Medieval Latin for potashPraseodymiumPrGreek prasios didymos, meaning green twinPromethiumPmNamed for Prometheus, the Greek who stole fire from the godsProtactiniumPaGreek protos, meaning first, as a prefix to the name actiniumRadiumRaLatin radius, meaning rayRadonRnDerived from radiumRheniumReLatin Rhenus, the name for the RhineRhodiumRhGreek rhodon, meaning rose-colouredRoentgeniumRgNamed for the scientist Wilhelm Conrad R?entgenRubidiumRbLatin rubidius, meaning deepest redRutheniumRuDerived from Latin name for RussiaRutherfordiumRfNamed for New Zealand chemist Ernest RutherfordSamariumSmNamed for samarskite, the mineral from which it was first extractedScandiumScLatin Scandia, the name for ScandanaviaSeaborgiumSgNamed for Glenn T. Seaborg, meaningSeleniumSeGreek Selene, the name for the MoonSiliconSiLatin silex or silicia, meaning flintSilverAgAnglo-Saxon siolfur, the word for silver; Ag, Latin argentum, the word for silverSodiumNaEnglish word soda; Na, Latin natrium, meaning sodaStrontiumSrNamed for the town of Strontian, ScotlandSulfurSSanskrit sulvere, or Latin sulfurium, both names for sulfurTantalumTaNamed for the Greek figure Tantalus, King of Sisyphus, in LydiaTechnetiumTcGreek tekhnetos, meaning artificialTelluriumTeLatin tellus, meaning EarthTerbiumTbNamed for Ytterby, SwedenThalliumTlGreek thallos, meaning green twigThoriumThNamed for Thor, Scandanavian god of warThuliumTmDerived from Thule, the ancient name for ScandanaviaTinSnAnglo-Saxon tin; Sn, Latin stannum, meaning hardTitaniumTiNamed for the Titans of Greek mythologyTungstenWSwedish tung sten, meaning heavy stone; W from wolfram, the old name of the tungstenn mineral wolframiteUraniumUNamed for the planet UranusVanadiumVNamed for Vanadis, the Scandanavian goddess of beautyXenonXeGreek zenos, meaning strangerYtterbiumYbNamed for Ytterby, SwedenYttriumYNamed for Ytterby, SwedenZincZnGerman zinkZirconiumZrArabian zargun, meaning gold-colouredUnnamed ElementsElementSymbolOriginUnunbiumUubUnnamedUnuntriiumUutUnnamedUnunquadiumUuqUnnamedUnunpentiumUupUnnamedUnunhexiumUuhUnnamedUnunseptiumUusUnnamedUnunoctiumUuoUnnamedUnunenniumUueUnnamed ................

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