Sample of a Completed Behavior Management Plan

Chesterfield Juvenile Detention Center

Educational Behavior Management Plan

Date: Duration of Intervention:

Student: Class/Grade:


1. _______ will not become disruptive during task transitions or while completing his classroom assignments.

2. _______ will not exhibit aggressive behaviors or curse at or towards other

students when he becomes anxious.

3. ______ will regulate his reactions to the classroom environment.

4. _____ will attend school the full day and not request to go down to his room.

_______ reactions are triggered when he becomes frustrated with his assignments or when his peers laugh at his stuttering.

Target Replacement Behaviors:

1. Signal to teacher when overwhelmed.

2. Use appropriate words when angry.

3. Ask for a stress ball.

4. Ask for a time out in a quiet area to calm down.

5. Ask to speak to your case manager instead of requesting down.

Student Feedback:

1. _____ responds well to acknowledgement. Use statements to connect the positive actions and provide verbal recognition when he is meeting his goals.

2. A sticker chart will be created with stickers to reward replacement behavior. If _______ receives ______ number of stickers at the end of the day or week, he will be rewarded with a tangible reward that has been approved by detention.

3. If _____ does not meet the criteria of _____ stickers at the end of the day or week, the teacher, case manager, or behavioral staff will present him with choices of activities to select during unstructured time, or he may need to use that time to make up the work he missed.

4. Discussions will be utilized with ____ to discuss the behavior incident as soon as he is able to discuss the problem. With the aid of the instructor, case manager, or behavioral staff the problem will be reviewed and supportive options for next time will be created.

5. Time out intervention will be taught. If _____ refuses to interact appropriately he will be directed away from the current activity. _____ will need to make up at another time any academic instruction he missed. This may have to occur during an unstructured time. However, it should not entail the entire free time period.

6. Natural consequences, such time outs in the library area or interview room, will be used as much as possible. Care should be taken not to embarrass the child by singling him out for punishment

Methods to Monitor:

1. Behavior will be monitored on a daily basis.

2. Tally charts or Sanction Marks using the sticker chart form will be recorded by the child and collected each day and discussed. Or the daily point sheet /Behavior Management Sheet will be used by the staff.

3. Behavioral interventions will be monitored through teacher or case manager’s checklists observations and anecdotal notes.

4. Information will be summarized on a weekly basis.

Follow Through:

1. Mental Health staff will help ____ recognize feelings and select appropriate responses. They will consult and work with _____ instructors to help maintain a consistent management plan and interventions.

2. Bi-weekly emails with _____ case manager will occur to review _____ progress and make necessary adjustments to his behavior plan.

3. A meeting with parents, teachers, and therapists will be convened ____ weeks to review progress and adjust the behavior plan if necessary.

4. When ____ reaches his goals, a method for phase out will be determined based on the time he took to learn the behaviors and his dependency on each particular feedback technique.

Classroom Behavior Incentive Sheet

Name: ___________________ Date:_________________

Directions: Please put a check mark if child completed task succesfully or 0 if not.

Case Manager will add stickers to the chart if the task was successfully completed.

Task |Music |Math |Reading |English |Science |History |Health/P.E. |Personal Finance | |In class | | | | | | | | | |Respectful


Teacher | | | | | | | | | |Respectful


Classmates | | | | | | | | | |On task, using time wisely, completing work to the best of ability | | | | | | | | | |Appropriately requested a time out | | | | | | | | | |Teacher’s initials | | | | | | | | | |


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